













奥义书是世界上最知名的哲学宗教作品中,也作为其中最早的文本被认为是公元前800-500之间已经由最古老的。这些作品是与印度教的中心经典吠陀经所表达的概念有关的哲学对话。印度教的信徒将这种信仰称为Sanatan Dharma,意思是“永恒的秩序”或“永恒的道路”,人们认为这种秩序是通过吠陀经揭示的,吠陀经的概念被认为是从上帝那里直接传达的知识。


奥义书被称为吠檀多(Vedanta) ——“吠陀的终结”——因为它们完成了圣人在远古时代的某个时刻所接受的神圣启示。吠陀经被认为是Shruti(“所听到的”),因为它们是圣人直接从上帝那里以深度冥想状态接收的。然后它们被保存在口头传统中,直到在 c 之间写下来。1500 - c。公元前 500 年。奥义书也被正统的印度教徒视为Shruti,因为它们所包含的智慧和洞察力似乎太深了,不可能起源于人类的思想。总共有 180-200 部奥义书,但最著名的是嵌入在吠陀经文本中的 13 部。


这四部吠陀经代代相传,直到他们在公元前4 世纪之间的所谓吠陀时期致力于写作。1500 - c。公元前 500 年在印度。这些概念通常被认为起源于中亚,并随着c的印度 -雅利安人迁移到达印度。公元前 3000 年(尽管有些学者对此提出异议)。尽管一些思想流派声称吠陀有五个,但学术上的共识基于四个:





13 部最著名的奥义书被嵌入在每部的文本中,以回应每部表达的特定概念。13个奥义书是:









Svetasvatara 奥义书





前六个(Brhadaranyaka 到 Kena)的组成可以追溯到 c 800 - c。公元前 500 年,最后七个(Katha 到 Mandukya)可追溯到公元前 500 年之后到公元 1 世纪。这些作品采用叙事哲学对话的形式,在这种对话中,寻求者接近大师以获取精神真理的指导。这个寻求者可能并不总是知道他或她正在寻求这样的真理,在一些奥义书中,一个无形的声音直接对观众说话,然后观众成为对话中说话者的对话者,或者换句话说,寻求者。



人类可以在这些神明中认出婆罗门的内在本质,但为了有直接的体验,他们被鼓励去追求与他们更高的自我——被称为阿特曼——的关系——这是每个人内在的神圣火花 那么,生命的目的是通过认识到自己的责任(佛法)并以正确的行为(业力)履行它,以实现自我实现和解脱(moksha)解脱生死轮回(轮回)。

自我实现是通过理解Tat Tvam Asi这个短语来实现的——“你就是那个”,意思是一个人已经是一个人想要成为的人;一个人只需要意识到它。每个人都已经携带着内在的神圣火花;认识到这一点将一个人与上帝和其他人联系起来。基本上,这种对人类存在的理解为萨那坦佛法的信仰体系提供了信息,奥义书建议人们如何最好地实现这种理解。


以下 13 部奥义书是按照它们被认为是组成的顺序呈现的。从第一个到最后一个没有直接的叙述延续,但都涉及相同的基本概念,只是从不同的角度。

Brhadaranyaka Upanishad:嵌入Yajur Veda和最古老的Upanishad。这个名字的大致意思是“大森林教学”,它通常归功于圣人 Yajanvalkya(公元前 8 世纪),尽管这是有争议的。它始于由后来被确定为婆罗门化身的神 Prajapati 创造宇宙。作为高我的阿特曼、灵魂的不朽、二元性的幻觉以及所有现实的本质统一都通过水中盐的类比来讨论和解释:


Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 是最著名的其中之一,不仅因为它建立了从重生和死亡的循环中解放出来的概念,以及阿特曼与婆罗门的结合,而且通过 20 世纪 CE 诗人 TS Eliot (l 1888-1965) 的使用CE)在他的杰作《荒原》中。

