谁有cocoon《oh my god》的歌词。读啊答对 给分

谁有cocoon《oh my god》的歌词。读啊答对 给分,第1张


Oh My God歌词

you are tuned in to the greatest young h-o-v

good lord! good lord! good lord! oh my god! come on!

pops sped off left mom with a bundle o' joy, a boy, smack dab in the jungle took tunnel vision, but he would soon become a mogul, but first he brought that crack back like a yo-yo don't play with my yo-yo loco, niggas in the hood first niggas hatin on me its all good i'm buyin things like my shit don't stink gucci links and gucci gooses watchin too many movies, bullet proof this had some nerve, like pullin toothsters () when you're 16, comin through roofless, yeah ya boy ruthless, like ice cube was, turn the whole city on, i'm the new plug so if this is ya first time hearin this, you're about to experience someone so cold a journey seldom seen, the american dream, from the bottom to the top of the globe they call me hov


they gunnin for me wanna see me fall you know my story, i been through it all nights i felt like dyin, but i ain't cryin what didn't kill me, made me strong as iron iron iron oh my god! hov!

now i'm knee deep in the concrete, like the streets are made of quicksand, its beyond deep i got a chemical romance, two left feet so now i dance with the devil, please g-o-d save me from the black parade, release me my life like grand theft auto, psp i'm in that ro-ro, puffin on the la la, duckin from the po-po, everytime i drive by, say hi to the bad guy all my mama's friend are like mmm, mmm, mmm, would you just look at him so sorry dear mama, for your embarassment but gimme couple years i pray i'll never sin again got all these rival dealers, tryin ta do me in and all these little rappers don't know how prepared for them i am i am! i'm feeling like the world's against me, lord, call me crazy, but strangely i love the odds


they gunnin for me wanna see me fall you know my story, i been through it all nights i felt like dyin, but i ain't cryin what didn't kill me, made me strong as iron iron iron oh my god! hov!

now these baby ballers, toy rappers, callin out my name to bring the boy backwards shootin airballs at the basket what you call money i paid more in taxes! i got crowned king down in africa, out in niger, do you have any idea sold out shows out in seoul, korea jo-burg, dublin, tanzania lunch with mandela, dinner with cavalli, still got time to give water out to everybody every body, fall back, y'all rappin, i'm reenactin cnn, you see its accurate espn, see me in action monday nights when the half ends when you ten years in holla back then


they gunnin for me wanna see me fall you know my story, i been through it all nights i felt like dyin, but i ain't cryin what didn't kill me, made me strong as iron iron iron oh my god! hov!


[spin a cocoon around oneself;be caught in one’s own trap]

春蚕吐丝为茧,将自己裹缚其中。 比喻 弄巧成拙,自作自受 详细解释 蚕老吐丝结茧,将自己包在其中。喻人做事自陷 困境 。语出 唐 白居易 《江州赴忠州至江陵已来舟中示舍弟五十韵》 :“烛蛾谁救护?蚕茧自缠萦。” 鲁迅 《华盖集·答KS君》 :“于是从他的行为上感到 失望 ,发生不平, 其实 是作茧自缚。” 张贤亮 《绿化树》 二七:“看着他作茧自缚和 与世无争 的模样。”


作茧的解释 蚕老结茧。 唐 王建 《簇蚕辞》诗:“蚕欲老,箔头作茧丝皓皓。” 宋 欧阳 修 《镇阳读书》诗:“有似蚕作茧,缩身思自藏。”比喻出仕。 唐 张鷟 《朝野佥载》卷六:“ 王显 与 文武 皇帝 有 缚的解释 缚 (缚) ù 捆绑:绑缚。手无缚鸡之力。解缚。 拘束 :束缚。作茧自缚。 部首 :纟。









There is a long

long road to reach your house

and I arrived just before,

just before the sunset

and you said,

and you said welcome with your eyes

and we said,

and we said nothing at all



Oh we have been to many churches but we never believed

we have been to many churches but we never believed









If you go too far,

there is a song you'll hear

If we get too close,

whisper in my ears

speak the word, say it

Bewilder, say it

Humming bird, say it

Be my dad





Oh we have been to many churches but we never believed

we have been to many churches but we never believed

we have been to many churches but we never believed

we have been to many churches but we never believed



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