

#英语资源# 导语第32届夏季奥林匹克运动会,简称2020年东京奥运会,是由日本奥林匹克委员会举办的国际性运动会,于2021年7月23日开幕、8月8日闭幕。参赛国家或地区总数达204个,共11669名参赛运动员;共有33个大项、339个小项。 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


 The women's 10m air rifle final arrived as promised tonight In front of the TV screen, we held our breath and wished two veterans of the Chinese team, Du Li and Yi Siling Since the project adopted the new competition system, the competition has been extremely fierce and cruel It's hard to imagine that the women who dare to shoot the rifles on the same plateau in Tokyo are full of suspense at the other end of the earth During this period, their grades changed due to mood fluctuations In any case, they all face the difficulties under pressure and try their best to narrow the gap between the scores

 Every shot is as important as a penalty When the media people participating in the commentary joked that "only expect the opponent's mistakes" However, the fledgling American youngster won the first gold with his stable and excellent performance Although the two veterans missed the first gold medal, they still made great contributions to the Olympic gold rush of the Chinese team They shoulder the ardent hope of the 14 billion Chinese people They deserve to pay and wait for four years in exchange for a trip to Tokyo to show the style and look of athletes from big countries Although they have lost, they are still proud

 I can't help but think of my friend who told me about her brilliance in her shooting career with persistence and efforts step by step She once said: "shooters are lonely, fighting is psychological quality, is a person's battle!" In order to enhance her physical fitness, she once braved the severe cold and ice and insisted on running 10 kilometers a day She has studied her movements in the shooting range and kept improving She has also emerged in the Provincial Games and ranked among the best in the competition many times

 I think every Olympic athlete has to experience a Nirvana on the road of winning the championship Not all participants can achieve what they want And our desire to touch the gold medal is like climbing the top of a mountain After we successfully arrive, we embark on a new journey without stopping


 The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is one of the opening links of the Olympic Games It has always been the highlight of the Olympic Games and the focus of attention At the opening ceremony, we should not only reflect the Olympic spirit aiming at peace, unity and friendship, but also show the national culture, local customs and organizational work level of the host country, but also express our warm welcome to guests from all over the world

 At the opening ceremony, in addition to a series of basic ceremonies, there are generally wonderful group gymnastics and literary or military sports performances with national characteristics

 The 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games will simplify some links of the opening ceremony On December 23, the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games announced the dissolution of the director team of the opening and closing ceremony, with Wanzhai Nomura as the general director On July 3, 2021, the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games said that it decided to extend the end time of the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games by 30 minutes

 At the opening ceremonies of previous Olympic Games, the lighting of the main torch is always the most anticipated moment, and it is always kept secret until the last minute

 At the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, rapolo, the archery medal winner of the two Paralympic Games, lit the arrow with fire and accurately shot at the flame platform 70 meters away and 21 meters high

 At the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, female sprinter Cathy Freeman lit the main torch in the water, and then the main torch tower rose from the water, like a sun rising on the sea

 In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Chinese gymnast Li Ning, holding a torch, stepped over a long roll slowly unfolding above the stadium like a flying man in the air, and finally lit the main torch of the bird's Nest stadium

 In the 2012 London Olympic Games, the main torch tower is composed of 204 copper petals Seven young athletes ignite the petals together Finally, these copper petals converge to the center to form the main torch

 Different from previous Olympic Games, the main torch of this Olympic Games is far away from the stadium and located in the waterfront of Tokyo


 The steps of the Tokyo Olympic Games have gradually approached For Chinese sports people, each Olympic Games is a big test In 2021, what answer papers can be handed over is a test of Chinese sports

 In the new era, Chinese sports people also shoulder the renewed mission and more responsibility In the historical intersection of the "two hundred years" goal, sports will play a more diverse role Facing the Tokyo Olympics, we should strive for gold and silver, but what we need to do is far more than win gold and silver

 The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has drawn us a grand blueprint for building a strong sports country The new form of sports in the new era and the new demands of people for sports in the new era all require Chinese sports people to embark on a new journey with new ideas, new ideas and new goals We should make the national fitness develop vigorously, the competitive sports are colorful, the sports industry is advancing rapidly, the sports culture is changing day by day, and the "four carriages" advance together, and give multidimensional Chinese interpretation for the "Olympic"

