电影院求婚视频怎么制作啊。 我想要做一个在电影院求婚的视频

电影院求婚视频怎么制作啊。 我想要做一个在电影院求婚的视频,第1张








最感人的求婚词1、我肯定将来会有不如意的时候,我肯定我俩其中一个会想分手。但是我肯定如果我不向你求婚,我会遗憾终身。因为我很清楚在我的心坎里,只有你的存在。 2、生活给我出了个难题,送给我这么可爱的你,我该怎么庆祝生活也给你出了个难题,送给你这么忠诚的我,你该如何解决我想了很久,决定向你求婚,你就从了我吧! 3、我肯定将来会有不如意的时候,我肯定我俩将来会形同陌路。但是,我肯定如果在我们形同陌路之前,我没有对你说我喜欢你,我会遗憾终身。因为,我很清楚,在我当时的心里,只有你的存在。 4、佛说:前世的五百次回眸,才换来今生的擦肩而过。如果真的是,我愿用一万次去换与你的相遇,能告诉你:“好想好好爱你”。 5、只爱一个太傻,爱上两个起码,三个伍个不多,十个八个潇洒。可我呢实在是太傻太傻!虽然我很傻,可是我很温柔,亲爱的,嫁给我吧! 6、我已病入膏肓:眼睛只能看到你的身影;耳朵只能听得你的声音;记忆的是有关你的事;心中塞满了你的名字。今日求婚,以求天长地久。 英文求婚词 1 单刀直入法 此法适合有勇气、不喜欢拐弯抹角的男士。 Will you marry me 你愿意嫁给(娶)我吗 Would you be my wife/husband 你愿意当我的妻子/丈夫吗 2 迂回暗示法 不确定她是不是想现在结婚可以旁敲侧击一下。 I think it's time we took some vows。 我想是我们该许下誓言的时候了。 I think it's time we settled down。 我想是我们该稳定下来的时候了。 I want to spend the rest of my life with you。 我想与你共度余生。 I want to be with you forever。 我要永远与你相守。 3 咬文嚼字法 此法适合喜欢舞文弄墨的男士,求婚的时候也顺便显示一下文采。

He Gave Her His Art

George Aye, designer, 32, and Sara Aye, design consultant, 29, Chicago, Ill

He: It took about two months to plan my marriage proposal to Sara, my girlfriend of three and a half years We're both designers, and I wanted it to be something that would slowly reveal the words Will you marry me When a coworker put me in touch with the owner of an art gallery, I decided to stage a fake art show

Photographed by Andrew Brusso

Sara and George Aye are together by design; he handcrafted his marriage proposal

First I created it all with 3-D software Then I made the letters for Will you marry me out of foam core, using a laser cutter I broke them into even smaller shapes, so there were about 60 pieces in all, and I stuck each one on its own piece of aluminum siding The idea was to have the pieces at different heights, arranged seemingly randomly around the room But if Sara stood in just one place, she could read my question

I set up a video camera where Sara would be standing to make sure the letters lined up right; it took a full 40-hour workweek to arrange them It was a nightmare! I really sweated About a week before, I sent an e-mail to Sara and all our friends, saying, "There's an artist, Serge Gandaora, who's having a show on Friday called My Early Muir Owl" I played with words: Serge Gandaora was an anagram of "George and Sara," while My Early Muir Owl was a jumble of "Will you marry me" The studio owner even enlisted an actor friend to play Serge during the show

The day of the proposal, I texted a few friends, "This is a big day I hope I don't screw up" I just wanted Sara to know how much I loved her

She: At the gallery, after I'd chatted with people for a few minutes, George walked over and said, "My friend can introduce us to Serge" Serge said his artwork was "all about the intersection of text and space" I was thinking, I don't see any text But just to be polite, I said, "Oh, wow, that's great!" Then Serge said, "If you look through these frames, you'll see the world differently"

Well, I saw these frames-like little rectangles-placed all around the room I looked through one, but I just saw white pieces Then George steered me toward a pair of frames, one at eye level and the other a couple of feet off the ground The lower one was a vehicle for him to get on one knee! I looked through the frame, and after a second, I saw the word you It was magical, appearing as if out of nowhere I moved my head one degree and suddenly the whole thing just came together: Will you marry me

The room had gone silent Everybody was looking at me I turned and saw George on one knee and I started to freak out He was holding a ring, looking at me like, Well

And I said, "Of course I'll marry you!"

It was amazing I was crying, and I kind of fell against the wall I remember thinking that he didn't have to work so hard to persuade me I would have said yes anyway!



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