

法国风土人情 交际习俗 注重服饰的华丽和式样的更新。妇女视化妆和美容为生活之必需。 时间观念强,工作计划性强,奉行“女士第一”的原则。 习惯行握手礼,有一定社会身份的人施吻手礼。少女常施屈膝礼。 男女之间,女子之间及男子之间,还有亲吻面颊的习惯。 社交中不愿他人过问个人私事。 反感向妇女赠送香水及初次见面就送礼。 信仰禁忌 大多信仰天主教。忌“13”和“星期五”。忌**和墨绿色。 忌孔雀和仙鹤。视菊花、杜鹃花与核桃等为不祥之物。 喜爱艺术和娱乐活动。 饮食特点 法国人会吃,也讲究吃。法国菜风靡世界。 法国人喜欢吃蜗牛和青蛙腿,最名贵的菜是鹅肝。喜欢喝酒。 法国菜的特点是鲜嫩。法国人也非常喜欢中国菜。 服饰 法国时装在世界上享有盛誉,选料丰富、优异,设计大胆, 制作技术高超,使法国时装一直引导世界时装潮流。 在巴黎有2000家时装店,老板们的口号是:“时装不卖第二件” 。而在大街上,几乎看不到两个妇女穿着一模一样的服装。 目前高级时装最有名的有:“吉莱热”、“巴朗夏卡”、“吉旺熙” 、“夏奈尔”、“狄奥尔”、“卡丹”和圣洛朗”。近年来, 特别引人注目的是巴黎女郎的裙子,其式样之多。款式之新, 在别国很难见到。法国人是把收入的最小部分用于穿着的欧洲国家, 法国人一般很注意服装方面的鉴赏力, 也接受比较便宜的而不十分讲究的仿制品。 小动物 当今法国家庭,对小动物恩宠倍加,不惜耗费巨金收买哺养。 有一半以上家庭饲养各种小动物,总头数在3000万只以上。1/ 3的家庭养狗,狗的数量已近4万条。各种狗医院、 狗服装店屡见不鲜。动物不仅给法国人带来了乐趣, 也造成一定灾难。法国每年发生狗伤人的事件50多万起。 礼仪 法国是一个讲文明礼貌的国家。 对妇女谦恭礼貌是法国人引以自豪的传统。法国人见面打招呼, 最常见的方式莫过于握手。不过握手时一是握时间不应过长, 二是没有必要握住人家的手使劲晃动。一般是女子向男子先伸手, 年长者向年幼者先伸手。上级向下级先伸手。 吻 法国是第一个公认以吻表示感情的国家。法国人的吻有严格的界限: 他们在见到久别重逢的亲友、同事时,是贴贴脸或颊, 长辈对小辈则是亲额头,只有在爱人和情侣之间,才亲嘴或接吻。 婚俗 结婚前先订婚,仪式简单, 一般由女方的家长宴请男方的家长及兄弟姐妹, 也可同时邀请其他亲戚、甚至一两名好友出席。婚礼也已逐渐简化, 但仍不失为最隆重的家庭节日,带有庄严神圣的色彩。 婚礼由市长或他的一名副手主持,习惯上是在周二、四、五、 六早9时至下午5时之间。婚后大宴宾客。 法国农村有的地方在婚前要签订财产婚约并办理公证。 婚约中要写明未婚夫妇的全部财产、未婚妻的嫁妆和未婚夫的产业。 婚龄纪念在民间已成为一种喜庆的风俗。女子守寡300天后, 或宣布与丈夫分居300天后可以再嫁,男子则无时间上的限制。 圣灵节 每年11月1日圣灵节,相当于中国的清明节。 法国人习惯上在这一天去墓地祭奠,缅怀为国捐躯的先烈。 圣喀德琳娜节 巴黎“大龄女青年”的节日。每年11月25日这一天,年满25 岁而尚未婚配的姑娘们到喀德琳娜塑像前献一束鲜花, 再到大时装店跳舞,饮酒狂欢, 最后选出一位最美的姑娘作为节日的王后。 用餐习惯 法国人把烹调看成是一门艺术,法国菜也确实风糜全球。 在法国一日三餐通常是这样安排的。 早餐:面包、咖啡、热巧克力; 午餐:午餐是法国人最重要的一餐,一般在下午一点左右, 晚餐则在九点以后。法国人社交的正餐一般要持续两小时以上, 开始先是开胃菜,然后是鱼或意大利面条,再才是主菜, 主菜还附带许多生菜、沙拉、奶酪,水果,有时还有甜点心, 餐后咖啡也必不可少。 1)社交礼仪 与英国人和德国人相比,法国人在待人接物上表现是大不相同的。 主要有以下特点: 第一,爱好社交,善于交际。 对于法国人来说社交是人生的重要内容,没有社交活 动的生活是难以想象的。 第二,诙谐幽默天性浪漫。他们在人际交往中大都爽朗热情。 善于雄辩高谈阔论,好开玩笑,讨厌不爱讲话的人, 对愁眉苦脸者难以接受。