Chandogya Upanishad : 嵌入在 Sama Veda 中,被认为与 Brhadaranyaka 一样古老,尽管创作日期不详。文本重复了 Brhadaranyaka 的一些内容,但以韵律的形式,这给了这部奥义书的名字来自 Chanda(诗歌/米)。这些叙述进一步发展了阿特曼-婆罗门的概念、根据自己的职责采取正确行动的重要性,以及阿特曼-婆罗门的联系如何运作。

这在名为“舍维塔克图的故事”的段落中得到了最著名的解释 Shevetaketu 在接受了十二年的教育后返回家乡,他的知识傲慢,并受到了他的父亲 Uddalaka 的欢迎。乌达拉卡问他是否已经学会了“使人能够听到闻所未闻的、想到未想过的、知道未知的精神智慧”(613)。Shevetaketu 不知道他在说什么,因此 Uddalaka 带领他学习关于统一的不同课程,指出人们如何从一块粘土或从一块铁了解所有铁的潜在形式。单数是由集体告知的。每个由粘土制成的看似独立的容器都参与了粘土物质的整体。Uddalaka 继续通过其他例子讨论个体、阿特曼和婆罗门,最终带领他的儿子实现Tat Tvam Asi和所有存在的统一。

TAITIRIYA UPANISHAD 探索统一和适当仪式的主题,直到它结束时赞美每个人都是上帝的一部分。

Taittiriya Upanishad:嵌入在 Yajur Veda 中,也被认为是较旧的奥义书之一。这个名字可能来自可能的作者,圣人蒂蒂里,但这受到了挑战。这部作品首先祝福梵天,“所有力量的源泉”,并发誓说实话和遵守法律,然后宣誓学习吠陀经并祈求神赐智慧之光照亮一个人的生活并引导一个人与终极实相合一。作品继续以统一和适当的仪式为主题,直到结束时赞美二元性是一种幻觉,每个人都是上帝和彼此的一部分。

Aitereya Upanishad:嵌入在 Rig Veda 中,Aitereya 重复了前两部奥义书中提到的一些主题,但方式略有不同。最显着的例子是关于人类生存周期的五火的讨论:人死后,他们被火化(第一次火),然后作为烟雾飘到另一个世界,在那里他们进入暴风云(第二次火)并坠落到土化为雨(第三火)成为男人吃的食物(第四火),变成 进入女人(第五火)发育成胎儿。Aitereya 强调这个胎儿是Atman它的父母保证他们在出生和成熟后不朽,因为他们会被记住,但也会经历无条件的爱。换言之,儿童和家庭生活可以为人们提供实现与上帝联系的途径。

Kausitaki Upanishad:嵌入在梨俱吠陀中,这个奥义书也重复了其他地方的主题,但侧重于存在的统一性,强调个性的幻觉,这种幻觉使人们感到彼此分离,与上帝和周围的世界隔绝。这个概念总结为“你是谁?” 和回应,“我是你”(12)。这部作品的结尾是对了解存在的潜在形式的重要性的颂歌,而不是依靠肤浅的表象来定义人们认为生活中真实的东西。

Kena Upanishad:嵌入在 Sama Veda 中,Kena 从 Kausitaki 和其他人中发展了主题,重点是认识论和自我知识。基纳拒绝理智追求精神真理的概念,声称人们只能通过自我认识、通过个人、精神工作而不是通过其他人的经验或书中的话来理解婆罗门。基本概念总结为以下几行:



KATHA 强调活在当下的重要性,不必担心过去或未来。

Katha Upanishad:嵌入在 Yajur Veda 中,Katha 是另一部最著名的奥义书,其中包含英国作家萨默塞特·毛姆(Somerset Maugham,公元 1874-1965 年)在他的 1944 年畅销小说《剃刀边缘》(“ The Razor's Edge ” )中使用的台词。得救的道路是狭窄的,像剃刀的边缘一样难以行走”)。Katha 强调了活在当下的重要性,而不用担心过去或未来(哲学家拉姆·达斯(Ram Dass)所说的“现在就在这里”),检查和解释阿特曼及其与个人灵魂/思想的关系(在战车的寓言),moksha的概念,吠陀的活力,尤其是 Nachiketa 的故事中说明的自我实现和阎罗,死神。

