1i have just heard that you have a quarrel with your parents
2i feel about shocked when knowing that
3regarding your problem abouti'd like to make some suggestions
1you may consider doing if you do this
2it would be a good idea if you That's way
3you had better/might as well do By doing this
4if i were you /in your situtation,i would
5it's necesssary for you that
1to begin/start with 、first、firstly、first of all、 in the first place
2besides、what's more、in addition、futher more、second/secondly
3last but not least、third/thirdly、finally、above all
1i will be more than delighted if my suggestion are useful
2i'm willing tu discuss this matter with you whenever you need help
I had a big argument with my good friend yesterday because of the baseball teamsDuring the break time,we argument about which team is the best in the league big
I thought it is yangqi and he thought it is redsocksAfter the argument,he went of to say goodbye to me and close the door loudlyI was so angry with him
Then he still didn't talk to me during the next break timeHe didn't even look at meI started to feel sad because he is my best friend
When it was time to go home I asked him if he wanted to go with me as usualHe looked at me with a strange look and still turned awayBut this time,he did say goodbye to me quietly
In the end,while I was watching TV the phone ringIt was him and he said he was sorry about what he did,he felt childish
I said never mind we are still good friendsNow I feel much better I hope we won't argument any more
Weeks ago I witnessed the quarrel between my two roommates It shocked me the two good friends fired out just for a very trifling matter
It was in the morning at weekend when I was washing my face in the bathroom Suddenly I heard Ann and Sue shouting at each other
I hurried to come out to see what happened It turned out that the noise of Sue’s closing the door waked Ann, whose bed is just beside the door Ann thought Sue deliberately closed the door heavily
Sue didn’t have made her fault and said Ann was making trouble out of nothing So their argument became ambits of quarrel
Though later they stopped quarreling under our persuasion, neither of them would like apologize to the other
Such a quarrel leaves me to think a lot about dormitory harmony If either Ann or Sue can be a little tolerant or take a better way to express herself, this quarrel, I think, can be avoided easily
It is no doubt that a harmony dormitory life benefits all the members But it needs our common efforts to build it
The other week I had a bitter quarrel with one of my roommates Six of us live in small room about eight square meters, desperate for more space
Weeks ago, one of my roommates brought in a very large suitcase and placed it under her bed, but days later she (he) found something wrong with her (his) suitcase As we live on the ground floor, her case soon got wet
She took it out and, after drying it up, she/he just put it on her desk because she had no other choices
I happened to be opposite her desk and her suitcase was so large that it not only occupied the whole of her desk but half of mine as well I was very much annoyed, so I angrily pushed it forward without first talking to her about it
I pushed a bit too hard and the case fell off her desk, messing up everything it contained On seeing this, she flew into a temper and angrily shouted at me
The quarrel started and lasted about two hours
When I calmed down days later, I thought over the quarrel and began to see something I should have talked to her about it first and then worked with her to find a solution to the problem
Living in a room with limited space, we should learn to get on well with one another
1 抱怨信英语作文模版
2 描写同学的初中英语作文
3 school life英语作文带翻译
4 英语四级作文:印象最深的大学同学
5 英语介绍朋友作文50词 带翻译
讲英语难,用英语吵架更难。很多人生气的时候连平常的英文都说不出口, 更不用说吵架了。现在就来教你几句吵架用语吧!不过大家在使用的时候一定要注意场合哦。
1 I'm so fed up with your BS Cut the crap。
当你听到对方废话连篇、讲个不停时,你就可以说“Cut the crap”,相当于中文里的“废话少说”。
2 Hey! Wise up!
当别人做了什么愚蠢的事时,你可以说“Don't be stupid”或是“Don't be silly”,但这是非常不礼貌的说法。比较客气一点的说法就是“wise up”,相当于中文里的“放聪明点”。
3 Put up or shut up。
要么你去做, 不然就给我闭嘴。
4 You eat with that mouth 教你用地道英语吵架
5 You are dead meat。
6 Don't you dare!/How dare you!
7 Don't push me around。
如果有人指挥你一下做这个,一下做那个,你就可以用这一句“Hey! Don't push me around”。还有一句跟push 有关的成语, 叫 push the button, 意思就是“指使、操纵”,例如, I know why you are doing this, someone is pushing your button!
