

期待与你的下一次邂逅;Look forward to working with you next time

也许你我的相遇只是一次偶然的邂逅Perhaps you and I met just a chance encounter


[书面语] meet (a relative, friend, etc) unexpectedly; run into sb; meet by chance: 邂逅一位同窗 meet unexpectedly a school-mate


lead a fast [licentious] life; give full rein to one's low passions; have full swing; have one's fling; have [take] one's swing [one's full swing]; licentious in conduct; unconventional and unrestrained




hysteria; hysteric: 歇斯底里大发作 go into hysterics; become hysterical; 战争歇斯底里 war hysteria


have nothing at all [in the world]; not have a stiver; not have a thing to one's name; not own [have] a thing in the world: 我除了行李被褥之外一无所有。 Apart from clothes and bedding, I have nothing


simple; pure: 思想单纯 simple-minded; pure in thought; 象孩子一样单纯 as simple as a child; 问题决不像我们当初想象的那么单纯。 The problem is by no means as simple as we first thought




covered all over with cuts and bruises; be a mass of bruises; beaten black and blue; be black and blue all over; be lacerated and bruised all over; have serious wounds in every part of one's body; The body is all covered with wounds; The whole body is covered with wounds


indomitable; staunch; tenacious: 顽强的革命精神 indomitable revolutionary spirit; 同干旱进行顽强的斗争 put up a tenacious fight against the drought


1(态度、用意含糊; 不明白) ambiguous; equivocal: 恼人的暧昧回答 an offensively ambiguous answer; 态度暧昧 assume an ambiguous attitude; 他的答复非常暧昧。 His reply was full of ambiguities

2(行为不光明; 不可告人) dubious; shady; secret: 暧昧关系 dubious relationship


lie; falsehood: 拆穿谎言 nail a lie to the counter; 谎言骗人 stuff sb with lies; 一派谎言 a pack of lies; 谎言总是站不住脚的。 Lies have short legs; Lies are always lame 事实再一次揭穿了这一谎言。 Facts once again give the lie to the fallacy 真假参半的谎言最险恶。 A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies


mark; vestige; imprint; impression; trace; trail; print: 不露痕迹 make no sign; 一种古代文明的痕迹 the vestiges of an ancient civilization 敌军留下了仓皇退却的痕迹。 The enemy's retreat left marks of haste 岁月在他脸上留下了痕迹。 Age has left its traces on his face


1[数学] (某点在空间移动的路线) locus; trajectory; trail; travel; path; way; [电子学] trace; line; pathway

2[天文学] (天体在宇宙间运行的路线) orbit: 我们可以画出地球绕太阳运行的轨迹。 We can draw the earth's orbit round the sun

迷茫 1(广阔而看不清) vast and hazy: 远处一片迷茫。 It's vast and hazy in the distance

2(迷离恍惚) confused; perplexed; dazed: 迷茫的神情 a confused look

虚伪 sham; false; hypocritical: 虚伪的情谊 hypocritical affection; 虚伪的和平谈判 fake peace negotiations; 知识的问题是一个科学问题, 来不得半点虚伪和骄傲。 Knowledge is a matter of science, and no dishonesty or conceit whatsoever is permissible


go downhill; degenerate; fall [drop] by the way side; go to the bad; go to the deuce [devil]; sink low: 受金钱的诱惑而堕落 degenerate under the temptation of money; 堕落成罪犯 degenerate into a criminal; 走上堕落、犯罪的道路 embark on the road of degeneration and crime; 政治上堕落 be politically degenerate; 他怎么会堕落到这种地步呢 How could he sink to such depths 现在的青年在堕落吗 Are the young people of today degenerating 饮酒和赌博使他彻底堕落了。 Drinking and gambling sank him completely


1(暗淡无色) gloomy; dismal; bleak: 天色惨淡 gloomy sky; gloomy weather; 在惨淡的星光下 in the dim starlight

2(在困境中艰苦地进行) labourious; arduous

3(凄凉) dreary; miserable: 惨淡的生活 forlorn life; 惨淡的笑容 a wan smile


1(船只等陷在浅滩上) stranded; stranding; aground; beach; ground; strand; take the ground; run aground; run ashore: 船搁浅了。 The ship got stranded

2(比喻事情遇阻停顿) deadlock; be held up; be at a deadlock; reach a deadlock: 这个计划由于经费问题而搁浅了。 The plan deadlocked over the funds 会谈搁浅了。 The negotiations have come to a deadlock


final result; outcome; ending; grand finale; upshot: 悲惨的结局 tragic result; sad dénouement; 自然的结局 natural outcome; 合乎逻辑的结局 the logical ending; 注视事件发展的结局 watch the outcome of an affair; 比赛只剩下5分钟了, 可是结局仍然难以预料。 Five minutes from the end, the outcome of the match was still in doubt 结局好, 样样好。 All's well that ends well

天灰 没查到

问题一:与你邂逅 用英语怎么说呢 Encounter / Meet with you

问题二:我的第一次或者我的第一次邂逅,英语怎么说啊,老师 我的第一次或者我的第一次邂逅

My first time or my first encounter


My first time or my first encounter

问题三:你我的邂逅,于我是一种幸福,用英语怎么说啊 The encounter between you and me is a kind of joy for me

问题四:我想这辈子最幸运的就是邂逅你。英文翻译 It's my best luck to meet you in my life

问题五:你是我最错的邂逅,也是我最痛的回忆,用英语怎么翻译 你是我最错的邂逅,也是我最痛的回忆

You is my most wrong encounter, but also my most painful memories

问题六:那次邂逅为我提供了新的可能性用英语怎么说 那次邂逅为我提供了新的可能性_有道翻译


A farmer offers new possibilities for me



英 [miːt]   美 [miːt]  

v  遇见;碰到;结识;迎接;集合;会晤

n  运动会;猎狐行动

变形 过去分词: met 复数: meets 过去式: met 现在分词: meeting 第三人称单数: meets

satisfy, meet, fulfil 这些动词均含"满足"之意。

1、satisfy 指完全达到预定的条件、要求、标准或期望、心愿等。

2、meet 指最低限度地达到预期的标准,或强调要达到这个标准的困难。

3、fulfil satisfy基本同义,但侧重指实现的情况好于一般标准。



1 We tend to meet up for lunch once a week  


2 The three parties will meet next month to work out remaining differences  


3 Many of Britain's beaches fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness  


4 My understanding was that we'd meet at her place  


5 Parallel lines will never meet no matter how far extended  



原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/lianai/10568010.html

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