

The full name of the French Republic, is now the French Fifth Republic Is located in the western European continent, three facing the sea, was hexagonal Paris is the capital of French political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the Louvre Museum and Notre Dame de Paris, known around the world, known as the Champs-Elysees Avenue, the world's most beautiful, its ground and underground traffic extending in all directions, very convenient, each days traffic reached 13 million people

France in the world-renowned fashion, choice of materials rich, excellent, bold design, production and skilled to lead the world in fashion trends has always been There are 2,000 boutiques in Paris, the boss who's slogan is: "Fashion does not sell second" In the street, almost see two women dressed in identical clothing

Paris Arc de Triomphe (L'arc de Triomphe) is located in the heart of Paris Star Plaza (now known as General de Gaulle Square) in central France to commemorate Napoleon in February 1806 to defeat Russia in the Battle of Austerlitz, Austria coalition built

The south bank of the Seine in the heart of Paris Eiffel Tower, is the world's first structure of a steel tower was seen as a symbol of Paris • because of the famous French architect Gustave Eiffel designed and built and named

Louvre (Palais du Louvre) is one of France's largest royal palace buildings, located in the heart of Paris the right bank of the Seine, the Paris Opera House Square, south side Was originally a medieval castle,


1,埃菲尔铁塔,the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower, built in 1889, stands on the champs DE Mars in Paris, France, on the south bank of the Seine


It was the tallest building in the world at that time


The Eiffel Tower takes its name from the famous architect and structural engineer gustave Eiffel, who designed it


2,巴黎圣母院大教堂,Notre-Dame de Paris

Notre Dame cathedral is a gothic Christian church building on the Seine and the island of the sieti


The cathedral of the Catholic archdiocese of Paris


Its status and historical value are unparalleled, and it is one of the most brilliant buildings in history


3,塞纳河,Seine River

The Seine, the largest river in northern France, is 7766 kilometers long


The total basin area, including tributaries, is 78,700 square kilometers


It is one of Europe's great historic rivers


Its drainage network carries most of France's inland waterway traffic


4,卢浮宫,The Louvre

The Louvre museum is located on the north bank of the Seine river in the center of Paris, France


It is the first of the four major museums in the world


Originally built in 1204, it was the royal palace of France, where 50 French Kings and queens lived


It is one of the most precious buildings of the French Renaissance


It is famous for its rich collection of classical paintings and sculptures


5,协和广场,Place DE la Concorde

Place DE la Concorde is located in the center of Paris, north of the Seine, is the most famous square in France


It was built by king Louis xv in the 18th century


It was built to show the world his imperial power and was called the place Louis xv









埃菲尔铁塔(La Tour Eiffel)

巴黎凯旋门(l'Arc de Triomphe)

巴黎圣母院(Notre-Dame de Paris)

荣军院(Les Invalides)

先贤祠(Le Pantheon)

巴黎歌剧院(Le Palais Garnier,或又称L'Opera Garnier)(加尼埃宫)

圣礼拜堂(La Sainte Chapelle)

圣心堂(白教堂)(Le Sacre-Cur)

玛德莲教堂(Eglise de la Madeleine)


巴黎市政厅(Hotel de Ville)

卢森堡公园(Jardin du Luxembourg)(法国参议院(Senat)所在地)

波旁宫(Palais Bourbon)(法国国民议会所在地)

拉德芳斯区新凯旋门(La Grande Arche)


卢浮宫(Musee du Louvre)(远古和古代艺术)

奥塞美术馆(Musee d'Orsay)(近代艺术)

庞比度中心(Centre Georges Pompidou)(现代艺术)

巴黎格雷万蜡像馆(Musee Grevin)

罗丹博物馆(Musee Rodin)

毕加索博物馆(Musee Picasso)

巴黎达利蒙马特空间(L'Espace Dali)(超现实主义艺术)

克吕尼博物馆(L'Hotel de Cluny)

蒙帕纳斯博物馆(Musee du Montparnasse)

大皇宫(Le Grand Palais)(1900年世界博览会展馆)

