

Have a small village underfooting in Himalayas, old people who has come to one one's outstanding behavior like that of immortals, he announces to entire the village people, self magic art that can select stone Cheng Jin one kind, can help a villager to break away from privation , make for better-off Want to learn this magic art but , must pay tuition fee first right away Person inside the village has listened to both happy event and concern Can learn the magic art working miracles, that accepts poor harassment right away unnecessarily again hereafter , think essential points pays tuition fee but, the villager has been anxious Originally, poor , need to deliver tuition fee study of ability to arrive at, that is not to increase burden what but they think of, can learn to arrive at so good magic art , spend partial money why not thereupon, they to take out self most valuable thing just numerously and confusedly being tuition fee , to learn from the old people magic art They are surrounding the vicinity sitting in the old people , are learning modestly piously See that old people chirp distance of mile of slurp has read a big heap of curses , both hands closure , expression have been solemn only, he has become a gold right away with the stone printing on under the barrel a few moments later "Very magical "! Villagers all are popping an eye out , the field sighing with feeling is gazing at an old people " Hurry up and teach us! Hurry up and teach us! Hunger and thirst is made in the throat from the villagers, that is longed for litten sight being burning passionate Thereupon, the old people teaches villagers reading curses , learning magic art very patient , guided by patient field of old people, that benzene person has all learned this both long and smelly curses right away most in company village They dance for joy excitedly , every imagination is burning should how to be put into use after self owns a gold At this time, the old people supplements road ": You can use this magic art to work miracles tomorrow, can not think of the Himalayas monkey when reading magic art but" Doctrine has completed , the old people has just left a village What "Midas touch" and the Himalayas monkey have to concern woollen cloth villagers how to be unable to think of clear Within day in the hereafter, think that villagers face cover when the stone under the barrel reads curses , may remember the upper monkey of Himalayas carelessly, they can not work miracles thereupon, all the time One thousand years passes away, suppose you that mountain village pass , what to return back to being able to see somebody's opposite in buzz Wu Wu field stone read some, they " the field making great efforts " does not remember the Himalayas monkey They do not blame that old people all the time, when because of being reading curses, monkey being able to not forget Himalayas all the time Average our mind, meeting fantasy also is burning having a monkey Be carefull! Do not give way to anybody including that self raises the Himalayas monkey in the mind!


喜马拉雅山公亩在世界上最高山脉之一他们位于亚洲通过巴基斯坦伸出剩余物2,400千米,印度,中国,尼泊尔和 BhutanThey基本上由二几乎平行的这些范围被一长,宽广山谷,其含有印度河和布拉马普特拉河riversThe北方范围山存在的被称作Trans-喜马拉雅山的分开的山脉构成它包含K2,世界的第二最高山,在1954The南方范围存在中爬was第一把分成三组的:伟大,更不那么靠外和喜马拉雅山公亩永久覆盖的伟大喜马拉雅山highestThey曾经随雪,公亩带有Mount,世界的在8,848米方面是第一的最高高峰在1953年爬(16)达到大约4,500的最大高度的更不那么靠外和喜马拉雅山和1,500米分别向南处于进一步的状态


雪山玫瑰是白玫瑰中的高档品种,也是较新的品种,英文名字叫做Avalanche,在我国云南和台湾有生产。颜色干净,白色中透着淡淡的绿,花型好。我国出产的雪山白玫瑰主要用于出口。植物分类学上是指蔷薇科蔷薇属灌木(Rosa rugosa),这些栽培品种在植物分类学上应称做月季或蔷薇。



Write down the well-known places(有名的地方)in Yunnan




云南景点英文介绍:Lake Dian


Located 25 kilometers north of Lijiang River, Yulong Snow Mountain is the northernmost snow mountain in China, and it is also the closest to the Quaternary in China


In recent years, due to the increase of snowmelt, the glacier belt of Yulong Snow Mountain has not only reduced the glacier area, but also lengthened the current water level In the five years from 1998 to 2002, the glaciers had a pull distance of at least 100 meters The thickness of glaciers and snow cover will also increase during this period


