

1 浙江英语高考中的续写可以用到哪些高级句式

1 Hearing / Seeing / Feeling …, he/she…(句首)2 What made the(精) man feel delighted/u(锐)pset/frightened/depressed/astonished was that …(情感)3 Without your assistance, I wouldn't have succeeded/ survived(结尾)4 Only … did he/ she realize that ……(道理)5 Related to this is the truth that we should …(总结)。

2 用英语写一篇有关浙江

The ubiquitous plastic shopping bag, so handy for everything from toting groceries to disposing of doggie doo, may be a victim of its own success Although plastic bags didn't e into widespread use until the early 1980s, environmental groups estimate that 500 billion to 1 trillion of the bags are now used worldwide every year

Critics of the bags say they use up natural resources, consume energy to manufacture, create litter, choke marine life and add to landfill waste

"Every time we use a new plastic bag they go and get more petroleum from the Middle East and bring it over in tankers," said Stephanie Barger, executive director of Earth Resource Foundation in Costa Mesa, Calif "We are extracting and destroying the Earth to use a plastic bag for 10 minutes"

The foundation is calling for a 25 cent tax on plastic bags in California

A bill that would have imposed a 3 cent tax on plastic shopping bags and cups was sidelined in the California Legislature last year after heavy opposition from the retail and plastics industries

The plastics industry took a "proactive stance" by working with retailers to encourage greater recycling, rather than "putting on taxes to address the problem," said Donna Dempsey, executive director of the Film and Bag Federation, a trade association for the plastic bag industry

3 请问2016,2017浙江省高考英语,学生学习的课本,选修6,7,8全都课文

楼主高二? 选修6,7,8都要上的 。写作部分共计40分,15分应用文写作,一般是提建议类型的

还有25分为续写和概要写作 (两篇中选其一来考)


续写是在前文的基础上续写两段文章。每段开头都已写好,你需要发挥合理的想像进行续写,期间必须使用前文中至少5个以上的标下划线的单词 ,词数要求2段总共150词左右。

4 2017年浙江新高考英语作文怎么写

You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive But if our health was taken away, we would surely die That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies I also eat little meat I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's health Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone When I am with my friends, I always laugh Laughing is also an important part of health I like to laugh with my friends By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy。

5 新高考英语作文续写 英语作文续写怎么写




6 08浙江卷英语作文

Working Individually or Working in a Team

There are basically o ways to get work done

Firstly,I'll talk about working individually,in this way,you can make arrangements and solve problems by ourselfSo we can be more flexible

On the other hand,working in a team is also a proper way,by working with others ,we can discuss a lot and learn from each other

In my view, I'd rather choose the team work ,because when we are in a group,we will be more responsibleWhat's more,as the old saying goes,unity is strength

In a word, working in a team will bee more and more important in the future

7 浙江今年四级英语作文题目是什么

On Excessive PackagingNowadays the phenomena of over-packaging of goods are prevailing in oursociety: clothes swathed in tissue paper, placed in cardboard box and finally wrappedin well-designed plastic bags, imported bottles of wine packed in wooden boxes, fruitsput in hand-woven baskets, just to name a fewThere are several reasons of this over-packaging The first is that a large numberof panies believe that they can attract customers' attention and stimulate theirpurchasing desire by over-packaging their goods, thus gaining more profits On theother hand, quite a number of consumers mistakenly hold that the more delicate thepackage is, the better the quality will be, thus encouraging excessive packagingFrom my perspective, excessive packaging has its consequences, including the loss ofprecious resources as well as extra workforce on garbage disposalTo solve the problem, it's necessary to take the following measures First, lawsand regulations must be made to restrict excessive packaging In addition, we need toadvocate clear packaging and raise consumer's awareness that excessive packagingdoesn't equal to high quality解析本次作文的话题是“过度包装”,话题不断新,考生应该都比较熟悉。



第二段重点从公司和消费者两方面论述产生过度包装的原因。公司方面是为了吸引顾客, 消费,赢取更多的利润;消费者方面是认为包装越精美,质量越好这种错误的消费意识。



#英语资源# 导语每个人都向往快乐,渴望快乐,下面是 !


