violet 紫罗兰
calla lily马蹄莲
daisy 雏菊
crocus 藏红花
water lily荷花
morning glory牵牛花
rose 玫瑰花
tulip 郁金香
balsam 凤仙花
canna 美人蕉
lily 百合花
jasmine 茉莉
sweet pea 香豌豆花
sunflower 向日葵
geranium 大竺葵
morning-glory 牵牛花
cosmos 大波斯菊
pansy 三色堇
poppy **花
marigold 金盏花
carnation 麝香石竹
amaryllis 孤挺花
dahlia 大丽花
pink 石竹花
crocus 番红花
iris 蝴蝶花
hyacinth 风信花
daffodil 黄水仙
chrysanthemum 菊
marguerite, daisy 雏菊
gladiolus 剑兰
cantury plant 龙舌兰
magnolia 木兰
yucca 丝兰
orchid 兰花
freesia 小苍兰
cyclamen 仙客来
begonia 秋海棠
anemone 银莲花
wisteria 柴藤
redbud 紫荆
dogwood 山茱萸
hawthorn 山楂
camellia 山茶
hydrangea 八仙花
hibiscus 木槿
peony 芍药
azalea 杜鹃
rhododendron 杜鹃花
daphne 瑞香
gardenia 栀子
lilac 紫丁香
接下来是Daisy, 戴茜,雏菊
First came Lily, one of the trendiest girls’ names of the nineties Then Daisy began showing up on the chicest babies Rose became the middle name du jour And flower names for girls, last a craze a hundred years ago, became the most fashionable group around
Nameberry includes a wide range of flower names for girls, from garden variety to hothouse blooms Here, a rundown of the choicest:
DAISY — Charming and simple, Daisy started off as a nickname for Margaret, now more popular than the original
IRIS — Former dowdy old lady name revived when Jude Law and Sadie Frost chose it for their daughter
JASMINE — The most exotic of the popular flower names, with many spelling variations: Jazmin, Jazzmyn et al Related: Yasmine and cousins, along with the lovely British favorite Jessamine or Jessamyn, actually French for jasmine
LILY — Also stylish as Liliana, Lilia, and in France, Lilou
ROSE — The middle name of the moment, with many variations — from Rosa to Rosalia to Rosemary — that would make lovely first names
VIOLET — The adorable daughter of celebrities Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck has brought this lush flower choice before the public eye In France, Violette is chic, while in Italian it’s Violetta
The British are famous gardeners and have long been more hospitable to flower names than Americans Here, some heard most often in the British Isles
BRYONY — Name of a vine with green flowers, also spelled Briony, popular in England and rarely heard elsewhere
FLORA — Vintage name with considerable charm
IVY — Starting to emigrate to the US, possibly because of its stylish initial “I”
MARIGOLD — Posh British choice rarely heard elsewhere
PETUNIA — Outside of the UK, only heard in cow fields
PANSY — Adorable yet the teasing possibilities render this one an unlikely choice
POPPY — Popular in Britain and beginning to be heard elsewhere too; a perfect companion for Daisy
PRIMROSE — Prim and dainty yet offbeat, the quintessential British name
AMARYLLIS — The flower may be similar to a lily, but the name is considerably more offbeat
ASTER — The little girl on TV’s “Dexter” has this name, which could become more popular with the rise of the whole flower genre
AZALEA — The z will definitely keep it exotic
CALLA — Another lily relative, also similar to the trendy Callie/Kaylee family of names
DAHLIA — This one seems to be percolating and we expect to hear more
LILAC — The two l’s, the similarity to Lily, and the beautiful color and scent of the original flower make this choice a winner
LOTUS — Only for the seriously exotic
ORCHID — Another hothouse bloom not for the shy
TULIP — Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O’Connell used this as a middle name for one of their twins, and singer Tiny Tim picked it as a first several decades ago An everyday flower that makes a less-than-ordinary name
ZINNIA — Any z name is off the beaten track
AZAMI — Japanese for “thistle flower”
FLEUR — International words for “flower,” which also include Flor and Fiorello/Fiorella, make inventive flower choices
GELSEY — Persian for “flower,” a balletic choice
IOLANTHE — Greek for “violet flower” — for those who want to make Violet a lot more exotic
JACINTA — Spanish for hyacinth and more suited to use as a name
LEILANI — Hawaiian name that means ‘heavenly flower” and also has stylish double L sound
MARGUERITE — The French for daisy is newly chic there, as is Capucine, which means nasturtium in France
ZAHARA — A Hebrew name meaning flower popularized when Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt chose it for their daughter
白羊座星座花:星辰花、雏菊 花语:惊奇不变的心、担心你的爱
金牛座星座花:海竽、康乃馨 花语:宏大之美、洁净、母爱、热恋、爱与美
双子座星座花:铃兰、甘桔、风信子、紫玫瑰 花语:神秘、愉悦、永远的怀念、清香
巨蟹座星座花:洋桔梗、百合 花语:纯洁的心、幸福、美好、警戒,小心
狮子座星座花:向日葵、火鹤花 花语:爱慕、高傲、悲伤、不凡、热情、新婚
处女座星座花:扶桑花、大理花 花语:少女的心、脱俗、洁净、微妙的美
天秤座星座花:牵牛花、海芋、菊花、波斯菊 花语:清洁、高洁、初恋、自由、爽朗
天蝎座星座花:大波斯菊、桂花、文竹 花语:热情、非凡、思愁、高洁飘逸
射手座星座花:蝴蝶兰、天堂鸟花 花语:幸福飞来、活泼、开朗、爱打扮的男人
摩羯座星座花:水仙、满天星 花语:纯洁的心;喜悦、吉祥、高洁、自恋
水瓶座星座花:待雪草、梅花、蝴蝶兰 花语:忠诚、智慧、理性、美德
双鱼座星座花:野玫瑰、水仙、香水百合 花语:自尊、自我陶醉、浪漫、艺术感受力