有没有关于Memorable moment about home(家庭难忘时刻)的英语演讲稿,谢谢

有没有关于Memorable moment about home(家庭难忘时刻)的英语演讲稿,谢谢,第1张

The moment that I will never forget

Do you have any unforgettable moment in your life Most of your answers must be “Yes”! Here I’d like to share a story between my father and I It has changed my view on father’s love I still cannot forget the moment until now The story happened in an evening in summer when I was about 9 years old

I had been engaged in doing the homework since I went back home in the afternoon When I was going to write the composition, only to find the exercise book had been used up I went to panic for the teacher was very strict and required us to hand in the composition the next morning Looking through the window, I saw my father doing the cleaning in the yard I was about to call him to buy me an exercise book, but I held back, because it was getting dark and I knew father was extremely exhausted after a day’s hard work But what should I do I had no idea

A moment later, father came into my room as usual and asked whether I had finished my homework I said nothing but the using up of the composition exercise book; however, I did not ask father to buy it for me Then I continued doing the homework without paying attention to what father was going to do It was suppertime when my mother asked my father and I to enjoy the meal However, there was no response from my father None of us knew where father was We were all confused and had no idea why he was out: it was dark and raining outside It suddenly occurred to me that he might go to the shop to buy the exercise book for me I stood at the door and waited

Some minutes later, I saw father running back in the rain without an umbrella Before I could ask where he had been, he gave me a new exercise book I was so surprised and moved that I could not say even a word, just looking at the raindrop dripping from his hair and imagining how he protected the exercise book from being wet

After dinner, I went to write the composition I wrote the title “My Great Father” carefully and sincerely in the exercise book Later, the composition got high marks and was read in front of the class Until now I still cannot forget the moment that I received the exercise book from my father’s hand

It is not just an exercise book but his

for me I used to think my father was careless and did not

me enough However, my thought has changed since then In my eyes, he is a careful, considerate and great father!

楼主 你看一下 可以吗 需要是、补充什么你和我说

Not used to separation, because of the time will have a better long-term friendship easily lost! Not used to miss, because the study would have missed a good bit easy search! Not used to goodbye, because goodbye wave would have known we are unfamiliar

When the stars are always in the snow Take my hand and tell her inspiration, such as snow tears of the sky, like snow is the ice of the body after in such a loving atmosphere, I smile, she is very happy But Most of the time I was not smiling because I do not have the ability to speak, I cry without any sound, which makes me feel sad you go, I learn a life, I always Watch the time flying over the sky, solitude, helplessness, loneliness multiplying in the fingertips, I touch it cold blood

vague memories of the beginning, I began to worry that one day I will forget you, begin to awaken the memory of those white Parti

Time is like a train, it can carry us towards a successful future; time like an old man, it helps us learn the true meaning of life Life is like a roaming, which enable you to encounter many new things; life is like a naughty child, it always give you some difficult questions , Without the stormy night, how can I appreciate the lovely sunny; without the rough muddy difficult, how can I know the sun Boulevard valuable, not blood and sweat to pay, how can I taste the victory of the joy of success

, In fact, also like the four seasons of life: childhood innocence and romantic life in the spring, the flower of youth is life in the summer, calm cautious, middle-aged is the autumn of life, staggering stoop-shouldered old age is the winter of life But as long as the spring to keep the mind, life will be forever young

, A ground, only the Confucius "Wei times is frequent," the stories, but also have a history of Confucius is the world's cultural reputation as one of great celebrity; the ground, only the Zu Ti, "the chickens," his brother's wife, also before Expedition to serve the country with his exhibition of Albert HC; the ground, only the Cao Xueqin, "披阅 a decade, additions and deletions of five," the feat, but also have an immortal masterpiece of world literature in the history of "Dream of Red Mansions"

If "love" is the right hand, on a given child, one given to the elderly; if "love" is the right hand, on an early spring gift, a gift late autumn; if "love" is the right hand, on 1 gave the teacher, a present to the students

, As the colorful kaleidoscope of life: sometimes wild flowers in full bloom, and sometimes magnificent and beautiful mountains, rivers and sometimes Xuelang splash, sometimes muddy swamp without shin

Life on the high road, but also small trail; water has nine Bay, Hill had 18 Life, despite the good times, but also adversity, but striver, life is always beautiful

, Who, in fact, there is a soul If a person lost soul, then it only has a shell, living together is very boring, very boring The "spirit" this stuff, but also invisible, so sometimes lost soul, are still unaware Sometimes, we feel that life is a painful torment, when it most fully demonstrates the dark, dirty, cowardly, hypocritical when one side; Sometimes, we feel that life is a pleasure to enjoy, as it is the most fully show a bright, pure, noble, sincere side of the time Life seems to always be so extended in the cross between two poles

