1,feeling 侧重于 感觉。是侧重于身体物理方面的感觉,味道,力度,疼痛等。
Feeling is the nominalization of "to feel" The word was first used in the English language to describe the physical sensation of touch through either experience or perception
2,emotion 是最正宗的情绪,情感。属于中型词。属于外界或者内心产生的精神层面的影响。
Emotion is the complex psychophysiological experience of an individual's state of mind as interacting with biochemical (internal) and environmental (external) influences
3sentiment 侧重于(对怜悯、怀旧等的)柔情或者(失之过度或不恰当的)伤感,柔情。
情感 [qíng gǎn] [情感]基本解释
2人受外界 所产生的心理反应,如:喜、怒、哀、乐等
汉 王粲 《柳赋》:“枝扶疏而覃布,茎森梢以奋扬。人情感于旧物,心惆怅以增虑。” 南朝 宋 傅亮 《为宋公求加赠刘前军表》:“金兰之分,义深情感,是以献其乃怀,布之朝听。”
人受外界 而产生的心理反应,如喜、怒、悲、恐、爱、憎等。
晋 陆云 《与陆典书书》:“且念亲各尔分析,情感复结,悲叹而已。” 唐 白居易 《庭槐》诗:“人生有情感,遇物牵所思。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第二章:“但是这种情感也以对英雄的景仰居多。”
情感是态度这一整体中的一部分,它与态度中的内向感受、意向具有协调一致性,是态度在生理上一种较复杂而又稳定的生理评价和体验。情感包括道德感和价值感两个方面,具体表现为爱情、幸福、仇恨、厌恶、美感等等。《心理学大辞典》中认为:“情感是人对客观事物是否满足自己的需要而产生的态度体验”。同时一般的普通心理学课程中还认为:“情绪和情感都是人对客观事物所持的态度体验,只是情绪更倾向于个体基本需求欲望上的态度体验,而情感则更倾向于社会需求欲望上的态度体验”。 更多→ 情感
[情感]近义词 感情 情意 情愫 情谊 [情感]反义词 理智 [情感]相关词语 感情 感觉 女人 心情 出轨 心理 感性 情绪 夫妻 理智 [情感]相关搜寻 表达情感的词语 情感深厚的成语 ()情()感 情感的情能组什么词 形容爱国情感的词语
"A Talk on Planting Active Attitude in English Teaching of Countryside"
arrange more group activities which could nurture the relationship between colleagues and keep them communicate with each other more
Feelings of English teaching is in the process of teaching English, to be sure students create nature of the emotional experience, or the use of two contradictory feelings of the convertible, efforts to change the negative nature of the emotional experience for sure the nature of emotional experience, so as to promote division Health and the emotional exchanges, and achieve the best effect of the teaching methods of teaching
Abstract: The quality of education is of concern to today's hot education, and emotional education is also a level of quality education Emotional education is conducive to the implementation of innovative quality of students I first explore their own feelings of the function in English teaching and the value of English teaching in the emotional psychology, focusing on how to end the full implementation of emotion in English education, and train students in the quality of innovation