

Today, I read Wang Yifu's story, I deep difficult move by him

Wang Yifu is a 44 year-old air-gun athlete, this person is the world sports world is well-known “the old gun” to make the success which one gasps in admiration, has written section of immortal articles

In 1984 at Los Angeles Olympic Games, when 24 year-old Wang Yifu by Chinese firing party man hand group “first god gun” the sale price attended this grand meeting He participates the male pistol shot is that Olympic Games first conclusion event slowly, has worked as third finally compared to 564 link's good result, this result has only been short two links compared to champion new owner Xu Haifeng, this weak disparity made Wang Yifu to regret Stands Wang Yifu decides darkly on the third podium, the next time will be certain the crown But at next time Olympic Games, because was eager for victory seventh, he has not been discouraged His next time champion

This story mainly spoke Chen Zhong, in the ligamentum cruciatum and the meniscus are injured in the situation, the rejection surgery, continued to train, has made more efforts, endures indisposition which the average man imagined with difficulty, attacked the gold medal which that at that time looked like has not grasped In the training heart, the Chen Zhong technology, the strength, physical quality teacher are most outstanding, therefore, under everybody's encouragement, in Chen decided that for four year Olympic Games, puts together one time again! Finally, she like was willing to taste has won the championship

Chen Zhong has been through repeatedly difficultly, strives for success tenaciously, only then has won this precious gold medal, she not only has achieved the honor for herself, also has achieved the brilliance for the motherland We must study this spirit in the study, as soon as cannot meet difficultly flinches, should overcome difficulties, faces bravely, challenges bravely As the saying goes, on stage ten minutes, stage next ten seniorities Does not experience the wind and rain, how can see the rainbow, we not only need listen earnestly in the classroom, but must raise the tenacious will



1 奥运冠军的共同点:1)追求卓越



2 如何做生活中的冠军:1)明确的目标是动力的源泉



The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are walking towards us,taking a big stepNow how to grow up along with Olympic Champions has become a hot topic and the highlight of our concern

These days,we held a discussion in our class about this topicEach classmate was warm-hearted about it

We all think,there are many common piont of every winner in the Olympic GamesThey pursue excellence and always show respect to others,such as their fans and coachs,even their opponentAlso,they never give up and always believe they can do better

In our true live,we also need to be a winnerIt’s important for us to know how to be a successFirst, a certain goal is our powerAnd if you pay more attention,you can do morePersonally,everything can be an important factorWe should have a high spirit about everything we doAnd always I think,when I believe,I can do much moreAlso,in modern seciety,we need team spirit,who can’t cooperate with others won’t

succeededAnd it’s a quality of a person that when you see someone in need of help,you should give him a handOnly if you can do the all,you can be a winner one day

In a word,the Olympic Slogan“One World,One Dream”expresses the voice of our class-share a beautiful earth,share modern civilization and create a better future hand in hand


英文名:Shawn Johnson

出生日期: 1992年1月19日

性别: 女

身高(厘米/英尺): 145cm / 4'9"

体重(公斤/磅): 41 kg / 90 lbs

居住地: 爱荷华州得梅因 (美国)

运动项目: 竞技体操



排名 比赛项目 年份 比赛地点 成绩


1 自由体操 2007 德国斯图加特 15250

1 个人全能 2007 德国斯图加特 61875

1 团体 2007 德国斯图加特 184400

8 平衡木 2007 德国斯图加特 14475

41 高低杠 2007 德国斯图加特 14625


2007年泛美运动会 团体、个人全能、高低杠、平衡木冠军,自由体操亚军;

2007年全美锦标赛 个人全能、自由操、平衡木冠军,高低杠第三名;




个人全能 62375 (银牌)

女子自由体操 15500 (银牌)






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