

I have heard that you sometimes argue loudly with your parents I would like to offer you some suggestions, and therefore I am now writing to you In my opinion, parents are our best friends in the world They love us and dedicate everything to us I love my parents so I alwasy ask myself to be kind, generous, and good to them Every time I went to some places for travelling, I brought my parents some gifts I would suggest you that not to argue loudly with your parents because it is a rude behavior If there is something that you don't agree with your parents, please discuss the issue with them patiently and quietly I hope you can be a good friend with your parents

我要和父母沟通,反思谁对谁错,找到解决的办法来化解矛盾,真诚向他们道歉。下次不要犯这样的错误了。我们互相谅解尊重,每天都温馨快乐。爸爸妈妈,好吗 这样可以


  When you have quarrels with your parents, the best way for you to appease the situation is to force yourself to concede Parents have undergone far more experiences in life than you do; therefore, it is invariably the case that you are the one who turns out to be wrong Bravely admit your faults and actively pursue ways to harmonize the atmosphere, and all the family members will live together in harmony again


  "You quarrel and then, if I do not do their homework in!" I roared forward, homeopathy should still be done plot mode squeezed a few drops of tears Oh, this mode is really useful, Mom and Dad hurriedly said: "okay, okay, we do not quarrel, and you hurry to do work there" I said: "Then you have to do that we three together Gogo little finger, and deceptive is a dog," said, we all laughed

  I remember once at home, I was doing homework, I suddenly heard voices outside the quarrel was originally my father and mother, where they are to a minor quarrel At that time I may Huang Leshen, ran out when the Quanjia messenger , Said: "Mom and Dad Yeah, on the 1st marital day-yan, a total of ten years of cultivation bed pillow, you have a husband and wife pull fourteen years, how the tragedy are still here to go" Result was that I had one father said: "Here you do not, ah Guaier Zi to the house to do work," the mother is also next to the perfunctory No I can not make this a fight the spread of smoke and then continues, there is no way in I had to use my stream of killer


  Teenager is at the sensible age, on the one hand, they are not mature enough, on the other hand, they are very bolshy, they don’t listen to what their parent tell them, they will go against parents So teenager always have argument with their parents, it hurts so much, parents have to deal with such situation


  As a teenager, they want to chase for freedom, they are at the age of pursing individualism They want to show that they are mature enough, they can make their own decision While as parents, they watch their kids all their life, they haven’t realized that their kids are already mature enough, so they always treat their children as the small one, making every decision for them That is why the conflict comes, the only way to solve it is to understand each other


  For parents, they must have the though that the kids are growing up, they are no more the small ones, they should learn to let them go For teenagers, they should have a good talk with their parents, trying to explain and show the courage they have They should not be angry with parents, to find a better to solve argument


  Though teenagers are at the sensible age, there is always a way to find the solution about the argument The better understanding between parents and teenagers is the key point


In life, everyone is like a boat, meet difficulties, sailed, and for the life, the home is a little quiet harbour, resting the ship berthing, however, everything can't be perfect, the happiness of the bay can sometimes be a little accident, the boat with the boat bumps, little dispute occurs, here, I will talk about my little accident boat!

On one occasion, I'm thirsty, to pour boiled water, shake, it didn't, that is empty, alas, is only a water bottle, I am lucky psychology, carrying a water bottle gently pour, hey, pour water, there are less than half bowl! Although not much, I meet a solution right now! I'm pleased picked up the bowl

英语作文 关于家庭矛盾的







Generation GapNowadays, there is often a lack of understanding beeen parents and children Children always plain that their parents are out of date, while parents can't approve of what their children say and do Thus, a big generation gap is formedThe gap remains wide for many reasons Children want to be free to choose their own friends, select their own classes in school, plan their own future, earn and spend their own money, and generally run their own life in a more independent way than many parents allow Also, young children wish to be understood by their parents, but most parents don't quite understand their children They regard it as their responsibility to teach their offspring traditional beliefs They want them to be obedient and do well in school Therefore, misunderstanding often arise from parents' tendency to interfere in children's daily activitiesIn my opinion, most problems beeen parents and children could be solved by joint efforts of both sides to enhance mutual understanding代沟如今,父母和孩子之间经常缺乏理解。











Everyone can have a collision with friend,but it is important for us to make up with themIt is usual for us to see our friengs' bad when quarrelingBut later,we will find our own faults,usually the same with our friendsSo,if he(or she) is too shy to make an appology first,we can find a chance to talk to him(or her)or write a letter to him(or her)to show our sorry to him(or her)Then we will make up with our friends and hold a forever friendship with him(or her)

孩子与家长发生矛盾的英语作文 150字即可

代沟Generation GapNowadays, there is often a lack of understanding beeen parents and children Children always plain that their parents are out of date, while parents can't approve of what their children say and do Thus, a big generation gap is formedThe gap remains wide for many reasons Children want to be free to choose their own friends, select their own classes in school, plan their own future, earn and spend their own money, and generally run their own life in a more independent way than many parents allow Also, young children wish to be understood by their parents, but most parents don't quite understand their children They regard it as their responsibility to teach their offspring traditional beliefs They want them to be obedient and do well in school Therefore, misunderstanding often arise from parents' tendency to interfere in children's daily activitiesIn my opinion, most problems beeen parents and children could be solved by joint efforts of both sides to enhance mutual understanding


