milk tea originates from British colonial rule over Hong Kong The British practice of afternoon tea, where black tea is served with milk and sugar, grew popular in Hong Kong
Milk tea is similar, except with evaporated or condensed milk instead of ordinary milk It is called "milk tea" to distinguish it from "Chinese tea"which is served plain
milk tea就是奶茶,可以用,但还有不同的奶茶,名称也不同。
1 珍珠奶茶,源于台湾1980年代,在东亚很流行,也叫Bubble tea或"Boba" tea
2 香港奶茶,Hong Kong-style milk tea, 经常称为dai pai dong milk tea,源于香港,用炼乳牛奶与红茶混合而成。
3 马来西亚奶茶,Teh tarik,流行与新加坡,马来西亚,缅甸,普通话叫“拉茶”
奶茶 [nǎi chá] [奶茶]基本解释
曹禺 《王昭君》第三幕:“草原上飘荡著奶茶的香气。”
[奶茶]百科解释奶茶原为中国北方游牧民族的日常饮品,至今最少已有千年历史。自元朝起传遍世界各地,目前在大中华地区,中亚国家,印度, ,英国,马来西亚,新加坡等地区都有不同种类奶茶流行。蒙古高原和中亚地区的奶茶千百年来从未改变,至今仍然是日常饮用及待客的必备饮料。其他地区则有不同口味的奶茶,如印度奶茶以加入玛萨拉的特殊香料闻名;发源于香港的 奶茶和发源于台湾的珍珠奶茶也独具特色。奶茶兼具牛奶和茶的双重营养,是家常美食之一,风行世界。奶茶品种包括了奶茶粉, 冰奶茶,热奶茶等。 更多→ 奶茶
[奶茶]英文翻译Tea with milk
[奶茶]相关词语 凉糕 贡茶 冰茶 茶食 奶豆腐
茶饮: - Tea Selection (茶类精选)
茶香翡翠绿茶 - Green Tea Jade Beverage
冰镇功夫红茶 - Icy Red Tea Beverage
百香鲜红(绿)茶 - Fragrant Red Tea Beaverage(绿茶就直接把 Red 换成 Green)
酸乌梅鲜红(绿)茶 - Smoked Plum Red Tea Beverage (同上)
鲜柠檬红(绿)茶 - Freash Lemon Red Tea Beaverage (同上)
玫瑰清脂花茶 - Refreashing Rose Scented Tea Beverage
招牌冰鲜橘茶 - Specialty Selection of Icy Freash Tangerine Tea Beverage
翡翠热鲜橘茶 - Hot Jade Freash Tangerine Tea Beverage
冰爽蜂蜜柠檬 - Icy Freash Lemon Tea Beverage With Honey Syrup
健康牛奶类: - Vital Milk Beverage Selection (活力奶类精选)
新鲜草莓牛奶 - Freash Strawberry Milk Beverage
夏威夷香蕉牛奶 - Hawaii Banana Milk Beverage
川北杏仁牛奶露 - Almond Milk Dew Beverage
夏季果汁类: - Tropic Mingle (热带精选)
金橘柠檬汁 - Kamquat Lemon Juice Beverage
鲜榨柳橙维C - Freash Orange Juice Beverage
新品奶茶 - Tea With Milk Selection
巧克力原味奶茶 - Original Chocolate Flavoured Tea With Milk
最新口味 或是 新产品 - Newest Flavour!
大众之选 - Populance / Popular Choice
店长推荐 - Recommended Choice
饮品 - Beverage
一楼的同事~ 奶茶英文是tea with milk! You answer was translated from the machines!