小皇宫(Le Petit Palais)(1900年世界博览会展馆)

夏佑宫(Palais de Chaillot)(1937年世界博览会展馆)


香榭丽舍大街(Avenue des Champs-Elysees)

里沃利路(Rue de Rivoli)

协和广场(Place de la Concorde)

巴士底广场(Place de la Bastille)

巴黎塞纳河左岸(Rive gauche)

孚日广场(Place des Vosges)

亚历山大三世大桥(Pont Alexandre III)

新桥(Pont Neuf)

拉雪兹神父公墓(Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise)

杜乐丽公园(Jardin des Tuileries)

索邦大学(La Sorbonne)


左岸咖啡(les cafes de la Rive gauche)


红磨坊夜总会(Bal du Moulin Rouge)


疯马(Crazy horse)



凡尔赛宫(Chateau de Versailles)

枫丹白露宫(Chateau de Fontainebleau)

巴黎迪士尼度假区(Disneyland Paris)

拉德芳斯(La Defense)



埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)




巴黎圣母院(Cathedral of Notre Dame)


凯旋门(Arc De Triomphe)





1、巴士底狱广场:Place de la Bastille

2、雨果故居:Maison de Victor Hugo

3、孚日广场:Place Des Vosges

4、蓬皮杜:Centre Georges Pompidou

5、圣心堂:Basilique du Sacre Coeur


7、爱墙:Mural of Je T'aime

8、红磨坊:Boulevard de Clichy


10、老佛爷:Galeries Lafayette Haussmann

11、凡尔赛:Chateau de Versailles

12、巴黎圣母院:Notre Dame_e paris

13、卢浮宫:Musee Du Louvre

14、艺术桥:Pont des Arts

15、杜乐丽花园:Jardin des Tuileries

16、协和广场:Place de la Concorde

17、香榭丽舍大街:Avenue des Champs- lysées

18、凯旋门:Arc de triomphe de l' toile

19、埃菲尔铁塔:Tour Eiffel



1、埃菲尔铁塔:埃菲尔铁塔建于1889年,为了纪念法国大革命100周年。站在三楼,可以看到战神广场(le Champ de Mars)、 夏约宫(le Palais de Chaillot)、香榭丽舍大街(les Champs-Elysées)、凯旋门(l'Arc de triomphe)。



4、巴黎圣母院是一座哥特式风格的教堂,教堂最古老的雕像(1165—1175)则位于右边拱门,描述的是圣安娜的故事,以及大主教许里(Bishop Sully)为路易七世受洗的情形。左边是圣母门,描绘圣母受难复活、被圣者和天使围绕的情形。



The Eiffel Tower stands at the southern bank of the Seine river in Paris, France's Mars square, built in 1889, is the highest building in the world at that timeThe Eiffel Tower gets its name from the design of its famous architect, structural engineer gustave Eiffel, all built by schneider iron (now schneider electric)


The Eiffel Tower is 300 meters high, antenna 24 metres high, total is 324 meters high, the tower is made up of many scattered steel components - looks like a pile of model componentsSteel components There are 18038, 10000 - ton, construction drilling 7 million, using 12000 metal parts, 25 million with rivet


In addition to the four feet are with reinforced concrete, all use of steel, common to 7300 tons of wrought ironPoints on the third floor, respectively from the ground 576 meters, 1157 meters and 2761 meters, one of them, has a restaurant on the second floor, third floor has a viewing platform, 1711 steps from tower to tower






Kitty plans to travel to France in winter vacation



1 L'arcde Triomphe 凯旋门 高四十五米在星型广场中心矗立的凯旋门,是1806年拿破伦为纪念法国大军战胜奥俄联军而建造的,前后经过三十年,终在一八六三年落成。而在这宏伟的建筑物下就是无名英雄纪念碑。从凯旋门可以看到迷人的香榭里舍大道和十二条以凯旋门为中心,向四面八方伸展的放射形大道。 门下有为纪念无数为法兰西英勇献身的无名战士燃亮的长明灯。门票8Euro。