 The Olympic Games are no longer simply a simple collection of athletes' competition results, but a platform for comprehensive spiritual encouragement, cultural heritage, national display, cooperation and exchange In this context, the test of the Tokyo Olympic Games to the Chinese delegation will not only be in the field, but also outside the field

 Athletes need to strive for outstanding achievements, practice faster, higher and stronger, strive for glory for the country and provide strong positive energy for social development But the "gold content" of these achievements needs to be higher, which requires athletes to strictly abide by the sports rules and sports ethics, constantly break through the limit of self transcendence, show the national spirit and become a model for the young generation

 The criteria for evaluating the performance of the delegation will not be limited to the number of gold medals and medals, but also whether we fully demonstrate China's great power feelings in terms of friendly competition, foreign exchanges, communication and cooperation, and build a bridge of mutual benefit and mutual trust between countries and regions with sports as the link

 The Olympic Games are arena and stage Today, with the development of Internet technology and the smooth communication among all nations in the world, the cultural and industrial value of the Olympic Games have been developed more and more deeply This value is not only the host, but also belongs to each delegation In 2021, how to discover and embrace these values is also a big task for the Chinese delegation


 After a year's delay, the Tokyo Olympic Games with the slogan of "passion party" will officially open this week Due to the epidemic situation, this Olympic Games will be held under the epidemic situation restriction measures, and the proportion of on-site audience will be strictly limited

 In the context of repeated outbreaks in Japan, it is not easy for the first postponed Olympic Games in history to come to the opening According to the schedule, the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games will be held at the Tokyo Olympic Stadium at 19:00 Beijing time on July 23, 2021

 Due to the repeated epidemic, in early July, Tokyo launched the fourth state of emergency from July 12 to August 22, which means that the Tokyo Olympic Games from July 23 to August 8 will be held under epidemic prevention restrictions

 In order to ensure the safety of the Tokyo Olympic Games, at the end of June this year, the organizers officially decided that the number of spectators of the Tokyo Olympic Games should be less than 50% of the number of people that can be accommodated in the venue and the upper limit should be 10000, and the number of games with on-site spectators has decreased sharply

 The 32nd Tokyo Olympic Games opened grandly in the expectation of the world, and the Tokyo Olympic Games officially opened The artistic performance lasting more than an hour is like both a drama and a rock concert Countless elements run through the performance of the whole opening ceremony Cooking smoke in pastoral songs, Shakespeare's poems, strong rock


 According to the Olympic ranking released by the International Table Tennis Federation, Chinese players occupy the top seed position in all five events, such as men's and women's groups, men's and women's singles and mixed doubles Among them, fan Zhendong and Ma long are the top two seeds of men's singles, and Chen Meng and sun yingsha are the top two seeds of women's singles

 The first draw on that day was mixed doubles Unlike singles, each team can only send a pair of players to participate in mixed doubles Because the Chinese table tennis team has obvious advantages in team competitions, and there are two players in men's and women's singles, only one pair of mixed doubles with a combination has become a relatively unstable link in all fronts of the national table tennis As the No 1 seed, Xu Xin / Liu Shiwen had a good signing Their first round opponent was Wang Yu / Zhang mo of Canada The whole upper half of the area is most likely to form a combination of "Xinwen"

 The threat is Huang Zhenting / Du Kaiyu from Hong Kong, China However, in the Olympic simulation match in June, Xu Xin / Liu Shiwen won 4-1 If the "Xinwen" combination successfully qualifies from the first half of the zone, the final is likely to face the host player Suzuka / ITO Meicheng, provided that the latter breaks through the second half of the zone with good players such as Chinese Taipei combination Lin Yunru / Zheng Yijing and Korean combination Li Shangzhu / Tian Zhixi As mixed doubles is the first single to determine the champion in table tennis, it is particularly critical whether Xu Xin / Liu Shiwen can get off to a good start

 In the women's team draw, the top seed China fell to No 1 The first round opponent was Austria, and then the winner against France and Singapore China's potential opponent in the semi-finals is South Korea, or against the host Japan in the finals