According to an expert from the Chinese Academy of Marine Sciences, the main cause of glacier activity in Yulong Snow Mountain is global warming


There are 13 peaks in Yulong Snow Mountain, stretching 35 kilometers from north to south, and the theme peak of shanzitou is 5596 meters above sea level


Near the mountain city of Lijiang, Yulong Snow Mountain is the only place in China where you can ski


All year round - it snows on the top of the mountain, then on the clouds, from one side of the mountain, it looks like it's in Largon - 65288yulong - 65289; it has its name on it



Shilin size, the Lions Pavilion, Jianfeng pool, Wang Feng Ting, Ashima, Old Town of Lijiang, the Quartet question, Lugu Lake, the island than in the Treasury, the Yulong Snow Mountain, Yunshaping small ropeways, Baishui River, Hanhai of



Shilin size, the Lions Pavilion, Jianfeng pool, Wang Feng Ting, Ashima, Old Town of Lijiang, the Quartet question, Lugu Lake, the island than in the Treasury, the Yulong Snow Mountain, Yunshaping small ropeways, Baishui River, Hanhai of



Yulong Snow Mountain is called "Oulu" in Naxi, which means "Tianshan"


Its 13 snow peaks are continuous, just like a "dragon" flying, so it is called "jade dragon"


It is also called "black and white snow mountain" because its lithology is mainly limestone and basalt, black and white are distinct


Blue Moon Valley, formerly known as "Baishuihe" before


On a clear day, the color of the water is blue, and the valley is in the shape of a crescent moon


From a distance, it looks like a blue moon inlaid at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain, so it is called blue moon valley


Yulong Snow Mountain cableway runs about 35km from the north of Lijiang ancient city


With a total length of 2914 meters and a vertical height difference of 1150 meters,


cableway is one of the highest tourist passenger cableways in China





Imperial Palace, Italy for past imperial palace, was Forbidden City which the past people often said that located at Beijing town center the Imperial Palace completed the bright Yunglo 18 years in (in 1420), occupied a land area of 720,000 square meters, the floor space 160,000 square meters, had the palace to construct more than 9000, was Chinese and even the world extant most greatly most complete ancient times palace architectural complex

During the winter of vacation, our family travelled to a snow mountain We built a snowman and we felt very happy





云南省以元江谷地和云岭山脉南段的宽谷为界,平均海拔在2000m左右。云南东部旅游的特色高原特色,分别为滇东、滇中高原,称云南高原,属云贵高原的西部。云南这里主要是波状起伏的低山和浑圆丘陵,发育着各种类型的岩溶地貌,云南西部为横断山脉纵谷区,高山与峡谷相间,云南地势雄奇险峻,其中以三江并流最为壮观。这样的地势地貌也孕育出丰富多彩的自然生态景观,也让云南有“彩云之南”的美誉。云南旅游景点以其美丽、丰饶、神奇而著称于世,一向被外界称为“秘境”,吸引着世界各地的游客。 每年到云南旅游的游客较多,主要的景点包括:丽江古城、泸沽湖、苍山洱海、香格里拉、玉龙雪山、腾冲地热火山、大理三塔、滇池等。

同时我们云南还有很多的土特产,云南山七这个是不能不说的好东西, 各种菌类,各种水果,墨江紫米,宣威火腿,大理泡梨,话梅,蜜饯,扎染、蜡染、小鱼干、普洱茶、普洱红糖、景谷粽子、版纳柚子、版纳小包谷 , 更是数不胜数,当然千万不能忘了我们全国销量最大的云南特产猫哆哩了。