在这个故事中,年轻的Nachiketa和他的父亲吵架,Nachiketa的父亲愤怒地告诉他去死。听从父亲的旨意,他这样做了,但当他到达冥界时,却没有一个家。Nachiketa在死亡之门外等了三天,直到Yama回来,为让他等待而道歉,并为他提供了三个愿望以弥补他对他的热情好客。男孩要求能够安全回到父亲身边,学习永生的火祭,最重要的是,知道死后会发生什么。Yama 同意第一个但拒绝最后一个,并提供给 Nachiketa 任何其他东西,但男孩拒绝了。Yama 最初的拒绝结果证明是一次考验,他很高兴 Nachiketa 不会被世俗的享乐所诱惑,也不会从寻求真理中分心。Yama 然后向 Nachiketa 揭示了生命的秘密:没有死亡,因为灵魂是不朽的,没有自我,因为一切都是一体的。没有人是孤独的,没有什么最终会失去,每个人——最终——都会回到上帝的家中。

Isha Upanishad:嵌入在 Yajur Veda 中,Isha 强调统一和二元性的幻觉,并强调按照自己的佛法履行业力的重要性。这篇文章的主旨是认识到所有存在的统一性的重要性,以及相信自己在世界上是孤独的是愚蠢的。这个概念在 16 的段落中得到了最好的表达:








Svetasvatara Upanishad:嵌入Yajur Veda。Svetasvatara 显然是由许多不同的作者在不同时期撰写的,但仍然保持着专注于第一因的一致愿景。在它的一些开场白中,它问:



Mundaka Upanishad:嵌入在 Atharva Veda 中,这个奥义书侧重于个人精神知识,而不是知识/经验知识。与其他奥义书一样,重点是隐藏在可理解世界的表面之下的东西。该文本区分了高级知识和低级知识,其中“高级知识”定义为自我实现,“低级知识”定义为来自外部来源(甚至吠陀经)的任何信息。这清楚地表达在以下几行中:






低等知识在一个人的生活中占有一席之地,但不应与自我实现和与神结合的存在目的相混淆。Mundaka 是另一个最受欢迎的奥义书之一,因为它强调个人努力实现精神理解,一旦人们意识到每个人都在最基本的层面上相关并且所有人都走在完全相同的道路上,就没有孤立的个体

Prashna Upanishad:嵌入在 Atharva Veda 中,Prashna 关注人类状况的存在本质,首先讨论生命如何开始并继续思考不朽,同时解决诸如“生命”的构成和冥想的本质等主题/智慧。最后,它专注于虔诚,作为将自己从生死轮回中解脱出来的手段,如该段落所表达的:





这种对神的无私奉献的概念将激发中世纪的Bhakti(“奉献”)运动,该运动后来被复兴为当今的 Hare Krishna运动。这两个运动都强调对上帝的完全奉献,作为与宇宙的神圣冲动完全联系的一种方式。

Maitri Upanishad:嵌入在 Yajur Veda 中,也被称为 Maitrayaniya Upanishad,这部作品侧重于灵魂的构成、人类遭受痛苦的各种方式,以及通过自我实现从痛苦中解放出来。最著名的段落之一讨论了满足于崇拜自己认为(或被告知)是神而不是为自己寻求神的危险。允许自己满足于“宗教”体验而不是“精神”体验,这会欺骗一个人与神建立真正关系的机会,而这种关系只能通过个人努力来实现。

