

<Growing Pains> Recent actor - --

我想八十年代出生的人都应该看过<<成长的烦恼>>吧,虽然这是一个有一百多集的连续剧,但是却给我留下了很深的印象,它给人带来的快乐与欢笑始终留在记忆的深处尤其是剧中的"本"!很可爱!麦克很滑头但是却善良开箩是家里最聪明的!让我们看看他们的近况吧! I think people who were born in the 1980s should be read <<Growing Pains>> bar, although this is a collection of more than 100 drama, but presents I was very impressed, it gave the happiness and laughter always remain in the depths of memory, particularly the play of the "!" very cute! Mike is trying to be slick but good home is the most open baskets smart! Let us look at their current situation!

艾伦 锡克(Alan Thicke)——父亲杰森 西维尔 Allenby Sikhs (Alan Thicke) - Jason father Xiweier

“如果我的墓碑上只允许刻一行字,我希望是‘他是《成长的烦恼》中的一员’”——艾伦 锡克 "If my tombstone engraved only allow his words, I hope, 'he was" Growing Pains "in a'" - Allen Sikh

爸爸杰森 西维尔大夫是西维尔家的一家之长,也是剧中最有魅力和幽默感且颇有人缘的人物。 Jason father Xiweier Xiweier family doctor is the head of the family, but also play the most charm and sense of humour and quite人缘figure 当年,艾伦 锡克在扮演杰森之前却是一个失败的脱口秀节目主持人,他曾经与美国著名的脱口秀主持人约翰尼 卡森较量并以惨败告终。 At that time, Allen Sikh playing Jason before it is a failed talk show host, with the United States he was famous talk-show host Johnny Carson and defeat trial ended 但《成长的烦恼》剧组并未因此而否定他。 But "Growing Pains" cast did not negate his 相反,他们在150个竞争者中看中了艾伦。 On the contrary, their competitors in the 150 in the eyes of Allen 事实证明,他们的判断没有错:《成长的烦恼》使艾伦的幽默感和表演才能充分地发挥了出来,让观众彻底爱上了“杰森”这个成熟有智慧又不失调皮幽默的爸爸形象。 Facts have proved that their judgement is correct: "Growing Pains" to Allen's sense of humor, and performance can be fully play out and let the audience completely in love with the "Jason" mature wisdom and mischievous sense of humor without losing Dad Dad image 他也因此而成为了世界级的明星。 He also result from star to world-class

《成长的烦恼》结束后,锡克还参加了电视情景剧《希望与荣耀》(Hope&Gloria)的拍摄,但最终他发现主持体育节目和专题节目是最适合自己的。 "Growing Pains" after the end of Sikhs also participated in a television melodrama, "hope and glory" (Hope & Gloria) shooting, but in the end he found that the sports programming and feature programmes are the most suited to their own 在主持“1992年世界**大赛”节目时,锡克还认识了冠军保持者吉娜 陶勒森,她后来成了他的第二任妻子。 In the "1992 Miss World contest" program, also recognized the Sikh champion holder Jeanna Tao Leisen, she became his second wife (艾伦 锡克曾与第一任妻子,女演员葛洛丽娅 劳琳育有两子:25岁的**制作人布拉南和23岁的诗人罗比,后者还为布兰迪和克里斯蒂娜 阿吉莱拉写歌。)不过,去年锡克和这位妻子也离婚了。 (Allen Sikh had with his first wife, actress Geluoliya Liaolin with two sons: 25-year-old film producer Bulanan and 23-year-old poet Robbie, the latter for Brandi and Christina Aguilera Ajilaila songwriting) However, the last Sikh and wife divorce 现年53岁的艾伦锡克如今最大的乐趣就是跟3岁的小儿子卡特在一起,那栋价值120万的寓所里到处都是他给儿子买的玩具小动物。 The 53-year-old Allen Sikh Today is the greatest fun with the 3-year-old son Carter together, the value of Nedong 12 million are everywhere in the home he bought toys for their son Small animals 能有一个《成长的烦恼》里的模范爸爸是多少孩子梦寐以求的事啊! To have a "Growing Pains" in the model father is the number of children dream things ah!

