













在2020年的新年到来之际,一场不见硝烟的战争打响了,不宣而战。“新型冠状病毒”这个谈虎色变的字眼,跳跃到我们面前,来势汹汹。这是一场生命与病毒的抗争。成千上万的医护工作者坚守在抗战一线,也有更多的医护工作者纷纷请战,勇敢“逆行”在抗战一线。他们用大无畏的气概守护每一位病人。 此次疫情对我们无疑是一个晴天霹雳。在全国各地迅速蔓延,感染成千上万的人。使人们终日陷于恐慌之中,足不出户。本该热闹非凡的大年也因这次疫情变得冷冷清清。而他们,医护工作者们告别家人勇赴抗战一线支援武汉。 他们中有孩子的父母,有父母的子女。在接到信息的那一刻,他们不得不告别挚爱的人,穿上厚厚的防护服勇闯一线。难道他们不害怕吗不,他们也是人,他们也害怕。他们也想与家人团圆红红火火过大年,但是他们的身份不允许,他们肩上的责任不允许。他们的身份时时刻刻告诫他们:你,必须冲在人前!用行动让患者安心,让家人放心。 面对疫情,总有一种坚强让我们泪流满面。齐鲁!华西!两大精锐“军团”隔空喊话。一对夫妻在医疗中心内隔着厚厚的防护服认出了对方,万千话语只汇成一句加油!8岁小男孩想父母时深呼吸……这一系列事让我们为之动容。正如人们所说,世界上最遥远的距离,不是天涯不是海角,而是生与死的距离。疫情警报响起时,你义无反顾成为逆行者。面对家的呼唤,即使近在咫尺,你也望而却步。面对家人的亏欠,你哭得像个孩子。但挑起责任和重担,你活脱脱像个战士。请相信,你从不是一个人在战斗你身后是十四亿儿女。我们,携手同行,没有过不去的关。众志成城,没有迈不过的坎! 我们相信,爱和希望一定会比病毒蔓延的更快。困难是一时的,爱却是永恒的。没有逾越不了的寒东,没有不会到来的春天。我们齐心协力,一起等待春暖花开!

坚定信心、同舟共济、科学防治、精准施策,坚决打赢疫情防控阻击战。下面是我给大家带来 2022年关于疫情的 话题 作文 ,一起来看看吧,希望对您有所帮助。







在这场没有硝烟的战争中,勇敢逆行的他们,千千万万最美“逆行者”,谱写了一曲感人篇章,一首首赞美诗歌。他们都是新时代最可爱的人、最可敬的人,值得被所有人铭记、点赞。在这个不寻常的 春节 ,让我们守望相助,向最可爱的人致敬,他们是最美逆行者!




虽然疫情很严重,形式很严峻,但是全国上下,都在积极采取有效的应对 措施 。疫情一出,党中央、国务院高度重视,及时做出防控部署。当前,各相关部门和地方正在全力以赴,科学有效地抓好疫情防控。







管好自己,管住自己。如果您是一名菜市场商贩,请不要再乱卖野味了;如果您是一名“吃货”,请管住自己的嘴,别再乱吃野味了。 相关报道 称,从感染人群的地理分布看,这次新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情与武汉华南海鲜市场关系很密切——调查显示,此前在这个海鲜市场中有非法售卖野生动物现象。而十几年前的SARS暴发,较大的可能也是跟乱吃野味有关,前车之鉴,教训已够深刻。



相信科学,要有信心。面对疫情,我们要严阵以待,严密防治,但也不要风声鹤唳,悲观沮丧。要相信科学,树立信心,宣传科学的疫情防护知识——当年气势汹汹的“非典”疫情,不是也在全国人民的团结一心、科学防治下被摁住了吗专家说,“非典”以后,全国各地都已经建立起一套安全的门诊防控体系,也有一套治疗、抢救 方法 。“大家不要怕,被感染了一定要及时到医院去。”武汉的一些患者,也已治愈出院。
