 In terms of men's team, China entered the first half of the region as the number one seed and played Egypt in the first round After that, the Chinese team is likely to play against Hong Kong, China, for a place in the semi-finals The Japanese team is located in the second half of the region, and the strong German team is also located in the second half of the region They are very likely to compete with the host for the finals In singles, the four national table tennis generals fan Zhendong, Ma long, Chen Meng and sun yingsha guarded one and a half areas respectively, forming two pairs of "double insurance" The national table tennis civil war will not be staged before the final, but once someone "loses", it is bound to bring additional pressure to his teammates In the women's singles, the famous Japanese player Meicheng ITO, regarded as the biggest opponent of Guoping table tennis, is in the same area as sun yingsha, and another Japanese player Jiachun Ishikawa enters the upper half of Chen Meng's area Men's singles,

 Host player Zhang benzhihe fell in position 8 and was in the upper half of the area with fan Zhendong, while good players such as caldrano and ocharov entered the lower half of the area guarded by "Grand Slam" winner Malone

 On the whole, the Chinese table tennis team signed well and had the strength to win the championship in the five individual events Earlier, Liu Guoliang, chairman of China Table Tennis Association, said that Guoping is ready for five years of preparation

#英语资源# 导语奥运会是一项家喻户晓的大型的受人欢迎的活动,现代奥林匹克运动诞生100多年来,奥运会在延续,奥运精神也流传至今,就像奥运圣火的火焰熊熊燃烧,生生不息,而世人的身上也都散发着拼搏的芳香。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


 The Olympic Games, fully known as the Olympic Games, originated in ancient Greece more than 2000 years ago and got its name because it was held in Olympia At the Olympic Games, countries use sports to exchange cultures and exchange sports skills The purpose is to encourage people to continue sports

 The Olympic Games are held every four years The Tokyo Olympic Games, which should have been held in 2020, came late because of the epidemic and didn't meet us until the night before yesterday At the opening ceremony, when the Chinese delegation appeared, the bright red five-star red flag and the athletes with more than 400 people made people excited and proud

 China's "first gold" was won by Yang Qian In our understanding, whether he was admitted to the university or won the gold medal in the Olympic Games, it can basically be arbitrarily said that he had a more successful life And Yang Qian did both It is not easy to stand out all over the world and win the Olympic champion At the same time, he can take into account his studies He has made achievements in both aspects, which shows that he has mastered a learning method suitable for himself This is what we should learn from it

 When the second gold medal was won, the whole family sat in front of the TV and cheered This game was against our stereotype Hou Zhihui lifted twice her weight, surpassed all the players and won the championship

 So far, China has won hardware, one silver and three bronze, ranking first in the medal list For us, this may only be a series of proud figures, but for athletes, it is the result of years of pain and sweat, which is hard won They gallop on the field and inspire us with struggle: exercise hard and surpass ourselves

 There are more than 10000 athletes participating in the Olympic Games There is no doubt that a large number of athletes will not win medals Even so, they are rare in various countries They have also made a lot of efforts and deserve our study and respect

 I wish the Olympic athletes a great success in the Tokyo Olympic Games!


 There are many diving talents in China, and the Chinese diving team is also known as the dream team Among them, many diving queens were born, such as Guo Jingjing, who is absolutely strong in diving After retiring early, she is now back and will serve as a diving judge as a representative of the fina In the face of children and work, she chose work Another Diving Queen Chen Ruolin, China's most Olympic gold medalist, has five Olympic gold medals He will be the diving referee of the Tokyo Olympic Games

 The Tokyo Olympic Games has added four events: surfing, skateboarding, rock climbing and karate Undoubtedly, these events are added to win more gold medals As the host, I will certainly find a way to seek gold medal benefits for myself Some hidden items have also been added, such as mixed groups of judo This single event is equivalent to giving Japan a gold medal directly Anyway, how to benefit themselves, but I can understand that only the opportunity of the host can let them win more gold medals

 Compared with the previous Olympic Games, the number of mixed male and female events in the Tokyo Olympic Games increased from 9 in Rio to 18, and the proportion of female athletes reached in previous Olympic Games The added mixed events include archery mixed team events, track and field 4x400m mixed relay, judo mixed team events, triathlon mixed team relay, and the transformation of three men's events into mixed events

