


 3,“地面如此,地下却又不同。”译为That’s all for things aboveground Now things underground意同… is one thing and…is another

 4,“嫌单衣太薄”和“令人穿不住毛衣”,分别译为you’ll feel like putting on more,和you feel like taking off your woolen sweater, “嫌太薄”即“想多穿”,“穿不住”即“想脱掉”,这两个词都不好翻,但译者抓住其本质含义,以一个feel like准确地表达了原文的意思~

 5,“所以地上地下,穿穿脱脱,也颇麻烦。”译为Consequently you’ll be annoyed by having to don or doff your clothes now and then, depending on whether you’re aboveground or underground其中now and then和depending on whether you’re aboveground or underground都是为了充分表达原文意思而增益的部分而增益的部分


 In July, Parisians in the open are seen dressed in the clothes of all seasons, ranging from young girls’ vests and short skirt to elderly women’s thick overcoats In July, Paris has sunny weather almost every day Sometimes the sky is blue and cloudless for days on end and, when night comes, it never turns pitch dark, but remains a deep blue There are no mountains in its vicinity and few high-rises in the city proper Montmartre in the north of the city is a mere hillock As the sun never sinks below the horizon until 9:30 pm, the days seem even longer and the nights even shorter And the afternoons seem to last endlessly Nevertheless, sometimes a thunderbolt also comes from the clear sky On the morning of July14, French National Day, when President Mitterrand was presiding over the review of a massive military parade on Champs Elysées, it suddenly started rainning in torrents The President and the military band, caught in the downpour, found themselves in a very awkward situation TV viewers even saw the bandmaster bend down quickly to pick up the baton he had dropped onto the ground in a flurry


 1,“7月在巴黎的街上”是典型的中式表达,译者在此只译In July,而将“在巴黎的街上”用下文的Parisians in the open体现出来,既忠实于原文意思,又不拘泥于原文形式~

 2,“一连数日”= for days on end,其中on end 意为“连续地”,其同义词还有successively, consecutively ,continuously ,continually ,without end ,running ,on the run,on the trot


 4,in torrents,意即“(大雨)倾盆地”

 5,“电视的观众看得见雨气之中,乐队长的指挥杖竟失手落地,连忙俯身拾起。”译为TV viewers even saw the bandmaster bend down quickly to pick up the baton he had dropped onto the ground in a flurry本段多动词句颇多,一般用我们之前讲的方法都能化解(即“找主要动词为谓语,次重要的译为非谓语或从句,再不重要的译为介词短语”),但这句话中的动词是可以连成一体的,因此译者调整了动词的顺序,译为可以串联起来的动作~


 In Northern and Central France lie boundless level plains with varying climates Rouen, which is a one-hour ride to the north of Paris, is cooler while the central reaches of the Loire River, which is a two-hour ride to the southwest of Paris, is much warmer The latter becomes very hot in the afternoon, but cooler at night with the bright moon and stars in the sky


 1,“巴黎北行一小时至卢昂”即“卢昂位于巴黎北部,距巴黎有一小时车程”,译为Rouen, which is a one-hour ride to the north of Paris,


 2,“下午竟颇燠热,不过入夜就凉下来,星月异常皎洁。“译为The latter becomes very hot in the afternoon, but cooler at night with the bright moon and stars in the sky用 the latter化简句子的长度,也是值得借鉴的,我们在《朋友》中也见到过~

 再往南行入西班牙,气候就变得干暖。马德里在高台地的中央,七月的午间并不闷热,入夜甚至得穿毛衣。我在南部安达露西亚地区及阳光海岸(Costa del Sol)开车,一路又干又热,枯黄的草原,干燥的石堆,大地像一块烙饼,摊在酷蓝的天穹之下,路旁的草丛常因干燥而起火,势颇惊人。可是那是干热,并不令人出汗,和台湾的'湿闷不同。

 Down in Spain, the climate is arid and warm Madrid is located in the center of plateau Its noontime temperature in July is not sultry, and you have to wear a woolen sweater towards the evening In Southern Spain, when driving in the Andalucia region and along the Costa del Sol, I found everything dry and hot The grass was turning yellow and the rocks were dry The earth was like a pancake roasting under the deep blue firmament Alarmingly, the roadside grass often started burning by itself Unlike Taiwan which is humid, Southern Spain is hot and dry and so people there don’t sweat at all


 1,”再往南行入西班牙“即“再往南行驶进入西班牙” Down in Spain,可以看做是是driving down the south, we entered in Spain 的省略形式,in此处是介词代替动词

 2,“摊在…下”意为“在…下烤着…”故译为roasting under



 England is at the other extreme, being overcast and wet with a low temperature It was gloomy all the time and kept drizzling intermittently during the three days when I stayed in the River Embankment area of London Sometimes the morning sun made its brief appearance at daybreak, but the sky turned overcast soon after breakfast While crossing Waterloo Bridge with Wocun against the July wind blowing from the River Thames, a nip in the air sent shivers down my spine, forcing me to turn up my fur collar


 1,“下着间歇的毛毛雨“= kept drizzling intermittently

 2,“我在伦敦的河堤区住了三天“很容易让人联想到使用spend on,然而根据上下文我们发现,这个分句并不是主句,而是一个状语即”我在…住了三天,那时/那几天…“,因此译为during the three days when I stayed in the River Embankment area of London



 We drove up north through Oxford with its dreamy spires, Ludlow with its illusory old castles and Chester with its ancient bridge and solitary ferry crossing Rain clouds continued to hang over our car and raindrops remained intact on its windows After entering the Lake District, Cumbria, we found rivers and lakes everywhere and the sky full of rain clouds Occasionally a speck of light blue would appear over the horizon only to be soon blotted out by dark grey rain clouds I could not help complaining against Wordworth for grudging me a sunny scene of the beautiful Lakeland as described in his poems In Hawkshead, I put up for one night at a small inn Looking out of its window, I saw all trees around the lakes wet with rain and all mountains shrouded by clouds How I longed to tell the great poet lying in Grasmere Churchyard that in ancient China there was also a great poet domiciled in a region of rivers and lakes!


 1, 本段中的“向北行驶”译为drove up north,up north即“到北部”

 2, 塔尖如梦的牛津= Oxford with its dreamy spires

 城楼似幻的勒德洛= Ludlow with its illusory old castles

 古桥野渡的蔡斯特= Chester with its ancient bridge and solitary ferry crossing


 3,“真要怪华兹华斯的诗魂小气,不肯让我一窥他诗中的晴美湖光”译为I could not help complaining against Wordworth for grudging me a sunny scene of the beautiful Lakeland as described in his poems其中grudge意即“勉强做;不情愿地给;吝惜”

 4,“树树含雨,山山带云”即“所有的树都被雨打湿而所有的山都笼罩在云里”= all trees around the lakes wet with rain and all mountains shrouded by clouds

 5,“云梦大泽”即“云梦泽” ,是中国湖北省江汉平原上的古代湖泊群的总称,在此泛指湖泊河流,译为in a region of rivers and lakes!



主演:梁恩 屠育玮 张佳熙 喻亢 魏宗万



编剧:赵波 王立康






类型:剧情 动作







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原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/lianai/11019004.html

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