英语作文以what is love为题。120词左右

英语作文以what is love为题。120词左右,第1张

Love is no ordinary thing It is not voluntary, but when it begins, you will know


There are three types of love Infatuation, love of family, and love of your spouse


Infatuation, most commonly known as “Puppy Love”, is basically love at first sight

Infatuation can be the beginning of a future spouse love Though most often infatuation doesn’t amount to much


Love of family is loving your mother and father, and any siblings you may have You want to protect them, watch over them, and fill their lives with an unbounding joy The parents have an innermost feeling for their children, which in my case, they express everyday


Love of your spouse means loving someone you are married to Whether husband or wife, you support your spouse with a deep modesty, and you treat them with great respect


Being possibly the most trivial question of all time, this is one hard question to ask


Love means to care, to protect, to watch over, to pray for, to make sure the loved person is happy But to tell you the truth, those are all parts of love Not love itself


So, I will tell you what I think of love Love has a meaning, but we will never know Many philosophers have tried, but all their attempts have failed Every single one of them!


Love is not a bond, or a relationship, but more of a heart to heart conversation When the conversation grows, the bond and relationship forms Therefore, love creates the bond and relationship


Still, that leaves us with the main question, what is love


Okay, so I told you the three types of love But I still haven’t told you what love is I told you a definition, a heart to heart conversation, but does that tell you much No So, I will put it straight



;                   Going to A Family Party when you are going to a family party With the invitation of an American friend,it is important to do as the romans do when you are in romeYou can take some gifts,such as  a bottle of wine or choclateYou can be there on time or 20 minutes earlierDon't stay there for long after the partyYou must thank the host for the good mealwhen you leave ,you should thank the host for their invitation once more

 finally,I hope you can have a good time




A friend to you

友谊的第一印象 英语作文

First impression is of great significance to us nowadays especially when we are applicants of a job interview If all the candidates show equal intelligence and capability on conducting, It is quite essencial to establish a fine first impression to the new boss which indicate that u may be the prospective employee To achieve a good first impression, we should give ourself a new look, for example, we'd better dress properly, talk decently, neither too eloquent nor too mild, thus we will leave a better impression

对非洲的印象 英语作文

The remark "the only good news story is a bad news story" is sometimes quoted by cynical journalists Positive stories don't make interesting news, they say And in Africa it often seems it is only the wars, droughts and diseases which are reported But Milton Nkosi, the BBC's bureau chief in Africa, who is travelling in South Africa and Tanzania, says that across the continent there are people working to improve their lives and their munities


I have been back, and write this letter to show my thanks As the exchange student, you make me feel warm Wele to my country ,I’ll show you around in turn

However , there exists a problem that I have left my dictionary at your home I like it very much , for it was a precious gift from my teacher who es from the US I guess that my book may stay on your shelf in the bedroom


I had the first class of English 10 at Southhill Education Center today There were very much interactions beeen the instructor and students I like the way in which literature is taught I feel so nice sitting in a classroom, the sensation I have ever had 20 years before

The novel we read and yzed today is very interesting It's a short story as enclosed hereafter to share with you


Now developed special neork,online dating,face-to-face meetings are also popular,but in recent years,the friend meet a lot of problems

1Inter users are not identified,is likely to be a bad man2,the friend in met cheat money easily

