

1 写一本书的英语作文

My favorite book is Harry potter I think it is a nice and a funny bookIt is good for us teenagers

I like read it because it is full of science fiction,it is easy to understand and it is the most funny book i have readI have learned a lot from itI know that as a teenager,we should be confidence and braveSo as HarryAnd we should love and protect our friendsWe all need friendsWe all need get along well with our friendsIf i have the chance to learn some magic,i'd love to be a teenager like Harry potterFlying and do some magic tricks,that's my interest and that's the most important reason why i love read Harry potter so much 望采纳 翻译;我最喜欢的书是哈利·波特。我认为这是一个很有趣的一本书。它对我们青少年是好的。

我喜欢读它,因为它充满了科幻小说,这是容易理解的,这是我读过的最有趣的书。我从中学到了很多。我知道,作为一个十几岁的青少年,我们应该自信和勇敢。所以当哈利。我们应该爱护我们的朋友。我们人人都需要朋友。我们都需要和朋友们相处得很好。如果我有机会学习魔法,我# 039;爱是青少年喜欢哈利·波特。飞行和做一些魔术,这# 039;我的兴趣,这是最重要的# 039;为什么我爱读哈利·波特这么多。


2 读一本书感想,英语作文80字

Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language and the most important specimen of Anglo-Saxon literatureThe main stories are based on the folk legends of the primitive northern tribes

Beowulf is the nephew of king of the Geats who lives in Denmark He defeated the monster, which raided the hall built by the king of the Danes Later on, Beowulf bees king of the Geats He at last dies a heroic death

It is a pagan poem, which presents us an all-round picture of the tribal society



3 一篇关于读书的英文作文和意思

Read for learning

I like reading very much,because i know that reading can help

me to do better in learn

I read the famous poems,newspapers,books and so on When

i am free,i choose a book and start readingAfter reading i always

feel fortable,reading is relaxing

Of course,i have learned a lot of things from reading,for example,

how to make friends and how to live a better life


因为 我 知道,读能帮助,所以我喜欢非常读



i 是免费的, i 选择一本书而且开始读。在读 i 之后总是


当然, i 已经从阅读得知许多事物,举例来说,



As we know ,Books can tell us a reason ,Reading in the summer,enthusia ,no one would deny that summer hot and passion,read you,will you read a passionate summerBook is not only knowledge of treasure,but our mentor,it can teach us how to position and how to do itIn the us alone,it like a great friend as fort youA difficulty,it will give us the answers,Encounter difficulties,it will help us and give us strengthReading water,is the source of life,Reading flower,life is the emotions,Reading is a kind of prehension,reading is soil,is cultivated flowers resources书可以告诉我们道理,书不仅是知识的宝库,而且是我们的良师益友,它能教我们怎样作文,怎样做 人在我们孤单时,它像大朋友一样安慰你有疑难时,它会给我们解答;遇到困难 时,它会帮助我们,给我们力量读书,在绚烂的春天没有人会否认春天的温暖和浪漫读你,就像读一个五彩的春天读书如水,是生命的源泉;读书如花,是生命的情怀;读书是一种感悟,读书是土,是栽培花朵的资源。

5 写英语作文 我最喜欢的一本书 读后感 要求100字左右

《理智与情感》英文读后感Sense and Sensibility was the first Jane Austen published Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of finding a workable middle ground beeen passion and reason The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne Whereas the former is a sensible, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic--a characteristic that offers Austen plenty of scope for both satire and passion Commenting on Edward Ferrars, a potential suitor for Elinor's hand, Marianne admits that while she "loves him tenderly," she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister

Soon however, Marianne meets a man who measures up to her ideal: Mr Willoughby, a new neighbor So swept away by passion is Marianne that her behavior begins to border on the scandalous Then Willoughby abandons her; meanwhile, Elinor's growing affection for Edward suffers a check when he admits he is secretly engaged to a childhood sweetheart How each of the sisters reacts to their romantic misfortunes, and the lessons they draw before ing finally to the requisite happy ending forms the heart of the novel Though Marianne's disregard for social conventions and willingness to consider the world well-lost for love may appeal to modern readers, it is Elinor whom Austen herself most evidently admired; a truly happy marriage, she shows us, exists only where sense and sensibility meet and mix in proper measure

6 中文作文关于《我最最喜欢的一本书》翻译成英文作文关于《我最最喜

the book i like best(题目)

my favorite book is《 Journey to the West 》(西游记),witch introduced the story about 81 difficulties who work them out --- a monkey、a greedy pig、a master and a monkit's written by Wu Cheng'en 。when i was nine i first read the book,and it made me feel that fairy tale is interesting Since then i fell in love with difficult challengesAlso Im not afraid the fear anymore



我最喜欢的书是 西游记 。它描写了唐僧师徒四人解决81难到达西天取经的故事我第一次看到这本书是在 我9岁的时候,它让我感到神话故事很有趣,在那之后,我爱上了读书。也不再害怕困难。。



I like to read books ,because I can know about more intresting sthings,more knowledge and imporve mysilfDo you like itI hope you can do it well


1读书的乐趣 读书,你可知道在这字里行间蕴含了无限的乐趣。读书,可以让我们在知识的海洋了尽情的遨游;读书,可以让我们与高尚的人畅快对谈;读书,它可以陶冶我门的品德、情操,使之高尚……

在睡之前,我总喜欢先到知识的海洋里遨游一番。让学习了一天的身心,放松一下,同时吮吸一点课外知识。睡前翻开那本《中华上下五千年》,一定是夹着叶脉书签的那一页,讲述了中华人民五千年以来的荣辱兴衰。我看到了,那是汉武帝,是他的雄才伟略,是他的“不拘一格降人才”使那时的我们称霸于世。是他北伐匈奴,西通西域,使中华民族一度走向强盛。我有看到了,那是慈禧,是她引领清 走向腐败,走向灭亡。是她的胆小怕事,不肯变法,令康熙、乾隆创下的强盛国力付之一炬。是她迫使清 不断的签订不平等条约,让有着五千年文明的中华民族饱受欺凌。读书,你让我与书同欢,与书同悲,在你身上体会着无限的乐趣。





读书的乐趣是多方面的:有的为增加知识,有的为陶冶性情,有的只为获取片言只语作为谈论的材料或令人莞尔的笑语。无论究竟是为何,都会使读者心有所感 ,乐而忘忧。

古人把读书者分为三类:苦读、痴读和闲读。比起点墨成冰而心目如磐的苦读,还有头悬梁锥刺股的痴读 ,我更多的时候是在闲读——茶余饭后,书摊站前,随手展卷,目走如行。“知于天地外,意在有无中”,不求甚解,只求一得。


读书是一种乐趣,要享受这种乐趣也需讲究些意境 。

我爱夜读。尽管在寄宿学校受到限制,在家里,我总有这一习惯。当夜深人静、晚风轻拂之际,坐在自己的房间里 ,拧开一只8支光的小台灯,调好一杯香浓苦涩的咖啡,捧出书来,心便进入了一种宁静的意境。



书是传播思想的,能启发人的思维,也能成为束缚人的框框,所以读书既能入,又要能出。在看《庄子》时得一佳句:“筌者所以在鱼,得鱼而忘筌;言者所以在意,得意而忘言 。”我想,这里的“得意”,既指书中之意,又指自得其意,自得其乐。大概,这就是王心斋所说的“学是学此乐,乐是乐此学”吧 。


