Mandukya Upanishad:这部作品嵌入在 Athar Veda 中,涉及神圣音节OM的精神意义,它是自我和万物本质统一的表达。作品从台词开始,“ OM代表至高无上的现实。它是过去、现在和将来的象征。OM也代表了超越过去、现在和未来的东西”(11)。Mandukya 还讨论了四种意识状态——清醒、做梦、深度睡眠和纯净——指出纯净意识是其他三种意识的基本形式。这种意识可以通过将一个人的注意力向内引导到自我提升和精神练习上来实现,这些练习可以清除外部干扰和幻想的头脑。


以上只是奥义书提到的一些概念的粗略总结,因为每部作品都将其对话与其他作品分层,以鼓励更深入地参与文本。Shevetaketu 对他自己的神性的认识,这是十二年的宗教教育无法教会他的,这只是《Chandogya Upanishad》中Tat Tvam Asi概念的一个例证,正如 Nachiketa 与死亡之神的对话仅提供了 Katha 中的一种交流奥义书。

可以想象,人们可以将自己的一生都花在研究奥义书上,并且在这样做的过程中,人们相信人们会从一种精神上的黑暗和孤立状态发展到意识到一个人从未孤独过,因为神圣的真正火花存在于每个人的内心灵魂。自从这 13 部作品从公元 17 世纪开始首次从梵文翻译以来,世界各地的作家、哲学家、学者、艺术家、诗人和无数其他人都对这 13 部作品做出了回应。从那时到现在,他们的影响力越来越大,今天他们被公认为有史以来最伟大的精神作品之一。

八月:奥色治郡 August: Osage County (2013)

主演: 朱莉娅·罗伯茨 / 梅丽尔·斯特里普 / 伊万·麦克格雷格 / 克里斯·库珀 / 阿比盖尔·布蕾斯琳 /本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 / 朱丽叶特·刘易斯 / 玛格·马丁戴尔 / 德蒙特·莫罗尼 / 朱丽安妮·尼科尔森 /山姆·夏普德 / 米丝蒂·阿哈姆

八月:奥色治郡的剧情简介 · · · · · ·

  Beverly和Violet(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)是一对老夫妻了,如今的他们,一个靠喝酒,另一个靠嗑药来维持这段夫妻关系。一天早上,Beverly出了家门后就再也没回来,Violet只能把他们的三个女儿还有她的表妹、表妹夫叫到家里来。二女儿Ivy来到了,之后大女儿Barbara(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)和丈夫Bill(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)也带着14岁的女儿远道而来。噩耗随即传来,警察在湖里发现了Beverly的尸体,死因是自杀。小女儿Karen带着未婚夫赶到了葬礼。葬礼后的餐桌上,嗑药过头的Violet开始发脾气,而各怀心事的女儿们也如坐针毡。大女儿Barbara受不了母亲的刻薄,两人大声争吵起来,这个家庭潜藏着的种种矛盾和那些刻意隐瞒的真相也渐渐显露出来

  本剧改编自同名话剧,由原话剧作者Tracy Letts改编为**剧本。

问题一:上海话,“倒江湖”的意思 30分 这个意思就是,不会给你明确的答案,让你在你自己的问题里面打转。

问题二:上海人说|“淘江湖”是什么意思 应该是 捣糨糊


问题三:倒江湖是什么意思? 是从上海话过来的。







问题四:上海话的大兴是什么意思 一般是指假货,比如大兴货什么的,如果说是“你开我大兴”什么的,就是说你骗我了

问题五:上海话是怎么得来的? 上海方言  上海方言指上海市区的方言,是吴语的一种。比照有人称广东话为粤语,台湾闽南话为台语,也有人称上海话为沪语,这种称法比较少见。




这套方案,是在由“上海闲话abc”2001年提出的“法式吴语拼音草案”基础上,吸收不少网友的意见,尤其是Hisahara,Key等,于2005改制定型的。 该方案的使用权是向全社会开放的,有关声明请见:《上海吴语手册》。