I still don't agree with friend meet,the risk is too


这个世界上有一种神圣的职业,有人说,他们就像春蚕,默默的为人类吐出最后一点丝;有人说,他们就像蜡烛,默默的燃烧自己照亮别人;有人说,他们就像辛勤的园丁,为祖国培育一代又一代的花朵。而我说,他们就像一把桨,引领着我们的理想之舟,让我们通向成功的彼岸,那就是老师。 在我的学习生涯中,我有过许许多多的老师,他们宛如天上的繁星,有的渐渐由明亮转为朦胧,但在这其中有一颗与众不同的明星,那光泽永不消退,那就是陈老师。 陈老师长著瓜子脸,一对炯炯有神的眼睛成了她身上的一道“风景线”,那对水灵灵的眼睛总是我失败时给我鼓励;在我成功时给我赞许,还告诉我不要骄傲、再接再厉;在我绝望时,给我带来希望。 记得有一次举行数学竞赛的时候,陈老师为了我们取得更优秀的成绩,利用课后蒐集资料给我们练习,耐心地辅导我们。起初,我兴趣很浓厚,学得很开心,成交也有了明显的提高。但由于快节奏的学习,我感觉负担越来越重越来越辛苦,我渐渐跟不上老师的脚步,失去了信心。当陈老师发现我的急剧变化时,她向我投来了支援的目光,那目光仿佛在指引正确的方向,仿佛在说:“加油”!不要放弃,不要让我失望!我一下子领悟到老师的用意,一种莫名的力量让我提起精神来听课,渐渐地我也就跟上老师的脚步,学习兴趣也越来越浓了。到了考试那天,我满怀信心地进了考场,脑海里不时浮现老师那柔和的目光,我更加努力了,因为我肩上背负著的不仅仅是父母对我的希望,还有陈老师对我的希望。带着陈老师的目光,我成功了,我获得了满分。能有这样的成绩还真得多亏了老师对我的一番鼓励,老师谢谢您! 陈老师给予我们的实在是太多太多了,在学习时,她就像一位导游,带领着我们在知识的果园中徜徉,摘取秋天的硕果,品尝著成功的喜悦;在遇到困难时,她就像母亲一样拉着我们的手一同翻山越岭;当我们犯错时,她总会用她的温暖再一次洗刷每一个学生心灵的尘土。我知道,陈老师付出这一切都是为了我们,她为我们呕心沥血,不知为我们流下多少汗水,付出多少辛劳,但陈老师都无怨无悔。真不愧是人类灵魂伟大的工程师。 陈老师,你是我心目中最好的老师。 如皋初级中学初一:吴范越


My Friend

Do you have any good friends May is one of mine She is ten years old She is tall, and she has a round face, big eyes, a all nose and a all mouth, her hair is long and black May and I are clas ates, she sits behind me We go home together every day when school is over She does well in math while I'm good at Chinese I often help her with her Chinese and she helps me with my math We help each other and love each other, we're good friends



你有好朋友吗?May 是我的好朋友之一。她十岁了。她个子高高的,长著一张圆脸,大眼睛,小鼻子小嘴的,她的头发又黑又长。我和 May 是同班同学,她就坐在我后面。每天放学后我们一起回家。她擅长学数学而我则擅长学语文。我经常帮她学语文而她则帮我学数学。我们彼此关爱、互相帮助,我们是好朋友。


On Friendship

Everyone needs friendship No one can sail the ocean of life single handed We need help from, and also give help to, others In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections A man of chari a has many friends His power lies in his ability to give

The term, friend, covers a wide range of raeanings It can be a nodding acquaintance, a rade, a confident, a partner, a playmate, a brother, an intimate etc

As life is full of strife and conflict, we need friends to support and help as out of difficulties Our frinods give us warnings against danger True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow

With friendship, life is happy and harmonious Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate I have friends in the rank and file Some are rich and in power Some are low and mon Some are like myself, working as a teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life we have To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never fet my old friends and keep making new friends I will not he cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a forting word








 1 have a heart of spring, ecstatic to in full bloom; Again the sea, the mind can open; Good, play to have womb agile; The eyes have god, the look line to sharp; Arm strength, make moves to the punch; With rhythm, steps are to light


 2 life is a song, sing the life rhythm and melody; Life is a road, extend the footprint of the life and hope; Life is a cup of wine, full of life and mellow sorrow; Life is a mass of linen, interweaving the trouble with life and happy; Life is a picture, and describes the life experience of red, green, blue; Life is a fire, burning vision of life and to dream


 3 life to learn to enjoy: enjoy working happy laughter, enjoy friends, enjoy the warmth of family, enjoy the joy to create, enjoy the sweet fruit


 4 life four DaLe: youth, entrepreneurial success, family and harmonious, the neighborhood Life four big and sad: disease, swayed by lost, repeat it, nothing at all


 5 addition and subtraction: knowledge to increase life, trouble will decline; Friendship will increase, resentment to decrease; A heart to heart to decrease, increasing; Increasing confidence to promise to decrease,; ) to increase quantity to jealousy, diminishing Steps to increase to decrease, alcohol and tobacco


 6 if you want to go famous, then we have slowly sleep; If you want to go long wisdom, then we have slowly proud If you want to slow down the aging, then you will have to hurry up learning; If you want to slow down, so you must hurry out step


