




Happy new year, mobile phone, TV or novel coronavirus, the most important thing I heard this Spring Festival is not "happy new year, but I am glad to be rich" Instead, I am "washing hands frequently, ventilation and going out, and I must wear masks" This phenomenon is the new type of coronavirus, which is the main character diffused from Wuhan



This kind of pneumonia is very terrible If a person is ill, it will spread quickly and even threaten his life It is said that the source of this incident is that some ignorant people eat wild animals and national protected animals to satisfy their appetite, and a large number of unknown or known viruses carried by animals lead to the tragedy



At present, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, the whole nation is working together to fight the epidemic We are always together! In order to fight against the virus, many angels in white are retrograde In order to save protective equipment, they don't drink water, go to the bathroom, wear heavy protective clothing, and many young ladies wear masks for a long time, their faces are worn, showing red blood, even Some medical staff are infected with virus because of the day and night treatment work They are the most respectable and worthy of our study!


疫情的 英语 作文 怎么写每个人都要安心呆在家,勤洗手,多喝水,尽量不出门。出门戴口罩。期盼白衣天使尽早控制病毒,恢复正常。武汉加油,祖国妈妈加油。一起来看看2020关于疫情的英语 作文大全 5篇,欢迎查阅!


2020年是一个新的开始,可是,恰好在 春节 降临之际,中华人民再一次面对病毒危机:新形冠状病毒,距离上次2003年非典仅过去17年。

2020 is a new beginning, but just at the time of the Spring Festival, the Chinese people once again face the virus crisis: new coronavirus, only 17 years since the last SARS in 2003


I saw in the news that the new virus caused by Wuhan as the source of infection spread to the whole country According to statistics and analysis, the people who left Wuhan from January 10 to 22 and went to all parts of the country respectively arrived in Zhoukou, Yueyang, Yichang, Hefei, Chongqing, Nanning, Guangzhou and other places This is an acute infection of pneumonia

病因是因为人们吃了菜野生中华菊头蝙蝠果子狸。这是一次严重的危机,作为人类我们不应该 反思 吗如果疫情无法控制,人类将何去何从如果我们管好自己不贪吃野味会有这种事吗

The cause of the disease is that people eat wild Chinese chrysanthemum head bat civet This is a serious crisis As human beings, shouldn't we reflect on it If the epidemic cannot be controlled, where will human beings go If we take good care of ourselves, will it happen


As for how to protect yourself, first of all, although the virus has become a focus, don't listen to all kinds of rumors at will, scientifically prevent and control the sources of infection, cut off the transmission channels, and call on everyone to do a good job in personal protection, avoid going to crowded places, wear medical masks in public places, and pay attention to fast food hygiene,


Wash hands frequently and drink more water Try not to eat out and go out less If you have fever or cough, please see a doctor in time


I hope that the people of the whole country will join hands to fight against this crisis and stay at home and not run around We can certainly survive this crisis from our motherland It's very important that medical staff have given up the chance to celebrate the new year with their families and rushed to the front line of the epidemic field We should believe them more!


Come on Wuhan, come on angel in white, come on China, wish the beauty of the world be linked with you



This winter vacation, the sudden new pneumonia disrupted the pace of people's celebration of the Spring Festival, especially in Wuhan, a serious epidemic area, a large number of people's livelihood diseases led to doctors' emergency, beds' emergency, medical supplies' emergency, and a war without gunpowder is starting

病毒无情人有情。疫情的每一个变化都牵动着全国人民乃至世界人民的心:邻国日本不但没有拒绝中国游客入境,还向我国赠送了大量医用物资;海外的 留学 生用尽浑身解数筹集口罩第一时间运回国内;各地的医生护士纷纷丢下家人奔赴前线治病救人,他们夜以继日地工作,累了困了就趴在桌上、躺在地上休息一会儿;湖州83岁的老爷爷靠捡垃圾为生,却毫不犹豫地捐出了省吃俭用积下来的一万元钱;安徽的一位叔叔跑进派出所扔下500个口罩扭头就走,默默地献出自己的爱心……

