改写一下下面这一段话 重新改写但意思不变 In the novel ‘This Dark Ende

改写一下下面这一段话 重新改写但意思不变 In the novel ‘This Dark Ende,第1张

改写一下下面这一段话 重新改写但意思不变 In the novel ‘This Dark Endeavor’, the leading character,Victor,is a person whose tragedy is triggered by one of his personal flaws-arrogance It plays a role as foreshadowing that provides readers a clue that some tragical things would happen based on his tragic flaw

The leading character Victor In the novel ‘This Dark Endeavour’, whose personal flaws-arrogance has trigger his tragedy, which has played a role as foreshowing that provides the readers with a clue that a tragic flaw would always cause tragical things to happen


主演:凯瑟琳·德纳芙 米歇尔·皮科利 伊娃·达尔贝克 玛丽·米利雅拉 布丽塔·彼得松 乌尔苏拉·库布勒 让娜·阿拉尔 贝尔纳·拉雅里热 吕西安·博达尔 尼诺·卡斯泰尔诺沃





地区:瑞典 法国




类型:剧情 奇幻



Mr Lambert Strether is from Woollett, Massachusetts and he has come to Europe at the request of his employer, Mrs Newsome Mrs Newsome's son, Chad, has been in Paris for a long time and the Newsomes are worried that Chad will never return home Strether is to bring Chad back home Despite the assistance of his old friend, Waymarsh, and his new friend, Maria Gostrey, Strether is unable to fulfill this task He is Mrs Newsome's "ambassador," sent to Paris to protect her interests

Strether arrives in Paris and his trip becomes a return to his own youth He enjoys spending time with Chad's young friends, Miss Barrace and Little John Bilham Strether is charmed by the Countess, Madame de Vionnet, a married woman with whom Chad has begun a relationship Quite impressed by the Countess, Strether agrees to help her as well - though he does not know how he will be able to appease both Mrs Newsome and the Countess From the very beginning, Strether's plan is doomed to fail He hopes to convince Mrs Newsome that the Countess has been a positive influence on Chad and that Chad has changed for the better Waymarsh gives Strether very sound advice: Strether should either follow his directions from Mrs Newsome, or give up altogether Strether rejects this advice and tries to find the compromise between two conflicting positions Just when Chad seems willing to co back home to Woollett, it is Strether who convinces the young man to stay in Paris for a little while longer

Strether's fate quickly runs downhill Mrs Newsome sends her daughter, Sarah Pocock (Chad's sister), to bring Chad home Sarah arrives with her husband, Jim Pocock, and her sister-in-law, Mamie Pocock It is suggested that Chad will return home to marry Mamie Pocock and continue in the family business: advertising Unlike Strether, Sarah Pocock is not amused by Society and its trappings, nor is she impressed with the Countess, nor is she inspired by the architecture and atmosphere of Paris Sarah intends to do her job and she does it quickly It does not take very long for Chad to get himself ready to leave Paris His condition to Sarah is that he will agree to return home if Strether gives him the word Sarah turns to Strether, considering that the task has been completed - for how could Strether refuse This is, however, exactly what Strether does

Fearing that Chad will return home and live a miserable life in business, Strether looks at his own miserable life and is unable to condemn Chad to a similar fate Strether knows that Chad will return home regardless of what he says Still, Strether does not want the blot on his conscience This move is costly for Strether: he will likely lose his job with the Newsomes The possibility of his marriage with Mrs Newsome is nullified as well In sum, Strether, a man with very little money, has lost the opportunity to get a good deal more In the end of the novel, the only solace that he has is in knowing that he has been true to his ideals and has gained nothing for himself

还要 中文的么?



The call of the wild, also known as the call of the wild, is a novella created by American writer Jack London

The work tells that Buck was originally a dog of judge Miller's family After civilization, he has been living in a warm valley in Southern California Later, he was sold to Alaska, which is cold and remote in the north of the United States and rich in gold He became a sled dog

The work shows that dogs in the civilized world return to barbarism under the pressure of their owners through the experience of a dog It writes about dogs and reflects the human world

The novel continues the theme of "survival" in Jack London's Novels: life always obtains meaning and power in the process of constantly struggling for survival


《野性的呼唤》,又名《荒野的呼唤》(The Call of the Wild),是美国作家杰克·伦敦创作的中篇小说








To the lighthouse "content : a brief introduction to the lighthouse is a war ramzy after the family and few close friends in a scottish islands for a long life the author tried to in this story is very simple in the novel discuss the meaning of life and nature, pointed out to be passed on from time to hand it does not matter to death threats from the earth the lighthouse flashes of which is the symbol of ramzy the souls of the light this book write Write a note, such as the perspective of transformation, two hours, symbols, using music, painting, etc

To the lighthouse from the friends, distinguished : it is the author dedicating novel to the lighthouse, the centre of clues ramzy the family and few visitors in the first world war and fragment of life experiences ramsay's youngest son james want to go to the lighthouse, but owing to bad weather and unsatisfied when war broke out, ramsey a preferred after the war, with a pair of "three-good" and take a boat out to sea, at last The lighthouse and sit in the occupied nevertheless ramzy arrive in a lighthouse, in momentary feeling, the central committee dropped a pen and mapped out for his vision and something beyond themselves and become a real artist there is no 起伏跌宕 the content of the three parts, in turn for the time passes the lighthouse

The main characters later, its practical activities is limited to the novel the first half of a series of description, in the author's own mother for a living, and mrs three-good, the author's shadow in addition, the author to achieve the most beautiful breece lily family surface, lily's a language, the main line

Novel the first half of a series of description, in the author's own mother for a living, and mrs three-good, the author's shadow in addition, the author to achieve the most beautiful breece lily family surface, lily's a language, its main activities is mainly for people, but the characters in a reasonably active ideological activities, the author himself a prototype of the people and

the structure of the novel for the potential for a clue to be lisa and complex level, the characters in the world, and outside it ; ramsey a experience is the first level, "lisa by the art of life ' the second level is the story of the novel is out in a novel"

To the lighthouse , strike at the net from : in the preface of book, the editor wrote, read novels, more any literature will like the white paper was as dull and tedious to read carefully therefore, not to have a profound and abstract, the daily life and a there is psychological process of linguistic life, if this is novel, it is not high, it is difficult to understand


Under the moon is a science fiction novel written by the British writer Rowena akinyemi The novel tells a hole in the ozone layer used to block sunlight due to human damage to the environment


Although mankind created the artificial ozone layer, it also lost its protective effect in 2522 What choice will mankind face


It happened in 2222 Earth man created AOL - artificial ozone layer The beautiful earth has 1000 years of life The trees sprouted again, it rained, and there was water in the river


But in 2522, the artificial ozone layer had burst The young trees began to wither and the rivers dried up Kay and Rilla saw the dangerous scene from their spaceship, but what could they do Their friends lived in the tribe under the moon, but the road was far away, and the earth leader Gog refused to obey their command


The author of this book, rovina akinyemi, is an Englishman He has lived and worked in Africa for many years She works and lives in Cambridge




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