

  英国大致是这样:The wedding tradition of "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" has been around for hundreds of years Many brides have been asked on their respective wedding days if they have gathered something old, new, borrowed and blue to carry with them as they walk down the aisle The tradition of carrying or wearing one of each item is said to bring luck and fortune to the newly married couple Have you ever stopped to think what the saying really means? What is its origin and what does each item represent?

  The original saying dates back to the Victoria times and states, "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a silver sixpence in your shoe"

  Something old……

  A bride may wear or carry something old to represent her continued ties to her family and her old life Many brides wear a piece of family jewelry as their old item Some brides wear the wedding dress worn by their mother or grandmother In many cases, something old may also be something borrowed

  Something new……

  Wearing something new is supposed to represent success and hope in the bride's new life and in her marriage If the bride purchased her wedding dress new, it may represent her new item, but any item that is new may be used Something "new" is usually the easiest category1 to fill

  Something borrowed……

  The borrowed item should be something borrowed from a friend that is happily married It is suggested that their happiness will rub off on you and bring lasting happiness to your marriage Some brides borrow an item of clothing, a piece of jewelry, a handkerchief or perhaps a beaded purse

  Something blue……

  Wearing something blue dates back to biblical times when a blue wedding dress was worn to represent purity, fidelity4 and love Over time this has changed from wearing a blue dress to wearing just a blue band around the bottom of the bride's wedding dress to modern times where it is commonplace for the bride to wear a blue garter

  Silver sixpence……

  Placing a silver sixpence in the bride's left shoe is said to be a symbol of wealth This not only refers to financial wealth, but also a wealth of happiness and joy throughout her married life Since most brides probably don't even know what a sixpence is, this part of the tradition is not used very often in modern times However, if a bride would like to include it in her wedding, she can purchase a silver sixpence from many companies that sell bridal supplies such as garters and invitations

  Some brides are more traditional than other and may take a great deal of care in selecting one item for each category It may be traditional for the women in their families to wear the same piece of jewelry

  Other brides aren't bound by tradition but still may choose to carry out the custom at someone else's request If they don't want to carry numerous items, they may simply carry two handkerchiefs in a small beaded bag——hey may choose to buy a new, white handkerchief and borrow a blue one from a family member That would provide them with something new——the white handkerchief, as well as something that is old, borrowed and blue——the blue handkerchief The handkerchief just may come in handy during the wedding for drying their joyful tears�

  至于美国,只能泛泛说说,因为种族太多,如果是清教徒的话,大致就是新英格兰地区风格-与英国差异不是太大;或者根本没有讲究,只不过是排场和婚姻誓言之类的越来越现实,比如新娘拒绝-矢志不渝 之类的swear。 在风水和日期上13要避免,还有就是盐,伞,帽子之类的一些忌讳,不过这都是泛泛的。


本剧主角 Jack Worthing 是 Cecily Cardew 的监护人。在 Cecily 眼中,Jack 是个极其认真和严谨的人。

然而多年来 Jack 一直骗 Cecily 自己在伦敦有个挥霍无度的弟弟叫 Earnest。由于要接济这位虚构的弟弟,Jack 要经常要离开 Cecily 居住的赫特福德跑到伦敦去。

Jack 在伦敦时则以“Earnest”自称。他结识了 Algernon Moncrieff(简称 Algy)的表妹 Gwendolen Fairfax,并和她开始交往。

至于另一位主角 Algy 则讹称自己在城郊有位经常生病,名叫 Bunbury 的朋友。

每当 Algy 想逃避一些社会责任,或者只是想趁周末外出休息一下,他就骗人说要去探望这位同样是虚构出来的朋友。他将这种虚构身份或制造双重身份的做法称为“bunburying”。

在故事一开始,Jack 跑到 Algy 府上打算向 Gwendolen 求婚,却可是遇上不少麻烦。

第一是 Gwendolen 似乎纯粹因为她相信 Jack 的名字叫 Earnest 而喜欢他,因为 Earnest 是她心目中最漂亮的名字。

第二个麻烦是 Gwendolen 的母亲是让人害怕的 Bracknell 女士,她对 Jack 的身世显然感到不满和惊讶。

Jack 年幼时曾被人放在一个弃置于火车站的手提包内,直至后来的监护人 Tom Cardew(亦是 Cecily 的祖父)发现了之后收养他。

她认为让女儿“嫁进寄物室里与包裹通婚”(原文:marry into a cloakroom and form an alliance with a parcel)是件难以接受的事。