在2000年,艾伦在一部国内制作的**《新十字街头》中扮演了一个角色。 In 2000, Allen in a domestic production of the film "crossroads" played a role 该剧已经于2000年底在国内放映。 The drama has already been shown in the country by the end of 2000

乔安娜 科恩斯(Joanna Kerns)——母亲玛姬 西维尔 Joanna Kerns (Joanna Kerns) - mother Maggie Xiweier

“我一直很清楚,《成长的烦恼》不会永远继续下去,”扮演妈妈玛姬的乔安娜 科恩斯说,“我还记得自己曾经想,‘我要珍惜并且享受在这里的每一个时刻。’”经过多年的合作,科恩斯与剧组中的每一位成员都建立了深厚的感情,尤其是与和她演夫妻的艾伦锡克。 "I have always been very clear that the" Growing Pains "will not continue indefinitely," playing the mother Maggie, Joanne Kerns said, "I also remember once thinking, 'I should cherish and enjoy every moment here ' "After years of cooperation, Kerns and cast one in each of the members of the establishment of a profound feelings, especially with my husband and wife and her Allen Sikhs “我们从来没有约会过,”锡克说,“但我们之间也有所谓的化学反应,我们把它保留给了整个节目,让它在剧情中去发展出浪漫的感觉。” "We have never had a date," Schick said, "but we also have the so-called between the chemical reaction, we have it reserved for the entire program, so in the plot to develop in a romantic feeling"

47岁的乔安娜 科恩斯现在是一位单身妈妈,抚养着21岁的女儿阿什丽。 47-year-old Joanna Kerns is now a single mother, raising a 21-year-old daughter Ashili 她对自己的财务问题相当精细,“我进行投资。而且我要为将来作计划。我在经济上非常成功!”不仅在经济上,科恩斯在事业上也很成功。 Her own financial problems is fine, "I invest and I have to make plans for the future and I very successful economically," not only economically, in the cause of Kerns also very successful 在影片《失魂少女》中她扮演了薇诺娜 瑞德的妈妈。 In the film "Yi Hun Girl," in which she played a Weinuona Reid's mother 而且,科恩斯还是个不错的导演。 Moreover, Kerns is a good director 去年她执导了电视剧《迈克贝尔同盟》(Ally McBeal)的感恩节特辑。 Last year, she directed the TV drama "Maikebeier alliance" (Ally McBeal), Thanksgiving Day series 而最近科恩斯的主要工作则是导演Showtime频道的讽刺电视剧《乞丐与选举人》(Beggars And Choosers),这可不是一部轻松的情景喜剧。 Recently, Kerns is the major work of director of the satirical TV channel Showtime "beggars and electoral" (Beggars And Choosers), which is not an easy situation comedy 虽然目前从事着严肃剧的创作,但科恩斯一点也不轻视自己演情景喜剧的经历:“《成长的烦恼》给我很多机会。我永远会记着它的。” Although currently engaged in a serious drama works, but Kerns is not belittling his own comedy scenes experience: "" Growing Pains "gave me a lot of opportunities I will always remember it"

柯克•卡梅隆(Kirk Cameron)——迈克•西维尔 Kekekameilong (Kirk Cameron) - Maikexiweier

“我在营造着我的中年人生梦想:组建家庭。”——柯克•卡梅隆 "When I was in my middle-aged creating a life dream: to start a family" - Kekekameilong

每当他一出现在片厂,一大群女孩子就在看台上欢呼雀跃。 Whenever he appeared in the studios, a large group of girls in the stands, cheering 扮演西维尔家长子的柯克•卡梅隆,轻而易举地使自己塑造的角色带上了一种吸引人(尤其是女孩子)的魔力。 Xiweier parents of a son Kekekameilong easily create their own role to bring an attractive (especially girls) magic