My father and the conflictLife always have to experience all kinds of contradictions and conflicts When the conflict happens, it's hard to calm down, only after things began to regret his behavior I remember when I was a child and father played conflict But after a series of events, our relationship but more betterWhen I was young, the result is not good, the teacher assignments, you can quickly plete and then to the play, and I can only listen to their laughter A father back I rushed up to let dad topic, and sometimes his father to think, really not, he can only ile said: "the problem I will not ah, in my mind he can" And said some I listen to don't understand something, but often it is in he said no he impatiently says; "you don't Start grew up playing with children, do not concentrate on school attendance,! You will not that even, the next question!" heard this, he still don't give up: "today must take after listening to this problem and then write down the answers, tomorrow to listen to the teacher speak" He said several times I still listen to dads will annoy: "you can listen to it or not! Anyway, I'm tired, since you do not listen, so go to sleep!" I was so indignant, the in the mind disdain to think: "do not speak do not speak! Tomorrow I asked the teacher to!" then angrily left But at this time my heart will be ing to a different voice: "don't be angry the Dad might also have the wrong place, but you wrong earlier ah!" I want to apologize, but did not dare, had conceived a plex mood to go to bed But when the night is deep can be heard mom and Dad talking: "how And with her daughter quarrel Her age is still all, not sensible, you should more inclusive she not" "but she is too much!" "you don't don't you think Not to mention today is relatively late, she is sleepy, temper is not good Here I suddenly loved her more, in my world as if only she could walk into But when the next day to get up, you will see Dad dragged the body, very tired, black rim of the eye also have, but because last night I was angry that he hasn't five me, and put a one side: "I don't know what you look like" However, he said: "good!" I haven't responded to e over when he wentSince then, every time I asked him problem and he won't and he is still noisy, but the second day morning and send me to school when he would be late, sometimes very dawdle Therefore, I again times with him said: "look at the road ah! Be careful!" despite this he is still very late to sleep Things: after I sometimes by playing puter opportunity secretly hidden in the room, although not find a reason, but I find his room is very messy desk, many drafts of paper is very chaotic, pen also misplacing in together, I saw, uneasy to catch him on the toilet quietly packed, etc He is very surprised look, did not expect him to say: "paper My desk Don't fiddle with my things! They hinder to you" "you also said that the table is in a mess, I help you to tidy up the things, you say me!" Then sometimes noisy, I but he turned to go, the next day, father hasn't e back when I slipped into the study look at what's so important, I find an important paper I was very surprised! Those important papers is the solution process of the problem is I don't knowNow I can understand the good intentions of the father, and the father will not be impulsive And he is no longer in conflict with him, there is a problem we are able to municate well I will study hard and live up to your work day and night我和爸爸的冲突生活中总要经历各种矛盾与冲突。










many students don't know more how to deal with some problems among their clas ates now because of it arguing and fighting occured from time to time to reducethe ratio , here are a few suggestions: one, what is that saying "If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow" so everyone should learn toleration anytime and anywhere Two, after arguing or fighting occured and we think aboutthe reason of what happened to us , we can give apology to each other

大学英语作文 怎么处理同学之间的矛盾

A person over a lifetime can not be isolated, and human contact is bound to be, it is necessary to live in the dealings of human beings Contacts with people, it is not possible as all of them as your parents, let your pet, give, there is always friction, collisions, in particular, many students are now more self-consciousness, in a sense I dominated drawcircle conflict inevitable Therefore, students can not slightly unpleasant won on may not be wronged, and students no longer contact with their own closed Contradictions beeen students, often because of some life some trivial matters, and sometimes is a word, a look, a all bump, a all contact, or hearsay, or very often caused by misunderstanding















Dear EditorIt is very mon that conflicts beeen teachers and students often happen For example a girl in our class didn't hand in her homework yesterday and was criticized by our English teacher She felt it was unfair to be treated like that and talked back to the teacher which made the teacher very angry Later it turned out that the girl didn't feel well the day before yesterday so she couldn't finish her homeworkSo in most cases conflicts beeen people e from misunderstanding If the girl had realized that the teacher acted so just for her sake or the teacher had first asked the girl why she didn't finish her homework the conflict would have been avoided So teachers and students should municate more and understand each otherIn my opinion putting yourself in others' shoes is the key to avoiding conflictsYoursLi Hua

转载请注明出处 » 写家庭矛盾的英语作文

 如果我们在写 英语 作文 时,与舍友发生矛盾而又不及时处理的话,这有可能会影响我们的写作心情。下面是我给大家整理了舍友矛盾解决 方法 的英语作文,供大家参阅!


