小说:理智与情感Sense and Sensibility

小说:理智与情感Sense and Sensibility,第1张






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362 PPI

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快充 30 技术

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当主卡移动、联通 4G 时,副卡最高支持联通 3G 网络语音电话 

2 张电信卡无法同时使用

80211a/b/g/n/ac 双频无线网络,具备 MU-MIMO 技术,

WiFi Display,WiFi Direct 

蓝牙42 无线技术,蓝牙HID

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FDD-LTE (频段 B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B7,B8)

TD-LTE (频段 B38,B39,B40,B41)

TD-SCDMA (频段 B34,B39)

WCDMA (频段 B1,B2,B5,B8)

GSM (频段 B2,B3,B5,B8)





超声波距离传感器 陀螺仪 加速感应器 电子罗盘 环境光传感器 振动马达 气压计 HALL传感器 超声波距离传感器


支持 H265 /HEVC(Main profile)、H264 (Baseline/Main/High profile)、 MPEG4 (Simple profile/ASP)、

VC-1(Simple/Main/Advanced profile)等视频格式,支持 PCM、AAC/AAC+/eAAC+ 、


歌曲《Angetenar(Original Mix)》。

《Angetenar(Original Mix)》是抖音短视频平台上的热歌,是一首极具压迫感的歌曲,常被用于《和平精英》、《王者荣耀》等游戏短视频中的背景音乐,此歌曲为没有填词的纯音乐

《Angetenar(Original Mix)》作者:Rompasso,专辑:《Angetenar》,语种:纯音乐,流派:Dance,唱片公司:Deugene Music,发行时间:2016-09-04。






以上内容参考 抖音视频-Angetenar(Original Mix)

The Dashwoods were now settled at Barton with tolerable fort to themselves The house and the garden

with all the objects surrounding them

were now bee familiar

and the ordinary pursuits which had given to Norland half its charms were engaged in again with far greater enjoyment than Norland had been able to afford

since the loss of their father Sir John Middleton

who called on them every day for the first fortnight

and who was not in the habit of seeing much occupation at home

could not conceal his amazement on finding them always employed


Their visitors

except those from Barton Park

were not many; for

in spite of Sir John's urgent entreaties that they would mix more in the neighbourhood

and repeated assurances of his carriage being always at their service

the independence of Mrs Dashwood's spirit overcame the wish of society for her children; and she was resolute in declining to visit any family beyond the distance of a walk There were but few who could be so classed; and it was not all of them that were attainable


About a mile and a half from the cottage

along the narrow winding valley of Allenham

which issued from that of Barton

as formerly described

the girls had

in one of their earliest walks

discovered an ancient respectable looking mansion which

by reminding them a little of Norland

interested their imagination and made them wish to be better acquainted with it But they learnt

on enquiry

that its possessor

an elderly lady of very good character

was unfortunately too infirm to mix with the world

and never stirred from home


rable adj 可容忍的,还不错的

We had a very tolerable lunch


eaty[in'tri:ti] n 恳求,哀求

He felt very unfortable and looked entreaty at us


ing adj 蜿蜒的,卷绕的,弯曲的

I went home along a winding mountain path


ion n 大厦,豪宅,楼宇

The family owns a lordly mansion


iry n (=inquiry) 询问

He's quite within his rights to demand an enquiry


rm adj 弱的,虚弱的,柔弱的

She's old and infirm and has to keep to the house


John Middleton

who called on them every day for the first fortnight

and who was not in the habit of seeing much occupation at home

could not conceal his amazement on finding them always employed

难句解析call on “拜访”;fornight“两个星期”;be in the habit of “有的习惯”;


r visitors

except those from Barton Park

were not many; for

in spite of Sir John's urgent entreaties that they would mix more in the neighbourhood

and repeated assurances of his carriage being always at their service

难句解析mix在文中的意思是“与人交往”;at one's service“为某人效劳”;


"sad summer mix 2022" 的意思是指一个将悲伤、难过的情感与夏季氛围融合在一起的音乐混音或者歌单,预计发布的时间是2022年。这个词组可能是某个音乐人、音乐制作人或者音乐平台用来描述他们即将发布的音乐作品或者歌单的名称。