开放时间:10:am至10:30pm 公众假日休息

交通:乘搭地铁(1)线、(2)线(6)线及RER(A)线在Charles-de-Galle 站下车。

2 La Bastille (colonne de Juillet) 七月纪念碑 此纪念碑位于巴司的广场是纪念一八三零年七月革命的牺牲者。

3. La Colonne Vendome Place Vendome(旺多姆广场): 此纪念碑是用于一八零五年在所夺得的1,200支大炮的铜所铸成。拿破仑为纪念奥斯特里茨战役的胜利,把战场上夺来的大炮融毁后铸成铜柱,耸立于此。


4.La Conciergerie 中世纪时代的建筑物,在法国革命(一七八九年)用做囚室。

开放时间: 夏季:至9:30 am 至6:30 pm 冬季:10:00 am 至5:00 pm 公众假期休息

交通:乘搭地铁线(4)线在Cite 站下车。

5.L'ecole Militaire 军校 十八世纪时代的建筑物

交通:乘搭地铁线(8)线在Ecole Militaire 站下车。

6.L'Eglise de la Madeleine 十八至十九世纪希腊式的教堂


7.La Grande Arche 废兵院


开放时间: 夏季: 10:00AM至6:00 PM 冬季:10:00AM至5:00PM

拿破伦墓: 10:00AM 至7:00PM

交通:乘搭RER(C)线地铁(8)线及(13)线在Invalides 或Varenne站下车。

8. La grande Arche 新凯旋门 新凯旋门与凯旋门遥遥相对,位于协和广场-香榭丽舍大街-凯旋门的延伸线上,由卢浮宫为起点以新凯旋门为终点是巴黎传统的旅游路线,藉以让游客们有机会意识到法国首都之艺术、建筑由古到今的发展。 1986年建成,为巴黎新城的标志。登楼可以一览巴黎新老城,门票9Euro。

开放时间: 每天:10:00 am至 7:00 pm 交通:乘搭线地铁(1)线在La defense 站下车。

9.La Place des Vosges 巴黎最古老的广场,四周有漂亮的拱廊建筑包围着,广场的一个角落有雨果于一八三二年至一八四八年期间住过的房子,现而改为博物馆供参观

开放时间: 交通:乘搭线地铁(8)线在Chemin Vert站下车。

10Le Quartier du Marais 浮在塞纳河上岛的对面右岸上的地区就是广场乃在此地区。这里有十六至十八世纪时期的宫廷或大府邸。每年夏季都会在庭院内举办演奏会、戏剧等活动。 从庞比度中心至广场是一段不错的漫步路线。

11.Montmartre 蒙玛特 蒙玛特位于巴黎较高的地带,仿如宁静和平的郊区小镇,但亦有强烈对比之处:风景秀丽的蜿蜒小径,直通往繁华大道,落日的艺术家,依靠赈济为生,妓女们到镇内豪华大宅,向富有的邻居抛媚弄眼,在著名的红磨房不远处,就是神圣的圣心教堂。从圣心教堂往下望,景致壮丽,天清气朗之日,三十米内的美景尽收眼底。

交通:乘搭线地铁(4)线,(12)线及(2)线在Chateau-Rouge Abbesses,Auers站下车。

12 Notre Dame Paeis 巴黎圣母院大教堂 位于西岱岛上,建于1163年,为巴黎最大最古老的教堂。因雨果的《巴黎圣母院》而闻名于世。由Maurice de Sully 所设计,从圣母院塔上可欣赏到塞纳河上的风光及庞皮度中心。星期天晚上圣母院内不时有风琴演出。登楼门票36FF,教堂免费,地下室为巴黎建筑历史展览,10Euro。