受传统文化的影响, 法国人不仅爱冒险,而且喜欢浪漫的经历。 第三,渴求自由,纪律较差。在世界上法国人是最著名的“ 自由主义者”。“自由、 平等、博爱”不仅被法国宪法定为本国的国家箴言, 而且在国徽上明文写出。 他们虽然讲究法制,但是一般纪律较差,, 不大喜欢集体行动与法国人打交道,约会必须事先约定, 并且准时赴约,但是也要对他们可能的姗姗来迟事先有所准备。 第四,自尊心强,偏爱“国货”。法国的时装、 美食和艺术是世人有口皆碑的,再此影响之下, 法国人拥有极强的民族自尊心和民族自豪感,在他们看来, 世间的一切都是法国最棒。与法国人交谈时,如能讲几句法语, 一定会使对方热情有加。 第五,骑士风度,尊重妇女。 在人际交往中法国人所采取的礼节主要有握手礼、拥抱礼和吻面礼。 (2)服饰礼仪 法国人对于衣饰的讲究,在世界上是最为有名的。所谓“巴黎式样” ,在世人耳中即与时尚、流行含意相同。 在正式场合:法国人通常要穿西装、套裙或连衣裙,颜色多为蓝色、 灰色或黑色,质地则多为纯毛。 出席庆典仪式时:一般要穿礼服。 男士所穿的多为配以蝴蝶结的的燕尾服,或是黑色西装套装; 女士所穿的则多为连衣裙式的单色大礼服或小礼服。 对于穿着打扮,法国人认为重在搭配是否得法。在选择发型、手袋、 帽子、鞋子、手表、眼镜时, 都十分强调要使之与自己着装相协调相一致。 (3)餐饮礼仪 作为举世皆知的世界三大烹饪王国之一,法国人十分讲究饮食。 在西餐之中,法国菜可以说是最讲究的。 法国人爱吃面食,面包的种类很多;他们大都爱吃奶酪; 在肉食方面,他们爱吃牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉、鱼子酱、鹅肝, 不吃肥肉、宠物、肝脏之外的动物内脏、无鳞鱼和带刺骨的鱼。 法国人特别善饮,他们几乎餐餐必喝, 而且讲究在餐桌上要以不同品种的酒水搭配不同的菜肴; 除酒水之外,法国人平时还爱喝生水和咖啡。 法国人用餐时,两手允许放在餐桌上,但却不许将两肘支在桌子上, 在放下刀叉时,他们习惯于将其一半放在碟子上,一半放在餐桌上。 (4)习俗禁忌 法国的国花是鸢尾花。对于菊花、牡丹、玫瑰、杜鹃、水仙、 金盏花和纸花,一般不宜随意送给法国人。 法国的国鸟是公鸡,他们认为它是勇敢、顽强的直接化身。 法国的国石是珍珠。 法国人大多喜爱蓝色、白色与红色, 他们所忌讳的色彩主要是**与墨绿色。 法国人所忌讳的数字是“13”与“星期五”。 在人际交往之中,法国人对礼物十分看重,但又有其特别的讲究。 宜选具有艺术品味和纪念意义的物品,不宜以刀、剑、剪、 餐具或是带有明显的广告标志的物品。 男士向一般关系的女士赠送香水,也是不合适的。 在接受礼品时若不当着送礼者的面打开其包装,则是一种无礼的表现 法国是个民族自豪感很强的民族。因为历史上战争的缘故, 法国人最恨的就是德国人和英国人了, 那种感觉就和中国人不喜欢日本人一样。 法国人最喜欢嘲笑的是比利时人。 法国有很多笑话是专门用来挤兑比利时人的, 他们认为比利时人总有些傻傻的。不过,说实在话, 事实上我也看不出人家比利时人有什么不对的。 说到和他们一样属于拉丁区的西班牙人和意大利人, 他们就会觉得对方过于热情,特别是对女人过于随便。 法国人自以为对待女人很适中——— 既温柔体贴浪漫多情又不过于轻佻,“ 根本不像那些意大利人或西班牙人那样随便地在大街上拍打女人的屁 股”。 提到美国人的时候,法国人还是一脸不屑。 他们认为美国人虽然看上去很开放,但实际上却并不开放, 法国人见面是要行贴面礼的,而这在美国是万万使不得的, 美国人只要稍碰一下女人的手,就有可能被告作“性骚扰”了。 而且,法国人自认为比美国人更能宽容别人的私生活。 当美国国民知道克林顿有了情人后都纷纷责难这种行为, 但是法国已故前总统密特朗的私生女都生出来了, 法国人也没有对此表示什么不满的。 有相当比例的法国人认为婚外恋是情有可原的。