Whenever you cry无论何时你若哭泣

Just count your blessings就请回忆你曾经的祈愿

Every time you try每一次你若尝试

Learn something, believe yourself总会有所收获 你要相信自己

Look to the sky仰望广阔天空

Like a bird without wings我们就像失去羽翼的鸟儿

If you want to fly如果你渴望飞翔

Fell your heart, release yourself就聆听你的心声 解放你自己

We are alive in this world我们立于此世

Lift is sometimes unfair上天并不是时时公平

We keep going in this world我们在这世间不断前行

Lord will hear our prayers主会听见我们的祈祷

Look up at the sky仰望广阔天空

Like a bird without wings我们宛若失去羽翼的小鸟

If you want to fly你若渴望飞翔

Feel your breeze, release yourself就去感受你心中的那阵微风 解放你自身

Why do you sigh为什么要叹气呢

Just cont your blessings回忆下你曾经的祈愿吧

Every time you try无论何时 你若尝试

Find something, believe yourself都将会有所发现 你要相信自己

My mission is gonna be a tough one变得坚强是我的目标

I know it’s not a game anymore我知道这不再是场游戏

I swear that I’ll never fail again我对天起誓 我不会再失败

’Cuz don’t wanna regret anymore因为我不想再后悔了

Can you hear I’m calling you你听见我的呼唤了吗?

I just wanna fell you我只是希望能与你为一

Don’t forget to remember别忘了将我铭记

So please remember请不要将我忘记

I hear you are calling me我听见你正在呼唤我

I want you to fell me我希望你能感受我的感受

You know I won’t surrender你知道我已不会选择放弃

Never surrender也从未放弃

My mission I’ve got to execute我必须实现我的目标

I know it’s not a game anymore我知道这不再是一场游戏

I swear that I’ll never fail again我发誓我绝不会再度失败

‘Cuz don’t wanna regret anymore只因我不想再度后悔


Secrets of the goddess女神的秘密

God only knows唯有神知晓

This is my fate, I accept all the pain这是我的命运 我接受了所有的痛苦

And overcome suffering跨越了次次磨难

I share your fate, will never let you down我与你共命运 我绝不会让你失望

Do my best in everything我会尽一切可能做到最好

You are the light for me你是我的光芒

I’ll be the light for you我也将为你点亮一路光明

So just stay by your side所以你做你自己就好

All the things will go your way一切都将为你而动

And go my way也会随我而动

That’s just like a dream in the night此时就像是在静谧夜晚做的美梦一般

Here come Luna月神降临

Always shining brightly总是如此的耀眼明媚

There’s one definite truth, noble beauty唯有此是毋庸置疑的 她是如此高贵美丽

For the real love为了真爱

Moving forward slightly哪怕只有一点 我也要向前迈进

I carry out all my wishes我实现了我所有的梦想

True justice, that’s what I believe真正的正义 这就是我所坚信的


I know that no one was to blame我知道这不是谁的错

Don’t feel sorry, it was not your fault所以不用愧疚 这不是你的错

Remember that you’re in my thoughts别忘了我在时刻想念你

I hope you feel the same我希望你能感受得到

You’re the one who can save me你是我唯一的救赎

Every time I think of you每当我思念你之时

Fell like being with you仿佛我就陪伴在你身边

I’ll be alright, cry no more已经没有什么好害怕的了 已经没有什么可哭泣的了

I smile for you, I sing for you我会为你而笑 为你歌唱

Every time you think of me无论何时你若想念我

Please remember my song就请回想我送给你的歌

I wait for you我正等待你的到来

And give me all of your love请给我你全部的爱

Chapter3: Diana(第三章:狄安娜/鲇川天理)作曲:江并哲志

Whenever, wherever you need me无论何时何地你若需要我

I’ll come out right away and help you我都会立马赶到 为你倾尽全力

Never be afraid没有什么值得恐惧

I should just achieve my aim只许我全力去实现我的目标

Whenever, wherever you need love无论何时何地你若需要爱

You should show your true emotion就请展现你内心最深处的那份情感

Your sweet breath is你那甜美的气息

Just like a gentle breeze就像一阵沁人的微风

You need someone to take your hand你需要有人牵起你的手

Open your eyes and heart睁开你的眼睛 敞开你的心扉

Take your time抓住你手中不断流逝的时间

And tell me what is on your mind告诉我 你究竟在想想些什么呢?