tea with milk、milky tea。
1、I like tea while she likes coffee
2、When should I have the tea insured
3、So, what is the name of its tea come from
冰茶 :Iced Tea
冰红(绿)茶 :Iced Black Tea / Iced Green Tea
冰奶茶 :Iced Milk Tea
港式奶茶 :Hot Tea, HK Style
巧克力奶茶 :Chocolate Milk Tea
冰巧克力奶茶 :Iced Chocolate Milk Tea
草莓奶茶 :Strawberry Milk Tea
花生奶茶 :Peanut Milk Tea
哈密瓜奶茶 :Hami Melon Milk Tea
椰香奶茶 :Coconut Milk Tea
芋香奶茶 :Taro Milk Tea
热柠檬茶 :Hot Lemon Tea
冰柠檬茶 :Iced Lemon Tea
菠萝果茶 :Pineapple Tea
菠萝冰茶 :Iced Pineapple Tea
黑莓冰茶 :Iced Blackberry Tea
草莓冰茶 :Iced Strawberry Tea
蓝莓冰茶 :Iced Blueberry Tea
芒果冰茶 :Iced Mango Tea
蜜桃冰茶 :Iced Peach Tea
香蕉冰茶 :Iced Banana Tea
奇异果冰茶 :Iced Kiwi Tea
百香果汁 :Passion Fruit Juice
冰果汁 :Chilled Juice
菠萝汁 :Pineapple Juice
苹果汁 :Apple Juice
橙汁 :Orange Juice
纯木瓜汁 :Papaya Juice
凤梨木瓜汁 :Papaya and Pineapple Juice
哈蜜瓜汁 :Hami Melon Juice
红莓汁 :Cranberry Juice
火龙果汁 :Dragonfruit Juice
苦柠檬水 :Bitter Lemon Juice
西瓜汁 :Watermelon Juice
葡萄汁 :Grape Juice
酸枣汁 :Wild Jujube Juice
西柚汁/蜜柚汁 (冷/热) :Grapefruit Juice(Cold / Hot)
时令果汁 :Seasonal Fruit Juice
西柠蜜瓜汁 :Melon and Lemon Juice
椰汁 :Coconut Juice
草莓果茶 :Strawberry Juice
蓝莓果茶 :Blueberry Juice
蜜桃果茶 :Peach Juice
汇源梨汁 :Huiyuan Pear Juice
汇源桃汁 :Huiyuan Peach Juice
汇源橙汁 :Huiyuan Orange Juice
新奇士橙汁 :Sunkist Orange Juice
新奇士柠檬汁 :Sunkist Lemon Juice
鲜榨果汁 :Fresh Juice
鲜榨青柠汁 :Fresh Lemon Juice
鲜榨蔬菜汁 :Fresh Vegetable Juice
番茄汁 :Tomato Juice
胡萝卜橙子汁 :Carrot and Orange Juice
胡萝卜芹菜汁 :Celery and Carrot Juice
山楂胡萝卜汁 :Hawthorn and Carrot Juice
黄瓜汁 :Fresh Cucumber Juice
胡萝卜汁 :Fresh Carrot Juice
苦瓜汁 :Bitter Melon Juice
西芹汁 :Celery Juice
牵手南瓜汁 :Together Pumpkin Juice
牵手果蔬汁(胡萝卜橙汁) :Together Vegetable and Fruit Juice (Carrot and Orange)
山药养生汁 :Yam Juice
凤梨柠檬芹 :Pineapple, Lemon and Celery Juice
番茄柠檬汁 :Tomato and Lemon Juice
醇香奶茶:Mellow tea with milk
珍珠奶茶:Pearl milk tea
椰果奶茶:Coconut milk tea
特色奶青:Characteristics of milk green
胚芽奶绿:Germ milk green
柠檬奶绿:Green lemon milk
百香奶绿:Sweet milk, green
仙草奶茶:This product milk tea
仙草奶绿:This product milk green
热巧克力:Hot chocolate
欧蕾咖啡:Au lait coffee
摩卡椰多多:A lot of mocha coconut
椰香西米露:Coconut tapioca pudding
抹茶红豆欧蕾:Matcha red bean au lait
香芋牛奶欧蕾:Taro milk au lait
紫薯牛奶欧蕾:Purple potato milk au lait
芒果牛奶欧蕾:Mango milk au lait
鲜奶奥利奥:Milk oreo
抹茶奥利奥:Maccha oreo
椰香奥利奥:Coconut oreo
摩卡奥利奥:Mocha oreo
巧酥奥利奥:Qiao crisp oreo
鲜奶冰旋风:Milk ice storm
摩卡冰旋风:Mocha ice storm
巧酥冰旋风:Qiao crisp ice storm
蓝莓蛋蜜:Blueberry egg honey
草莓蛋蜜:Strawberry egg honey
薄荷蛋蜜:Mint egg honey
百香蛋蜜:Passion egg honey
柠檬蛋蜜:Lemon egg honey
芒果蛋蜜:Mango egg honey
奇异果蛋蜜:Kiwi fruit egg honey
冰爽柠檬:Icy lemon
酷夏青橘:summer cool green orange
蜂蜜柚子:honey pomelo
柠檬柚子:lemon and grapefruit
甘蔗芦荟:sugar cane aloe vera
金桔柠檬: kumquat lemon
草莓奶昔:Strawberry milkshake
蓝莓奶昔:Blueberry smoothie
抹茶奶昔:Maccha milk shake
紫薯奶昔:Purple potato milkshake
香芋奶昔:Taro milk shake
百香果奶昔:Passion fruit milk shake
奇异果奶昔:Kiwi fruit milk shake
芒果奶昔:Mango smoothie
特色双皮奶:Characteristics of double peel milk
意式布丁:Italian pudding
台式烧仙草:Desktop burning grass fairy
蜂蜜烧仙草:Honey burning grass fairy
蜂蜜八宝饭:Honey, Chinese rice pudding
台式八宝饭:Desktop eight-treasure rice pudding
原味八宝饭:Original Chinese rice pudding