


贵人的意思是:贵人guì rén 1  显贵的人。  ●《谷梁传·襄公二十九年》:「 ,非所贵也;贵人,非所刑也;刑人,非所近也。」  ●《史记•汲郑列传》:「弘为丞相,乃言上曰:‘右内史界部中多贵人宗室,难治,非素重臣不能任,请徙黯为右内史。’」  ●唐杜牧《送隐者一绝》:「公道世间唯白发,贵人头上不曾饶。」  ●杨沫《青春之歌》第一部第十章:「道静噘著嘴巴看着余永泽不动,不高兴地说:‘什么贵人?--我不侍候你那贵人!’」 2  女官名。  ●后汉光武帝始置,地位次于皇后。历代沿其名,而位尊卑不一。  ●《后汉书•皇后纪序》:「及光武中兴,斫雕为朴,六宫称号,唯皇后、贵人。贵人金印紫绶,奉不过粟数十斛。」  ●三国魏曹操《内诫令》:「今贵人位为贵人,金印蓝绂,女人爵位之极。」  ●宋高承《事物纪原•嫔御命妇·贵人》:「汉光武置贵人为三夫人,历代不常有,宋朝真宗复置贵人也。」 3  宦官「中贵人」的省称。  ●唐韩愈《河南少尹李公墓志铭》:「天子使贵人持紫衣金鱼以赐,居三年,州称治。」  ●唐韩愈《华山女》诗:「天门贵人传诏召,六宫愿识师颜形。」 4  新郎的雅称。  ●《再生缘》第十七回:「纷纷执事排街道,荡荡黄罗罩贵人。御赐酒筵前面走,二媒相并状元行。」  ●周立波《山那面人家》:「我在山里摘了几枝茶子花,准备送给新贵人和新娘子。」★「贵人」在《汉语大词典》第14114页 第10卷 147★「贵人」在《现代汉语词典》第492页★「贵人」在《汉语辞海》的解释参见:贵人

贵人的拼音guì rén



guì rén 1 显贵的人。●《谷梁传·襄公二十九年》:「 ,非所贵也;贵人,非所刑也;刑人,非所近也。」●《史记•汲郑列传》:「弘为丞相,乃言上曰:‘右内史界部中多贵人宗室,难治,非素重臣不能任,请徙黯为右内史。’」●唐杜牧《送隐者一绝》:「公道世间唯白发,贵人头上不曾饶。」●杨沫《青春之歌》第一部第十章:「道静噘著嘴巴看着余永泽不动,不高兴地说:‘什么贵人?--我不侍候你那贵人!’」 2 女官名。●后汉光武帝始置,地位次于皇后。历代沿其名,而位尊卑不一。●《后汉书•皇后纪序》:「及光武中兴,斫雕为朴,六宫称号,唯皇后、贵人。贵人金印紫绶,奉不过粟数十斛。」●三国魏曹操《内诫令》:「今贵人位为贵人,金印蓝绂,女人爵位之极。」●宋高承《事物纪原•嫔御命妇·贵人》:「汉光武置贵人为三夫人,历代不常有,宋朝真宗复置贵人也。」 3 宦官「中贵人」的省称。●唐韩愈《河南少尹李公墓志铭》:「天子使贵人持紫衣金鱼以赐,居三年,州称治。」●唐韩愈《华山女》诗:「天门贵人传诏召,六宫愿识师颜形。」 4 新郎的雅称。●《再生缘》第十七回:「纷纷执事排街道,荡荡黄罗罩贵人。御赐酒筵前面走,二媒相并状元行。」●周立波《山那面人家》:「我在山里摘了几枝茶子花,准备送给新贵人和新娘子。」

