



You are my temperate marine climate, every day is warm!


Let the impermanence rise and go out one by one, and my heart for you will last forever


True love needs to wait, anyone can say love you, but not everyone can wait for you


Lend me seven seconds time, three seconds said I love you, four seconds let me embrace you


This situation can not be eliminated, only under the brow, and on the heart


Those days that will live on are called the rest of life And the days related to you are the future


I can wait patiently, happiness can come more slowly, as long as it is true


Love is simple, its you, its me A period of quarrel, a lifetime of good, help each other to the old


I have only two wishes: by your side and by your side



读音:英 [rəʊ'mæntɪk]美 [roʊ'mæntɪk]

释义:adj 浪漫的;不切实际的  n 浪漫的人

例句:I was told that Spain is a romantic nation



1、romantic love 浪漫爱情  

2、new romantic 新浪漫;新浪漫主义

3、romantic movement 浪漫主义运动



比较级——more romantic 

最高级——most romantic




读音:英 ['driːmi] 美 ['driːmi]

释义:adj 梦幻般的;心不在焉的;不切实际的;轻柔的

例句:The misty scene had a dreamy quality about it



读音:英 [ˌaɪdiə'lɪstɪk] 美 [ˌaɪdiə'lɪstɪk]

释义:adj 理想主义的;空想的

例句:Perfectionistic and idealistic, they always strive for the best






音标:[ pə'tunɪə ]。








由来:白色的花瓣、嫩黄的花蕊、散发着淡淡清香的小雏菊,又被称为“小太阳花”。 在罗马神话中,雏菊是森林中的妖精——贝尔帝丝的化身。 雏菊是温和、纯真、忠诚爱情的象征。雏菊是“白日之眼”的代表,这是因为花朵一直朝着太阳的。




音标:[ 'aɪrɪs ]。






音标:[ 'dæfni ]。






3We passed by many attractions


5Connaught on Long Falls

6Trees Walled


GO hiking

On Sunday,I go hiking with my classmatesOur destination is Zhongshan ParkThe weather is very good,our mood is good tooWe take some food and some useful things,when we arrived at the park,we are very exciting,so we climb the hill

On the way to the peak,we feel very interesting,but after a period ,we feel a little tired,so we stop and have our lunchWhat a delicious food!Cookies,apples,fruit,even sweets!After a good lunch ,we continue our trip,we arrived at the peak after a short timeThe view is so beautiful!

After we get to the foot of the hill,we play some interesting games in parkLike Crzay Mouse,Shooting GameWe are enjoying it very much

when sun set down ,we return,the hiking is so interesting that I never forget it for ever!

这里有著名的旅游景点 青海湖用英语怎么说?



There is the famous tourist attraction Qinghai Lake here


Great Changes in My Hometown

I used to live in a small town with trees all around There was no tall building and the only street was narrow Just outside the town, there was a river You can see different kinds of fish swimming in the clear water People here lived a simple life

Great changes have taken place here You can see tall buildings, big department stores and factories everywhere Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets But with the development of the industry, we have fewer trees Air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious We must do something to stop pollution and make our town even more beautiful


青海湖由祁连山的大通山、日月山与青海南山之间的断层陷落形成,其海心山和鸟岛都是游览胜地。青海湖湖水来源主要依赖地表径流和湖面降水补给,曾被评为“国家重点风景名胜区”。接下来是我为大家整理的关于青海湖 导游词 英语介绍,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!


Hello, everyone! My name is Zhang You can call me Zhang Dao I'm your tour guide I hope you like your trip We are now one or two kilometers away from Qinghai Lake, and we can reach our destination in about half an hour We are going to Oh! I think you already know, right! The destination is Qinghai Lake!

In your spare time, let me tell you about the legend of Qinghai Lake Qinghai Lake was called "West Sea" in ancient times It is said that in those days, Qinghai Lake was just a big spring with deep water There was a big and heavy stone slab at the spring eye One year, a Taoist priest was passing by He was thirsty and cast a spell He opened the stone cover and drank water After drinking the water, the Taoist forgot to put the stone cover on the spring, and then turned to leave As a result, the spring gushed continuously and became a vast ocean in a twinkling of an eye In a hurry, he cut off a nearby hill and threw it into the water to suppress the spring But the water has flooded a large area of grassland In this way, Qinghai Lake and Haixin mountain in the center of the lake were formed Well, the story is finished, and it's almost the destination Let's have a rest!

Now, we are at the gate of Qinghai Lake scenic area Please follow me Guess which mascot is the statue of the five Fuwa in front of you By the way, Yingying is also a symbol of the plateau OK, this way, do you see This is yak Of course, there are strong horses! If you are interested, you can come and ride when you are free Now let's go on a cruise with me Just a moment, everyone The boat will arrive soon Well, on the boat, you can take a picture of the surrounding lakes and mountains, as well as the surface of the lake, which is refracted by the sun, looks shiny and beautiful Now, we are on the shore Let's move freely In three hours, gather at the gate

All right, driver, drive Although this trip is short, but I know you are very happy, but you must remember me, director Zhang, welcome to visit next time!