数不清有多少女孩是因为有迈克才看《成长的烦恼》的,这个邻家男孩成了她们心目中的理想男友。 Tell you how many girls because Mike see it, "Growing Pains", and this has become their Linjiananhai the eyes of the ideal boyfriend

但是,现实中的柯克 卡梅隆其实根本不是一个善于交际的人,或者干脆可以说他是一个严肃的人。 However, in reality Kirk Cameron fact is not a good at communication, or simply can say that he is a serious person 当他还是个十来岁的童星时,他对记者说他将来的愿望是作一名脑外科医生;平时,他严格地控制自己的饮食,坚持吃自制的面包。 When he was a ten-year-old child, he told reporters that his future aspirations to be a brain surgeon; peacetime, he strictly control their diet, adhere to eat homemade bread 对于29岁的卡梅隆来说,童星生活“只不过是我的工作。我没有将它看成是自己的身分。”20岁时,他皈依了基督教,并和年龄大他六岁,在电视中扮演他女朋友凯特的切茜娅 诺宝(Chelsea Noble)结为夫妻。 The 29-year-old Cameron, the child life "is nothing but my work Will be it as I do not have their own identity" At the age of 20, he converted to Christianity, and his six-year-old and older, TV plays his girlfriend Kate's Qieqianya Connaught Po (Chelsea Noble) became husband and wife 目前,夫妇二人养育了三个子女:3岁的杰克,2岁的伊莎贝拉和1岁的安娜;五口人其乐融融地住在圣莫尼卡山的家中,而且卡梅隆和《成长的烦恼》其他的成员几乎不怎么来往。 At present, the couple had raised three children: 3-year-old Jack and 2-year-old Isabella and 1-year-old Anna; five people happy to live in the Santa Monica Mountains home, and Cameron and "Growing Pains" are other members from almost predicaments 尽管受到了邀请,但卡梅隆却没有参加特蕾茜 格尔德、艾伦 锡克和乔安娜 科恩斯等人的婚礼。 Despite the invitation, but did not participate in the Cameron Teleiqian Geldanamycin, Allen Sikhs and Joanna Kerns, who wedding 对此,科恩斯一点也不感到意外,“在节目后来拍摄的几年里,他总是和我们保持着距离。”她说。 In this regard, Kerns was not surprised, "taken in the programme later years, he always maintained a distance from us" She said 也许卡梅隆把时间全给了自己的爱人和家。 Perhaps Cameron all the time to his wife and the family 在制订工作计划时,他一定要挑那些允许他和妻子一起工作的片子。 In the formulation of a work plan, he must pick those who allow him and his wife to work together in the film 他们俩完成了一部名为《末日迷踪》(Left Behind)的独立制片**,现已在全球包括中国上映。 They were completed in the "doomsday fans disappeared" (Left Behind), an independent film producer, has been shown in the world, including China 不过据卡梅隆自己说,他不会跟西维尔一家说“Bye-bye”。 However, according to Cameron himself said that he would not Xiweier with a "Bye-bye" 他也打算把《成长的烦恼》继续拍下去,“我已经读过了剧本,”卡梅隆说,“迈克和凯特结了婚,有了五个孩子。我想迈克可能会对我说,‘嘿,伙计,我等着你呢。’” He also intends to "Growing Pains" to continue to shoot it, "I have already read the script," Cameron said, "Mike and Kate was married, with five children and I think I may have said Mike, 'Hey, waiter, I am waiting for you then' "