该方案是建立在拉丁诸语拼写和国际习惯之上。由于吴语的特点,吴语的拼音注定有三大特点:1,元音组合表示单元音,2,-n表示鼻化,3,清音不加符号是不送气。这三点,正是法语拼写特点,既不可能是英语的,也不可能是德语的或西班牙语的。其实,绝大多数吴语拼音并不能摆脱这三点,即使是挂名英式的。 “上海吴语拉丁式注音法”对上海人开发母语优势,掌握法语发音也确实有帮助。“法吴”大家也叫惯了,也没有必要改口。


1开音节中五大元音a,i,o,u,e相当西班牙语、意大利语、日语中的音素。O是开口o。E在开音节中是法语的è。u正常相当普通话u,法语的ou,但是在i, y, j, dj, x, ch, gn之后,由于i的省略,u发音相当法语的u,普通话的ü

2e在闭音节中,读音相当法语字母哑音e,涉及en, eq, el


4oe与法语il中oe,德语goetz(gtze) 中的oe相像;也与英语toe, hoe, doe中的oe相像。但实际是个偏后的半高扁唇单元音

5ü相当法语的u,但是有由于ü使用不便,尤其不可能加上声调符号,所以代之用iu。相应的iuq,iun分别等于üq,ün。在y, dj, j, ch, x, gn之后i可被省略


7e在闭音节中读同法语的哑音e//(le,de),比如:en是e 的鼻化音,eq是e的短音,el是e//加上l




3h发音同英语、德语的h。h在清音后面表示送气,ph, th, kh, ch,注意ch是英语的t(ch)。在非塞音性质的浊音后面表示清化,涉及:lh, nh, mh, vh, zh



问题六:厂里人都说我到江湖,倒江湖是什么意思啊? 不是到江湖,是捣糨糊,意思是不干活,就来瞎扯蛋,混混的

问题七:倒江湖是什么意思 淘浆糊 --老皮皮








淘浆糊 --黄灿灿的静静转贴










问题八:( 侬脑子瓦特了)什么意思,是哪里的方言? 上海话,你脑子坏掉了

问题九:上海方言作德莱耀西啥意思 形容娇滴滴的女人“作得来要死”!

















1Aquite Bquick Cquiet Dquilt

2Aplayground Bfound Cground Dgrown

3Aplease Bplace Cplate Dpleased

4Ashopping Bswimming Cdancing Dfishing

5Aon the 23rd floor Bon the 31st floor

Con the 32nd floor Don the 30th floor


6AI went to bad,but I didn't do my homework

BI didn't go to bed after I finished my homework

CI didn't go to bed until I finished my homework

7ATom and Fred are the same age

BTom is younger than Fred

CTom and Fred are brothers

8ABoth of my parents are English teachers

BMy parents work in the same school

CMy parents work in different schools

9ALucy can finish the book in five hours

BLucy can't finish the book in five hours

CLucy has finish reading the book

10AWe travelled by train and enjoyed it

BWe travelled by plane and had a good time

CWe'll enjoyed ourselves on the plane


11Alooking for a book BLooking for a job

CWaiting for a woman DVisiting a doctor

12AShe wants to go to the bus stop

BShe wants to go to the hospital

CShe wants to go to the teacher's office

DShe wants to meet her son's teacher

13AGo to museums BVisit friends

CPlay in the park DVisit some interesting places

14AMr John would like to see Mr Green

BMr John won't give Mr Green's son some work to do

CMr John will give Mr Green's son some work to do

DMr John wouldn't like to see Mr Green's son

15AThe woman is too tired to go to work

BThe woman wants to go to the park

CThe man doesn't want to go to the park

DThe woman doesn't want to go to the park


16What were the people waiting to doThey were waiting to

Aread an interesting story in a magazine

Bget some medicine for others

Csee the doctor

Dtake some magazines

17How was BillyHe

Afelt sick Bwas fine Clooked ill Dwas dirty

18For what did Billy comeBilly come to

Asee the doctor

Bsee his father

Cget some medicine for his father

Dgot some medicine for his brother

19What did the doctor sayHe said Billy

Awas not ill at all Bwas wrong

Cdid something wrong Dhad a high fever

20What did the doctor look over Billy's

AMouth and eyes BHeart and head

CFace and temperature DHeart and temperature



( )21These are not kites but ,I bought them

Ahers,my,mine Bmy,your,myself

Cmine,yours,yourself Dher,mine,myself

( )22Mary has seven story-booksHer brother has fiveShe has books than he

Afew Bmany Cmore Dfewer

( )23I think bananas are of all the fruits

Adelicious Bmuch delicious

Cmore delicious Dthe most delicious

( )24“ have you been to the Great Wall”“Twice”