Yunnan landform is bounded by the Yuan River Valley and Yunling mountains south of the valley, at an average altitude of about 2000m Eastern Yunnan Diandong plateau, Yunnan, known as the Yunnan plateau, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the West of Yunnan here is the undulating hills and rounded hills, developed karst landform types, Western Yunnan to cross the mountain valley areas, mountains and valleys, Yunnan is magnificent, with Sanjiang and flows to the most spectacular This landform also bred the natural ecological landscape rich and colorful, also let Yunnan " south of the clouds " in the world Yunnan tourist attractions with its beautiful, rich, magic is known to the world, has always been known as the "secret ", attracts visitors from all over the world Every year to the tourists in Yunnan is more, the main attractions include: Old Town of Lijiang, Lugu Lake, Cangshan, Erhai, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Shangri-La, Tengchong geothermal volcano, Dali three pagodas, Dianchi

At the same time, we Yunnan there are many native products, mountain Yunnan seven this is not to say the good stuff, various fungi, all kinds of fruits, Mojiang purple rice, ham, Dali bubble pear, plum, candied fruit, tie-dye and batik, dried fish, Pu 'er tea tea Pu' er tea, brown sugar, Jinggu rice dumplings, grapefruit, Banna Banna small valley, it is beyond count, of course, do not forget our national sales of the largest specialty Yunnan cat duo miles




Guanyin Gorge Scenic Area is located in Lijiang Bazi three pass "Yulong"

mark, difficult terrain, beautiful scenery, is a to the landscape of the natural

landscape and cultural landscape as a whole, known as the first view of Lijiang

Guanyin gorge is a set of landscapes, lakes, canyons, forests and other natural

landscape and the tea horse ancient streets, Naxi village, folk customs,

religious customs cultural landscape is one of the scenic area, the Lord Reiko

Toshiki had this with customs and barracks, ad 1639 in January 25, our great

traveller Xu Xiake should toast wood invitation this entry, and leave the "Wu

disc ash, Tianchou ring Yan" "Lijiang first key words of praise, so it is

called" Lijiang first king "


Guanyin Gorge Scenic Area is located in Lijiang Bazi three pass "Yulong"

mark, difficult terrain, beautiful scenery, is a to the landscape of the natural

landscape and cultural landscape as a whole, known as the first view of Lijiang

Guanyin gorge is a set of landscapes, lakes, canyons, forests and other natural

landscape and the tea horse ancient streets, Naxi village, folk customs,

religious customs cultural landscape is one of the scenic area, the Lord Reiko

Toshiki had this with customs and barracks, ad 1639 in January 25, our great

traveller Xu Xiake should toast wood invitation this entry, and leave the "Wu

disc ash, Tianchou ring Yan" "Lijiang first key words of praise, so it is

called" Lijiang first king "

my home town丽江的英语作文

My home town Lijiang, is a magical and beautiful place Lijiang sun light White clouds through the city with the stream Four seasons of normally open flowers culture of lijiang is dressed up

Lijiang each season is like a picture, is so beautiful and unique

In the early spring, all things recovery, the roadside farmland green up gradually, rape also quietly out of head, peach blossom pear flower can't wait to show their beauty, the breath of spring overflow in warm in lijiang city Willow trees by the river slowly pours out new bud, the cherry blossom is busy airtime, grass small wildflowers are crazy dance, catkin is flying in the air, is full of thick the awaken of spring

Flowers bloom and fade, the earth covered with a layer of green clothes, spring is about to leave, and with the rush of summer like a naughty little girl appeared in front of you, everything is so casual The sun through the pale green of the leaves on your face, let you feel her warm Lijiang in July, feel is more of a little bit of cool in summer Cloudy and sunny weather in hide and seek with people, not well-known small yellow flowers everywhere complained that summer romance

Autumn, maple leaves in autumn wind flying, reed, complained that his mood in the autumn wind, the scent of osmanthus flowers filled the air Sky is so blue, the water is so green, the Mid-Autumn moon is so round, sea sunset brush to draw the elegantly beautiful pictures with it

Lijiang is still so warm in winter, the sunshine is so dazzling, the sky is so blue, didn't feel any cold meaning, only the coming of the night will feel the cold of winter Jade dragon snow mountain is more magnificent, wintersweet in the set off of snow mountain, smiling open thick Snow White cloud blue day Everything is ready for spring quietly

Lijiang every season is attractive scenery, mountains and rivers, I love the lijiang, I love the lijiang four spring-like! I love my home town of lijiang!