特蕾茜•格尔德(Tracey Gold)——卡罗尔•西维尔 Teleiqiangeerde (Tracey Gold) - Carroll Xiweier

在扮演西维尔家好学的长女卡罗尔时,特蕾茜 格尔德本人也经历了一番“痛苦”的成长历程。 Xiweier play in the home studious eldest child Carroll, Teleiqian Geldanamycin I have also experienced a lot of "pain" of growth process 1989年,19岁的格尔德患了厌食症。 In 1989, 19-year-old suffering from anorexia geldanamycin “谁郁看得出来她快要把自己饿死了,”乔安娜 科恩斯回忆道,那时是她劝格尔德去看一看医生,并且在需要时让格尔德靠在自己怀里哭一场。 "Yu see who she wants to be starved to death quickly," Joanna Kerns recalls, when she was advised to see a doctor geldanamycin, and the need to rely on their own arms geldanamycin Kuyichang 现在已经31岁的格尔德说:“乔安娜和艾伦都是好人,可他们帮不了我。”在《成长的烦恼》拍摄的最后一个季度时,身高160米的格尔德瘦得只剩下80磅了;为了接受住院治疗,她错过了最后四集中三集的拍摄。 31-year-old has now geldanamycin said: "Joanne and Alan are good people, they were not going to help me" In the "Growing Pains" are filming the last quarter, the height of 160 meters only geldanamycin disgusting The remaining 80 pounds; to inpatient treatment, she missed the last four on three episodes photography 好在整个拍摄结束,格尔德也摆脱了疾病的困扰。 Fortunately, the shooting ended, geldanamycin also got rid of the disease problems “不再是众人关注的焦点对我有很大帮助,”她悦,“每个人都认识我让我没有了自己的私人生活。” "Is no longer the focus of attention of the public I have great help," she harmony, "Everybody I know I did not let his private life"

如今,特蕾茜 格尔德彻底克服了厌食症,也不像以前瘦得那么吓人了。 Today, Teleiqian Geldanamycin completely overcome anorexia, also unlike the previous disgusting so scary 她现在仍然从事着拍摄电视剧的工作,最近的一部作品是今年的电视**《通缉》(Waned)。 She is still engaged in the work of shooting dramas, the latest of which is a work of this year's TV movie "wanted" (Waned) 不过,她最得意的作品不是电视**,而是自己的家。 However, she works most proud of is not television and movies, but his own home 1994年,格尔德和一位35岁的私立学校游泳教练罗比 马歇尔结了婚(他们俩还是由科恩斯撮合的呢),现已有两个宝贝儿子:3岁的萨格和1岁的贝利。 1994, a 35-year-old geldanamycin and the school swimming coach Robbie Marshall was married (they both still be brokered by Kerns), is now available for two beloved son: 3-year-old Zagreb and 1 - year-old Pele 大多数早上,格尔德都会带着两个孩子开车到圣弗南杜的父母家玩一玩。 Most of the morning, with two children will geldanamycin to drive home the parents of St Funadu Play “我想要四个孩子,”她说,“但现在还没有完全实现。”——也许格尔德也想有个像西维尔一家那样的大家庭吧。 "I want four children," she said, "but have not yet been completely realized" - Perhaps also like to have a geldanamycin Xiweier like as a family now

杰瑞米•米勒(Jeremy Miller)——本•西维尔 Jieruimimile (Jeremy Miller) - Xiweier

对于杰瑞米 米勒来说,作一个儿童演员最糟糕的事情就是他每年必须离开电视里的一家人。 For Jeremy Miller, a child actor for the worst thing is that he must leave each year of a TV person ”每次一个季度的拍摄结束时,他都会哭鼻子。”电视剧里的妈妈乔安娜说。 "Every time one quarter at the end of the filming, he will Kubizi" Television show's mother Joanne said 直到现在,米勒还为《成长的烦恼》的结束感到哀伤。 Until now, Miller for "Growing Pains" that the end of grief “我最怀念的就是大家那种亲密的关系。”他说。 "I miss most is the kind of close relations with everyone" He said 不过,在拍摄电视剧的时候,米勒最怀念的还是做一个普通孩子的那份自由——为此,他不得不乔装打扮一番才出门。 However, in the filming of the TV series, the most memorable Miller still do that in an ordinary child free - To this end, he had to go out only a disguise “有那么两年时间,我有点儿野。我到处参加聚会,到处寻求冒险刺激。”米勒也曾经尝试着到大学去读书,但只呆了一年就被迫辍学了。 "Then two years time, I am a bit wild Everywhere I go I participate in the gathering, seek adventure stimulate everywhere" Miller also tried to study in universities, but only spent a year forced to drop out of school “我有注意力集中性缺陷,所以坐在教室里读书并不适合我。” "I have focused on defects, so I Zuozaijiaoshili not suitable for reading"