好书籍是全世界的营养品。伟大的诗人杜甫说:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”这些关于读书的名言时刻激励着我。由于爸爸妈妈小时候读书不如愿,所以,他们就把希望寄托在我的身上了,决心好好培养我读书。白天,爸爸妈妈一同出去务农,晚上回来后,不管有多疲劳,都会拿出旧书或旧报纸在灯下夜读。爸爸和妈妈读书的兴趣感染了我。所以,我也不时会拿出一本课外书来阅读,慢慢地我对书产生了兴趣。现在,我已经时时刻刻都离不开书了。妈妈为了让我学到更多的知识,专门给我买了四册少儿百科全书。要知道这买书的钱,还是妈妈从牙缝里挤出的钱买的,如果不买这四册书的话,妈妈还可以买 好几件衣服呢。所以,我决心好好品尝这“美味佳肴”。当我大概了解了这四册书的内容后,我感受到:一本好书,蕴涵着许多丰富的知识和美好的情感。阅读一本好书,就是要跨越时间和空间,同睿智和高尚的人对话,这是多么美妙的事情啊!所以,我一定要好好珍惜。为了看书,我还闹了一个笑话。有一次,妈妈叫我去买盐,我走的时候还拿了一本书,在路上,我看入迷了,当我正看得津津有味时,突然,汽车的喇叭生把我吓了一跳,书都掉到底下,我一看,原来,我已经在过马路了,可是,我却没看左右的车辆,所以,我差点被撞了。司机骂了我,我只当没这一回事儿,我继续看书了。回到家,妈妈问我买的盐哪去了,我才发现,自己看书忘了买盐了。我和妈妈都哭笑不得。古今中外有成就的人,都喜欢阅读,并善于从书中西吸取营养,从而走上了成功之路,让我们养成阅读的好习惯,一生都与好书相伴吧!



读书的乐趣是多方面的:有的为增加知识,有的为陶冶性情,有的只为获取片言只语作为谈论的材料或令人莞尔的笑语。无论究竟是为何,都会使读者心有所感 ,乐而忘忧。

古人把读书者分为三类:苦读、痴读和闲读。比起点墨成冰而心目如磐的苦读,还有头悬梁锥刺股的痴读 ,我更多的时候是在闲读——茶余饭后,书摊站前,随手展卷,目走如行。“知于天地外,意在有无中”,不求甚解,只求一得。


读书是一种乐趣,要享受这种乐趣也需讲究些意境 。

我爱夜读。尽管在寄宿学校受到限制,在家里,我总有这一习惯。当夜深人静、晚风轻拂之际,坐在自己的房间里 ,拧开一只8支光的小台灯,调好一杯香浓苦涩的咖啡,捧出书来,心便进入了一种宁静的意境。



书是传播思想的,能启发人的思维,也能成为束缚人的框框,所以读书既能入,又要能出。在看《庄子》时得一佳句:“筌者所以在鱼,得鱼而忘筌;言者所以在意,得意而忘言 。”我想,这里的“得意”,既指书中之意,又指自得其意,自得其乐。大概,这就是王心斋所说的“学是学此乐,乐是乐此学”吧 。



Hello! I'm Lily I study in Hongda School It is in Zhejiang It is divided into primary school, middle school and high school So, it is very big And it is beautiful, too Here there are many teaching building and many dormitory building We often learn in the teaching building And there are many trees, flowers and grass Look, this is the playground We often run in it I love my school


I am ten years old I like playing piano And I have a good teacher She is beautiful, just like the fairy from the heaven She likes wearing white dress Her hair is long and straight And her fingers are the most beautiful I have ever seen They are long and thin She can use them to play wonderful songs I feel pleasant when I hear her songs I want to be as excellent as her in the future



Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of springIt began in the last day of the lunar year,end in the 15th day of lunar New Year,also is the Lantern FestivalDuring the Spring Festival,people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house,put on all kinds of colored clothes,often visit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings,fish,meat and other delicious foodThe children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money,and together they play each other the fireworks,with happyStreet with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities,CCTV will held the grand Spring Festival gala



