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初一作文 篇5







encounter 词典明确指定的“邂逅”专用词,但下面的这些短语和see, meet也是可以滴哈:

come/run across

come/happen on/upon

run across/into

fall upon

使用时最好搭配点副词之类的,如:quite by chance, unexpecteded 等等。



 A saving friendship is essential to a successful life, because a great deal of saving friendship is a success in saving You will not be betrayed if you keep saving and friendship with your friends

 In the face of the entreaties of 3,000 visitors, meng tried not to refuse, but resolutely took out the whole family and collected them He made a generous saving of friendship When he was put under house arrest by the king of qin, the people of the nine streams of education were able to give back his precious freedom

 Facing the provocative eyes of the general, Lin xiangru was not angry, but he bowed his head He saved his friendship with courtesy When the state of zhao was growing stronger, the old man who had finally made it impossible for him was to repent and compensate him for his loss of dignity

 In the face of meng's unsatisfied eyes, zhuge liang didn't laugh, but he waved his fan and let go He saved his friendship with righteousness When the two men met in the seventh time, they finally made the stubborn and fierce king willing to bow down to him, and he removed the danger of his expedition to wei

 A saving friendship is not a grievance for others A piece of paper saves a bit of friendship when others are sweating A pencil saves a bit of friendship when others forget to bring stationery When others are sad and depressed, a comforting word is a little bit of friendship Savings of friendship is not to make much sacrifice, as long as a little more love at ordinary times, can be saving cans full of friendship, if can find one or two in the piggy bank called "bosom friend" rare COINS, you will add many joy and warmth to your life

 Has the snow in the wind in the world, when you encounter difficulties, please keep in mind that no one has the obligation to help you, if other people don't go to help you, it is their duty, if others to help you, it is their mutual affection The only way to get help from someone in a difficult situation is to keep saving a friendship


 Friendship, the purest feeling of mankind, is the encounter of two stars in the sky, and even if lightly brushed, it will shine brightly Since friendship is so good, why don't we cherish it

 Originally, in my impression "friend", not be used to each other Money is a friend, but money is a friend To me, "friends" is nothing to cherish It is her that makes me change the way I think about friendship

 Remember one time, the final exam, the teacher asked us to prepare good stationery, and I bought a few new pens specially! The next day, after a night of intense study, the exam finally came I dragged my schoolbag out of my way, opened it, and put it on I flip over here, I flip over there, but there's no sign of it How do I test without a pen I was like an ant on a hot pot I want to find someone else to borrow, but everyone else is trying to write down, where do you have time for me When I was at sea, suddenly appeared on my desk with a pen, the pen is a nice surprise, that the world of ice and snow melted my heart Who lent it to me Oh! That is her! Was she just not willing to see me make a fool of myself No, no, because she treats me like a friend When I had her pen, I said thank you But she said, "isn't it a pen It's my greatest achievement to make this friend" Suddenly, I felt a warm flow in my heart

 It was she who made me change my friendship It was she who made me realize that friends can't be measured by money It was she who taught me that my friends are not using each other, but helping each other The relationship between friends is candid, and you appreciate each other I hope everyone will cherish it forever and love it forever! It will be the best memory of our lives!






 Perhaps everyone has read zhu ziqing's "hurry"! Time is precious and priceless Everyone has a limited amount of time, and it's not unlimited, how much is there, cherish what you have, just the time left!

 It is said that we are the sun at 8 o 'clock in the morning But when the sun goes down, we always think that there is a lot of time, and we will do it again tomorrow A: ask yourself, how many more tomorrows do you have Time waits for no one Always feel the time is slow and slow, like the old man walking on crutches, slowly swallowing What else is left behind when you fly away like a rocket Is it fast and slow, short and long

 Time flies like an arrow Cherish now, seize the future Remember a poem of tomorrow: "tomorrow is the day of tomorrow, how much tomorrow I will be born tomorrow Yeah, when you've been through the day, it's less than a day Time is like an hourglass, the countdown to the end of the years, the accumulation of many, one day we will die, the end of the book of life

 How many tomorrows will we have, and how many next year Maybe you'll blame the time Why is it so unfair Some people live for only a few years How many months In fact, as long as life makes sense, and haixin is happy to spend every day, why should we care about the length of life A man is run over, and even nothing, and he lives for a thousand years, and what is the meaning of ten thousand years Although a man died young, he did a lot of great things and made a great contribution to mankind Although his life is just a flash in the pan, and don't waste your life, he is not going to disappear in the world, he will live forever in this world, will spend in people's hearts forever

 Shakespeare said, "I have wasted my time, and I have wasted my time" Time is fair, and it gives every "great man" the pleasure of giving every person in the world the same pleasure No, he only gives the "great man" pleasure, and it gives every "Philistine" a boundless void A person's life is not always smooth and smooth Treat every setback, every difficulty, every person today is the key

 Time is an inch of gold Cherish the time that you have, it will let you experience the happiness of the world, the truth, happiness

 Time is like an hourglass, the countdown to life Cherish the time that you have, he will deliver you many gifts, you want to know what it is To feel in action; Experience, and you will understand what time has given you Time (life) doesn't care about jangdan, the key is your attitude: cherish all, seize the future!



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上一篇 2023-11-12