 Thanks to the principle of "promoting gender equality", table tennis mixed doubles has become an official event of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, which has attracted the attention of Chinese national ball lovers At present, there are men's and women's groups in table tennis in the Olympic Games Men's and women's singles play four single events After the mixed doubles are added this time, the total number of Olympic gold medals in table tennis will reach five


 "I want the five-star red flag to fly in Tokyo! Let the National Anthem ring in the Olympic Games“ At the Tokyo Olympic Games, Chinese Olympic athletes stood up and won medals The most talked about topic in the streets these days is how many gold medals China has won

 What impressed me most was the match between sun yingsha and ITO Meicheng Itoh Meicheng won the Chinese mixed doubles table tennis final before He is very arrogant and doesn't pay attention to the Chinese players at all In the second round of women's singles semi-final, she easily made the score 9-3 She took the racket in her right hand, turned her left hand and held the ball in her palm It was very exaggerated, and then threw it up and played it This is a classic serve This "immortal" action is similar to the snake spirit in the Hu Luwa The more I see it, the more ridiculous I feel Sun yingsha fought bravely and chased for 4 points, 9:7! At this time, the Japanese players were completely out of proportion, their expression changed from arrogance to depression, and kept making mistakes - either out of bounds or unable to get through the net Sun yingsha killed 8 points in a row, reversed the game and won the second set It's so handsome! Finally, she defeated arrogant Meicheng ITO 4-0 and successfully advanced to the finals

 If table tennis is China's strength, then the following highlights the real strength of China Weightlifter Shi Zhiyong adds another gold to China! I saw him grab the barbell with both hands and lift it up to his neck I saw him clench his teeth, his veins burst on his head, sweat like rain, his legs squat, try his best to lift the barbell over his head and stand up steadily“ Yes! Yes“ The narrator shouted excitedly He steadily lifted the 198kg barbell When the referee turned on the white light, he threw down the barbell, stretched out his two index fingers and shouted to the audience: "who else! Who else“ Yes! Who else can match this Chinese power!

 One minute on the stage and ten years off the stage, each medal was bought with countless sweat I cheer for the Olympic athletes! Put down your cell phone and study hard! Although we can't win glory for our country on the field, we will become the pillars of our country when we grow up

 Be proud of the Olympic athletes and China!











2020年东京奥运会(Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games)。

也称第32届夏季奥林匹克运动会(Games of the XXXII Olympiad),是由日本奥林匹克委员会举办的国际性运动会,于2021年7月23日开幕、8月8日闭幕。英文缩写为Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games。



2011年5月16日,2020年夏季奥运会申办程序启动,申办意向书截止提交日期为2011年9月1日;9月2日,国际奥委会确认有巴库、多哈、伊斯坦布尔、马德里、罗马和东京等6座城市向其提交了2020年奥运会的申办申请 ;11月3日至4日,2020年奥运会申办城市研讨会于洛桑举行。

#英语资源# 导语看完一部作品以后,这次观看让你有什么体会呢?这时我们很有必要写一篇观后感了。为了让您不再为写观后感头疼, 考 网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


 The Chinese women's volleyball team has completed its first training session in Tokyo on July 19, Beijing time Defending champion Chinese women's volleyball team, one of the most prestigious teams in the Chinese sports delegation, is looking to repeat the glory of Rio, but it faces many challenges

 Italian and Serbian women's volleyball team in Tokyo cycle of strong performance is undoubtedly the most obvious impact, the United States, Brazil and other old players can not be ignored At the Tokyo Olympics, China's women's volleyball team was drawn with Italy, the United States, Turkey, Russia and Argentina in Group B The opening match against Turkey on July 25 will be a good opportunity for the Chinese team to get into shape and adapt to the match It will also be a good opportunity to prepare and adjust for the next match against the United States The highlight of the group is undoubtedly the dialogue with the Italian women's volleyball team on July 31, which is also the key battle to decide the ranking In general, although the Chinese women's volleyball team was divided into a stronger group, such opponents and schedule gave them a more adequate warm-up and difficult test, after all, the more crucial is the elimination tournament