The virus has no lover Every change of the epidemic affected the hearts of the people of the whole country and even the people of the world: neighboring Japan not only did not refuse Chinese tourists to enter China, but also gave a large number of medical materials to our country; overseas students tried their best to raise masks and transport them back to China at the first time; medical students and nurses from all over the world left their families and rushed to the front line to cure the disease and save the people, and they worked day and night, tired and trapped Lying on the table and resting on the ground for a while, Huzhou's 83 year old grandfather made a living by picking up rubbish, but he did not hesitate to donate the ten thousand yuan saved by frugality; an uncle from Anhui ran into the police station, threw 500 masks, turned around and left, silently giving his love

看着网上一个个温暖的 故事 ,我深深地感动了,也想献一份爱心,尽自己的一点力量帮助有需要的人。可是,我既没有防护用品可以捐献,也没有治病救人的能力,怎么办呢正当我愁眉不展的时候,爸爸微笑着给我指了一条路--网上捐款。于是,我赶紧拿出上学期通过自己努力学习得来的班级奖学金130元,请爸爸通过宁波市慈善总会网络捐款平台进行了捐献,慈善总会收到后还给我发了一张捐赠证书呢!虽然钱不多,但这是我自己的劳动所得,代表了我的一份心意。

Looking at the warm stories on the Internet, I am deeply moved and would like to offer a love and do my best to help those in need However, I have neither protective equipment to donate, nor the ability to cure the disease and save people What should I do Just when I was sad, Dad smiled and pointed out a way for me - online donation So, I quickly took out 130 yuan of class scholarship that I earned through my hard work last semester, and asked my father to donate through the online donation platform of Ningbo Charity Federation After receiving it, the Charity Federation gave me a donation certificate! Although the money was not much, it was my own income from labor, which represented my intention


I believe that the difficulty is only temporary Through our joint efforts, we will win the war against the virus and usher in a warm spring day as soon as possible



There are big and small back, there are sad and reluctant What moved me most is the back of the angels in white in 2020


The new year is coming In the past, the Spring Festival was full of bustle, streets and alleys were full of people, supermarkets and vegetable farms were even more crowded, people could hear people's laughter in every corner


Novel coronavirus came to our side light of heart from care and the carefree holiday


The novel coronavirus is named after a crown He was like a proud and ignorant king who locked people in his home and could not go out


The wind knows the grass, the waves show the hero Grandpa Zhong Nanshan led the medical team to study drugs, and Grandma Li Lanjuan also made a great contribution to the epidemic If one side is in trouble, support from all sides Countless medical staff rushed to Wuhan from all directions to support when they heard the news


Whenever I see angels in white wearing 7 thick protective clothing in the news, I want to say to them: Thank you, you've worked hard! In the airtight protective clothing, the doctors are sweating profusely They have little rest time because they have to fight against the clock to take the patient's life back from death


I hope the war will be over as soon as possible Angels in white, you work hard!



A few days ago, I got to know something through the picture book of coronavirus sent by my teacher It's a kind of virus transferred from animals to human body! This virus has infected many people now, most of the infected people will have fever, cough, dyspnea, serious life-threatening!


Now there are many doctors and nurses who are risking their lives to treat patients every day They are very, very hard! So if we want to help them, we can only fight against the virus if we protect ourselves You must remember that you must wear masks and wash your hands frequently when you go out Do not go to crowded places! After the Spring Festival, we can go to school and play happily!


I know that only by doing it myself can I do no harm to others! Also hope that the sick uncles and aunts can recover soon!