另一方面,Algernon 发现 Earnest在其房间内丢下一个银色盛烟盒,盒内刻有一段文字,意思大概是“小小的 Cecily 送给亲爱的 Jack 叔叔,并奉上至温柔的爱。”

Algy 不但开始怀疑,更进一步迫使 Earnest 承认自己的真名是 Jack ,并道出自己经常往来伦敦与郊区的原因,而Algy 发觉这和自己的 \"bunburying\" 行为很相似。

Jack 告诉 Algy,Cecily 似乎对这个虚构出来的弟弟 Earnest 很感兴趣,因此决定放弃 \"bunburying\" 并打算告诉 Cecily 他在伦敦的弟弟 Earnest 已经在巴黎病逝。

言谈间 Jack 对 Cecily 的描述引起 Algy 对这位18岁少女的好奇。

正当 Jack 换上丧服打算前往赫特福德郡对 Cecily 告知这个“噩耗”时,Algy 已提早一步到达 Cecily 位于郊区的寓所,并冒充自己就是 Jack 那个挥金如土的弟弟 Earnest。

两人不但很快就攀谈起来,更在 Jack 赶到这里时,Cecily 对监护人说她和 Algy 已有结婚的打算。Jack 虽感愤怒,但亦只好装作若无其事。

Gwendolen 来到城郊打算和 Jack 会面,但只见 Cecily 一人。她们两人攀谈起来,在言谈间识破了Algy 和 Jack 的真正身份与秘密。

之后这两人也出现了,因此被追问他们说谎的原因,两人都分别说出了让人满意的答案之后,亦各自准备找牧师取个 Earnest 的名字,因此 Cecily 和 Gwendolen 宽恕了他们。

就在此时,跟踪女儿远道而来的 Bracknell女士抵达赫特福德郡。Gwendolen 再次向母亲提及她和 Jack 的婚事,然而母亲还是不赞同。

另一方面 Algy 亦说出他和 Cecily 已定下婚约的事情。Bracknell 女士遂向 Cecily 和 Jack 询问一堆关于 Cecily 背景的事。

Jack 不耐烦地一一回答,直至提到 Cecily 继承大堆遗产时,Bracknell 女士才开始感到兴趣。Jack 作为 Cecily 的监护人,并不赞成她和 Algy 的婚事,除非 Bracknell 女士同意将女儿嫁给他。

虽然如此, Bracknell 女士还是拒绝交换条件。就在她临离开 Cecily 的寓所前,在言谈间听到 Dr Chasuble 谈及 Cecily 的家庭教师 Prism **,Bracknell 女士毫不考虑便要求召见她。

Prism **初见 Bracknell 女士时即感觉错愕。因为28年前她曾替 Bracknell 女士的姐姐打工,期间不慎遗失了一名婴孩后就不知所踪。

Bracknell 女士再叁追问后,再搭配上 Jack 的说法,证实该名孩童正是 Jack 本人。而孩童的母亲则是 Bracknell 女士的姐姐,他的父亲同时也是 Algy 的父亲。

换句话说原来 Jack 真的是 Algy 的哥哥。Bracknell 女士说,作为长子,Jack 的圣名自然跟从父亲。

经过翻查后证实了他父亲恰巧又取了一个 Earnest 的圣名。最后众人各自和自己的伴侣拥抱。剧终前Jack 说他首次明白到为人认真的重要性。



故事背景设在维多利亚时期的英格兰,剧中幽默的焦点集中在主角Jack虚构出来的弟弟 Ernest 身上。Ernest 是 earnest(认真)的谐音,而 Jack 的姓氏 Worthing 则是王尔德撰写此剧时居住的市镇名称。


为应付他们,王尔德暂时取了一个剧名为“Lady Lancing”。一如他另外四部社会话剧,王尔德同样以海边市镇的名字替其此剧主角和故事开端命名。






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