现在,尽管还是喜欢玩人赌注的扑克游戏以及“带上十来个朋友一起大吃大喝,直到信用卡爆掉”。 Now, although people still prefer to play games and poker bets "brought a dozen friends, feasting and drinking and indulge until Baodiao credit card" 但米勒的生活安分多了。 But Miller's life stepped out to borrow more 他平时住在加利福尼亚的家里,多半时间用来照顾他的两个同母异父弟弟——11岁的亚当和8岁的坦纳。 He usually live in California home, most of the time to take care of his two half-brother - 11-year-old Adam and 8-year-old Fontana 当年演《成长的烦恼》挣来的积蓄花得差不多了,因此米勒说他现在“非常渴望重新开始表演”,而且最近他已经拍了一部名为《星际运输》(Space Trucking)的科幻预告片。 That his "Growing Pains" earn savings spent almost, so Miller said he is "very eager to re-start performance," but recently he had made a one called "interplanetary transport" (Space Trucking), science fiction trailers 除了表演之外,他也酝酿着别的计划。 Apart from performances, he was also considering the other plan “我祖母是个厨子,她教过我怎么烹任,”米勒说,“我想有一天我会开一家餐馆,一家意大利烤肉店。这就是我的愿望。”——他说话的口气还像那个淘气可爱的本。 "My grandmother was a cook, she taught me how Pengren," Miller said, "I think that one day I will open a restaurant, a barbecue shop Italy and this is my wish" - He also said the tone like that this lovely naughty

Leonard DiCaprio 和Brad Pitt 都在Growing Pains

In my understanding, if we refer to an ideal college life as a formal western dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be the main course, while an active part in activities, together with associations, means the appetizer Some romances, of course, play the role as desserts They are the 3 key elements for an ideal college life

Those, however, are not what college life is all about As we all know, college is wildly different from middle school It connects not only adolescence to adulthood, but also the ivory tower to the real society Therefore, the ideal college life is that I become matured both physically and mentally, and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time

Under this circumstance, I never expect my college life to be too ideal, or you can call it too perfect It is not realistic to make all things on my own way, with everyone liking me, winning the first prize all the time, and so on Of course, I’d like to lead a carefree life However, this does little good to my future What really helps is hardships like failure, betrayal, and unjust treatment Only after experiencing those can I know what society is like, and what life is like

To conclude my speech, I wanna say, some positive experiences are surely part of the ideal college life But, I should not forget about the negative sides They are not less necessary

Good day everybody!

First, I want to share an analogy of what college means to me From my experiences, College is like an orange (similar to like Hobart's colors), the orange representing the college education and the juice representing the substance, or better yet, what you got out of the experience Over the four years I have had at this great college, I can honestly say that I have squeezed as much juice out of the orange as I possibly could have I hope you all feel the same way

When I arrived at the college in the fall of 2000, I entered with a clean slate I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but I wasn't sure what professional route I wanted to take I continued with my passion for Spanish and Computer Science, and in the process, learned a lot about my identity I found my limits, I found my strengths, and I found other scholarly interests Granted, I took advantage of everything this wonderful place had to offer---I did six internships, studied abroad in Madrid, double majored and double minored, and served in a variety of leadership capacities on campus However, during all of this, I felt that there was something missing I wasn't sure of what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go I was a nervous, naive first year, trying to find his way through college life However, I managed my way through Introduction to Biology, Intermediate Programming, History, and Spanish to emerge loving college life

Pressing on, sophomore year had many twists and turns I served as Secretary of HSG September 11th occurred, and my life was almost in ruins due to extenuating circumstances It was that year that I learned how strong I really was I continued my studies and involvements, trying to get the most I could out my Hobart education The text on the chapel sundial expresses my feelings of sophomore year, the Latin Pereunt et Impernateur, which means "the moments that pass are then charged to us," meaning that you should make the most of your time at the college Ladies and gentlemen, take advantage of what HWS has to offer---or as the etching on the Hobart shield states, the Latin Disce, or in English "LEARN!"