 We always had and have something unpleasant to deal with keeping your mind collected and clear is the best killers to tackle it Roomateship is very important when one is in school It will affect one`s friendship with others and your mood in study

 I still remember the first and aslo last time when I quarreled with my roomate when we were freshmen in high school We had a row because of a trifle when we were unfamiliar with each otherAnd the fact is I was listenning to music when he was asleep Then he woke up and argued that I made a lot of noise and ruined his dream While I said that it's not noisy ,but a beautiful song He was very angery with me and wanted to hit meAnd we ended up fighting after that we both felt embarrassed in dormitory ,and I felt very sorry ,and made an apology to him The thing is he just wanted to say sorry to me ,so he accepted it readily Little by Little ,we became best friends and people in our shool call us a good twosome that's it

 when we have done something unpleasant toward others,and we should be emboldened to admit the mistake and say sorry to others so that we can tackle it as soon as possible


 Since I have lived the dormitory for a couple of days, I have to say that it is difficulty to handle with the roommate as I am the only child in my family and I have to do everything individually

 Yesterday, I had an argument with my roommate (xxx), it was because I lost my wallet in the dormitory, and he/she was the only one who stayed in the dormitory whole day, therefore, I thought it must be him/her, and finally, we started arguing for hours and hours

 in the end, I have learnt that the communication between each other plays a very important role to maintain a healthy relationship, not just simply having argument with others Whenever you or your room mate face any problem, it is very important for both of you to discuss about the matter Do not choose to hurt each other If you do not like what your room mate did Tell him or her Let them know about it


 How to get along with Roomate For many university students, the first thing they get is to live with

 roommates, before university, they live with parents, so they don’t have the experience to live with others It is a new thing for them, students have to learn to live with their roommates, it is hard for them to create a harmonious environment

 The first thing to get along with roommates is to communicate

 Communication is a key word for them, if roommates don’t talk to each other, then they don’t understand each other, when comes to the argument, the situation becomes worse So students should communicate with roommates often, get to know them

 The second thing is to be considerate Thinking about this, if your roommate have exam tomorrow, but you get used to play computer late, then you have to make some sacrifice, you need to sleep early tonight, for not to disturb your roommate Doing this will make your roommate moved, they will be considerate for you, too If you are in trouble, they will come to help

 The problem of getting along with roommates is not easy, we should learn to tolerate with each other, be more patient and considerate


From my point of view,you should make an apology to your friend to stop this quarrelThere are some reasons for it Every person has different opinions toward various things You could not avooid the contraditions forever In addition,quarrel results from yours problem that you neither believe each other

Stop the argument as soon as possible,and your frendship will become more strong




 Ways of getting along well with your roommates If you are living with your roommates, getting along well with your roommates is considered of importance, because you will spend most of your time in your dorm studying, sleeping, relaxing and so on Unpleasant will not only make your life influenced but other roommates are also unhappy

 There are several way to deal with your relationship with your your roommates instead of secrets Knowing something your roommates dislike could help you prevent such thing from happening Also, if you have a common interest with her, you should be always willing to help them when they need your help Everyone is not an isolated island Inevitably, we will meet something we can solve by oneself Helping your roommates is communication is a bridge between you and your roommates Spending your time sharing your dreams and thoughts with your roommates will make your relationship much closer consider them as your best friends Be harmony with your roommates will help you a lot


 The problem of getting along with roommates is not easy, we should learn to tolerate with each other, be more patient and considerate 和室友相处这个问题不容易,我们应该学着彼此忍让,更加耐心和为人着想。

 如何和室友相处 How to Get Along With Your Roommates

 For many university students, the first thing they get is to live with roommates, before university, they live with parents, so they don’t have the experience to live with others It is a new thing for them, students have to learn to live with their roommates, it is hard for them to create a harmonious environment

 对于很多大学生来说,他们接触到的第一件事就是和室友同住,在大学以前,他们和父母住,因此他们没有和别人住在一起的 经验 。这对于他们来说是新鲜的事,学生不得不和他们的室友住在一起,创造一个和谐的环境是很困难的。

 The first thing to get along with roommates is to communicate Communication is a key word for them, if roommates don’t talk to each other, then they don’t understand each other, when comes to the argument, the situation becomes worse So students should communicate with roommates often, get to know them


 The second thing is to be considerate Thinking about this, if your roommate have exam tomorrow, but you get used to play computer late, then you have to make some sacrifice, you need to sleep early tonight, for not to disturb your roommate Doing this will make your roommate moved, they will be considerate for you, too If you are in trouble, they will come to help


 The problem of getting along with roommates is not easy, we should learn to tolerate with each other, be more patient and considerate


Dear xxx:

I am sorry to hear that you are very sad nowYou said you had a quarrel with your best friend,I think you should go apologize to him,because you built a deep friendship with him ,after all But just ,your failed the English testBut you needn't upset,because it was just a small testSo you should learn lessons,So that you can play in the next test wonderful!So ,don't worryI hope you see these mood could be happy See you!



※注:go apologize 主动道歉(可能你不太熟悉)


我和我最好的朋友吵架了英语是:I had a fight with my best friend。



我最好的朋友翻译为my best friend,表示是最好的朋友。

吵架翻译为had a fight,表示两个人因为某种原因争吵或争执。

因此,我和我最好的朋友吵架了翻译为I had a fight with my best friend。









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