Natural laws, everything grows自然的法则 万物生长不息

Want you to keep a pure mind希望你能保持那纯洁的灵魂

Love will make you much stronger爱将使你更加强大

Natural laws, the river flows自然的法则 河流奔腾不止

Want you to stay innocent希望你以后还是这样的纯真

And love will make you brighter爱将让你更加耀眼

Natural laws, and the wind blows自然的法则 风儿吹拂大地

Want you to find your love希望你能找到属于你的那份爱

Lift will bring you a lot of happiness你那振奋的内心将为你带来无尽的快乐幸福

Chapter4: Minerva(第四章:密涅瓦/汐宫栞)作曲:木村香真良

You prefer sitting and spending your time你或许更愿意在在一间安静的屋子里

In the quiet room度过独处的时光

And your favorite things are你最喜欢做的

Reading several books and daydreaming便是阅读各种各样的书 做着美好的梦

I trust the wisdom of my soul我相信我灵魂中的智慧

And keep the faith of my heart我相信我所坚信之物

Even if stumble纵使我会跌倒

I’ll stand up and walk again我也会再次战起 继续向前

Move forward, take a chance前进不停 直至抓住那机会

Here we go让我们启程出发吧

Your positive thoughts and words你那永不言弃的信心与言语

Will bring you luck将为你带来数不尽的幸运

Don’t hesitate to say and express your love不要犹豫去表达你的爱

Let your heart be free now就让你的心引领你

You can change yourself你定能改变自己

Chapter5: Mars(第五章:艾瑞斯/五位堂结)作曲:青山シゲル&薫ル

My brave heart is a powerful weapon我那颗勇敢的心是我最有力的武器

To beat the evil and fight for the right助我战胜邪恶 维护正义

Like a beautiful woman dressed as a man仿佛一位貌美女子有着一股男人的气概

You’re defending yourself against all your fears你为了保护自己与恐惧而战

You look comfortable disguising yourself你似乎享受着乔装自己

Must be satisfied with becoming somebody else你一定喜欢变成他人的感觉

My brave heart is powerful weapon我那颗勇敢的心是我最有力的武器

To beat the evil and fight for the right助我惩恶扬善

Like a beautiful woman dressed as a man仿佛一位貌美女子有着男人一般的气概

You’re defending yourself against all enemies你为了保护自己与敌人而战

Gotta fight to win now此战必定会夺得胜利

Chapter6: Mercurius(第六章:墨丘利/高原步美)作曲:石冢玲依


You are on the run你正在奔向前方的路上

Tell me where you are headed告诉我你将去往何处呢

There is no rush, take your time不必匆忙 把握你的时间

What is happening to you有什么降临在你身上了吗

You are so in love你是如此的沉溺于爱恋

Though near or far, thinking of him无论与他间隔多近多远 总是不停地思念着他

Imagine your future love想象一下在未来即将得到的爱吧

What’s gonna happen to you又会有什么发生在你身上呢?

It’s fun to watch people观察他人是如此有趣

“Many men, many minds”“千种人,万种思”

I’m curious about so many things一切都是那么令我好奇

More and more请再告诉我我所不知道的事情吧

Don’t be so sad if you lost your love纵使你失去了挚爱 也请不要哭泣

I know that you are much braver than you believe我知道你比你想象得还要坚强

And want you to stay the way you are我希望你能在属于你的道路上继续前行

I wish you are always filled with happiness希望你能与快乐常伴

Epilogue: Love and Revival(尾声:爱与复活)作曲:mixakissa

The time has come to make是时候启程了

An end of all the missions去迎接最后的终幕

Won’t look back on my way我已不会回首走过的路

It’s a thing of the past now一切都已经过去了

You shine just like the stars你就像天上的星辰一样闪耀

So grace, so pure, halo ring如此优美 如此纯洁 还有着耀眼的光环

Bright, white, and marvelous wings耀眼 纯白 带着非凡的翅膀

At last I see all goddesses终于我得以拜见女神们

I am a bit down and fell empty不知为何我感到一阵空虚与失落

So great and how amazing you are记忆中的你是如此美好而令人难忘

I only did what I ought to我只是做了我该去做的事

At last I see all goddesses最终我的拜见每一位女神

The time has come to make是时候行动了

A success to revive you是时候唤醒你们了

But it’s no so special但这样的结局并不令人惊讶

It’s natural to complete它早已注定会由我完成

You shine just like the stars你就像天上的星辰一样闪耀

So grace, so pure, halo ring如此优美 如此纯洁 光环闪耀

Bright, white, and marvelous wings耀眼 纯白 还有美妙的翅膀

At last I see all goddesses历经千难万险 我终于能拜谒于女神足下

I am a bit down and fell empty莫名地我感到一阵空虚失落

So fine and how beautiful you are记忆中的你是如此美好

I only did what I ought to我只是做了我该做的事

At last I see all goddesses跨越了千山万水 我终于见到你们了 神圣的女神们啊



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