中文翻译:丽江,是一个神奇而美丽的地方 丽江的阳光 轻风 白云与穿城而过的小溪 四季常开的鲜花把丽江装扮的如诗如画。丽江的每一个季节都像一幅画,是那么的美丽而独特。春天初临,万物复苏,路边的农田渐渐的绿了起来,油菜花也悄悄地露出了头,桃花 梨花已经迫不及待地露出自己的美丽,春天的气息洋溢在暖洋洋的丽江城里 河边的柳树也渐渐吐出新芽,樱花忙着争奇斗艳,草地里的小野花也在疯狂的跳舞,柳絮在空中飞扬,到处都是浓浓的春意。花开花落,大地披上了一层绿色的新衣,春天带着匆忙的脚步即将离去,夏天像个顽皮的小姑娘出现在你的面前,一切都是那么的不经意 阳光透过嫩绿的树叶洒在你的脸上,让你感觉到她的热烈 丽江的七月,在夏天里感受到更多的是一丝丝的凉意 忽阴忽晴的天气在和人们捉迷藏,不知名的小黄花到处诉说这夏日的浪漫。秋天,枫叶在秋风中漫天飞舞,芦苇在秋风中诉说这自己的心情,空气中弥漫着桂花的清香 天是那么地蓝,水是那么绿,中秋的月亮是那么的圆 拉市海的夕阳用它的画笔画出一幅幅美妙的图画。丽江的冬天依然那么暖,阳光还是那么刺眼,天空还是那么蓝,感觉不到一丝的冷意,只有夜晚的来临才会感觉到冬的寒意 玉龙雪山更加壮丽,腊梅在雪山的映衬下,含笑开放 蓝的天 厚的雪 白的云 一切都在为春天静静的准备。丽江的每一个季节都是一道诱人的风景,我爱丽江的山山水水,我爱四季如春的丽江!我爱我的家乡丽江!



 Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the "Roof of the World" It is impressive because of its scenery and lush vegetation

Lijiang boasts of breath-taking wonderful sights such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and its modern maritime glacier, the only one of its kind in the southern end of the Northern Hemisphere; Tiger Leaping Gorge; the world - famous grand canyon; Lugu Lake, the cultural cradle of the "Matriarchy" of the Yongning Mosuo people in Ninglang Lijiang Town is officially called "Dayan Town"—— "Dayan" literally means a "great inkstab", a graphic description of the town's location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China

The people of Naxi, while developing their land of snow-clad mountains and turbulent rivers since ancient times, have to their credit the "Dong Ba Culture" seen as one of the world wonders, a culture all-embracing while unique

All these natural sceneries and these cultural treasures of the minority peoples have been continuously drawing tourists from all over the world and have recently vote Lijiang as one of the favorite destinations in China


1 Lijiang 丽江

2 Roof of the World 世界屋脊

3 Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 玉龙雪山

4 Tiger-leaping Gorge 虎跳峡

5 Lugu Lake 泸沽湖

6 Dayan Town 大研镇


My home town Lijiang,is a magical and beautiful place Lijiang sun light White clouds through the city with the stream Four seasons of normally open flowers culture of lijiang is dressed up

Lijiang each season is like a picture,is so beautiful and unique

In the early spring,all things recovery,the roadside farmland green up gradually,rape also quietly out of head,peach blossom pear flower can't wait to show their beauty,the breath of spring overflow in warm in lijiang city Willow trees by the river slowly pours out new bud,the cherry blossom is busy airtime,grass small wildflowers are crazy dance,catkin is flying in the air,is full of thick the awaken of spring



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