2022年关于疫情的话题作文甄选5篇相关 文章 :

★ 2022年疫情主题满分作文范文

★ 疫情感人文章

★ 抗击疫情作文高中

★ 疫情防控的作文

★ 以坚守抗疫疫情为话题的作文精选5篇

★ 2022年关于疫情寒假日记大全5篇

★ 新冠疫情话题作文优秀范文6篇

★ 2022年疫情防控心得体会600字5篇

★ 2020关于带有标题的疫情话题作文范文5篇

★ 2022新冠疫情英语作文中考满分范文精选10篇

1 关于 禽流感的英语作文 80字左右

The Swine Flu virus detected in Mexico is the H1N1 Swine Flu virus strain that has killed more than 152 people in Mexico , a Mexico government advised , citing results from tests done in report The Swiss government advised its citizens to avoid non-essential travel to Mexico on TuesdayA man admitted that all of the suspected patients, having recently been to Mexico, were already quarantined and received necessary medication, but a series of tests are needed to confirm whether they are really infected with swine flu virus We can overe itWe has been urging citizens with symptoms of the flu -- a sharp increase in body temperature, headaches, muscular pains and breathing problems -- to visit their nearest medical center as soon as possible 如何预防禽流感? 例如写:1、我们已经在城市公共场所发放口罩The city has been giving out face masks on public transport 2、我们已经要求有流感症状包括: 发烧/ 头疼/ 肌肉疼(浑身疼)以及呼吸问题的市民尽早去附近医疗中心治疗We has been urging citizens with symptoms of the flu -- a sharp increase in body temperature, headaches, muscular pains and breathing problems -- to visit their nearest medical center as soon as possible。

2 用英语写短文80字

style which does not use For example: The Chinese southerners are fastidious very much the diet, they thought eats the health is most important, but the Chinese northerner not such approves actually They thought puts on attractively, that is most important The village house all is simple, but the city house all is magnificent But China's construction has the characteristic very much

China has many traditional holidays For example: Midautumn Festival

Midautumn Festival arrives, the people can play the lantern, enjoys looking at the moon brightly,and eats the moon cake Among them, eats the moon cake is most important Because the moon cake is symbolizing the reunion The moon cake has lots of typeFor example: Egg-yolk, five kernels, fruits,etc


3 写一篇80词左右的文章(英语)

Why Should We Learn English

Hello,everyoneMy name is ,I am proud to have the chance to share my ideas on why we should learn EnglishTo begin with,I would like to ask you a question,“Are you all learning English in school Do you all think that English is important”

Well,your answers must be “yes!”That's all rightAs we know,English is the most useful tool for munication in the world,and it's also the official language of almost every countryWhen we are abroad,we can municate with the people there only in EnglishMastering English means knowing the world language, which can be used througthout the worldTherefore,we should make an effort to learn it well

“But how can we learn it well”You may askAs far as I am concerned,we should do the followingFirst of all,keep practising it everydaySecond,we should try to do more readingWe can keep a pen and a note book in hand wherever we go,taking notes at anytime if necessaryLast but not least,we can watch some English TV programs,like Engish movies,which can give us a help

That's all,thank you!


4 八十字的英语作文

iling is really important in life when you fail an exam, don't cry like mad instead, you should ile to yourself and say, "at least i know where i should study more" when you fight with your friends, you should ile iling can also make you more confident sometimes, the one who beats you is yourself second, learn to ile to the others, it can make you closer to other people third, iling is an universal language that everyone can understandSo I think iling can make our life better


5 用英语写一篇作文要求80个字

My favorite basketball player favorite basketball player is Lebron·James I like playing basketball very much I like watching NBA very much, too I like Lebron·James because he is strong and tall He was 2005—2006 all star MVP He plays basketball very well I always watch on TV He can get 56 points in a match But he didn't have champion ring I want to have his basketball skill He is 23 number in his team I like him very much I think he can lead his team get the champion He can playing basketball better than Micheal·Jordon。

