相比较来说瘦人比较容易些。 因为胖人在运动时需要先消耗糖类,当然这个瘦人也需要,但在消耗完体内糖类物质后,胖人需要消耗更多脂肪,产生更多热量。瘦人因体内脂肪含量相对较少,所以在消耗完糖类后开始运动增肌。
你好,因为他要承受自身的重量,所以 平时的日常活动,都比瘦小的人 用力要大,久而久之,就比体重较强,不锻炼的小体重 力量大很多。
胖子不代表没锻炼过 而且体重重的总体力量一般情况下都会大于正常人力量 因为他平时所承受的力量会比正常人大多
问题一:英语大红胖瘦的比较级和最高级 bigger biggest
redder reddest
fatter fattest
thinner thinnest
问题二:怎么样是衡量人胖瘦的标准 一、BMI值
问题三:有人说我的身材(胖瘦方面)很合适什么意思啊 那他的意思是说我偏胖一点还是偏瘦一点呢 一般这样说就是身材正好,大部分就是稍稍还胖一点的意思,我朋友也都这么说我
问题四:计算偏胖还是偏瘦的公式 应该是指BMI吧,就是身体质量指数,用体重公斤数除以身高米数平方得出的数字,是目前国际上常用的衡量人体胖瘦程度以及是否健康的一个标准。例如:一个人的身高为175米,体重为68千克,他的BMI=68/(175^2)=222,参考标准如下:
非常肥胖, 高于35
问题五:正常体重是多少,超过多少为肥胖,为多少偏瘦 肥胖程度计算公式 BMI 法
体重指数 = 体重(公斤) 除 身高(米)的平方 kg/m2
正常体重 : 体重指数 = 18 - 25
超重 : 体重指数 = 25 - 30
轻度肥胖 : 体重指数 > 30
中度肥胖 : 体重指数 > 35
重度肥胖 : 体重指数 > 40
肥胖是指人体中脂肪积聚过多,它通常分为两类,一类是继发性肥胖,它是伴随着某些疾病而发生的,如胰岛性肥胖,甲状腺机能低下性肥胖等(这类肥胖极为少见)。第二类为单纯性肥胖,它伴随内分泌等系统的变化,主要是由于碳水化合物及动物性脂肪摄取量超过了人体的消耗量,人体把多余的物质转化为脂肪储存在各组织及皮下而发生的,男性一般脂肪沉积在腹部,女性多沉积于 、臀部、大腿上部(这类肥胖是最常见的)。
怎样才算肥胖呢?一个人的身高和体重是有一定比例的。一般认为身高(厘米)减去105为标准体重(公斤),超过标准体重10%为“超重”,超过标准体重20%可以认为是肥胖(也有人认为超过标准体重30%才算肥胖)。还有人用身高在150厘米以下者减去100,身高151-165厘米者减105,身高在166厘米以上者减去110来计算标准体重。怎样才能更确切的计算一个人的胖瘦呢?简单的方法是采用下列公式计算: 标准体重(公斤数)=身高(厘米数)-105 或者按下列公式计算也可:
男子:标准体重(公斤数)=身高(厘米数)-100-(身高-150)÷4 女子:标准体重(公斤数)=身高(厘米数)-100-(身高-150)÷2 肥胖症一般分为三度,体重超过标准体重的20―30%为轻度,超过30―50%为中度,超过50%以上为重度,其计算公式可按:
肥胖度=(实际体重-按身高计算的标准体重)÷按身高计算的标准体重×100% 例如,一位中年女子,身高160厘米,体重75公斤,则其标准体重为160-105=55(公斤)。如按另一公式计算,则为160-100-(160-150)÷2=55(公斤)。
肥胖度=(75-55)÷55×100%=361% 根据上述规定,凡超过标准体重的30―50%为重度肥胖,则此人属于中度肥胖者。
问题六:胖瘦的比较,胖健康还是瘦健康 不一定啦。但是肯定的一点是胖肯定不好(唉,简直是废话)。
问题七:该怎么计算自己偏瘦还是肥胖? 体重指数 = 体重(公斤) 除 身高(米)的平方 kg/m2
正常体重 : 体重指数 = 18 - 25
超重 : 体重指数 = 25 - 30
轻度肥胖 : 体重指数 > 30
中度肥胖 : 体重指数 > 35
重度肥胖 : 体重指数 > 40
用 英语 作文 来说明飞盘的起因,以及它的缓解 方法 ,你们是不是会觉得很棒呢下面是我给大家带来肥胖英语 范文 ,供大家参阅!