Junior year rolled by and I found myself studying abroad in Madrid, Spain for the first half---enjoying every moment of it I even was fortunate enough to meet my German relatives, as well as family in England, which was quite amazing, because I never met them at all and I felt a deep connection with my family's rich heritage President Gearan said in a speech two years ago during Charter Day that one should "remember his/her roots" I can say that I know where my family came from and that felt great I came back Junior Spring, getting back into the swing of things and running for the Vice Presidency of the Hobart Student Government It was great to be back, although a part of me still is back in Europe Senior year feels like it flew by With the maelstrom of degree checkouts, job applications, resumes, graduate school applications, homework, projects, and internships, it was amazing that I was able to survive Nonetheless, I am confident as I graduate from Hobart I will miss my professors, advisors, and mentors deeply These people have shaped me to become the person that I am today I am reminded of a quote from John Lennon, who always said "Life is what happens when you are making other plans" He is indeed correct---even though we all make plans to do other things, whether it is after graduation, or switching jobs, we cannot freeze time---because life will continue on while we make our plans

Even though I received a top-notch education at HWS, I found a deeper part of myself within the curriculum at the Colleges When I took Making Connections during my sophomore year, it was at that turning point that I figured out what I wanted to do with my life Making Connections deals with crucial social issues and presents ways of being an ally---with relation to the "-isms": sexism, racism, classism, homophobia/heterosexism, hate crimes, international awareness, and ableism I'll admit I wasn't too politically active when I first came to campus---but it was through this course---and the Peer Education in Human Relations Program that I learned what I wanted to do with my life Couple all of this my study abroad experiences and studies in Latin-American and Spanish cultures, and the product is a student who thinks globally and is sensitive to social justice issues It was through Peer Education in Human Relations that I learned that we, as communities and as a society, must take a stance on diversity and social justice issues---issues that face our society in the twenty-first century and beyond---which span not just the United States, but internationally, as well

From my experiences of growing up with a sister with Down's syndrome, I understand that not everyone has the same advantages as others and is subject to prejudice by our society In fact, I learned that the other day that over 1,700 children of disability are waiting for care in the State of Connecticut---due to budget cuts---despite attempts to secure help from the federal and state governments These children are living anywhere the State can put them---even jails! We cannot allow prejudice or apathy like this to affect our world We must take a stand

As I leave Hobart College this May, I aspire to attend law school It is my hope to go into public interest law, possibly international law and would like to eventually become a senator or a judge It is with a law degree that I feel I can dedicate my life to others who don't necessarily have the means to help themselves This is the crux of what social justice work entails---standing up for what you believe in

The charge I issue to all of you this morning is the following: What are you willing to stand up for In a country that is consumed with materialism, greed, status, politics, and popularity, we do not place enough emphasis on individualism, service, and standing up for our own rights and the rights of others Whether you are graduating in a few weeks like I am, or you have a year or more at the Colleges, my advice for you is to find something you believe in and stick to it Cultivate it Develop it Enrich it

Going back to my question, I ask you all again: What you are willing to stand up for If you know of rape or sexual assault that has/is occurring, take a stand and report it If you know of hate crimes occurring against people of color, people of other religions, people of other cultures, or people of other sexual orientations, do something and take action against it! If you see a person of disability---help them out! If you hear prejudicial jokes, take a stand and explain to the person why such dialogue is incorrect Take a stand to help to stop the perpetuation of hate, prejudice, and violence and become an ally New York Senator Hillary Clinton sums it up best in a speech she gave at the Commencement Exercises at the University of Pennsylvania: "What we have to do is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities" It is in fact, our differences that make us all great