★「贵人」在《汉语大词典》第14114页 第10卷 147 ★「贵人」在《现代汉语词典》第492页 ★「贵人」在《汉语辞海》的解释




贵人的英语单词1magnate2respect people


1[新译]谁策划这事来攻击推罗呢?它本是赐人冠冕的城,它的商人是王子,它的商贾是世上的尊贵人。2“高雅”的名字移到平民身上,村野的名字移到贵人身上,那样的交流只能说是平等思想激荡的后果。3卑 被压服,尊贵人降为卑,眼目高傲的人也降为卑。4本公司以笑迎万里客,喜得贵人来为服务宗旨,接纳来自五湖四海的宾朋好友,是您理想的下榻之处。5大家见了他,问怎么又是一个人来,母亲铁青脸说:“你这位奶奶真是贵人不踏贱地,下帖子请都不来了。”6但一班醉生梦死的达官贵人,却又个个兴高采烈,歌舞升平起来。(清 曾朴《孽海花》第六回)7当地许多达官贵人都参加了他外祖父的葬礼。8多妻制是富人和显贵人物的特权,多妻主要是用购买女奴隶的方法取得的;9多疑的作家不久揭穿了制造团里显贵人物的机器人副本,并由伪冒者代他们在人类世界发号施令的邪恶计划。10尔本贵人,故重其值,但输券之后,当唯命是从,不得韦许。(明 邵景詹《觅灯因话 姚公子传》)11黑奴贩子和黑奴追捕者们,恐怕还将侧身于我们的达官贵人之列呢。12她晓得他们富贵人家,南瓜红苕不吃,那橘子广柑和小菜,却是肯要的。13连抬杠的杠夫也有时坐上火车到天津或南京去抬那高官贵人的棺材。14刘斯奋《白门柳·夕阳芳草》引子:“连远近的达官贵人们也不惜降贵纡尊,携眷而至,说是‘与民同乐’。”15弥1:15玛利沙的居民哪、必使那夺取你的来到你这里.色列的尊贵人〔文伯荣耀〕到亚杜兰。16米尔瓦把他介绍给法兰西,在一篇诗的注解中有这样的词句:“有某贵人拜伦者……17牡丹花为富贵之花,深受达官贵人的喜爱。18那位贵人不肯,还说不必,只要有她老表唐希尔保荐就够了。19南朝·宋·范晔《后汉书·皇后纪论》:“六宫称号,惟皇后贵人,金印紫绶。”20南唐时金陵园林众多,皇家园林有北苑、西苑等,而私人园林多为达官贵人所有。21能源贵人和发生中的套头交易基金经理-说如果俄国投资油货币,他在正确的现货中。22你老是贵人多忘事了,那里还记得我们?(清 曹雪芹《红楼梦》第四回)23你真是“贵人多忘事”;居然忘掉了我的名字。24钱教授上了年纪,又身兼多项要职,难怪他贵人善忘,把我们的要求抛到九霄云外了。25然那等熏天赫地富贵人,除非是遇了朝廷诛戮,或是生下子孙不肖,方是败落散场。 ★明·凌蒙初《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二十二26然那等薰天赫地富贵人,除非是遇了朝廷诛戮,或是生下子孙不肖,方是败落散场。(明·凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二十二)27赛3:3五十夫长、和尊贵人.谋士、和有巧艺的、以及妙行法术的。28书里描绘了清朝达官贵人荒* 的生活。29算命先生卜了一卦,察看了日期,并看了她的手相,说道:“贵人勿忧。30虽然中国有句古话叫”贵人语迟”,但我还是愿意早一些学会向他人表达我的看法31他并不甘心一辈子给富贵人家当清客。32他是公司的宝贵人材。33苔丝狄蒙娜啊,我的亲爱的奥瑟罗!您所宴请的那些岛上的贵人们都在等著您去就席哩。34为什么我要屈服去爱并娶了一个贵人的私生女儿?35我告诉他,这是我的城堡和住宅,象许多王公贵人一样,我在乡下还有一所别墅。36我怎敢恰为官贵人多忘。★元·宫大用《范张鸡黍》第四折37无论他们怎样丑陋,怎样顽劣,怎样……也会被人们像棒天上的星星一样地捧来捧去,因为她们是贵人。38无业游民的粗野无礼既不会使他感到难堪,王公贵人的繁文缛节也不会叫他感到拘束。39吾辈只望与三数友人小酌,不愿赴贵人盛宴,以其小拘牵故也。40五十夫长,和尊贵人。谋士,和有巧艺的,以及妙行法术的。41夏天到了,一天他由一群英姿飒爽的贵人护卫著,带着鹰犬骑马出发。42小方是真正的贵人,坐在诱馆里动也不动,我们替他跑腿。43辛楣顽皮道:“要讲贵人,咱们孙**也是贵人,没有她——”44匈奴贵人使者作为单于先行而入汉,死于中原。45已闻帝王自有真,更说南阳多贵人,戈矛貔虎三千士,砺带河山十八臣。★明·唐顺之《皇陵行》46因此,祥子的沉默与不合群,一变变成了贵人语迟; 他应当这样,而他们理该赶着他去拉拢。47在“杨二嫂”的眼里;鲁迅是“贵人多忘事”的人。48在达官贵人眼中,老百姓不过是“蚁民”而已,一钱不值。49在达官贵人眼中;老百姓不过是“蚁民”而已;一钱不值。>