Herei ynewyearplanIwilllistentotheteachercarefullyinclassandreviewwhatIamleantafterclassIwillstudyhardsothatIcangetgoodgradesIwillspendmoretimeonEnglishbecauseIamweakinmyspokenlanguageandsometimesIamshytospeakinfrontoftheclassIwilltrymybesttohelpmorepeopleIamgoingtodomoresport ecauseIthinkit'sagoodwayofkeepinghealthyIwillhelpmyparentsdomorehouseworkandIwillhelpmyclas ateswiththeirlessons,too


One night,I have a dreamI dreamed that I and my good friend Huang Yuqing had a pair of wings,fly in the blue skyWe touched the sky and white clouds,white clouds than the kid's face is softWe fly to the sun,the sun sends out light is so bright!The sun is iling at us!Take one's ease of birds in the blue sky flying about,very happy!We also flapping its great wings to flyWe look down on the sky,the pedestrians on the road like an ant crawlingSuddenly a plane flew from my side,I opened my eyes,it was a dream!

<THE SEASON OF YEAR>写一篇小作文不少于五句话

The season of year

There are four seasons in a yearThey are spring, summer, autumn, winterThe weather is warm in springThe weather is very hot in summerThe weather in the fall is coolThe weather is very cold in winter

教你一个办法,先把你要写的内容写成中文,然后去百度翻译,全部打进去, 再翻译成英文,就Ok了。 这是非常贱的一个方法 。


I plan to take my summer holiday in Beijing Beijing is our capital but I have never been to Beijing before Last September I planned to go to Beijing but I had to cancel my plan due to the flood in Beijing

I hope the weather in Beijing will be nice this summer I plan to visit the Great Wall, the Olympic Center, the forbidden city and Wang Fujing Street I plan to have Peking duck when I get in Beijing I am really looking forward to my holiday


1 写一本书的英语作文

My favorite book is Harry potter I think it is a nice and a funny bookIt is good for us teenagers

I like read it because it is full of science fiction,it is easy to understand and it is the most funny book i have readI have learned a lot from itI know that as a teenager,we should be confidence and braveSo as HarryAnd we should love and protect our friendsWe all need friendsWe all need get along well with our friendsIf i have the chance to learn some magic,i'd love to be a teenager like Harry potterFlying and do some magic tricks,that's my interest and that's the most important reason why i love read Harry potter so much 望采纳 翻译;我最喜欢的书是哈利·波特。我认为这是一个很有趣的一本书。它对我们青少年是好的。

我喜欢读它,因为它充满了科幻小说,这是容易理解的,这是我读过的最有趣的书。我从中学到了很多。我知道,作为一个十几岁的青少年,我们应该自信和勇敢。所以当哈利。我们应该爱护我们的朋友。我们人人都需要朋友。我们都需要和朋友们相处得很好。如果我有机会学习魔法,我# 039;爱是青少年喜欢哈利·波特。飞行和做一些魔术,这# 039;我的兴趣,这是最重要的# 039;为什么我爱读哈利·波特这么多。


2 读一本书感想,英语作文80字

Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language and the most important specimen of Anglo-Saxon literatureThe main stories are based on the folk legends of the primitive northern tribes

Beowulf is the nephew of king of the Geats who lives in Denmark He defeated the monster, which raided the hall built by the king of the Danes Later on, Beowulf bees king of the Geats He at last dies a heroic death

It is a pagan poem, which presents us an all-round picture of the tribal society



3 介绍一本书的英语作文

I want to introduce the book is Hemingway's the old man and the sea, I think this book is very worth a look, especially in the ownership of the "tough guy" spirit is worth us to learn