Its capital, Paris is France's political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the Louvre Museum and Notre Dame de Paris, known around the world, known as the Champs-Elysees Avenue, the world's most beautiful, its ground and underground traffic extending in all directions, very convenient, daily traffic reached 13 million people Paris landmarks - the Eiffel Tower like a steel giant stands tall on the Seine River in the quiet In France's largest port and second largest city of Marseille, you can visit the Alexandre Dumas novel "Count of Monte Cristo," too, portrayed in the prison - Fort Qi Yifu The southwestern city of Bordeaux wine has a long history, its wines worldwide

Principal "Bordeaux red wine" as the world's wine, "Queen", a bottle of aged wine a hundred years in the international market can be sold more than 30,000 US dollars Located in the Mediterranean coast of Cannes, is a beautiful scenery and pleasant climate of the town, held annually in this crowded Cannes Film Festival, which awarded the Palme d'Or award has been recognized as one of the highest honor the film industry France in the world-renowned fashion, choice of materials rich, excellent, bold design, production and skilled to lead the world in fashion trends has always been There are 2,000 boutiques in Paris, the boss who's slogan is: "Fashion does not sell second" In the street, hardly less than two

Women dressed in identical clothing French nature straightforward, romantic, nature-loving, more than half of French households keep a variety of small animals, the total number of 30 million or more

France, which the full name is the French Republic, is located in western Europe Ranked seventh in the world, its capital, Paris is France's political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the Louvre Museum and Notre Dame de Paris, known around the world, known as the Champs-Elysees Avenue, the world's most beautiful, its ground and underground traffic extending in all directions, very convenient, daily traffic reached 13 million people Paris landmarks - the Eiffel Tower like a steel giant stands tall on the Seine River in the quiet In France's largest port and second largest city of Marseille, you can visit the Alexandre Dumas novel "Count of Monte Cristo," too, portrayed in the prison - Fort Qi Yifu The southwestern city of Bordeaux wine has a long history, its wines worldwide Principal "Bordeaux red wine" as the world's wine, "Queen", a bottle of aged wine a hundred years in the international market can be sold more than 30,000 US dollars Located in the Mediterranean coast of Cannes, is a beautiful scenery and pleasant climate of the town, held annually in this crowded Cannes Film Festival, which awarded the Palme d'Or award has been recognized as one of the highest honor the film industry France in the world-renowned fashion, choice of materials rich, excellent, bold design, production and skilled to lead the world in fashion trends has always been There are 2,000 boutiques in Paris, the boss who's slogan is: "Fashion does not sell second" In the street, almost see two women dressed in identical clothing French nature straightforward, romantic, nature-loving, more than half of French households keep a variety of small animals, the total number of 30 million or more