It's winter vacation I went to Grandpa's house with my mother and sister for the new year


Pay New Year's call people are hurrying to and fro Novel coronavirus will buddy this year In order to prevent the virus, I can only stay at home obediently Although I can't go out, I can listen to my grandfather's stories at home, and listen to his stories about the interesting things that happened when I was a child, so that I can understand that I should cherish my life now and study hard to realize my dream


Through the TV broadcast, I learned that the virus was transmitted to human beings by wild animals, so I hope that everyone will take good care of the wild animals and not prey on them Everyone should stay at home, wash hands frequently, drink more water and try not to go out Wear a mask when you go out Hope the angel in white can control the virus as soon as possible and return to normal Come on, Wuhan Come on, mother China

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Dear angels in white:




2020, novel coronavirus pneumonia has been raging across the country on the eve of the Spring Festival People are trying to stay away from the virus, but you are going in the opposite direction, fighting day and night in the front line of the epidemic For the sake of people's health, we should bring the hope of life to others and leave the danger to ourselves


You walk in the opposite direction, leaving countless people in tears I saw your countless touching deeds through the TV news, and shed tears for many times In my heart, you are the most beautiful angel in white, the killer of disease


According to the news, Professor Dong zongqi, 86 years old, although you are supposed to live in your old age at home, you are still at the forefront in case of illness Many people are worried about your body, but you say, "what am I doing for my whole life, not just to save people" I am in good physical and mental condition I can bear it No problem! "


My father and mother are also medical workers They didn't have a holiday during the Spring Festival, but I was "placed" in my grandfather's house I haven't seen them for nearly 10 days I think they'll call them and wechat videos when they do, but they're always busy and hang up when they can't say a few words However, I don't blame them, because my father told me that the virus won't have a holiday because of the Spring Festival They don't have a rest just to get rid of the disease as soon as possible and let us live a normal and happy life!


So, I made an agreement with my grandparents: listen to my father, mother and teacher, stay at home as much as possible, don't go outside, don't visit, study hard, have a rest, and don't cause trouble to the country


Father, mother and all angels in white, please protect yourself and take good care of yourself!


Wuhan, come on! China, come on!




Come back healthy and safe



Although it is warm winter, there are few pedestrians on the streets The breeze blows and the red lanterns on the street sway with the wind This Spring Festival is both lively and cold


Inside, I sat on the windowsill of my room, and my mobile phone kept updating the news Shiver all over though not cold novel coronavirus beyond count China has 41 deaths The suspected and confirmed cases are numerous and full of great China Open the next link, is to use high-tech to cure many people, see a picture of several medical staff wearing isolation suits and cured patients showing a happy smile, I also showed a smile originally with a tight brow


"Chenyi!" When I hear my mother calling me, I like to ignore the slumped on the windowsill "Mom goes to the supermarket to buy some vegetables and fruits You stay at home and don't run around!" Why don't I stay at home and look at my cell phone and run out to play I don't care I look down and keep looking at my cell phone, and then I put my eyes on it again Think again, something is wrong I jumped up like a carp jumping into the dragon's gate, ran out with my hands on my hips, stopped my mother who was about to go out, and said to her in a small adult voice, "Mom, do you know that war has started again" "War You know, it's a virus By the way, why do you ask me all of a sudden "


My mother's light attitude made me very dissatisfied: "do you know how to protect yourself" As I said this, I ran back to my room and took out an unopened disposable medical mask


"It's just a mask It's unnecessary Fujian is not as serious as Wuhan, Hubei It's unnecessary to wear a mask on the street It's wasteful!" Hearing this, I was more angry, but my mother didn't want to go back, but I caught her "Ten cases have been confirmed in Fujian Province, and the whole great China has fallen into it 41 people have been killed Are you still indifferent" "Aren't all those people segregated What are you afraid of " There was a look of disdain on her mother's face


There's no way I can only use my trump card - Sadness: "there's a incubation period after the virus is infected If you're not infected, you'll get sick immediately If you get sick, you'll have fever, weakness of limbs, vomiting and other symptoms It's hard And those angels in white, who are fighting on the same line on the eve of the lunar new year, you can't go to give people any trouble Besides, I don't want you to leave me! " Speaking of this, I winked at my mother, like crying


Mom looked at my red eyes, took the mask, and silently took it up


Before I left, I didn't trust my mother, so I called again My mother turned around Fortunately, the mask was still on my mother's face, so I went back to my room happily


Open the window, and the breeze blows Novel coronavirus is being developed by experts at the earliest time, and the virus will be eradicating We hope that the virus infected people will overcome the disease and recover soon



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