Get along with people

Dear Students:

In society, people get along is extremely important, someone speech "touching", someone speeches are ", "a word out the same name, someone said, someone say not heard, so some of you heard, some failure "No successful individuals, only successful team", want to face the strong, successful people, you should know how to work with people, the first to let the man himself into a popular person

1 image

In with someone and beauty is human eternal topic, along with society's development, people to beautiful demand more and more is also high, we don't have to wear brands of clothing, but clean and neat, pure and fresh bright beautiful is needed, because this is the basic etiquette, is also a kind of respect for others

2 Sincere

As the saying goes: a man without believe and not made Trust each other, to get the trust and understanding, and the ability to get others welcome and be friends "Having money is not necessarily the wealth, but friends it is the wealth of the lifetime", let a person contact sincere, to enjoy the abundance

3 praise

Mouthful of good words, the eyeful of good man, full of the hands of the good thing, can bring full of joy To tell the truth as dialogue, said dialogue as good a good word to say, let person move than words Learned to look for and find others for their virtues and strengths, to praise others, others just like you Praise others is magnified the advantage of others, can be better to learn other people, "feet," has short a director, take everybody's long, longer than the "

4 positive

As the sun, as the positive to where where bright, like the moon, the negative 15 different Talk to give a person with hope, encourage others strenuously, progresses, positive enterprising, "as long as you work hard, you'll do!" If often give a person said negative, the discussion disappointing people or things, will not happy, as time passes, you'll become unpopular people

You have to work with a exciting, happiness can help others Choose passion float in the sky, or heaves a sigh, the results are not the same

5 inclusive

The angry is that taking the other's mistake to punish oneself, change others is to change yourself Tolerance is not submit to humiliation, but personal growth, is mature performance, "growth" difficult to mature Real life, sometimes happen to make himself can't bear to control yourself, can make anything drastic, but with time, you will find a sudden loss of that also is that big of a deal Prime minister belly inside, it is that can do something great man will be a tolerant attitude According to

I believe that in the future as long as the way we learn, change with image, positive and optimistic, treats people sincerely, inclusive of others, you will become one of the most popular people, you can achieve the life ideal and dreams







二. 真诚


三. 赞美



积极的人像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮,消极的人像月亮,初一十五不一样讲话时要给人以希望,鼓励别人发奋、上进、积极进取, “只要努力,你一定行!”如果经常给人说消极的、议论令人失望人或事,都不会开心,久而久之,你就会成为不受欢迎的人了





#英语资源# 导语七夕要到了,告白的日子也要到了,是不是觉得千言万语爱在心口难开呢下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!



 You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not


 I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you 。


 Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart。


 Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful I miss you ,and miss you so mach……


 Do you understand the feeling of missing someone It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears。


 I don’t know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot lose you If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see

 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world


 Love and a cough cannot be hid


 To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence


 A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart


 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry


 Don't spend time with someone who doesn‘t care spending it with you


 Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful



 may i wish that all jacks shall have jills, all shall be well


 wish your mrright/miss right will appear soon

 情人节快乐:happy valentine‘s day!!


 may you two linger on each other every day and night till the end of time


 may you two share every day of life together till forever

 愿我俩的爱情永远不变!:may our love will last forever


 as always ,i hope the sweetheart festival to be joyful!


 i want to hold your hand on valentine’s day happy valentine’s day, sweetie


 may all of our wishes come true this valentine’s day


 our love grows stronger with every passing year happy valentine’s day, sweetie


 sending you a kiss to say i’m glad that you are mine happy the day!


 you mean everything to me please say yeshappy valentine’s day, honey!


 may this valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance happy valentine’s day honey!


 you stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms i can’t let you go happy valentine’s day




She Embroidered Brocade, cowboy Hexi hope Hejian bridge frame, the Qixi Festival short end Love looks in, never missing moon I want the Milky Way passes to the two stars never clean!


