


北欧是政治地理名词,特指北欧理事会的五个主权国家:丹麦、瑞典、挪威、芬兰、冰岛。丹麦特产:银制品、陶器、琥珀、家饰、文具以及丹麦风格的手工玻璃器皿、手工编织品、Lego玩具瑞典特产:玻璃制品、瑞典蜡烛、不锈钢制品、银制品芬兰特产:以线条感和精美工艺扬名国际的伊塔拉(littala)玻璃;以张扬的色彩和优秀的针织手艺征服无数人的Annikki Karvinen手织毛线制品;以独特设计和时尚品味著称的玛丽亚·古琦 (Marja Kurki) 丝巾和领带;还有Pertti Palmroth 鞋子;卡勒瓦拉(Kalevala Koru)首饰和仿古珠宝;阿尔泰克(Artek)家具,阿拉比阿(Hackman Arabia)家居艺术精品及菲斯卡公司(Fiskars)的剪刀;手雕白桦木杯、皮草、驯鹿皮制品和制造于卡乌哈瓦(Kauhava)地区的芬兰刀等,都是当地代表性的土产。拉普兰玩偶和芬兰原创卡通玩偶姆明(MOOMIN)也是作为旅游纪念品的不错选择。挪威特产:传统手工编制羊毛衣及皮草,还有传统手工艺品、蜡烛和烛台,瓷器器皿、银制珠宝,萨米人的鞘刀,驯鹿皮制品,木刻、油画等。






Today, I see the wonderful Aladdin and the drama It introduced: government minister, although already had one, is above, have millions of people, but he is not filled, attempt to usurp the throne Poor young Aladdin met the minister sent to kill the emperor, and he unconsciously in a leather bag, adjustable so upset the prime minister's plan Subsequently, honest and good Aladdin and cunning and greed of prime minister cheat to have boundless mana absolute being light When he returned the absolute being light, the prime minister's trick stumbled, so he LianHuanJi use opportunely, in the light of god's help prime ministers will become a puppy

This fairy tale told us a reason: the greedy man is not good, Honest, kindhearted people must be god You only have to learn a second kind people, all will be more beautiful and harmonious!

Contact our own lives, "mom, I want to eat Popsicle!" "Dad, I'm hungry, you give me some food, the more good!" "So-and-so classmate, please my guest, a dollar money!" These aren't students commonly used words So all the parents and others to ask, is slowly form our greed of sex! I remembered I learned an article It is a youth, xing4 hu2 is accustomed to the parents, but also very greedy, often to food storage steal candy, egg Later, the more you have, the more chan, stealing the addiction is growing To 17 years old, he never meet this kind of thing, began to ship stole my wallet, bus According to do by bureau of reeducation through labor After the release of stealing, he again, and fair, just LingWuGe year on time, 52, commit to steal countries and people's property, 24 million multivariate degenerate into perpetrators thieves Look, Aladdin and honest is good to his nature, in order to keep his promise, he would find a "broken" (at that time, he didn't know it is lamp, also don't get) with the gold and silver jewelry mountain Finally, he also became the king's son-in-law, the heir to the throne This is the "greedy" and "honest" difference!

The cloud: it is a greedy, lose

Let us start from me, from now on, do a honest is good, not by money and power of temptation!


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/liwu/7861732.html

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