8 Are you raised in the barn
9 You want to step outside/You want to take this outside
要是两个人言语不和吵起来了,可能就有人要说这一句了,指的就是“你想出去打架吗”。类似的说法还有“Do you want to pick a fight”。
10 You and what army/You and who else
要是有人跟你说“Do you want to step outside”,你就可以回他这一句,意思是说“那你找了多少人来打架啊”还有一句话也很有意思,叫“Whose side are you on”,这就是在快要打架时问别人说“你到底是站在哪一边的”。
一、吵架能把问题提前暴露出来,从而将矛盾解决在还可以调和的萌芽状态。问题被争吵出来以后,应该还是小问题,因为还没有发展到“大打出手”的地步。我们知道,凡事都要防微杜渐,小事不能小看。小问题如果不解决,就会慢慢变成大问题,所以,吵架提前把问题端出来,反倒不会发展到白热化。 二、人争一口气,吵架是一种有效的撒气解气的方法。就是气愤填膺了,气冲斗牛了,只要一吵,气就能消一大半,气消了,问题就小了。如果让“恶从心头起,怒向胆边生”地恣意妄为,就可能伤人害命。而如果此时能让他发泄一通,使用暴力的概率就会小许多。美国乔治亚州拉维特有一个专供一些人发泄愤懑的私营靶场,根据需要提供各种实物模型,让人以雪心头之恨,使其心理得到某种满足。曾听说有个学校,校长把自己的头像挂于专门空出的一个教师活动室,让老师击打凌辱。老师泄愤后,不再把坏的情绪带进课堂,影响学生学习与教学质量。这些做法虽有待商榷,可也见了管理者的良苦用心。一个人心里最好不要憋气,憋着不好受外,也有可能会不在沉默中灭亡就在沉默中爆发,倒不如心直口快地把意见提出来,把分歧吵出来,一吐胸中块垒,于公于私有利,于人于己有好。 三、吵架也是锻炼自己表达能力的一种好方法。吵架的过程其实也是针锋相对、据理力争的过程。进行舌战是需要调动很多知识储备的。你要把别人批得体无完肤,驳得哑口无言,骂得无地自容,没有口才是不行的。特别是对方与你处于一个层次,那种知识经验的比拼,智慧机变的较量等,本身就是生命的张扬。你仔细听两个泼妇骂街,一来一回,全是锋芒。当然吵架最重要的还是要有理,理直而气壮,气势上压人一头,吵架可以妙语连珠。 争吵如果不是意气用事,不是利益之争,有时候也挺有意思。我们知道,庄子与惠子有个濠梁上的鱼乐之辩,那时他们是不是吵得面红耳赤是不知道的了,但那种因为辩论争吵而碰撞出来的智慧火花,即使经过两千多年也仍然能够照亮后人。曾经看过一篇妙文,快嘴李翠莲,听她的吵架简直就是一种让人感到直捷痛快的美好享受。 四、吵架还是增进彼此了解的一个很好的途径。平时我们很多人都会戴着一副面具,把自己的真面目掩藏得很深,而一吵架,就不管不顾,算是豁出去了,却也是真情的大流露。这样就会出现两种情况,一是吵可以让你明白对方与自己志不同道不合,而“道不同不相为谋”,你可以敬而远之。“相识满天下,知心能几人”,你不必因此而觉得有什么损失。二是不“吵”不成交。一吵,你们竟然相见恨晚,甚至吵成了知己,争成了莫逆,反倒显得非常珍贵。 五、吵架可以出真知。真理是愈辩愈明的,我们很多的认知都是在争吵中得以提炼升华为真知灼见的。一个人的所见所闻、所感所想总是有限的,多一个人就多一份力量。“三人行,必有我师”,别人的思想哪怕是反动的,也能够在反面给自己启发。 “君子动口不动手”,吵得再凶,争得再激烈,还是理性的谦谦君子。到了该出手时就出手的时候,那问题就大了。
Watch your mouth,Do you know who you're talking to
说话客气一点 你知到你在和谁说话吗
I'll get even with you sooner or later
跟你的这比帐 我迟早会要回来的
Listen you're picked the wrong person to quarrel with
听着 你找错吵架的对象了
You'd better take that back
You want to take it outsideAnytime
你想到外面解决(干架)吗 随时奉陪
Don't mess with me /Don't get fresh with me