6 80字英语作文

How to improve English

Many friends often ask me, "How to learn English well" I always tell them, "Try your best to like it first!" As everyone knows, nothing is difficult if you like to do it

In fact, learning English is really interesting Singing English songs is a good way to remember words It can make you believe in yourself Keeping a diary in English is also a good way Trying to use what you have learned to express your ideas is really great And talking with others in English is interesting, too Don't fet to take notes in English classes if necessary Learn it, love it! Come on, my friendsYou are sure to learn English much better


7 80字英语作文5篇

The summer holiday is ingMy parents and I will take me to the Southernmost Point of China---------HaiNanAnd we are going HaiNan by planeThis is my first time by pianeIt's so excitingFinally we arrive in the second largest city of HaiNanYou're right it's SanYaIt's a beautiful city because it's around the seaLet's go to the coachSandy is so soft and there sre many shells on the coachThey are so prettyThe water of the sea is so cool and it's salty tooI love Hainan very much 暑假来临了我的父母将要带我去中国的最南端海南我们准备坐飞机去这是我第一次坐飞机太激动了最后我们到达了海南的第二大城市没错是三亚这是个漂亮的城市因为它被大海环绕让我们去海滩沙子是那么柔软有许多贝壳在海滩上它们那么漂亮海水是那么凉也很咸我非常喜欢这 My hometown is in FuZhouIt's a beautiful cityIt's always warm because it les south of the China but in summer it always very hotLike today it is hard to say what hot the weather isToday the temperature is 27 centigrade to 37 centigradeIn the afternoon it's drizzle but after drizzle it's also very hotYesterday the weather said today is cloudythis is the weather of Fuzhou 我的故乡是福州它是个漂亮的城市那总是很温暖因为它位于中国的南方但是在夏天它总是很热像今天很难用语言来表达有多热今天的温度是27到37摄氏度在下午的时候下了毛毛雨但是雨后仍然那么热昨天天气预报说今天是多云这就是福州的天气I'm a new face of XXXX schoolToday is my first day of this schoolThe campus is quite beautifulThere are many trees andn flowers in itThe classroom is spacious and brightMy class teacher is very kind and the clas atesare very friendlyI have some friends they are lovely我是XXX学校的新生今天是我第一天在这个学校这里的校园很漂亮有许多树和花教室宽敞而明亮班主任很和蔼同学们也很友好我有了一些朋友他们都很可爱In the new school I need some good friendsBut which friend should I needI think my good friends have four points:honest responsibility enthusia and confident: People have letter stand。

so my friends must be honestThen i hope my friends is very enthusia Although your result isn't very goodYou also can make a friend with me在新学校里我需要一下好朋友但是我需要什么样的朋友呢我认为我的好朋友要具备以下4点诚实责任热情自信人无信不立所以我的朋友首先要诚实然后我希望我的朋友很热情尽管你的成绩不好也可以成为我的朋友Money is indeed important, but money cannot buy everything A miser may think that “money talks,” but if you only give your attention to making money, you may lose many things, such as health, friendship and love I don't think we should regard money as everything Money is just a tool that can help us solve problems or enable us to live a fortable life What we should do is to use it appropriately and not bee misers This way, all of us can lead a happier lives钱很重要多少钱不可以买所有的东西吝啬鬼可能会想钱会说话但是如果你只关心赚钱你会丢失很多东西像健康友谊爱我不认为要很关心钱钱只是一个工具帮我们解决困难或者让我们过着舒适的生活我们一个怎样适合的用它而不成为吝啬鬼呢我们只要快乐的生活。

8 五篇英语作文(80字)