AHow many times BHow long

CHow often DHow much

( )25The students in Grade Three are busy the exam now

Aget ready to Bto get ready for

Cgetting ready to Dgetting ready for

( )26I have two good friendsOne is Li Ping, is Li Tao

Aother Banother Cthe other Dothers

( )27The radio is giving the weather reportI can't hear it clearlyCould you please

Aturn it on Bturn it off Cturn it up Dturn it down

( )28There is little milk in the bottle,

Aisn't there Bis there Cisn't it Dis it

( )29Do you know yesterday

Ahow did he come to school Bwhen he will come to school

Cwhy didn't he come to school Dwhy he didn't come to school

( )30There a sports meeting next week

Ain going to have Bare going to be

Cis going to be Dwill have

( )31Wei Hua's mother since one year ago

Adied Bhas been dead Chas died Dhas dead

( )32“Tom, late for school get up earlier”

Adon't be,Why not Bisn't,Don't

Cnot to be,Why don't Dnot be,Why not you

( )33Two fishmen saw in the sky while they were fishing by the river

Astrange something Bsomething strange

Canything strange Dstrange anything

( )34“Mum,must I finish my homework now”“No,you ”

Amustn't Bneedn't Ccan't Dmay not

( )35I can speak only English, I like it very much

Afew,and Ba few,but Ca little,but Dlittle,and



36—Excuse me,would you tell me the way to the station

—Sorry,I don't know

ABye-bye BThank you all the same

COh,dear DThank goodness

37—What's the man

AHe is my uncle BHe is thirty

CHe is a driver DHe is Li Ming

38—Hello!May I speak to Peter,please

AYes,I'm Peter BYes,please speak

CYes,this is Peter DWho are you

39—Could you come over and help me,please


ADon't worry BIt's my turn

CI'm coming now DHere you are

40—I'm sorry to take your book by mistake

ANot at all BYou are welcome

CThat's right DIt doesn't matter


41What a beautiful day! AWhy not

42Would you like to come BYou can walk there

43May I go with you CYes,it's very fine,isn't it

44I can't find my eraser DI can help myself,thanks

45Can I get you a drink ESure,I'd love to

FThank you the same to you

GIt maybe in your pocket


Hundreds of years ago,life was 46 than it is todayPeople didn't have modern machinesThere was no modern machine,either

Life today 47 new problemsOne of the biggest is pollution(污染)Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirtyIt kills our fish and af fects (影响) our drinking waterNoise pollution makes us 48 louder and louder:Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollutionIt affects 49 living thing in the world

Cars,planes and factories all pollute our air every daySometimes the pollution is so sick that it is like a quilt 50 a cityThis kind quilt 51 smog (烟雾)

Many countries are making new laws to fight pollutionFactories must now clean their water 52 away,they mustn't blow dirty smoke into the air

We need to do many other thingsWe can put waste things in the dustbin (垃圾箱) and 53 it on the groundWe can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same carIf 54 people driving,there will be less pollution