交通:乘搭线地铁(4)线,在Cite 站下车。

13. L'Opera 巴黎歌剧院 在Second Empire时,由Charles Garnies 所建造,现为国家舞蹈表演的场地及音乐学院。巴黎最大的歌剧院,每年演出季上演诸多经典名著。

交通:乘搭线地铁(3)线、(7)线及(8)线在Opera 或Chaussee-d'Antin站下车。

14 L'opera Bastille 新歌剧院 于一九八九年七月十四日正式启幕,新型的建筑设计,令人焕然一新,与歌剧院的古雅设计成强烈对比,是值得一游的地方。


15 La Place de la concorde 协和广场 协和广场从香榭里舍大道走向公元的方向就会经过协和广场。矗立于广场中心的纪念碑,是一八三一年埃及赠送给法国的纪念碑,此座古迹有三千三百多年历史,为拿破仑时代法军从埃及卢克索神庙掠夺而来。周围有两座喷泉,一座大观览车。从这儿可以俯瞰大部分上午巴黎美景:香榭里舍大道,凯旋门卢浮宫及国会大楼等。


16.Le Palais de Chaillot 于一九三七年建造,原用作展览场地。此建筑分为两翼:paris翼有**图书馆"Henri Langlois"、**博物馆、国家公众剧场"Theatre National Populaire"及法国名胜古迹博物馆。另一边为Passy翼内有海军博物馆及人类博物馆(Musee de I'Homme)。


17 Le Pantheon 十八及十九世纪的建筑物,是名人 Rousseau, Voltaire,Hugq,Emile Zola,Jean Jaures,Jean Moulin等墓地。

开放时间: 夏季:9:30 am 至6:30 pm 冬季:10:00am 至6:30pm 公众假期休息

交通:乘搭地铁(10)线在Cardinal-Lemoine 站下车。

18. La Sainte Chapelle 教堂 建于Cite岛上裁判所的中央庭园,是一二四六年至一二四八年时期所建的哥特式教堂,内里有金碧辉煌的彩画玻璃。此教堂用了三十三个多月时间造成,由 Pierre de Montreuil 所设计。

开放时间: 夏季: 9:30 am至6:30 pm 冬季: 10:00 am至5:00pm 公众假期休息

交通:地铁(4)线在Cite 站下车。

19 La Tour Eiffel艾菲尔铁塔(巴黎铁塔)

建于一八八九年由建筑师艾菲尔所设计,全塔高三百零七米是巴黎及法国的标志。爱菲尔铁塔当初是为了万国博览会而建,自1887年到1931年纽约帝国大厦落成前,保持了45年世界最高建筑物的地位。 塔楼分三层:一、二楼有餐厅、咖啡座等,三楼是眺望台,在晴朗的日子,可从此远眺七十公里以外的巴黎近郊(lle de France)地区。 爱菲尔铁塔高320公尺,建筑设计最著名的是防范强风吹袭的对称钢筋设计,兼具使用和美观,铁塔共分为3层,登顶收费依楼层而定。搭快速升降梯直达274公尺高的顶层,就可以尽览巴黎美景。白天视野佳时可远眺72公里远。黄昏时前往,可同时欣赏白天与夜晚不同景色交替,特别是灯火通明的凯旋门方向,令人目光不忍稍移。 上塔价钱不包括在博物馆联票中。

开放时间: 夏季:9:00am至12:00pm 冬季9:30am至11:00pm 三楼眺望台只在夏季开放

交通:乘搭地铁(6)线及(9)线在Bir Hakeim,Trocadero站下车。

20 La Tour Montparnasse 矗立在蒙巴纳斯火车站前边,建于1889年,高度32075米,在相当长的一段时间里占据着世界最高建筑物的称号。有三层平台,逐级而上,可以全览巴黎风光。由于为露天平台,非常寒冷。游客可乘坐时速每秒达六米,欧洲最快的升降机直达五十六楼,在五十六楼有商店、饭馆等,并有平台,可一览巴黎的美景。而五十九楼更设有眺望台可饱览全市风光。 门票13Euro。

开放时间: 每天9:30am至10:30pm


21卢浮宫:(Musée du Louvre)世界上最大的艺术博物馆,汇聚了自人类有文明以来的古埃及、古希腊、古代东方、古罗马时代开始,到本世纪初的众多工艺美术品,绘画雕塑等等。最为著名的是"米罗的维纳斯"、"蒙娜丽莎"和"胜利女神"。广场上有华裔建筑大师贝聿铭的杰作"玻璃金字塔"。门票9Euro。