Acquaintance with you is a kind of fate, falls in love with you is a kind of beauty, accompanied by a blessing with you, I would like to accompany with you forever Happy Valentine's Day!


Love people, every day is the festival A cold warm, first phase noise; a marker, a legend; a lovesickness, with hope; a love, life in love


First love, looking forward to the arrival of Valentine's day; madly in love, every day is Valentine's day! I wish all lovers, every day is Valentine's day!


Never fade is silent care for you, never stop is to you endless thoughts, never change is deeply love you Happy Valentine's Day!


But you say foreigners Festival, today is the Qixi Festival Chinese, Valentine's day, haha, hiding! Dear, let us meet the old Valentine's day oh!


Wrong, I want to be together, life without end The hills do, the river for the exhaust, the thunder rumbles in winter, Xia Yuxue, heaven, but dare and the king must!


Love you regret the decision of my life, the stars are watching your eyes Regardless of the outcome, I know: you are the love of my life! Happy Valentine's Day!


The Milky Way above, I wait, a few of the world's fate, have turned into a bit of crystal tears, shed, left the world of infinite blessings!

10、情人节又来到,过节的人们心如小兔扑通跳,等着情人 来呼叫,去品尝爱情的味道。愿有情人做幸福的比翼鸟!

Valentine's Day arrived again, the holidays people heart such as the rabbit plop jump, waiting lover phone calls, to taste the taste of love Lovers do get happiness!



The ruthless space and time separates us from you, but your heart is still hard to reach 77 meetings


You are the one I miss most, roses are like my passion; you are the one I love most, chocolate is my heart Honey, enjoy the moon on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month


Thank you very much for giving me the happiest time of my life Today is Valentine's Day in China Wish us both love each other forever and live together forever! Kiss you deeply!


I want to go on and on Longing for love and deep longing


Thousands of mountains and rivers fly hard to cross, where to go away There are so many worries in the ends of the earth, only to hold you in hate!


You say, but the festival of foreigners, today is the Valentine's day of Chinese Valentine's day


In the long life, I found you, you gave me the confidence to survive, you let my life from now on is no longer plain I love you!


Do not envy the fairy of the magpie bridge, the flowers of the world are more beautiful


We will not be Cowherd and Weaver Girl, for they are too far apart and too short to meet; we will be ourselves, because you hold my heart firmly by my side!


God gave me another excuse for asking you to love each other and spend time with you, Valentine's day



Read it and you owe me a hug; delete it owe me a kiss; save it owe me an appointment; like reply you owe me all; if not back you are my Choice!


The moon such as day light, the vast Ag cream; the Qixi Festival bridge will lingering sentiments Xian rich multicolored decorations, beautiful blend; cents magpie bridge together, so happy!


Thank you for giving me the happiest time of my life, China today is Valentine's day, I wish we were never in love, said of a couple! Deep kiss you!


The cowherd meet on the magpie bridge, a bridge dating a fool Ask: is it tonight Answer: Chinese Valentine's day!


The cowboy weaver will, the story through the ages, you and me in a unified time, cast the nest May the world lovers, we love a rainbow!


This year, immeasurably vast difference, reunion, wish forever That special feeling to you, just want to tell you, this life unchanged! Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!


We don't do cowherd, because they too far and too short to meet again; we have to do our own, because I have you in my heart firmly!


Miss is a sweet melancholy, it can generate women envy rub into sorrow, melting into a deep sense of love, like a bright, bright moonlight Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!