1in winter holiday> Yesterday was my thirteenth birthday My parents had a birthday party for me I invited my friends to my party My parents bought new clothes and some books as my birthday presents How happy I felt when I put on the new clothes! When all my friends arrived, my mother brought delicious food and a big birthday cake My friends sang "Happy birthday to you!" and gave me some presents Then we began to eat It was my happiest day in winter holiday! 2 My music teacher is Miss Yu She has o big eyes ,a all mouth and long curly black hairs She is very beautiful She is good with kids ,she likes piaying English Games with us So we like having English Class very much She is love us very much We are good friends we all love her 3 The sixth of August was my mother's birthday My father and I wanted to give her surprising birthday presents On their mothers' birthday, I know some of my clas ates are going to help their mothers with housework; others are going to the shop and buy some flowers for their mothers In the morning, my father and I went shopping and bought a very nice cake Then we went to the market and bought some food When we got home, my father cooked some nice food in the kitchen I went to my room to make a birthday card I wanted to say to my mother that I loved her very much Then I wrote in the card, “I love you, my dear mother!” I put it on her pillow, then we cleaned the room We felt very tired, but we were very happy My mother got home We said, “Happy Birthday!” My mother iled We had our supper together My mother said, “Thank you, my daughter!” How happy we were! 4I want to be a teacher To be a teacher is what I want to doAs is known to all,the teachers is the engineers of the soulThe future of the world depends on teachers,who are the hope of all nations It's my honour to have the duty Being a teacher,I will work heart and soulThe students can all be my friendsThey can learn what is important while having a good time 5 You know that giant pandas Mody » It was a from the animals He has a lovely appearance, the recent launch of the latest Disney animation, Kung Fu Panda, you know, Kung Fu from China, giant pandas are from China The film is very interesting, as the embodiment Xiake panda, tiger, crane, rabbits, turtles and other cute animals Going equipped for their skills, will work The film is with Chinese colors, if you will see that very cordial Panda's body while Henpan but seems ligheight Panda is a precious animals, from China, love bamboo, is China's national treasures, many of China's Sichuan pandas The film is really very nice If you have time to go take a look at it, you will love那只and I like the Panda。

9 英语作文 80字左右

Dear Lucy

How are things going I am going to go to somewhere to spend my five-day holiday I have searched the inter for the interest places You often say your hometown is a beautiful placeI'd like to go there so that we can talk to each other face to face Would you like to tell me the scenic spots in details Will you please arrange the hotel and visiting time to the attractions I am looking farword to seeing you soon


10 写一篇80字左右的英语作文

My perfect holiday

When I was young, I always had interesting holiday But now I'm a teenager I don't have a perfect holiday at all So I always imagine I would have a perfect holiday I would go to Australia with my mother I think it is an good place to take a holiday when I get there I would go shopping at first I would buy T-shirt, CDs, shoes and a puter I would talk with foreigners to practice my English, I would stay there for one month, but I hope I would get a green card and stay there all my life And I found it really easy to makeafriend ,because people are friendly

疫情的英语 高中 作文 有哪些她们无愧为火线上的中流砥柱、和平年代的白衣战士、巾帼英雄的代表。人民因“她们”而感动!中国因“她们”而骄傲!一起来看看疫情的英语高中 作文大全 5篇精选,欢迎查阅!



Respect life and nature! We are just ordinary and ordinary children of nature, and nature is our mother Disobeying the laws of nature will only lead to fire, and eventually all over the body This is a lesson and warning from nature


With great respect, Dr Zhong Nanshan, who went to the front line, and Academician Li Lanjuan, who actively responded to the call of the state, are soldiers who shoulder the mission They are brave soil who take the war "epidemic" as their duty They are the counterforces in the epidemic situation, and they are also the model we learn from


Bear in mind and learn to love deeply! Under the epidemic situation, people from all walks of life are more warm People from all walks of life have made up their determination to fight the epidemic The construction of huoshenshan and leishenshan hospital is the best proof of love and devotion


As students, we should stick to the rear of "epidemic", strengthen self-management, arrange time reasonably, and form healthy living and learning habits We should start from caring for our family, study hard, and become a kind, honest, brave, strong, caring and loving person


Spring's life, strong, the haze of disease can only temporarily block the sun's light, never stop the momentum of life growth!