22杜勒里花园:(Jardin des Tuileries)原为法王行宫,后被焚毁。

23香榭丽舍大街:(Avenue des Champs Elysées)世界上最为著名的林荫大道,每年7月14日,法国都要在那里阅兵。街道的两边汇集了诸多著名的商店和娱乐场所,例如LIDO夜总会、CHANLE专卖店、LOUIS VUITON专卖店等。

24圣心教堂:(Sacré Coeur)建于1876年,位于巴黎的制高点蒙马特高地上,可以俯瞰巴黎全景。

25红磨房夜总会:(Moulin Rouge)本世纪初以"康康舞"闻名于世,是巴黎最著名的夜总会之一。晚上的表演130Euro。周围有众多艳舞表演俱乐部,每晚演出5-10Euro不等。

26卢森堡公园:(Jardin Luxembourg)为巴黎市区内最大的公园,是人们休闲散步呼吸清新空气的好地方。内有两座雕塑喷泉,秋天走在沙沙的落叶上,很有风情。


28奥赛博物馆:(Musée d'Orsay)为原来的奥赛火车站改建,是巴黎仅次于卢浮宫最为著名的博物馆。与卢浮宫不同,它收藏了大量的近现代艺术作品,如凡·高,塞尚,高更,毕加索,罗丹等的传世之作。门票8Euro。


30三月田园:(Champs de Mars)艾菲尔铁塔下的一片绿地,经常在那里举行以铁塔为背景的音乐会。

31夏约宫:(Palais de Chaillot)国立**艺术博物馆和图书馆。广场上的喷泉非常壮观。

32塞纳河:(La Seine)穿过巴黎市区,约20公里。河上大小近50座风格炯异的桥,使得游人们流连忘返。沿岸可以看到诸多名胜,如卢浮宫,大王宫,小王宫,奥赛博物馆,巴黎圣母院,艾菲尔铁塔,国民议会,夏约宫等等。著名的桥有亚历山大三世桥,新桥,米拉博桥。游船公司很多,推荐"BATEAUX PARISIENS"和"BATEAU MOUCHES"。船费11Euro,日游夜游均可。推荐傍晚落日时分,最为浪漫。

33凡尔赛宫:(Palais Versailles)位于巴黎西南14公里处,为法王路易十四的行宫。前面的宫殿里可以看到法王的寝宫,书房,接见厅,以及曾经在世界历史上发生过许多重大事件的镜厅。后花园为西方园林的颠峰之作,喷泉,雕塑,大水面,大树乍道,处处显现皇家园林的气势。后花园免费,皇宫14Euro。

34巴士底广场:(Place Bastille)法国大革命的发源地。原来的巴士底狱已经被拆除,广场的中央,树立着一根铜柱,是为了纪念1830年法国革命再次推翻封建帝制。现代化的巴士底歌剧院是巴黎第二大歌剧院。

35蓬皮杜中心:(Centre Pompidou)法国国立文化艺术中心及国立艺术图书馆所在地,以前总统蓬皮杜的名字命名。整幢建筑为全钢机构,不用任何其他材料,属于后现代主义风格。国立艺术中心门票8Euro。

36拉雪兹公墓:(Cimetière du Père Lachaise)为巴黎最大的公墓,以巴黎公社墙闻名。该墙已经改建,周围安息着法共的诸多前***。

37科学城:(Le Villette)建于1983年,位于运河边,全为现代化建筑,以主办各类展览为目的。

38拉法耶特百货公司:(Galeries Lafayette)据称是世界上最大的百货店,销售世界各地的名牌产品,是购物的好去处。店内专门的华人售货员,华人销售柜台,以及华人退税办理处。