肥胖英语作文篇1The Causes of Obesity
Nowadays more and more people are obsessed with obesity, and they have tried in many ways to lose weight but got few result due to an unclear understanding of the factors that are responsible for obesity In my opinion, three factors may lead to this phenomenon
Part of the explanation for it is the genetic inheritance Some people are born bigger and fatter because they have inherited some piece of gene which decides their obese figure from their parents But their parents are not necessarily fat, because the gene in them may not be dominant So it seems that people are obese due to the genes can’t change their situation unless they receive some operation to utter their genes
Another contributing factor is an unhealthy diet As a result of the improved living standard, people tend to have a over-nutritious diet, so they absorb in materials exceeding what their body needs, such as sugar and fat, which accumulate in their body into fat Also, in order to adjust to the timetable of their work, some people become fat due to their irregular meal time and the style of the meals: no breakfast, fast food for lunch, and a luxurious dinner, which disobey the rules of effectively digesting In short, eating unproper food at an unproper time makes people fat
Lack of physical exercise also causes obesity Exercise consumes the energy, which is produced by the transformation of the fat or sugar in our body, so by doing exercise regularly, we can consume the excess amount
of fat on us, as a result, we serve the purpose of losing weight But some people are lack of exercise owing to various excuses, such as lack of time or the dislike for sports Because of that, there are always excess fat on them, and day by day, the fat increases gradually into a terrible amount, then they face the problem of being obese
Still, there are many other factors responsible for obesity, but those three points talked about here are true of most obese people So I suggest all of us keep a good eating habit and spend some time doing exercise to stay away from obesity
肥胖英语作文篇2It seems that many people today are overweight No one wants to carry around extra pounds, lout few people know how to slum down effectively They look for miracle pills and magic cures In the end, they fail and the pounds come back But the most effective way of losing weight is actually very simple It is a combination of a good diet and proper exercise What makes it work is determination It requires discipline and commitment to succeed Here is an example that proves the truth of these words
My aunt had been trying to lose weight for years She went on one diet after another, but none of them worked She lost a lot of weight quickly only to have it come back Finally, she followed her doctor's advice and began to eat a simple, well-balanced diet She ate lots of fruits and vegetables and avoided high-fat foods In addition, she joined an exercise class She worked out three times a week At first, my aunt wasn't happy because the weight came off so slowly But her classmates encouraged her to stick to it and eventually she reached her goal Best of all, she was able to stay at her ideal weight That was because she had developed healthy new habits
现在似乎有许多人的体重都过重。没有人会希望身上有多余的重量,但是很少人知道如何才能有效地瘦下来。他们会去寻找特效药,以及神奇的治疗法。最后不仅失败,而且反弹了。但是事实上,最有效的减肥方法非常简单。主要就是结合均衡的饮食,以及适当的运动。成功的关键就是要有决心。成功需要自制和投入。以下这个例子,可以证明这个方法是正确的。 我阿姨试图减肥已经好多年了。她一次又一次地节食,但是没有一次成功。她的体重会快速地下降,但没多久就又反弹了。最后,她听从医生的建议,开始吃简单、均衡的饮食。她吃大量的蔬果,并避免高脂肪的食物。除此之外,她还去参加运动课程。她一星期运动三次。起初,我阿姨并不是很开心,因为体重下降得很慢。但是她的同学们鼓励她坚持下去,最后她终于达到目标。最棒的是,她能够维持她的理想体重。因为她已经养成健康的新生活习惯。
肥胖英语作文篇3The Cause of Obesity
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent Body mass index (BMI), a measurement which compares weight and height, defines people as overweight (pre-obese) if their BMI is greater than 30 kg/m2 (Wikipedia, 2011) Nowadays, obesity has become a serious problem in the world Demonstrated according to the investigation that there is about 60 percent of the populace in the USA is too fat and Germany obese people are more than half of the country population
Some people become obesity, because they inherit their parents’ obese gene The UK researchers have discovered a commonly occurring gene variant that may explain why some people become overweight while others do not (Paddock, 2012) Also, European and American are easier to get obese gene So we can easily find a people who are overweight in American street and UK Street People cannot change their obese gene They can only keep a balanced diet and avoid eating too many high-fat, high-carbohydrate foods, such as chocolates, fried foods and carbonated drinks
Moreover, more and more people lack of exercise is another reason to cause obesity Because of the popularity of the Internet, teenagers began to indulge in the Internet They just want to play computer games, online shopping and chat on Facebook、Twitter… So, they spend less time in playing sport and unlike previous youth to do various sport They lack of exercise, lack of active and lack a best way to keep fit
Besides, fast food is the best important reason to cause obesity Fast foods contain a large number of calories and unhealthful ingredients Also, fast foods are composed of high-fat, high-carbohydrate foods Many teenagers just want to eat fast foods which are deep-fried It is contributing to obesity The study suggests that zoning laws restricting fast food outlets within a set distance of schools could combat childhood obesity in America (Health State, 2007) In addition, eating too many fast foods can cause Hypertension, High cholesterol and malnutrition A healthy diet not only can let us have a good figure, but also let us have a good health
Obesity is an excess proportion of total body fat We could this boils down eating too much rubbishy fast food and exercising too little in behavior, meanwhile, it can cause by an unmodifiablereality, our geneObesity is not just a cosmetic consideration It is a chronic medical disease that can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and other chronic illnesses Obesity is difficult to treat and has a high relapse rate so that should prevent our weight to become too high ahead of schedule