Dear tourists

Hello everyone! I'm the tour guide of Xuri Hongwen travel company My name is Jin Just call me Jin Dao Now, I'll take you to Qinghai Lake, a famous tourist destination in Qinghai It's still an hour's journey to Qinghai Lake During this time, I'd like to introduce Qinghai Lake to you

Qinghai Lake is the largest salt lake in China Qinghai Lake was formed by the crustal movement and the mountain collapse There is also a beautiful legend: there was a girl named Zhuoma After she got married, her husband went out for a long time, and Zhuoma missed him very much One day, when Zhuoma was drawing water, her husband came back Zhuoma forgot to cover the well, so they began to dance With their beautiful dance, the spring water flowed out continuously, and finally formed Qinghai Lake

Qinghai Lake is also known as "kukunor", which means "blue sea" in Mongolian Located in the Qinghai basin in the northeast of Qinghai Province, it is not only the largest inland lake in China, but also the largest saline lake in China The fault between Datong mountain, Riyue mountain and Nanshan Mountain in Qinghai Province collapsed Qinghai Lake is one of the most famous natural scenic spots in China

Qinghai Lake has not only beautiful scenery, but also a delicious food - Huangyu

Qinghai Lake is rich in delicious and nutritious Huangyu However, Huangyu only grows one inch a year, which is a national protected species Due to the decline of water level and arbitrary fishing, we are facing the danger of extinction, so today, we can't eat Huangyu

Unconsciously, we have come to the lake, now you can get off The scenery of Qinghai Lake is different in different seasons In this season, when the majestic mountains around and the vast grassland on the West Bank are dressed in green, the scenery by the Qinghai Lake is very beautiful

I think you can't wait to see the beautiful scenery It's time for free activities Please don't litter Have a good time!


Dear tourist friends, after leaving the Daotang River and the legend of Princess Wencheng, we are going to arrive at our beautiful and rich Qinghai Lake Qinghai Lake is called "Xihai" in ancient times, cuowenbu in Tibetan and kukuroer in Mongolian Do you know why it is called "kukuroer" According to legend, Qinghai Lake is beautiful and broad in ancient times, There is a hero named kukukuzhuoer who helps the people unite and live in harmony He helps the neighboring tribes to solve the crisis and survive the famine After his death, he was granted the title of God of unity by the emperor of heaven to protect the good From then on, the Mongolians called Qinghai Lake "kukukuzhuoer", which is what we call "kukuroer", Modern geological research shows that about 20 million years ago, today's Qinghai Tibet Plateau was a vast ocean Later, due to the compression of the continental plate and crustal movement, the sea floor gradually uplifted, and gradually formed the Qinghai Tibet Plateau known as the "third pole of the world" The Qinghai Lake was formed by the collapse of faults in the process of crustal uplift, There are also some very interesting legends Some say that this is the youngest son of the old dragon king in Crystal Palace, who brought 108 rivers of water Others say that when the monkey king was fighting with Erlang God in the sky, Erlang God was chased here He felt hungry and thirsty, and found the sacred spring covered by stone slabs After he ran to drink a lot, he forgot to cover the stone slabs, and the sacred spring rolled out, At this time, the monkey king had caught up with him Erlang God grabbed five stones and pressed the spring water Later, these five stones became five small islands in the lake Erlang God didn't even care about the food he cooked When he ran, he kicked over the pot There was salt in the pot and it fell into the lake From then on, the lake water became salty, As a result, there are large and small salt lakes and salt lakes along the Qinghai Lake

This is the legend of Qinghai Lake You can see the shining mirror in front of you, which is embedded between the snow capped mountains and the vast grassland It is Qinghai Lake It covers an area of more than 4400 square kilometers, 106 kilometers from east to west, 63 kilometers from north to south, with an average depth of 19 meters and an elevation of more than 3260 meters Now, Qinghai Lake is the largest inland salt lake in China, Qinghai Lake has become one of the four major tourist areas in Qinghai Province, and has initially formed a tourism belt around the lake, which is mainly sightseeing, entertainment, leisure and vacation

We are now in the lakeside area of Qinghai Lake It is an ideal summer resort with flat and open terrain, abundant water resources and mild climate Not only that, it is also an important animal husbandry base in Qinghai Province, with rich pasture and fertile land, which are feeding herds of cattle and sheep Before summer and autumn, the vast grassland is like a layer of green carpet, and various wild flowers are colorful, The green carpet is decorated like brocade and satin There are a lot of neat farmland around The wheat waves are rolling, and the rape flowers are golden The lake is full of green waves The white seagulls are chasing the fish sails in the air The herdsmen's tents are scattered all over the place The sunrise and sunset scenery is full of poetic and refreshing


Qinghai Lake is the largest inland lake and the largest salt lake in China It is vast, ethereal and magnificent It is a huge mirror given by nature to Qinghai Plateau

In ancient times, Qinghai Lake was called "Xihai", also know


Just sad, just just decided to give up, just forget to cry, just happen to meet you


I don't know what to say I just suddenly think of you at this moment


One's greatest weakness is not selfishness and barbarism, but a bigoted love of a person who does not love himself


I want to spend an umbrella with you, and every hot summer and rainy day!