The old man and the sea is the background of the story leaves of Cuba in the 20th century Protagonist is an old fisherman San Diego in a supporting role is a named manolin's child The old man and the sea is written by an old fisherman fishing in the sea for three days and three nights Old man in the face of many difficulties, life, other fishermen laugh at, only a all boy to send him food The old man decided to go to fisherman who has never been to the deep sea fishing, to prove your ability and courage At sea, the old man caught a salmon, but the fish is too big, the old man made countless efforts finally put the fish in the boat, because of that, that caused the tragedy, the fish's blood attracted many shark, the old man was determined, "fight with them, I'll talk to them all to death" finally, went back to the shore, the old man in the boat only strapped to her bones

4 英语作文介绍一本书

This book is an excellent book! It is about life of a poor child who lives in China The story is about how he live and survive in such vile environment and with bad conditions I'm so touched by the story The author uses many beautiful words in this book and his style of writing is very exquisite This makes the story a lot more interesting and touching Moreover, the contents and plot of the book are wonderful This book is a worth-to-read book, hope you all will like it。

5 关于读一本书的作文

书是知识的海洋,而我是一叶小舟,自由的在书的海洋里遨游莎士比亚曾经说过:“生活里没有书籍,就好象鸟儿没有翅膀”我们天天和书打交道,书自然而然的成为了我最好的朋友 记得有一次,是在我小时候我从爸爸的书柜上找了一本《红楼梦》那书很厚很厚,封面上那两个美丽的主角便吸引了我那书不仅厚,而且还很重,我使出吃奶的劲才把她翻开但是,那书里的字我一个也不懂,看来是白费力气了上次表姐看了以后,眼泪就像断了线的珠子掉下来,我很不甘心,表姐能看懂,我为什么看不懂?我问了爸爸和其他人,都是同一个回答:“你还小,不太识字”我苦苦哀求爸爸,爸爸才愿意买本“彩图注音版《红楼梦》”……时光流逝,现在都已把《红楼梦》看了好几遍了回想起来,还有点可笑 记得还有一次,也是在很小时,母亲便教我念诗歌让我通过诗人的眼睛看世间万象,通过诗人的耳朵听人间万籁“上学多好啊,有书读,可以知道好多东西”从那时起,“我要读书”的种子便深深埋在我幼小的心里 现在,一间卧室,一张书桌,一本好书,对我而言,读书,就像吃东西一样,甜甜的,味道好极了所以,读书的滋味在我心中永远是甜的而不仅仅是我,在我们学校的每一个人都是这样,因为在星期二、四早上,我们都有一个“快乐阅读二十分”的读书时间 “书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉”,这与话说得太好了书,真是让我受益匪浅,置身于书中,不禁为唐朝昌盛叫好,为清朝腐败而伤心……读书,让我领略今日中国的风采,科技发达,国力强盛……作业遇到困难时,《新华字典》总会教我知识感到不开心时,《老夫子》总会惹我发笑也许,读书是我最大的快乐冰心曾说过:“多读书,读好书,好读书”这句话让我记忆犹新,释放自我,陶我情操,让我们在书的海洋里尽情地遨游吧书是生命的二种意义 书,一个多么简单而又平凡的眼啊!但是,它却在我心目中占着特高的地位在我记忆的长河中,总有“书的故事”在我的脑海里涟漪着,我与书结下了不解之缘,每当捧起一本本包着书皮的书时,心里又不禁想起了往事…… 书,对于我又是多么重要的啊!如果我认定生命排第一,那么,书肯定是仅次于生命一—排名老二了我曾经为书哭过,为书伤心过,那也许就是我对书的依恋每当看着一本本书“退休”时,我会感到无比的悲痛,那好比是把我的肉挖去了一半我把书小心翼翼地藏进书柜里,我不忍心挖出自己的肉呢? 不仅如此,我还为书“卖过命”呢?说起来倒也难以相信,不过,那绝对不是谎言,而是出自肺腑的真心话小学二年级的时候,哥哥为我习了一本书,我非常喜欢它但是由于我的知识还不够渊博,看起来非常费劲——总得查字典一天,我坐在一个很浅的小池的岸边,夕阳无限美好,但我无心欣赏,双手还是捧着那本书看着,可当我留心注意查字典时,那本珍爱的书就在我不经意的时候,“偷偷溜走了”,“啪”的一声掉在那池里一刹那间,我就像一只失了魂的动物,一下子把头扎进池里,想去抢救那本落了水的课本,书是摸到了,可是那令人遗憾的事情又发生了,我不公游泳啊!我身体又不高,难以踏着地我搂住书在池里挣扎着也许就是天意,大兄就在这时出现了,我得救了但是,回家后又是挨打又是挨骂的我哭了,眼睛里充满了无限痛苦与忧愁,但是,那并不是因为那一顿打,而是对那本书的不幸遭遇而感到忧愁书都浸烂了,翻开书面,眼见的是那浑浊的一片……我又哭了也许你会取笑我的行为,但是,如果你我有了同感,那恐怕你也会情不自禁 书,我一生的梦想就是拥有全世界的书我是连做梦都想,但也许这是难以实现的愿望不过,我不感到绝望,因为,在度过每个春夏秋冬中,是书,它培养了我的情操,陪伴着我成长、生活,因此,我无比欣慰但是提醒一点:那全都是健康的,有意义的书! 我与书的故事 我爱书,但更爱读书 也许你们在想,读书有什么意思,干巴巴的,还不如看电视、玩电脑呢!但是,书能写出情感,电视却不能正是因为书好看,有人物、感情,我才会经常“抱”着它们,一看就忘了时间 有一次我回家后,急忙忙开始写作业,因为那晚我还有英语课写着写着,眼睛就“跑”了,死死地盯住昨天没看完的那本书结果手也失控了,不由自主地把书拿下来,“不听话”地翻看起来看着看着,便被那栩栩如生的人物吸引,“走火入魔”了,连放在手边的表也顾不得看一眼直到妈妈回来把我叫“醒”,我才看了一眼表:妈呀!差20分钟上课,我包还没收拾哪!我一急就以超人的速度收拾,可还是晚了几分钟 怎么样,厉害吧!看书可以忘了时间是啊,谁能抵挡住那种诱惑呢?引人入胜的标题,丰富多彩的内容,华丽优美的词语……这真像一个饿着肚子的人见到美味大餐一样,那种对读书如饥似渴的感觉,它可以把我们带进浩瀚的天地,带我们领略人世的真谛,让一贫如洗的人得到一笔精神的财富! 读书的益处是无穷的,你还在握着手中的游戏机吗?你还在看那些幼稚的动画片吗?你还在某个地方无所事事吗?拿起一本书,它可以令盲人见到光明,它可以使一个愚者变得聪慧,它可以使你敞开心扉。