Laws are not 55 Every person must help to fight pollution

( )46Amore hardly Bmore harder

Cmuch harder Dmuch more harder

( )47Atakes Bhave got Cis brought Dhas brought

( )48Asay Btalk Ctell Dto speak

( )49Aevery Beach Call Dmost

( )50Aover Bon Cin Daround

( )51Acalled Bnames Cis called Dis like

( )52Abefore it throws Bwhen it throws

Cafter it is thrown Dbefore it is thrown

( )53Anot throw Bnot to throw

Cto not throw Dno throw

( )54Athere are a fewer Bthere are few

Cthere is few Dthere are fewer

( )55Aenough good Benough

Cgood enough Dwell enough



Now satellite are helping to forecast(预报) the weatherThey are in space,and they can reach any part of the worldThe satellites take photos of the atmosphere(大气层),because the weather form (形成) thereThey send these photos to the weather stationsSo scientists can see the weather of any part of the worldFrom the photos,the scientists can often say how the weather will change

Today,nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries receive satellite photosWhen they receive new photos,the scientists compare (比较) them with earlier onesPerhaps they may find that the clouds have changes during the last few hoursThis may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change,tooIn their next weather forecast,the scientists can say this

The weather satellites are also used for other workSo satellites are a great help to the scientistsBefore satellites were invented,the scientists could forecast for about 24 or 48 hoursNow they can make good forecast for three or five daysSoon, perhaps,they will be able to forecast the weather for a week or more ahe ad(向前)

( )56Scientists can see the weather of any part of the world by

Aweather report Bthe photos of the world

Csatellite photos Dthe weather stations

( )57Why do the satellites take photos of the atmosphereBecause

Athere is a weather station Bthe weather forms there

Cthere are many clouds Dit is very high

( )58When the scientists find new satellite photos quite different from earlier ones,they know

Athe weather will change

Bthe weather will be the same

Csatellites are helping to forecast the weather

Dsomething is wrong with satellites

( )59The scientists could forecast the weather for before sa tellites were invented

Amore than a week Babout a week

Ctwo or three days Dabout a day or two

( )60Which is the best title for the passage

AWeather Satellites BWeather Stations

CWeather Report DSatellite Photos


Mr Johns went into his tea shop again one morning,and sat on one of the seats at the counterMany other people came in also,but most of them did not stay long After fifteen minutes,a young man and a young woman came inThere were only two empty seats at the counter,one on Mr Johns' left,and the other on his right,The young man sat on one,and the young woman on the other,but Mr Johns immediately asked to change places with him so that the man and the woman could be together“ Oh,that isn't necessary,”the young woman said,but Mr Johns insistedWhen the young man and the young woman were side by side,the young man said to her,“Well,this kind old man wanted us to sit together,so may I introduce myselfMy name's JackWhat's yours”

( )61One morning Mr Johns came into the tea shop and

Asat close to the counter

Bfound no seat for him to sit on because many people came also

Cseemed to stay longer than all the other people

Dgave his seat to the young man and the young woman

( )62After the young man and the young woman came in,

AMr Johns thought they came too early

BMr Johns thought they were friends or husband and wife

Cthe young man saked Mr Johns to change places

Dthey wanted to be together

( )63When the young woman said“That isn't necessary”Mr Johns

Adidn't understand her

Bknew well what she meant

Cwas afraid not to change places with her

Ddecided to stay a little longer

( )64 before Mr Johns met them in the seat shop

AThe young man got to know the young woman outside

BThe young man and the young woman didn't know each other

CThe young man and the young woman knew each other well

DThe young man and the young woman wanted to have some tea together

( )65Which of the sentences is true

AMr Johns came to this tea shop for the first time

BMost of the people didn't leave the shop until it was closed

CThere were no other empty seats at the counter except the two beside Mr Johns

DIt seemed that the young woman wanted to change places with Mr Johns


(Harry and Jane are at homeHarry is watching TVJane is sitting at the tableShe is writing)

Harry(Looking at Jane):Come and watch TV,dear

Jane:No,I want to finish these lettersI've written to Aunt Mary and now I'm writing to Aunt Agatha

Harry:To Aunt Mary and Aunt Agatha

Jane:YesWhy notI've written to Aunt Agatha and I'm saying bad things about Aunt AgattaNow I'm writing to Aunt Agatha and I'm saying bad things about Aunt Mary!I write two letters——but I put the same idea in themIt's easy

Harry:Yes,of course it's easy…but is it a good idea

Jane:A good ideaOf course it is!They love my letters!Look,they're old and rich, and one day they will die…and I want their money!

