歌词 welcome to tabata just follow us

歌词 welcome to tabata just follow us,第1张

welcome to the new

Got to live right just stay in line

You've heard it all at least a million times

And like me you believed it

They said it wasn't works

But trying harder wouldn't hurt

It sounds so crazy now

But back then you couldn't see it

But now here you are

Eyes open wide

It's like you're seeing grace

In a brand new light

For the first time

Let us be the first to welcome you

Welcome to the

Life you thought was too good to be true

Welcome to the new

You broke your back kept all the rules

Jumped through the hoops

To make God approve of you

Oh tell me was it worth it

The whole time you were spinning plates

Did you stop to think that

Maybe He is ok with just you

There's no need to join the circus

And now here you are

A new point of view

And now it all makes sense

Why it's called the Good News

And oh

Let us be the first to welcome you

Welcome to the

Life you thought was too good to be true

Welcome to the new

Look at you

Shiny and new

Look at you

You got the proof of purchase

You were purchased

'Cause you're worth it

Look at you

Finding your groove

Don't you dare think

That you're not worth it

'Cause you're worth it

Yeah you're worth it

Let us be the first to welcome you

Welcome to the

Life you thought was too good to be true

Welcome to the new

  很多人还是不知道,insanity max 30 和insanity有很大区别

  1 自我挑战模式: max 30里面, 当你累到不行而想自己喘口气的时候, 拿个本子,写下你休息时候的时间,比如你跳到5分35秒就想休息了,写下来,当下一次你再跳这一个教程的时候,最好挑战自我,让你不得不休息的时间更长,你的目标,就是全程不要自我休息。

  2 modifier动作, 你会发现每个视频都有相同名字的两份,其中一份有modifier 标识,就是低标准调整动作,

  这不是叫你另作的, 在原版dvd里面,说明要求你用画中画功能,把modifier动作在小画面播放,你的目标,就是不要自我休息,在累的时候随时自己切换到低标准动作,当然,最终目标,是你全程跟随标准动作完成

  3特别训练日: max 30 在一周的训练周期里面,把周五和周六安排为特别训练日,这两天的内容很特别,会让你的训练效果加倍!

  4休息时间: 相对insanity,max 30 更少热身和更少的休息频率,你得更卖力了

  5 tabatas 模式训练: 所谓tabatas是一种新的训练模式,其实也是hiit的一种变形,特点是运动强度波形控制,

  简单说,max 30在头一个月,你的运动强度波形是,20秒高峰,然后10秒低谷,然后再循环;第二个月是45秒的高峰然后15秒低谷。



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