1、巴士底狱广场:Place de la Bastille

2、雨果故居:Maison de Victor Hugo

3、孚日广场:Place Des Vosges

4、蓬皮杜:Centre Georges Pompidou

5、圣心堂:Basilique du Sacre Coeur


7、爱墙:Mural of Je T'aime

8、红磨坊:Boulevard de Clichy


10、老佛爷:Galeries Lafayette Haussmann

11、凡尔赛:Chateau de Versailles

12、巴黎圣母院:Notre Dame_e paris

13、卢浮宫:Musee Du Louvre

14、艺术桥:Pont des Arts

15、杜乐丽花园:Jardin des Tuileries

16、协和广场:Place de la Concorde

17、香榭丽舍大街:Avenue des Champs- lysées

18、凯旋门:Arc de triomphe de l' toile

19、埃菲尔铁塔:Tour Eiffel



1、埃菲尔铁塔:埃菲尔铁塔建于1889年,为了纪念法国大革命100周年。站在三楼,可以看到战神广场(le Champ de Mars)、 夏约宫(le Palais de Chaillot)、香榭丽舍大街(les Champs-Elysées)、凯旋门(l'Arc de triomphe)。



4、巴黎圣母院是一座哥特式风格的教堂,教堂最古老的雕像(1165—1175)则位于右边拱门,描述的是圣安娜的故事,以及大主教许里(Bishop Sully)为路易七世受洗的情形。左边是圣母门,描绘圣母受难复活、被圣者和天使围绕的情形。

法国有哪些著名景点 分别在那些市 英文名是什么

1,巴黎凯旋门,巴黎,Arc de Triomphe


2,埃菲尔铁塔,巴黎,Eiffel Tower


3,巴黎圣母院大教堂,巴黎,Notre-Dame de Paris




5,蓬皮杜国家艺术和文化中心,巴黎,Pompidou national centre for arts and culture









The Eiffel Tower stands at the southern bank of the Seine river in Paris, France's Mars square, built in 1889, is the highest building in the world at that timeThe Eiffel Tower gets its name from the design of its famous architect, structural engineer gustave Eiffel, all built by schneider iron (now schneider electric)


The Eiffel Tower is 300 meters high, antenna 24 metres high, total is 324 meters high, the tower is made up of many scattered steel components - looks like a pile of model componentsSteel components There are 18038, 10000 - ton, construction drilling 7 million, using 12000 metal parts, 25 million with rivet


In addition to the four feet are with reinforced concrete, all use of steel, common to 7300 tons of wrought ironPoints on the third floor, respectively from the ground 576 meters, 1157 meters and 2761 meters, one of them, has a restaurant on the second floor, third floor has a viewing platform, 1711 steps from tower to tower







notre dame de paris, france 法国巴黎圣母院

effiel tower, france 法国艾菲尔铁塔

arch of triumph, france 法国凯旋门

elysee palace, france 法国爱丽舍宫

louvre, france 法国卢浮宫

kolner dom, koln, germany 德国科隆大教堂

leaning tower of pisa, italy 意大利比萨斜塔

colosseum in rome, italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场

venice, italy 意大利威尼斯

parthenon, greece 希腊巴台农神庙

red square in moscow, russia 莫斯科红场

big ben in london, england 英国伦敦大笨钟

buckingham palace, england 白金汉宫

hyde park, england 英国海德公园

london tower bridge, england 伦敦塔桥

westminster abbey, england 威斯敏斯特大教堂

monte carlo, monaco 摩洛哥蒙特卡罗

the mediterranean 地中海

niagara falls, new york state, usa 美国尼亚加拉大瀑布

bermuda 百慕大

honolulu, hawaii, usa 美国夏威夷火奴鲁鲁

panama canal 巴拿马大运河

yellowstone national park, usa 美国黄石国家公园

statue of liberty, new york city, usa 美国纽约自由女神像

times square, new york city, usa 美国纽约时代广场

the white house, washington dc, usa 美国华盛顿白宫

world trade center, new york city, usa 美国纽约世界贸易中心

central park, new york city, usa 美国纽约中央公园

yosemite national park, usa 美国尤塞米提国家公园

grand canyon, arizona, usa 美国亚利桑那州大峡谷

hollywood, california, usa 美国加利佛尼亚好莱坞

disneyland, california, usa 加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园