I encourage all of you to make an impact on society Write your senators and congressmen Run for office Read as much as you can Ask questions Pique your intellectual curiosity Attend speaker lectures Do public service Get involved Study abroad Travel Become cultured LEARN! It is through these actions that you all can become culturally competent leaders for the twenty-first century, and hopefully you will all be able to answer the question I have set forth for all of you: What are you willing to stand up for

Thank you

Romance can wait

Good morning everybody!

The topic I am going to present to you today is “Romance can wait”

My fellow classmates, I am sure you still remember the day you got the acceptance letter from the college You were excited You were happy You uttered a big sigh of relief You were very proud to tell your parents, your teachers, your relatives, your buddies,” I made it! I made it!” After all, we all had been working hard for this day to come

When we came to the college, we are surrounded by a new environment We meet new classmates College life is sweet and wonderful We all come to a time to love as well as to be loved This is a very natural and inevitable thing We want to have fun like all other young people our ages do This is fine and it is understandable But some of us get confused about the main focus at college Some of us assume that college is a rose garden Some of us just want to idle the time and have fun with their sweethearts

Boys and girls, college life is wonderful But we can’t just idle our time We have set new goals We face new challenges I don’t know if you have realized that the world is getting smaller and flatter It is more like a global village now We face more and more competitions and pressures from all over the world If we want to grow and flourish in a flat world, we need to think globally We’d better learn how to change and align ourselves with the fast changing world We have to constantly upgrade our skills There will be plenty of good jobs out there in the flat world for people with the knowledge and ideas to seize them

Boys and girls, let me tell you this loud and clear:Romance can wait Time waits for no one

Treasure every moment you have You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special

Thank you and wish you all the best!

my campus life

Every person has a unique experience and a story to tell about his campus life and first day in school, and for that matter, passage through their student life My story goes something like this The first day I went to the unversity and the times I spent in the campus

When I was still a little girl,I have had a dreamIt just like a bird,take me far a way in the futureMy grandmother told me that where there’s a will,there’s a wayHow time flies!Today,my dream finally became true

The first day when I came in to my new school,I knew,a completely new life would start,and I felt my heart had already can't w

and my mew classroomA new beginning could always give people a lot of surprise and wait

How to discribe my new campus I think I can describe it in "Three S's, they are: Small, Sweet and SimpleSmall campus with sweet green trees and simple buildings,every where just looks like a beautiful pictureThe most unusual view is that you can see students in white clothes walking in the campus everywhere, and a lot of white pigeons flying or walking around you

Time gose by In a flash,I have had spent two years in the universityAll the years of my university life, I have made many friends and they have helped me a lot in my academics Many a time I used to have angry anguments with my friends But, then I think that everything is fair in friendshipOnly real friends could contain each otherIn my school life I am gifted with excellent class teachers and subject teachers They always gave me so much help in study,and ofcause excellance classes

Growing and learning had been a great fun Every year my system would hold an art and sports competition I had a grate fun in playing volleyball So I took part in the team of my classFinally,we got the first place in the competition There were also football games ,basketball games ,and so onI enjoyed every game of those competions I was very fond of singsing, so I took part in many different singing competionsand I won a couple of prizesThat made me love singsing more and more Some friends of mine also loved it We usually sang together in our bedroom after schoolAt the same time we all used to get lots of fun from our beautiful sound

Whenever I recollect all these incidents of school life I feel very happy and I think in everybody's school life there are many ups and downs that mould one's life School is a place where all of us learn to care and share "School" is just not a place, but it is a large dome made up of discipline, knowledge, love and affection I think in everybody's success, school plays a key role I shall describe my school again in "Three S's, they are: Small, Sweet and Simple My school was the best, is the best and will be the best

ait to see my new classmates, new bedroom



原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/langman/3627050.html

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