6 读经典书的重要性英语作文怎么写

The Importance of Reading Classics

It is widely acknowledged that reading classics is both important and beneficial to the character development and personal growth of the young people As for me, nothing can bring more joy and happiness than reading those masterpieces created by great figures like Confucius and Cao Xueqin I believe works like The Dream in the Red Chamber and The Legend of Three Kingdoms can drastically elevate one's aesthetic taste and deepen the understanding of the glorious history of Chinese culture

However, the modern society is full of temptations Compared with TV soap operas, sport events, and video games, classical literary works are old fashioned and time consuming In bookstores, “Fast-food” reading materials are replacing classics, and young writers with sensational and “cool” remarks win the support of a large number of fans

we college students should be fully aware of the important role the classics play in broadening one's vision Therefore, we should start reading and studying the treasuries our ancestors center and absorbing the essence of those classical works We should also advocate to the public the importance of classics so that an increasing number of general people can enjoy the pleasure of reading





7 谁能帮我写一篇关于一本书的英语作文

interesting book

The DA VINCI CODE is really a good book!It's very interestingAlthought I don't know much about religion,I am crazy about it!But my foreign teacher told me that some people whobelieve in Jesus don't like this bookThey think the book tells something wrong Iknow nothing about religion ,so I am not sure is that tureI think everythinghas pros and cons,we should learn the good things from thebook and don't care about the bad thingsDon't you think so