Some memories, even if the pain, still have to remember, only because of the beauty of that time


I'm too stupid to know that it's not the fate that knows you are wrong, and I'm still desperate


When you cross the road, you hold my hand tightly I know this is happiness


Do you know the taste of missing a person, like drinking a large glass of ice water and flowing into tears for a long and long time


Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love


There are billions of people on the earth, but I just want to settle down for you


Sexual life monogamy: one mate at a time


Don't ask me what I want to eat, what I have to eat


Marriage can never be used to save a broken love Broken love can only be broken in a broken marriage


Everything I did was silent, bitter and sweet, and more of my heart pain


If you weep, the wet is always my face; if you are sad, it is always my heart to cry


A woman likes a bad man, not a man who is long and bad


With you, I lost myself Losing you, how I wish I lost myself again


My smile can be given to anyone, but my heart can only be given to one person


Don't believe in the memory, the person inside, not necessarily think of you the same


Let me love you two days, the day you have, and the day that you did not


Only the peach blossom will open in the spring, the camel will know love oasis, like the bird that can fly


Dream is your hot air balloon, only the dream of the person, can not fall


If a person cannot learn to forget, it will be a very painful thing, don't bother, the pain to forget things


Love should start with a friend first, first love to talk about marriage, marriage is not close to break up


No matter what happens in the future, what you look like, you are still the one I love most


I don't want to be short of warmth, as long as you are in the company of the first world


The broken heart, I moved the sky moved to be touched you


There is a kind of love called the absence of love, not love but no fate, but also a kind of love called complete! To become all the other is to be himself


Love is not the only one in marriage But you are the only one in me


If the life is only like the first sight, what is the autumn wind sad painting fan It turns out to be the heart of the people, but it is easy to change


When you really like a person, your eyes do not exist except the whole world


Want to hold your hand, go to a place called forever, see enduring as the universe scenery, taste the taste of the solid


Love, let people too helpless, love, but let me feel the end


Nothing special, just want to hear your voice


Remember everyone who is good for you, because they can't do it


I have met countless women in my life, but I have never been so shocked by a teacher like you


I want to talk about a love for seven years, in fifty years of marriage, the proud grandchildren about our love


I will quarrel with you, but I will not leave you, no matter friendship or love


Love is light love, love is deep love


I would like to stay with you all my life, be your quilt in winter, and be your fan in the summer


You laugh once I can be happy for a few days, can see you cry once, I feel sorry for a few years


When you fall in love with a person, there is always a little fear, fear of getting him, and fear of losing him


Love, until it hurts Then it's forever I'm sorry, even if you don't feel me


Love is simple and simple, you and I dare to say it


I want to miss you and send out the scattered stars; I hope the stars shine into your window and sleep with you


If love, please love


There are too many paradoxes in the world of love, even if you are careful not to get full marks


We are not wrong, the wrong thing is that we fall in love with each other in an inappropriate state


My sunset like melancholy is like a melancholy bird, and the melancholy flying bird flies into my sunset


Because there is nothing to remember forever, so I can only let you disappear


Lucid is very good, but love is too sober, if you can be confused and deep love a person, please do not regret what


Flowers are easy to disperse, and dreams are easy to wake Only the only you in that life will never dissipate in my life


How many idiots, know that there is no result, but still paranoid love to go down


Bathing with your lover This will be very interesting, to promote love and to save water


The simple and simple life is true What is the use of the declaration of love


You are always the most makings, the most special and the most attractive in my heart


I love you, generation after generation will together with you


You said that this kind of kindness, only to hurt people, really want six clear, but hate no lover, want to move the mountains and rivers, only call the world wake up


If you die tomorrow, I'll get your love today


Love me, you say, in my heart more frustrations


Hope and trust are the tails of a lizard, and even if they are cut off, they will grow again


I want you to bring me together, don't let me let go of you, I can't do it, I just you, believe it or not


In the world, there will be a person who really cares about you and loves you, but will never be close to you


Blue curtains, glass like hearts, transparent to you, but easy to be sad


I love you, do not ask me why, because it is you


Such a wait, is also a sweet kind of burden, thinking of you, has long become an indispensable habit in life


Happiness is the perfect love is unique, tears are so beautiful


People with the moon waxes and wanes, grief at separation and joy in Union, all this ancient hard, danyuanrenchangjiu, partings


I don't touch the better, but because of you, I don't want to meet better


I love you, for your happiness, I am willing to give up everything including you


Happiness is when I am lost, you are like an angel


There is a kind of luxury that can not be obtained, and once lost, it is lost


The dream is dead, the heart is broken, leaving only to Ppare for the departure


You cannot understand my vexatious, I don't know you always ignore me


Now I miss you very much, please take care of myself


Love is a fickle guy It longs for everything, but it is almost dissatisfied with everything


If a man is good, but he does not want to go with you, he is a passer-by


I want to hug you, but you will not always crowded crowd is the only one for me


Love a person feels about what all care about, and everything can be pardon


When we begin, we know that there will always be an end



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