 After stepping down from the gold medal podium in Rio Olympic Games, The Chinese women's volleyball team started again and made steady progress in the Tokyo Olympic Cycle They won many honors successively, including the Champions Cup, the World Cup and the third place in the World Championship Besides the Rio Olympic champions zhu Ting, Yan Ni, Ding Xia, Yuan Xinyue, Zhang Changning, Gong Xiangyu and other new stars, li Yingying and Wang Yuanyuan have been added to the team Especially the powerful main attack line is the most lethal weapon of the Chinese women's volleyball team


 The Olympic motto is faster, higher and stronger, which not only refers to the competition between athletes, but also refers to the breakthrough and improvement of oneself Let's listen to the two most inspiring stories of the Tokyo Olympic Games, although the hero of the story did not win a medal

 In The Tokyo Olympic Games to usher in the sailing women laser Reydier class medal round of competition, it is a pity, my favorite athlete Xu Lijia did not appear in this round of competition Lijia xu's story we already talked about, she is the best sailing in China, is also the most is not suitable for sailing athletes physical quality of the top players, her career to overcome congenital eyesight, hearing impairment, once nearly murdered in extreme weather the sea, was removed from the Olympics have been forced to change projects, but all this has failed to stop her to become a top player At this Olympics, Xu lijia suffered from the result of cancellation, but did not complain nor discouraged, successfully came back from the bottom to the first place

 Later, injuries and another cancellation meant That Xu's Olympic campaign ended before the medal round However, Xu lijia, who did not win a medal, won even more attention at the Games than her gold medal moment in London Why Because she lets us see the superb competitive level of an outstanding athlete and the competitive state of undefeated after suffering setbacks At the same time, she also lets sailing, a sport that Chinese people are not particularly familiar with, enter the public's vision

 Also ended the Olympic journey, but left countless touched by one person, her name is Chusovitina Chusovitina, a veteran of seven Olympic dynasties, rose to international fame as a gymnast from Uzbekistan in the 1990s, winning the women's team title at her first Olympics in Barcelona in 1992 Chusovitina's watershed came in 2002, when her son was stricken with leukemia Chusovitina spent all her savings on medical treatment To treat her son and to raise enough money to pay for his treatment, she traveled to Germany and competed

 From a "mother" to a "grandmother" contestant, her vow of "I dare not grow old until you are well" has moved countless people Now that her son's condition has improved, chusovitina made the decision to return home and represent Uzbekistan at the Tokyo Olympics, just as most people thought she would retire to be with her family Chusovitina is 41 in a gymnastics arena that has been called a veteran since she was 20 This time, she was not fighting for the prize money, for her son, but for love, for herself! After Rio, Chusovitina said she would see you in Tokyo


 The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was noisy, joyous, tender and historically heavy There is no doubt that this is a big party that gets everyone's mood up, full of passion and joy

 The opening ceremony of the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games will be held in the stadium at 8 PM local time on August 5 and 7 am in Beijing time on August 6 The whole performance will focus on the history, present and future of Tokyo in front of the world, such as the appearance of elements, reflecting the largest country in South America with nature, environmental protection and close links

 In fact, not only do they have artistic performances of ingenuity, but they also have an extremely detailed side, so that the world can see their determination and confidence to host a world sports event, which seems to be very different from people's impression of Brazilians as free and slightly loose

 As the biggest highlight of the opening ceremony, different skin color, different gender guide pedal with plant ornament tricycles guide athletes from all over the world to enter, let a person like in the atmosphere of carnival, but also feel the unique enthusiasm of this multi-ethnic country

 Environmental protection Olympic Games, no luxury, no dazzling special effects, the five rings are all green, the flame is the smallest in so many years, but the Opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games really more than imagined, low-key but beautiful, blessing all athletes, looking forward to the Olympic Games held smoothly

 "I have enough confidence in the Tokyo Olympic Games," as President of the international Olympic committee says, more understanding of Tokyo, the Olympic Games in the eyes of people will be more beautiful, more harmonious, there is reason to believe that the Tokyo Olympic Games, will be a successful, elements and Asia amorous feelings and happy festival of sport, I firmly believe that








































































































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