las vegas, nevada, usa 美国内华达拉斯威加斯

miami, florida, usa 美国佛罗里达迈阿密

metropolitan museum of art, new york city, usa 纽约大都会艺术博物馆

acapulco, mexico 墨西哥阿卡普尔科

cuzco, mexico 墨西哥库斯科


the himalayas 喜马拉雅山

great wall, china 中国长城

forbidden city, beijing, china 北京故宫

mount fuji, japan 日本富士山

taj mahal, india 印度泰姬陵

angkor wat, cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟

bali, indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛

borobudur, indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠

sentosa, singapore 新加坡圣淘沙

crocodile farm, thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖

pattaya beach, thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩

babylon, iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹

mosque of st, sophia in istanbul (constantinople), turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂

suez canal, egypt 印度苏伊士运河

aswan high dam, egypt 印度阿斯旺水坝

nairobi national park, kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园

cape of good hope, south africa 南非好望角

sahara desert 撒哈拉大沙漠

pyramids, egypt 埃及金字塔

the nile, egypt 埃及尼罗河

great barrier reef 大堡礁

sydney opera house, australia 悉尼歌剧院

ayers rock 艾尔斯巨石

mount cook 库克山



1、巴士底狱广场:Place de la Bastille

2、雨果故居:Maison de Victor Hugo

3、孚日广场:Place Des Vosges

4、蓬皮杜:Centre Georges Pompidou

5、圣心堂:Basilique du Sacre Coeur


7、爱墙:Mural of Je T'aime

8、红磨坊:Boulevard de Clichy


10、老佛爷:Galeries Lafayette Haussmann

11、凡尔赛:Chateau de Versailles

12、巴黎圣母院:Notre Dame_e paris

13、卢浮宫:Musee Du Louvre

14、艺术桥:Pont des Arts

15、杜乐丽花园:Jardin des Tuileries

16、协和广场:Place de la Concorde

17、香榭丽舍大街:Avenue des Champs- lysées

18、凯旋门:Arc de triomphe de l' toile

19、埃菲尔铁塔:Tour Eiffel



1、埃菲尔铁塔:埃菲尔铁塔建于1889年,为了纪念法国大革命100周年。站在三楼,可以看到战神广场(le Champ de Mars)、 夏约宫(le Palais de Chaillot)、香榭丽舍大街(les Champs-Elysées)、凯旋门(l'Arc de triomphe)。



4、巴黎圣母院是一座哥特式风格的教堂,教堂最古老的雕像(1165—1175)则位于右边拱门,描述的是圣安娜的故事,以及大主教许里(Bishop Sully)为路易七世受洗的情形。左边是圣母门,描绘圣母受难复活、被圣者和天使围绕的情形。



The Eiffel Tower stands at the southern bank of the Seine river in Paris, France's Mars square, built in 1889, is the highest building in the world at that timeThe Eiffel Tower gets its name from the design of its famous architect, structural engineer gustave Eiffel, all built by schneider iron (now schneider electric)


The Eiffel Tower is 300 meters high, antenna 24 metres high, total is 324 meters high, the tower is made up of many scattered steel components - looks like a pile of model componentsSteel components There are 18038, 10000 - ton, construction drilling 7 million, using 12000 metal parts, 25 million with rivet


In addition to the four feet are with reinforced concrete, all use of steel, common to 7300 tons of wrought ironPoints on the third floor, respectively from the ground 576 meters, 1157 meters and 2761 meters, one of them, has a restaurant on the second floor, third floor has a viewing platform, 1711 steps from tower to tower





1,埃菲尔铁塔,the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower, built in 1889, stands on the champs DE Mars in Paris, France, on the south bank of the Seine


It was the tallest building in the world at that time


The Eiffel Tower takes its name from the famous architect and structural engineer gustave Eiffel, who designed it


2,巴黎圣母院大教堂,Notre-Dame de Paris

Notre Dame cathedral is a gothic Christian church building on the Seine and the island of the sieti


