

Doing exercises in the gym(健身房)

Usually I would do some exercises on the weekend,because I thought keeping in a good health can help me study well Last weekend, It was rainning outside so I decided to do some exercises in the gym When I went into the gym, some people were doing exercises there A man was doing weight training and trying his best to upraise heavier weight There were two girls running on the treadmill(跑步机),neither too fast nor too slow In the next room there was a fitness instructor(健身教练) was teaching some young people doing yoga(瑜珈), which made they do some strange actions

After some minutes' warm up (热身),I started to run on the treadmill and ride on the exercise bike(健身脚踏车) Both of them were easy and good for most of people Besides,I did some dumbbell (哑铃)exercises ,seating type chest pushing, high pulling force back muscle training, butterfly clamp chest muscle training, thigh stretching, leg treading, abdomen muscle training, vertical pulling force training (坐式推胸、高拉力背肌训练、蝴蝶夹胸肌训练、大腿伸展、蹬腿、腹肌训练、直立式拉力训练)

Finally,I cooled down myself and had a break before I went home

一些Funny Gym Stories

1A buddy of mine uses an iPod shuffle when he works out and usually clips it to his waistband We're working out one day and he's doing the seated leg press and next thing you know, I hear an ever increasing noise in the background, my friend screams, pushes the weight up, and promptly removes his earbuds - his love handle managed to somehow push the volume button ALL the way up on the Shuffle (there's no Hold button on it)

One time, a big muscular dude was setting up to do some deadlifts There were some ladies in the area, so of course, he stacks on more weight On his first rep, he ripped his pants

In general, I find it amusing how guys will attempt to lift more weight than usual when women are around The funny thing is, the more weight you push, the more constipated you look In fact, my wife thinks I look like I'm taking a massive dump when I'm lifting - something which, for some odd reason, she doesn't find attractive


I frequnetly go to the gym in the AM like 445 AM! And so there are very few people at the gym at that time Well i typically run on the treadmill on those days Well like clockwork every day there is this strange old man that gets on the treadmill RIGHT NEXT to me! There are 20 extra open treadmills and he always picks the one right next to me So if that isnt that funny he also farts a lot It smells sooo bad Every step he takes he rips a fart and its just embarassing for him

I seriously have stopped running in the morning because i was so creeped/disgusted out

3I do treadmill races in my head with whoever is on the treadmill next to me, seeing if I can outlast them, while they're probably oblivious and just doing their own thing One day, I'm walking to my apartment, and this guy stops me and asks me if I was in the gym that morning in green shorts He says, "I was on the treadmill next to you, and you just kept running and running I thought I should be able to outrun a girl, and I was trying to keep up with you for a long time, but in the end I gave up"

Totally made my day

4Once saw a guy at the Fitness First off Layhill Road try and flat bench 405 with no spot Now of course he was a big dude, but c'mon nobody plays around with that kind of weight sans spot Well he did- and regretted it My buddy and I had to pull it off of him He then went into a whole "I could have gotten it if my shoulder was better, or my wrist" lame

At the University of Maryland Campus Rec Center I've seen a few people bring food in And not like a protein shaker, or the like But Ive seen guys in between sets eating Cluck U ()

Finally there was an older gentleman that worked out at the WSC in downtown Bethesda that my freinds and I used to refer to as "the vinegar man" because he stank like bad vinegar f'n gross!

5One of my friends, who is a marathon runner (that should have been my first clue), somehow convinces me to go to a spinning class with her As I've been hearing all sorts of things about how spinning is so "in", I figure hey why not

We get to class and I'm completely overwhelmed by how hard it is However, my friend is next to me, and she hasn't even broken out into a sweat (we were in a beginner's class) I vow to keep up with her, even if it'll kill me

The instructor then tells us that now that we're "warmed up", she's going to increase the resistance And we had to reach down to turn the little resistance knobby

and I promptly fall off the bike

The stationary bike

My friend, after gasping in horrorimmediately whips out her celphone and takes a picture of me and texts it to all of our friends By the time I got home from the gym, there were 20+ messages waiting for meall mocking


6New funny gym story i got these new shoes to wear while spinning They clip onto the pedals and dont make my feet swell like normal shoes So there i am about to stop and get off and my shoes got stuck I was able to get one off but the other was stuck So everyone in the class is laughing at me and i feel awful I finally am able to get it out and i had to use so much force that it threw me off balance and i lost my footing and literally flew off my bike and hit my head and elbow on the bike next to me Needless to say i will be taking a break from my spinning shoes until i figre out how to use them :P







































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