Novel coronavirus struck me this evening, and I was watching the news


When I saw this line, I was shocked, and my heart was suspended I found my mother in a panic and asked nervously, "Mom, how are we going to get the new coronary pneumonia How can we prevent it " My mother said patiently, "don't worry, as long as we stay indoors, wash our hands, ventilate and wear masks" After listening to my mother's answer, I put down a little I hurried to ask my mother to buy a mask There are three pharmacies downstairs My mother and I didn't have two We didn't see the mask until we got to the third one However, there is only a little left My mother and I bought the remaining bags quickly


In the evening, my father and my sister came back They were carrying four bags in their hands, and there were eight bags altogether! There are only four bags with delicious food in them, and the other four bags contain: masks, cold medicine, disinfectant, etc From today on, we have lived a life of staying indoors


Although the new virus is coming, I believe that scientists and doctors can develop antibodies to the virus


Come on, Wuhan! Go China! Come on the world! Hope our future life will be better and better! I wish you all a happy and peaceful year of the rat!


今年的 春节 ,是我学生生涯中难以忘记的一个春节。这个春节,中国以一种特殊的方式令世界瞩目。但,武汉并不孤独,一方有难,全国动员,看着全国各地,逆向而行,去往“疫区”的物资和冒着生命危险离别家人,奔赴战场的医务人员,我泪流满面。而且,中国人也不孤独,家里有“疫情”,联动全球华人的心和海外朋友的心,一则新闻报道了,在国外飞往中国的飞机上,飞机票全都出售了,但是飞机上没有一个乘客,每个座位上,坐的是海外赤子寄回祖国的援助物资。突如其来的疫情,让世界见证了中国人的凝聚力和购买力!不到半月时间,全球各地的口罩、酒精等物品都被中国人"抢购"过!哪里有紧缺的医疗物资,哪里就有中国人的身影。

This year's Spring Festival is an unforgettable one in my student life This Spring Festival, China attracts the world's attention in a special way However, Wuhan is not alone It is difficult for one side to mobilize all over the country Looking at all parts of the country, I walk in the opposite direction, and I am full of tears when I go to the "epidemic area" for materials and leave my family at the risk of my life and go to the battlefield for medical personnel Moreover, Chinese people are not alone There is a "epidemic" at home, which links the hearts of Chinese people and overseas friends around the world A news report shows that all the tickets on the plane flying to China from abroad are sold, but there is not a passenger on the plane On each seat, there are aid materials sent back to China by overseas chizi The sudden epidemic has witnessed the cohesion and purchasing power of the Chinese people in the world! In less than half a month, masks, alcohol and other items around the world have been "snapped up" by the Chinese people! Where there is a shortage of medical materials, there is a Chinese figure


The short-term "epidemic" can only scare the cowards A war "epidemic" let the world see the backbone of the Chinese people I am Chinese, I am proud One spring festival, I feel the temperature of my home at home, a month's rest, also let me learn self-discipline



2020 is a new beginning, but just at the time of the Spring Festival, the Chinese people once again face the virus crisis: new coronavirus, only 17 years since the last SARS in 2003


I saw in the news that the new virus caused by Wuhan as the source of infection spread to the whole country According to statistics and analysis, the people who left Wuhan from January 10 to 22 and went to all parts of the country respectively arrived in Zhoukou, Yueyang, Yichang, Hefei, Chongqing, Nanning, Guangzhou and other places This is an acute infection of pneumonia

病因是因为人们吃了菜野生中华菊头蝙蝠果子狸。这是一次严重的危机,作为人类我们不应该 反思 吗如果疫情无法控制,人类将何去何从如果我们管好自己不贪吃野味会有这种事吗