Harry:Well,I want their money,too,but…

Jane:Oh,HarryListen!(She gets up)Aunt Mary and Aunt Agatha live in the same townBut they don't meetThey quarrelled(吵架)I can't remember the year because I was very young thenBut they quarrelled,and now they don't speakSo I can send the same letter to them and they are very,very happyAnd one day I'll be happy too—because I'll get their moneyNow I want to finish my letter to Aunt Agatha


66Jane is writing letters to Aunt Mary and Aunt Agatha

67The meaning of two letters is the same

68Harry and Jane's aunts are both rich and old

69Aunt Mary and Aunt Agatha live in the same town,they are very friendly sisters

70Jane writes a lot of good things about her aunts in the lettersSo her aunts will leave them their whole money after they die


假如你有一新自行车,请写几句话谈谈这辆自行车的有关情况,要求将“have(got),buy,ma ke,ride,like”这5个关键词分别用到各个句子中。




一、听辨单词:1Cquite 2Cground 3Dpleased 4Bswimming 5Con the 32nd floor


6I went to bed after I finished my homework(C)

7Tom was born in July 1968,and Fred was born in August 1968(A)

8My mother is an English teacherMy father is the headmaster of her school(B)

9It's possible for Lucy to finish reading the book in five hours(A)

10We enjoyed ourselves during the flight(B)



11M:I'm looking for a job

W:What do you want to do

M:I want to work in a shop

W:Have you ever done anything similar

M:Yes,I was doing the same job last summer

Question:What was the man doing(B)

12W:Excuse me,which is the way to Red Star Hospital

M:Go down the street,then turn left at the second crossingAt the end of the road,you'll find it

W:Can I get there by bus


Question:What does the woman want to do(B)

13W:I'm going to Guangxi during the holidays

M:What will you do there

W:I'll visit some of my friends

Question:What will the woman do in Guangxi during the holidays(B)

14W:Mr Brown,I don't know if I could ask son's Chinese teacher to give him some work to do during the holiday

M:Yes,Mrs GreenThat's possibleI'll ask JohnI'm sure he won't mind

Question:What does Mr Brown mean(C)

15M:Let's go to the park after dinner

W:I'll go if you really want toBut I am a little tired

Question:Which sentence is right(D)

四、短文理解 根据听到的短文内容,选择正确答案(5分)

In the doctor's waiting-room,the patients,men and women,old and young,were sitting quietly on the chairs,waiting for their turnsBilly,a schoolboy,was sitting there,tooThey all looked very sad except BillyHe was reading an interesting story in a magazine,and there was a smile on his faceJust then the doctor came in to say he was ready for the next patientBilly jumped up and ran into the doctor's room

“Good morning,Doctor”

“Good morning,What's your trouble,young man”asked the doctorBefore Billy could answer a word,the doctor made him lie down on a bed

“Now,let me listen to your heart”Billy tried to speak,but the doctor told him not to say anything

“I'll take your temperature”Billy tried to sit up,but the doctor stopped him “Now open your mouth——Mm,good”After a moment,the doctor said,“Well,my boy, you haven't got a feverIt's nothing seriousMm,in fact,there's nothing wrong with you”

“I know there isn't,”said the boy“I just came to get some medicine for my father”

16C 17B 18C 19A 20D


一、21D 22C 23D 24A 25D 26C 27C 28B 29D 30C 31B 32A 33B 34B 35C

二、A36B 37C 38C 39C 40D

B41C 42E 43A 44G 45D

三、46C 47D 48B 49A 50A 51C 52D 53A 54D 55C

四、A56C 57B 58A 59D 60A

B61A 62B 63A 64B 65C

C66F 67T 68T 69F 70F



原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/qinggan/11003301.html

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