France, the French republic, is located in known as Western Europe Gross domestic product in the world, the capital Paris is 6 French political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the Louvre museum and Notre Dame DE Paris with global reputation, was known as the champs-elysees in the world the most beautiful street, its the ground and underground traffic extend in all directions, very convenient traffic, 13 million people every day Paris-the Eiffel Tower building signs like a steel giant towers overhead quiet on the river Seine In France's largest port and the second largest city marseille, you can visit DaZhongMa in the novel "the JiDuShan earl" in describing the prison--strange eve castle The southwest city with a long history, the bordeaux wine making wine is well-known in the world Special grade "bordeaux wine red wine" listed as a world "queen" in one hundred, a bottle of wine can be sold on the international market more than 30000 dollars In the Mediterranean shore of cannes, is a beautiful scenery and pleasant weather, the small town here every year's cannes film festival, held very busy, issued by the JinZongLvJiang is recognized as one of cinema's top honors French fashion in the world fame, chooses the material is rich, is excellent, the design is bold, making great skill, make its have been lead the world fashion There are 2000 home in Paris boutiques, bosses slogan is: "fashion not to sell the second thing" And in the streets, can hardly see the two women dressed in identical clothing The French nature forthright and sincere, romantic, like nature If you want to travel, France is a must, for good place!

I like France, because France is a romantic place, there are beautiful scenery, people also very warm, so I like France 。另外,提醒楼主,你把浪漫写成烂漫了,望采纳

France is the most visited country in the world It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris, good beaches, more monuments than any other country, lovely nature, incredible mountain scenery; need I go on France is also a very pleasant place to stay It has good food, great wines and people enjoy their lives And the best thing is, maybe apart from Paris, living in France does not have to be expensive The North of France consists of the flatlands around the town of Lille and the Channel The area will remind visitors in many ways of Belgium and the Netherlands The Grand' Place in Lille for example is a lot like that of Brussels

Paris, the city of light and its surroundings are one of the most visited areas Paris is without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities on the planet

West of France is turned towards the Atlantic Coast In the north Normandy & Brittany have rolling hills, sandy beaches and quiet little harbour towns Normandy & Brittany have a more rugged coast and many neolithic sites It has quite a distinct atmosphere from the rest of the country; you can still sense the Celtic origin of the region and its inhabitants

The eastern part of France consists of the Alsace, Lorraine, Franche Comtand Burgundy regions The landscape has rolling hills and many beautiful cities, such as Metz, Strasbourg, Nancy and Dijon This region produces many famous wines, including magnificent pinot noirs and chardonnays valued the world over, as well as the famous "Yellow wine" from the Jura mountain vineyard

The Center of France is in many ways the most quiet part of France But the great treasure of this region is the Loire valley , with many great castles and beautiful towns Chartres with its famous cathedral and Tours rate among the most beautiful French cities

The South with its lovely nature, good food, roman ruins and of course the Riviera draws a lot of visitors every year Towns like Orange, and Arles but also big cities like Marseille and Toulon are must sees The Provence is dotted with pleasant small villages In the South west of France the Dordogne is one of the most quintessential French regions The valley is so pretty, the towns are so cute and the food is so good, that it is hard to believe that the people who live here go somewhere else for their holidays The Languedoc has its own language and culture In the south of the Languedoc you find the Pyrenees, a great mountain range separating France from Spain, where you can hike and ski The towns of Toulouse and Montpellier are nice and the medieval town of Carcassone is a top destination






据其可爱的性质,良好的食物,古罗马废墟,当然,海滨吸引了许多游客,每年。城镇像橙色,并阿尔勒,而且等大城市马赛和土伦是必须看到。 Provence的是点缀着舒适的小村庄。在西南的法国多尔多涅是一个最典型的法国地区。山谷是如此漂亮,城市是如此可爱和粮食是如此好,这是很难相信的人谁住在这里去别的地方的假日。朗格有自己的语言和文化。在南部的朗格您找到比利牛斯山脉,伟大的山脉分隔法国从西班牙,您可以在加息和滑雪。城镇的图卢兹和蒙彼利埃是不错的中世纪小镇卡尔卡松是首选目的地。



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