



Patriotism is a belief This belief is rooted in the hearts of every Chinese The great wall of Huangshan, the Yellow River and the Yangtze River is very heavy in our hearts The voice of China is always surging in the bottom of our hearts, and the history of the Chinese nation's continuous self-improvement


Patriotism is not only our tradition, but also the virtue of the Chinese people Those who are not patriotic will be ashamed of their ancestors and lose their qualification as Chinese


Patriotism is a kind of responsibility Today's society needs a generation of doers in the cause of the motherland, not onlookers who can only talk empty words


Therefore, our spirit of patriotism should not only be embodied in patriotism and patriotic belief,


More importantly, it should be reflected in shouldering the responsibility of revitalizing China and in concrete actions to serve the motherland


Patriotism is a deep feeling, a firm belief and a sense of responsibility to revitalize China


Only in the spirit of patriotism, a country, a nation, in order to self-improvement, in order to have great cohesion and vitality!

I and Olympic Games

Olympic Games is window, I keep watch This is a maximum window, had been rubbed bright Through it, those that see are worlds Here, it is changing every day, here burgeoning thing is being replaced Have only me, this loyalty keep watch, it is paying attention to it every day, hopes to know it more Olympic Games is crossing, I am pedestrian There are many persons who pass here every day, there is Asian, have European, there is old person, have child Here is traffic fort, joins the friend of all corners of the country I pass the one of persons of hundreds of millions of here merely, cross it, go to another world Olympic Games is Holy Land, I am volunteer This is the land with pure flat, has holy fire from start to finish to accompany in side Just because it is so, I pay out voluntarily for it, I will let my strength, let this slice of land more clean, let more ones know it, is also willing to devote oneself to it as me I still help to the person who comes to here, let them enjoy the happiness of this slice of Holy Land Olympic Games is platform, I am host It has put up platform for us , lets world know us; It has built bridge for us , lets us and world link up better This platform may let us display self wantonly I am the host of here, I am proud to be the host of here I will let the friendship of landlord, let guest experience enthusiasm and happiness 我与奥运









《庐山恋》中有一句台词 I love my motherland,I love the morning of my motherland(我爱我的祖国,我爱祖国的清晨)


Nations in the world, we Chinese people are one of the greatest nation No country in the world as we, like China, has a long history of five thousand years from top to bottom; do not have a country like ours, like China, since ancient times has a pulse on the origin of the word Why are our homeland at the long river of history, has experienced ups and downs for thousands of years, after big storms, still ranks at the east of the world Why are we in this ancient nation, is still filled with vigor and strong vitality This is because we have a nation of enormous vitality, cohesion and creativity, this is patriotism, which is the immortal soul of the Chinese nation

"Only the soul of the people are valuable, she can only carry forward up to true progress in China" Patriotism is the soul of the nation, are the concentrated expression of the national spirit, she is up for thousands of years to consolidate, the homeland of their own are one of the most profound feelings

Patriotism has always been encouraged by our country to mobilize and unite the people of a banner of struggle, in the long process of historical development, the outstanding sons and daughters of the Chinese nation in the creation of a glorious history in the process of continuous cultivation, the accumulation and the formation of a great national spirit Patriotic tradition of the Chinese nation has taken root deeply in the national consciousness, national character and national spirit among the people of all nationalities in our country's precious spiritual wealth She is the manner of the Chinese nation, keep the spirit has grown in strength and power, are the essence of national culture

From the care for "top to bottom search" of the Yuan, to the "foreign enemy is not out why for the Home"; from the "sake of the general good" of Yue Fei, the "dedicated loyaltyaccording to" the Wen; from Haoran righteousness, the Linto the rejuvenation of China's revolutionary pioneer Sun Yat-sen; from "a thousand pointing fingers, bow my head to be content to be a willing ox" of Lu Xun, to "only the expense of many aspirations, the courage to teach the sun-for - Xintian "of Mao Zedong; from the" less preferred to live twenty years, but also won the largest oil field, "Wang Jinxi, to" the people are my son, "Deng Xiaoping and so on Are reflected in their possession a splendid come, light the sun, go down the history of the spirit of patriotism

Patriotism of a nation of any of the subject is timeless, it is the mother of the nation, the root of the nation, national power, the soul of the nation Patriotism of any person is a moral and behavioral norms, which is a condensation of the loyalty and love of homeland Loyalty, the soil should be loyal to their own; love, we should love their motherland

Chinese people in our belief, the "country" and "home" are inseparable Patriotism as love, and love is better than the patriotic home, "to the world for any" feelings of this tradition, traditional beliefs, has been melting at the blood descendants of the Yellow Emperor Blood flow in his heart, surging voice of the Chinese, the Yangtze River, the Great Wall, Yellow River, Huangshan heavy in our hearts heavy Sons and daughters of the motherland, patriotism, patriotic ambition, efficiency-nation tour, is no force that can not be shaken

Patriotic Spirit is the soul of the most pure, good men and women are the most beautiful soul, and love the nation is the most noble feelings of every patriotic Chinese are our most sacred mission of the sons and daughters Is a noble patriotic feelings, but also a sacred duty; patriotism is a good habit, but also a down-to-earth practice; patriotism is a distillation of the idea, but also a willing sacrifice