The cathedral of the Catholic archdiocese of Paris


Its status and historical value are unparalleled, and it is one of the most brilliant buildings in history


3,塞纳河,Seine River

The Seine, the largest river in northern France, is 7766 kilometers long


The total basin area, including tributaries, is 78,700 square kilometers


It is one of Europe's great historic rivers


Its drainage network carries most of France's inland waterway traffic


4,卢浮宫,The Louvre

The Louvre museum is located on the north bank of the Seine river in the center of Paris, France


It is the first of the four major museums in the world


Originally built in 1204, it was the royal palace of France, where 50 French Kings and queens lived


It is one of the most precious buildings of the French Renaissance


It is famous for its rich collection of classical paintings and sculptures


5,协和广场,Place DE la Concorde

Place DE la Concorde is located in the center of Paris, north of the Seine, is the most famous square in France


It was built by king Louis xv in the 18th century


It was built to show the world his imperial power and was called the place Louis xv







Ah, beautiful Paris For centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the world The allure and charm of Paris captivate all who visit there


Where can you discover the charm of Paris for yourself Is it in the legacy of all the French rulers who worked to beautify their beloved city When you visit Paris, you don't have to spend all of your time visiting museums and monuments They are certainly worthy of your time, but ignore them for a day First take some time to look around and experience life in Paris You'll find it charming

你在哪里可以找到巴黎对你自己的吸引力呢?是否是在历任的法国统治者们在美化他所钟爱的城市所留下 当你到巴黎游玩时。把时间全都花在看博物馆和纪念碑上面。它们当然很值得你花时间,但今天先忘掉它们。首先来四处看看,并体验一下巴黎的生活。你会发现它的迷人之处。

Take a stroll along the Seine River Browse through the art vendors, colorful paintings Peek through delicate iron gates at the well-kept gardens Watch closely for the French attention to detail that has made France synonymous with good taste You will see it in the design of a doorway or arch and in the little fountains and quaint balconies No matter where you look, you will find everyday objects transformed into works by art


Spend some time in a quiet park relaxing on an old bench Lie on your back on the green grass When you need refreshment, try coffee and pastries at a sidewalk cafe Strike up a conversation with a Parisian This isn't always easy, though With such a large international population living in Paris, true natives are hard to find these days


As evening comes to Paris, enchantment rises with the mist over the riverfront You may hear music from an outdoor concert nearby: classical, jazz, opera or chansons, those French folk songs Parisians love their music The starry sky is their auditorium You can also hear concerts in the chateaux and cathedrals In Paris the Music never ends


Don't miss the highlight of Paris evening: eating out Parisians are proud of their cuisine And rightly so; it's world famous Gourmet dining is one of the indispensable joys of living You need a special guidebook to help you choose one of the hundreds of excellent restaurants The capital of France boasts every regional specialty, cheese and wine the country has to offer If you don't know what to order, ask for the suggested menu The chef likes to showcase his best dishes there Remember, you haven't tasted the true flavor of France until you've dined at a French restaurant in Paris


After your gourmet dinner, take a walking tour of the floodlit monuments Cross the Pont Neuf, the oldest bridge in the city, to the Ile de la Cite The most famous landmark of Paris looms up in front of you the Notre Dame Cathedral (Cathedral of Our Lady)。 Stand in the square in front of the cathedral Here, you are standing in the center of France All distances are measured from the front of Notre Dame Every road in France leads to her front door All French kings and leaders have journeyed here to commemorate important occasions and give thanks Notre Dame is the heart of Paris and the heart of France

在你的美食晚餐之后,可以到被聚光灯照耀的纪念碑去走一趟。穿过第九桥(Pont Neuf)此城市中最古老的桥。到达城市之岛(Ile de la Cite)。巴黎最有名的标志即隐约地呈现在你的面前:圣母院。站在教堂前面的广场。在这里,你即处于法国的正中心。所有的距离皆是以圣母院前门开始计算。法国的每一条路都通往它的前门。所有的法国国王或统治者都曾经旅游到此来纪念重要的节日或感恩。圣母院是巴黎的中心,也是法国的中心。



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