




a “发脾气”这件事情是有效的:无论对孩子的态度是软还是硬,孩子在与爸妈的沟通中习得了“发脾气”这种态度对父母是有效的,所以会一再运用。


b 经常用负面语言教导,引得孩子逆反:如果家庭中父母对孩子评价、批评过多,不给孩子表达自己想法的机会,也可导致孩子不与他们交流。










M: Get me a beer !F: Hey, Mark ! Get your own beer ! Can't you see I am busy now ! I am not your babysitter, for christ sake !M: Are you tired of me Yes, I think you are ! You can't wait to see your Mr Handsome, is that right F: Get off my face ! You bloody idiot ! If you are looking for a flight, do it against wall ! I am fed up with your nonsense !M: How dare you talk to me like this Get out of my house ! Get out, now !

A Great

B what are you doing

A I see you left me no pizza

B I just lit that candle I like the way it smells

A wellI don't did you leave me any dinner at all

B I assumed you were eating with Michael

A does it not occur to youThat two people in this house need to eat

B you konw That if you would commuicate with meMay be I could have something for you

A why Do you have to make everything difficult I'm carrying the weight around here while you're off doing your own thing

A Excause me I'm working to pay this mortage, and I pay for both of the cars

B yeah, and that's all you do I pay all  of our bills with my salary

A which you agreed to Do that's fair Do you not like your car

B caleb who takes care of this house me who washes all the clothes me who gets all the groceries me not to mention I'm helping my parents every weekend I've got all this pressure on methe only thing you Do for anybody is for youself

A let me tell you you don't konw the frist thing about pressure all right you think I put out house fires for my self or rush to car wrecks at 2am for myself or pull a child's body out of a lake for myself you have no idea what I go through

B yeah but what do you do around here other than watch TV and waste time on the internet if looking at that trash is how you get fulfilled that's fine but I will not compete with it

A well I sure don't get if from you

B and you won't because you care more about saving for your stupid boatand pleasing yourself than you ever did about me

A stut up! I'm sick of you!    you disrespectful ungrateful selfish woman!

B I'm not selfish

A how dare you saythat

A you constantly nag me! and you drain the life out of me! I'm tired of it! if you can't give me the respect I deservelook at me!when what's the point of this marriage

B I want out I just want out

A if you want out that's fine with me!

Father:Peter,what are you doingthe final exam is coming,you can't watch TV

Mother:you need to put your hear into your study

Peter:why don't let do these and those thingsmy life is too bored,I hate you

Father:Dear son,we do everthing that is good for you

Mother:as a student,you should put study in the first place

Peter:Only do l study,nothing,oh,I will go mad,I 'm more stupid than before

Father:you can't watch TV used computer

Mother:you always play computer games ,it 's harmful to you

Peter:you don't let play basetball again,but it's good for my health


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/qinggan/8907365.html

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