 Summertime is the besttime of the yearThere is no school for monthsI get to do what I wantWith no tests no homework,I'm as free as a bird

 I do many things during the summer vacationI relax by reading books watching TVI also hang out with my friends travel with my familyHowever,I don't play in summerI take advantage of the free time to learn moreFor example,last summer I learned to swimThis summer I might study computers or EnglishSummer vacation flies by fast,so it's important to do as as you can




 Can you imagine the world full of crying and shouting, under the control of power, covered with darkness However, it’s not just a joke I make, It is the veritable describe of a world without happiness and laugh So, just be happy, spread sunshine all over the world


 If compare our life to a pie, our all emotions to all sorts of stuffing, what do you want to make the most part of the pie if you control the process of making the pie of life Obviously, the majority of people will add happiness to the pie as many as possible Do you know why It’s just because happiness stands for sweet in most people’s mind, including me


 Don’t consider it just as a comparison It is the reflection of what you want Happiness is a flower living in the sunshine and it is not difficult to reach for it We have a variety of emotions like blues, anger, fear, enthusiasm, happiness and all of them would naturally appear when something affects our feelings So, if we can change our attitudes towards things in the world, we can surely adjust our emotion in a good state It means that we can choose to be happy if we want, as long as we can comment on everything in a positive way


 You may have ever heard about that kind of story that a patient recovering from a serious disease because of his optimism That’s not a wonder We can also own happiness, can feel the power of it, and the key to happiness is just in our own hands


 If we can be happy, why not choose to be Let’s try together to create a world filled up with smiling faces and sunshine



 If you ask me something about my happiest time, I'll answer like this


 I don't know exactly about my happiest time, because every day I'm living is the happiest time for me I always keep a good mood Every day I'm happy at work When I'm at work, I always do my best, so my boss is satisfied with me I get on well with my colleagues as well, since I'm always willing to help them No wonder I have so many friends That is to say, I am happy when I am working


 What's more, my best friends Phillip and Oscar always speak English with me Every time, they bring me a very big surprise They help me a lot Thanks to their help, my oral English is getting better and better I don't know how to appreciate them Keeping learning makes me happy, too



 I spent a very happy Spring Festival this year, because I traveled to Zhuhai and Zhongshan


 It was a very special journey for me, for it was the first time that I had traveled by plane It was the first time that I had enjoyed myself at the seaside had seen the beautiful Macao And, it was also the first time that I had spent the New Year's Day outside


 When I was in I had a great time with my brother We climbed the mountains, visited some parks, walked around the downtown area and spent the happiest time on Hailing Island


 On February 10th, I went to Zhuhai I was happy in Zhuhai, because my former classmate kept a good company with me We visited so many interesting places, such as Xiangzhou Port, Gongbei Port, Shijingshan Park, Haibin Park and so on We also traveled around Macao by ship It was very exciting


 After my two-day trip in Zhuhai, I went to visit my best friend in Zhongshan We toured around the city on the day and chatted with each other happily at night Both of us enjoyed ourselves very much


 This was the golden time in my life, so I’ll keep it in my memory forever


TheLow-carbonEconomicNowadays,withmoreandmoreseriousproblemssuchastheincreasingglobaltemperture,themeltingiceandtherisingsea-levering,peoplearerecognizingtheimportantofdevelopingthelow-carboneconomicnow Therearemanywayswecandotoreachtheloe-carboneconomicFristly,discoveringothersfuelswhichismorecleanandmoregreentoinsteadoftheusingofcarbonSecondly,weshouldhavethesave-energyconsciousanddosomethingwhichwecanmake,forinstance,usingthebusrantherthancarwhenyougoout,re-usethethingthatcanberecycleused,reducingtheuseofplasticbagsLastbutnotleast,weshouldplantmoretreesorother greenplants,inwhichwaywecannotonlyimprovetheenvironment,butalsocanmakeourhomemorebeauty Inmyopnion,themostimportantthingtoreachthelow-carboneconomiciseveryonemusttrytheirbestdowhattheycandoforitOnceeveryonehavethesenceoflow-carboneconomicandhavetheactionbythemselves,itwillbeearliertoreachit



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