The cause of the disease is that people eat wild Chinese chrysanthemum head bat civet This is a serious crisis As human beings, shouldn't we reflect on it If the epidemic cannot be controlled, where will human beings go If we take good care of ourselves, will it happen


As for how to protect yourself, first of all, although the virus has become a focus, don't listen to all kinds of rumors at will, scientifically prevent and control the sources of infection, cut off the transmission channels, and call on everyone to do a good job in personal protection, avoid going to crowded places, wear medical masks in public places, and pay attention to fast food hygiene,


Wash hands frequently and drink more water Try not to eat out and go out less If you have fever or cough, please see a doctor in time


I hope that the people of the whole country will join hands to fight against this crisis and stay at home and not run around We can certainly survive this crisis from our motherland It's very important that medical staff have given up the chance to celebrate the new year with their families and rushed to the front line of the epidemic field We should believe them more!


Come on Wuhan, come on angel in white, come on China, wish the beauty of the world be linked with you



This winter vacation, the sudden new pneumonia disrupted the pace of people's celebration of the Spring Festival, especially in Wuhan, a serious epidemic area, a large number of people's livelihood diseases led to doctors' emergency, beds' emergency, medical supplies' emergency, and a war without gunpowder is starting

病毒无情人有情。疫情的每一个变化都牵动着全国人民乃至世界人民的心:邻国日本不但没有拒绝中国游客入境,还向我国赠送了大量医用物资;海外的 留学 生用尽浑身解数筹集口罩第一时间运回国内;各地的医生护士纷纷丢下家人奔赴前线治病救人,他们夜以继日地工作,累了困了就趴在桌上、躺在地上休息一会儿;湖州83岁的老爷爷靠捡垃圾为生,却毫不犹豫地捐出了省吃俭用积下来的一万元钱;安徽的一位叔叔跑进派出所扔下500个口罩扭头就走,默默地献出自己的爱心……

The virus has no lover Every change of the epidemic affected the hearts of the people of the whole country and even the people of the world: neighboring Japan not only did not refuse Chinese tourists to enter China, but also gave a large number of medical materials to our country; overseas students tried their best to raise masks and transport them back to China at the first time; medical students and nurses from all over the world left their families and rushed to the front line to cure the disease and save the people, and they worked day and night, tired and trapped Lying on the table and resting on the ground for a while, Huzhou's 83 year old grandfather made a living by picking up rubbish, but he did not hesitate to donate the ten thousand yuan saved by frugality; an uncle from Anhui ran into the police station, threw 500 masks, turned around and left, silently giving his love

看着网上一个个温暖的 故事 ,我深深地感动了,也想献一份爱心,尽自己的一点力量帮助有需要的人。可是,我既没有防护用品可以捐献,也没有治病救人的能力,怎么办呢正当我愁眉不展的时候,爸爸微笑着给我指了一条路--网上捐款。于是,我赶紧拿出上学期通过自己努力学习得来的班级奖学金130元,请爸爸通过宁波市慈善总会网络捐款平台进行了捐献,慈善总会收到后还给我发了一张捐赠证书呢!虽然钱不多,但这是我自己的劳动所得,代表了我的一份心意。

Looking at the warm stories on the Internet, I am deeply moved and would like to offer a love and do my best to help those in need However, I have neither protective equipment to donate, nor the ability to cure the disease and save people What should I do Just when I was sad, Dad smiled and pointed out a way for me - online donation So, I quickly took out 130 yuan of class scholarship that I earned through my hard work last semester, and asked my father to donate through the online donation platform of Ningbo Charity Federation After receiving it, the Charity Federation gave me a donation certificate! Although the money was not much, it was my own income from labor, which represented my intention


I believe that the difficulty is only temporary Through our joint efforts, we will win the war against the virus and usher in a warm spring day as soon as possible

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