Reading is very good for us ,we can learn lots of knowledge from booksLet's read Books are the food of our spirit

Reading a good book is not the case of seeing how much a reader can get through,but rather how much can get through the reader



第一篇我介绍英国散文史祖培根的 《论读书》, 这绝对是经典中的经典,有一点难,但是有中文应该还可以理解。

“Of Studies”英文原版:

Of Studies is writen by Francis Bacon

Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business

For expert and execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best form those that are learned

To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament, is affectation; to make judgement wholly by their rules, is the humour of a scholar

They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience: for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need proyning (pruning) by study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in/ by experience

Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation

Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention

Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others; but that would be only in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of books; else distilled books are, like common distilled waters, flashy things

Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he confer little, he had need have a present wit; and if he read little, he had need have much cunning, to seem to know that he doth not

Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtile; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend Abeunt studia in morse (Studeis go to make up a man’s character '-be-"unt-'stü-dE-"-"in-'mO-"rAs)

Nay there is no stand or impediment in the wit, but may be wrought out by fit studies: like as diseases of the body may have appropriate exercises Bowling is good for the stone and reins; shooting for the lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach ; riding for the head; and the like

So if a man's wit be wandering, let him study the mathematics; for in demonstrations, if his wit be called away never so little, he must begin again If his wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences, let him study the schoolmen; for they are cymini sectores (Hair-splitters sim-mini sek-torr-es) If he be not apt to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyers' cases So every defect of the mind may have a special receipt--培根 论读书(reference:http://englishcricn/3188/2006/05/25/193@95099htm 英语语言学文学网站:http://blogsinacomcn/s/blog_59a22f2b0100awo3html)

[编辑本段]"of studies"中文译文:










Samuel Johnson's letter to Lord Chesterfield


To The Right Honourable The Earl Of Chesterfield

7th February, 1755

My Lord,

I have been lately informed, by the proprietor of The World, that two papers, in which my Dictionary is recommended to the public, were written by your lordship To be so distinguished is an honour which, being very little accustomed to favours from the great, I know not well how to receive, or in what terms to acknowledge

When, upon some slight encouragement, I first visited your lordship, I was overpowered, like the rest of mankind, by the enchantment of your address, and could not forbear to wish that I might boast myself Le vainqueur du vainqueur de la terre;—that I might obtain that regard for which I saw the world contending; but I found my attendance so little encouraged, that neither pride nor modesty would suffer me to continue it When I had once addressed your Lordship in public, I had exhausted all the art of pleasing which a retired and uncourtly scholar can possess I had done all that I could; and no man is well pleased to have his all neglected, be it ever so little

Seven years, my lord, have now passed, since I waited in your outward rooms, or was repulsed from your door; during which time I have been pushing on my work through difficulties, of which it is useless to complain, and have brought it, at last, to the verge of publication, without one act of assistance, one word of encouragement, or one smile of favour Such treatment I did not expect, for I never had a patron before

The shepherd in Virgil grew at last acquainted with Love, and found him a native of the rocks

Is not a patrons my lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in the water, and, when he has reached ground, encumbers him with help The notice which you have been pleased to take of my labours, had it been early, had been kind; but it has been delayed till I am indifferent, and cannot enjoy it: till I am solitary, and cannot impart it; till I am known, and do not want it I hope it is no very cynical asperity not to confess obligations where no benefit has been received, or to be unwilling that the public should consider me as owing that to a patron, which providence has enabled me to do for myself

Having carried on my work thus far with so little obligation to any favourer of learning, I shall not be disappointed though I should conclude it, if less be possible, with less; for I have been long wakened from that dream of hope, in which I once boasted myself with so much exultation,