, Not all laughter is the expression of pleasure, just as not all tears are the expression of pain; not all of the applause had expressed welcome, just as not all of the cheers have expressed praise; not all titles can be expressed, as not all have expressed the reputation of the facts; not all worship is the expression of piety, just as not all of the vows have expressed sincere

, Is often the wisdom of the wise, his best at a lot of energy through the life of their true lights all the appearance of the mirror to analyze their own insights into themselves, myself

不习惯分离,因为时间的长久会把曾经美好的友谊轻易遗失!不习惯思念,因为思念的温习会把曾经美好的点滴轻易追寻!不习惯再见,因为再见的挥手会使曾经熟知的我们陌生 星星总是在飘雪的时候拉住我的手诉说她的灵感,比如雪是天空的眼泪,比如雪化后的尸体就是冰 在这样情意绵绵的气氛下我微笑,她就非常开心但我多数时候是不笑的因为我没有说话的能力,我哭得没有任何声响,这使我感到悲伤 你走之后,我学会一个人生活,我总是看着时光飞过天空,孤独,无助,,寂寞繁衍在指尖,我触摸到它冰冷的血液记忆开始模糊不清,我开始担心某一天我会把你忘记,开始努力唤醒那些白色班驳的记忆



在茫茫宇宙中,个体生命显得多么渺小;在理想的生命境界的追求与严酷的现实生存环境的激烈冲突中,在与自然、与社会的抗衡中,个体的力量又多么不堪一击。但生命的进程所看重的并非结果而是过程。生命的全部意义就在于为人生所能达到的最高境界而追求、拼搏。、无论是经两代人写《书》班氏父子,还是付出一生辛劳完成《间喜剧》巴尔扎克;无论是徒步穿行南极的秦大河,还是靠轮椅周游世界的贝克 汉森,他们的经历告诉我们,只有不断拼搏才能成功。无论是抗元卫国,历经千辛誓死南归的文天祥,还是忠义不屈,殉难江东的史可法;无论是视死如归,抛头颅于变法维新的谭嗣同,还是献身革命,洒热血于黄花冈的林觉民,他们的人生告诉我们,忠心为国,不畏牺牲,乃英雄所为。














































My view is that in the past, man has been the head of the family, women are housewives, women have to attach a man to live 但是随着社会的发展,女性的能力也一步步提高,无论是独立生活的能力,获得知识教育的能力,还是赚钱的能力。 However, with the development of society, women's ability to improve step by step, whether independent living skills, education, ability to acquire knowledge or ability to earn money 在新的社会环境下,女性拥有同男性平等的权利,所以在家庭也是一样,妻子和丈夫享有平等的家庭地位。 In the new social environment, women have the same rights as men, so in the same family, wife and husband have equal status in the family

还有一点需要被重视的问题是,很多女性朋友仍然有着一种朴素的传统思想,认为只要嫁个好老公,就可以在家带孩子了。 Another point needs to be attention to the problem is that many female friends, still has a plain traditional thinking that long to marry a good husband, you can raise children up 我认为这是一种愚蠢的观念,身为女性,我们不该把赚钱养家的责任完完全全的托付给男性,即便他有能力赚很多钱,我们也应该担负起相同的责任。 I think this is a stupid idea, as women, we should not have to make money to support their families entrust the responsibility entirely of men, even if his ability to make a lot of money, we should assume the same responsibilities 另外,越来越多的离婚案例都是由于夫妻间没有共同语言,失去沟通理解。 In addition, a growing number of divorce cases are caused by a common language between husband and wife did not lose communication to understand 如果婚后女性都选择做家庭主妇,一方面浪费了自己的高学历,高文凭,高收入;另一方面,也是自己脱离的丈夫的生活圈,注定会另丈夫产生厌恶的情绪,而导致他们另结新欢。 If married women have chosen to housewives, on the one hand to waste their highly educated, high diploma, high income; the other hand, is your husband from the living area, destined to another husband, tired of the emotions, thus leading to Starting afresh

所以,要抓住男人的心,除了先抓住男人的胃,更要融入彼此的生活状态。 Therefore, we must seize the hearts of men, in addition to seizing the man's stomach first, but also to integrate into each other's living conditions 切不可以安于做一名全职太太,不仅要在工作上给予老公帮助,在家庭生活中相亲相爱。 Must not to be content to do a full-time wife, not only for her husband at work to help the family life, to love each other 我不支持男性朋友所谓的“大男人主义”,在当下,爱一个人更应该以尊重为前提,夫妻双方应该就生活的方方面面有商有量,讨论后再下决定,而不是一味的男人说了算。 I do not support male friends so-called "male chauvinism" in the moment, to love a person should respect the premise that both spouses should be on every aspect of life to negotiations, a decision after discussion, rather than to the man said the operator



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