If each of our students are on the rise of the Chinese reading; each peasant for the prosperity of the motherland work; each staff for the revitalization of the nation and fight; every military for the country's peace and devotion; each of the intellectuals for the rich and powerful and luminous Chinese; each for Chinese people to fight off the Chinese! Well, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will certainly just around the corner! On the idea of patriotism must be in the minds of our deeply rooted feelings of patriotism in the US must be rolling in the blood flowing, the banner of patriotism must be on the US over the high flying, forever flying

I am not a citizen of the United States, I am a Canadian Citizen born in Ireland more years ago than I care to think about, but I visit the US very often I enjoy my visits and have many friends in various parts of the country Growing up in Ireland, where many families including my own had one or more relatives who had emigrated to the US there was always a great admiration for the United States and its people Like everyone in the Western World, I was shocked by the events of 9/11, and on subsequent visits I admired the numerous cars driving around with flags fastened to the windows of their cars and the nurerous banners with the slogan 'God Bless America'

It was heart warming to see how the people of the US came together in a time of tragedy, which had not been seen since Dec 7, 1941 and even felt that I should get one of those flags for my car as well I was surprised however to find that those flags were higher in price than they had been on visits prior to 9/11 I rationalized on this that the true patriot who felt strongly enough about the recent events and wished to show his feelings, would not consider the cost The increase in price was quite normal in a free market system and was brought about by the increase in demand However I could not help wondering about the patriotism of the vendors or manufacturers of the flags

Likewise when the US troops went into Irak many cars had a small sticker in the form of a ribbon with the words 'Support Our Troops' Every time I saw one I would get up close to the car and I got a nice warm feeling as I read the message on the sticker Many people may not have agreed with the fact that the army was sent into Irak, but the stickers indicated to me that regardless of how they felt about the war in Irak, they still supported the troops The little ribbon sticker became sacred to me and I looked for them each time I was out driving

Unfortunately one day when I saw the ribbon sticker on a car I kept looking at it as I got closer, until I was able to read what it said When I was able to read it, the words were 'Support Lap Dancing' I have to admit that a tear came to my eye and I had a sinking feeling in my stomach That little ribbon sticker had become sacred to me and I am sure it was also sacred to many other people as well, but to someone it was a joke and they were trying to drag it down

I do not wish you to think I am a prude Lap dancing is not something which I would seek or enjoy, but I have no objection to others doing it I do not however, think that Lap Dancing is on the same level as the activity and sacrifice of the troops in Irak and Afganistan and I wish they had not used the little ribbon sticker to promote it

  It is the duty of every citizen to make the country rich and powerful (To make the country rich and strong is) In order to accomplish this object one must be patriotic (love his country) I consider this an unchangeable truth How can a student love his country (be patriotic) I find my answer very simple and clear He must study hard and store up knowledge so as to serve his (the) country in the future If every student can do according to what I said, the country will certainly be rich and powerful

  要使国家富强是每个公民的责任。为了达到此目的,必须爱国。我认为这是一条不易的定理。 一个学生如何才能爱国呢我发觉答复很简单明了。他必须用功读书并积储知识以便将来服务国家。如果每个学生能按照我所说的去做,国家一定会富强。




I love the motherland, love people, love mom and dad, love my hometown - shaoxing more! "The long no water, sweet shaoxing wine" Simple and honest in shaoxing people has created a generation of great men Shaoxing is a of the famous historical and cultural city, bridge township, the winelands, of course, is also a tourist resort

I love my hometown river, its green let a person enchanted, like a green and clean water And like a wall, every one in shaoxing, guarded day and night It clear enough to let us see the fish in the water

I love the hometown of the shade, it's lush leaves open to all around, as if in to meet one another out-of-town visitors Its branches grow again and again, as if in said to us: "you want to study well, like I grow higher and higher, the more to learn, the better!"

I love my hometown, because it is in shaoxing people carried out the construction of the place is so beautiful The original was narrow and the road is not flat Only a road, there is no "sidewalk", "bike lanes" and "motor vehicle", so the traffic is very chaotic See now of the road, not only big and very clean Added "non-motor vehicle lanes," that's great! Home town house is really high! Layers of buildings like a giant, standing in front of our eyes Want to know before house wasn't so big, always use the Chinese style tile roofs And opposite a low wall of bungalows, look terrible, but not so spectacular!








  I am a primary school student, the motherland is our mother, we are the flowers of the motherland, I love my motherland!

  When I love my country, I have to act in my life:

  In such a serious epidemic situation, I want to study hard at home, do not go out and do not contact others, and study hard at home, which is the best return to the motherland

  I love my country








  I love my motherland because it has a glorious history of thousands of years; I love my motherland because it contains endless treasures and fertile land for thousands of miles; I love my motherland because it has advanced civilization, beautiful and rich, and thousands of Chinese children I love my motherland because she has cultivated many talents with Dodd talents It is the prosperity of our motherland

  Mother of our country, she feeds us with the river milk and protects us with the broad mind Only the word "mother" can reflect the love for our motherland, because in this world, mother is our favorite, no one does not love their own mother, patriotism is the same, as love their own mother

  Many Chinese people would rather lose their precious lives than be slaves to their country Zhang Yiman would rather be killed by the Japanese than offer the whereabouts of the Eighth Route Army For the future of the motherland, Qu Yuan threw stones into the river for the motherland, Wen Tianxiang sang impassioned songs for the motherland, and generations of heroic children gave their own blood

  Just like song Zuying's Lyrics: Fifty six constellations, fifty-six flowers, fifty-six brothers and sisters are a family, fifty-six languages are combined into a sentence, love me, love me, love me With these powerful forces, our motherland will become more prosperous








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