My Lord,

Your lordship's most humble,

most obedient servant,













我再介绍一篇比较短的是英国女作家伍尔夫的<About reading books>这篇文章很短,文章主要是讲要怎么读好书的,像这种和学习比较贴近的文章的读后感我想会比较好写。

About reading books

It is simple enough to say that since books have classes fiction, biography, poetry—we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give usYet few people ask from books what books can give us Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read, that would be an admirable beginning Do not dictate to your author; try to become him Be his fellow-worker and accomplice If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness, from the twist and turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite

(既然书籍有不同的门类,如小说、传记、诗歌等,我们就应该把它们区分开来,并从每种中汲取它应当给我们提供的正确的东西;这话说起来固然容易。)然而,很少有人要求从书籍中得到它们所能提供的东西,通常我们总是三心二意地带着模糊的观念去看书:要求小说情节真实,要求诗歌内容虚构,要求传记阿谀奉承,要求历史能加深我们自己的偏见。如果我们读书时能抛弃所有这些成见,那将是一个极可贵的开端。我们对作者不要指手划脚,而应努力站在作者的立场上,设想自己在与作者共同创作。假如你退缩不前,有所保留并且一开始就批评指责,你就在妨碍自己从你所读的书中得到最大的益处, 然而,如果你能尽量敞开思想,那么,书中开头几句迂回曲折的话里所包含的几乎难以觉察的细微的迹象和暗示,就会把你引到一个与众不同的人物的面前去。(如果你深入下去,如果你去认识这个人物,你很快就会领悟作者正在给你或试图给你某些明确得多的东西。)


Love your life 热爱生活

Henry David Thoreau/享利大卫梭罗

However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard namesIt is not so bad as you areIt looks poorest when you are richestThe fault-finder will find faults in paradiseLove your life,poor as it isYou may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a poor-houseThe setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the springI do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as in a palaceThe town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of anyMay be they are simply great enough to receive without misgivingMost think that they are above being supported by the town;but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest meanswhich should be more disreputableCultivate poverty like a garden herb,like sageDo not trouble yourself much to get new things,whether clothes or friends,Turn the old,return to themThings do not change;we changeSell your clothes and keep your thoughts

I want to know

It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing

It doesn’t interest me how old you are I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive

It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain!

I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it

I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic, or to remember the limitations of being human

It doesn’t interest me if the story you’re telling me is true I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul I want to know if you can be faithful and therefore be trustworthy

I want to know if you can see beauty even when it is not pretty every day, and if you can source your life from god’s presence I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of a lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”

It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have I want to know if you can get up after a night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done for the children

It doesn’t interest me who you are, how you came to be here I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back

It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away I want to know if you can be alone with yourself, and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments

The Old Cat

An old woman had a cat The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it

Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse She began to hit the cat The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young"





A man was going to the house of some rich person As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat" Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust

He went on and came to a river The river had become very big; so he could not go over it He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river"

He began to go home He had eaten no food that day He began to want food He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them

Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time






The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

Once there were two mice They were friends One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country" So the City mouse went The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good Why do you live in a hole in the field You should come and live in the city You would live in a nice house made of stone You would have nice food to eat You must come and see me at my house in the city"

The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse It was a very good house Nice food was set ready for them to eat But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid

After some time they came out When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city I like living in my hole in the field For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid"






Teacher:Why are you late for school every morning

Tom:Every time I come to the corner,a sign says,"School-Go slow"



A Good Boy

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday"

"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered

"You're a good boy," said the mother proudly "Here are two cents more But why are you so interested in the old woman"

"She is the one who sells the candy"




“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?”



One day, a father and his little son were going home At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad" "Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there are standing two policemen If I regard the two policemen as four then I am drunk"

"But, dad," the boy said, " there's only ONE policeman!"


一天,父亲与小儿子一道回家。这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题。他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,‘醉’字是什么意思?” “唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察。如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了。” “可是,爸爸, ”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!”


















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