Happy Valentine's Day! May our love be deeper than that of the Cowherd and the weaver girl, but do not like their love


Hold a bunch of red roses for you in your dream; offer a really good wish for you and only you in my heart; wish you a happy Valentine's Day!

1 Queens: KEI elegant hair poison oath in front of the people, the minister Qie her so seriously or something, if really have what misunderstanding untied it, otherwise if circulate erroneous reports out of his concubine, Qing reputation is also a loss

2: the emperor, his concubine Wen Shichu habitat is remote, but have you Bi and would like to Xi two aunts, testify to L, l and Empress is innocent Kei elegant: temperature cure too much when we are fools Who does not know the surprise and WAN Bi is his royal confidant How can their testimony did number Jin Xi: the emperor in the palace servants serve for decades, Xi imperial concubine empress, the first master not slaves to serve, not slaves to serve, a long time, so it is really no favoritism

3 Princess: Emperor, Kei elegant and his concubine, who runs deep, just looking for someone to make writing collusion this paper fills, temperature doctor to his royal shop go often, that is as much as he doctors duty, if this were the gossip, let these, let temperature doctor healed concubines, not to fear

4 wives: sister for the emperor had Huang Si, and in the temple to the appropriate size, no credit also have Gulao, the emperor must investigate the matter, and so my sister from the groundless talk problems

6 Queens: what do you argue Come, stripped of her royal costume! Relegate to limbo, together with the rocks together to me throw! Wen Shichu instantly stick to kill! His concubine: who dares! The Emperor: I brought you not thin! Why do you! Why do you want to do to me!

7 Princess: the emperor, as the saying goes, A faint heart never wine fair lady, this is dangerous, the odds were once succeed, everyone will think six the elder brother is temperature doctor's son, who will check again Queen: I am wrong, the emperor knows, the minister Qie noble Queen, why do this, framed his concubine

8 painted spring: Emperor, I didn't mean it, empress to the preparation of water, I took a turn, I forgot myself just after alum in the backyard making, be careful not to finger stick to water, the maidservant is unintentionallylosing ah, the emperor emperor Emperor: do not be careful, sent her to the careful division Draw spring: the queen to save me!!

9 my family appearance which is no more than you, why should the emperor in front, let you reap the limelight, so all my own idea

Tomorrow never dies-明日永恒

Sheryl Crow (雪莉·克洛)

Darling I'm killed亲爱的,我巳死去。

I'm in a puddle on the floor躺在挖好的坑里。

Waiting for you to return等待你的归来。

Oh what a thrill哦,多么寒冷。

Fascinations galore我是如此的迷恋你。

How U tease而你却老是揶揄戏弄我。

How U leave me 2 burn你把我推入火炕就离我而去。

It's so deadly,my dear我亲爱的,你的魅力如此致命。

The power of having U near我渴望拥有在你身边的权利。

Until the day…直到那一天!

Until the world falls away ! 直到这世界沦陷!

Until U say there'll be no more goodbyes ! 直到你说不会再有离别!

See it in Ur eyes我从你眼中可以看到!

Tomorrow never dies ! 明日永恒!

Darling U won亲爱的你赢了。

It's no fun这并不有趣。

Martini's,girls & guns马提尼酒,女孩们和枪枝。

It's murder on our love affair都成为扼杀我俩爱情的凶手。

It's U bet Ur life你以生命作赌注。

Every night在每一晚。

While U chase the morning light同时你又在追逐着清晨的每一缕阳光。

U're not the only spy out there你并非战场上唯一的间谍。

It's so deadly,my dear我亲爱的,你的魅力如此致命。

The power of having U near我渴望拥有在你身边的权利。

Until the day…直到那一天!

Until the world falls away ! 直到这世界沦陷!

Until U say there'll be no more goodbyes ! 直到你说不会再有离别!

See it in Ur eyes我从你眼中可以看到!

Tomorrow never dies ! 明日永恒!

Until the day…直到那一天!

Until the world falls away ! 直到这世界沦陷!

Until U say there'll be no more goodbyes ! 直到你说不会再有离别!

See it in Ur eyes我从你眼中可以看到!

Until the day…直到那一天!

Until the day…直到那一天!

Until the day…直到那一天



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