 7 not afraid, afraid he far short; Slow, afraid often stood; Are not afraid of poverty, afraid loc lazy; Not afraid, afraid his opponent fierce fibrillation


 8 good mood to make the scenery, good eye will have good found that good thought before you will have a good idea


 9 happiness to person to comfort, the but again to person to early death; Labor to person to efforts, but it can give a person to long


 10 people can not beautiful, but to health; One can not great, but be happy; One can not perfect, but want to pursue



 11 with knowledge to push the waves of thinking sails, with wisdom of Mars to ignite the spark of thought, with a romantic passion to create the good life, with the power of science to strong a pair of wings!!!!!


 12 only make his mind up himself, the body of the bending confidence to straight; Only to the cowardly strong body and bound up the steps to plan; Only make their narrow open up, shortsighted eye can put far; Only make his mind up, the foolish foolish fantasy to abandon!!!!!


 13 not lit the spark of wisdom, clever mind also will be a stupid; Don't practice of establishment of the target, the romantic ideal will also lose luster; Do not value the precious time, the years of the life will be brief; Summarize experience of failure, not simple things make you do it


 14 the starting point is love, spoiled foothold is hate; Jealousy is the starting point, the foothold is back into; The starting point of the dream is (bad), the foothold hpreparation is empty; Greed is the starting point of the surplus, the foothold is deficient


 15 without passion, love is not burning; No friendship, friends won't full; No lofty sentiments, he was hard to realize; Not in the mood, it is hard to finish


 16 we lack of opportunity, but not for opportunity; We less not wealth, is the ability to create wealth; We lack is not knowledge, but you won't feel bored manner; We lack is not ideal, but physically practice


 17 have grades will immediately forget, such ability won't look for trouble; Have the wrong to keep in mind, such ability won't repeat; Have the opportunity to jump on, such ability won't lose opportunity; Have the difficulties to find countermeasures, such ability solved


 18 you may not be ideal, but can't be cheeky; You can not great, but can't mean; You can not wise, not confused; You can not learned, but can't ignorance; You can not make friends, but can't withdrawn; You can not optimistic, but can't cynical; You can not generous, but can't deliberately; You can not pursue, but can't envy; You can not aggressive, but can't step backward


 19 life need game, but not a life; game The life needs and dance, but does not need to lead a happy-go-lucky life; The life needs art, but can't speculative; It takes courage to live, but can't reckless foolhardy; The life needs repeating, but can't repeat


 20 the work when enjoy, you will do our best to; When the life fun, you will with confidence; The reading when grow, you will be hard work; The dedication when happy, you're generous help others



 21 the most beautiful may not be the most lovely, the most lovely is the most beautiful; The best is not necessarily the most appropriate; The most appropriate is the best; The highest big may not be the most respected, the most respected is the tallest; The most beautiful may not be the most beautiful, the most beautiful is the most beautiful


 22 some people, no matter DuoDa age, are young forever; Some people whether it is, but still waters and shame; Some people whether it is rich, but a poor simple; Some people, no matter be a universal genius, but still was referring contemptuously stride forward; Some people, no matter how humble yourself a wonder, but always motherland!


 23 life is a book Some write well and some write mediocrity; Some write honest, some write frivolous; Some write grand, some write mean; Some writes smooth, with some write twists; Some glorious, some left regret; Some think, some only leave blank!!!!!


 24 there is a clear mind than a clever mind the more important; There is a good habit than there is a proficient skills more practical; Has a youthful vitality than have a pair of sound more powerful arms; Have a courage and daring than a door more strong knowledge


 25 touched often occur in a moment: a look may let you recollecting I; A funding may let you move a life; A wish may let you warm I; A little tolerance may let you appreciate a lifetime


 26 healthy is beautiful, the right is the best, often new is charming, ordinary is great, the tough is longer, the real is eternal


 27 world affairs are so: when you try to pursue, it is like like butterfly wings to fly far; When you concentrate, unexpected harvest has been quietly to your side!


 28 you can use speculative way to earn wealth, but can't get satisfied; from the wealth You can use the method of cheating, but can't get girlfriend from girlfriend to receive love in heart; You can use the cheating means to gain high marks, but can't get knowledge from books; With money you can buy to the honor, but not from the people made his mouth


 29 while we can't decided to the length of life, but can broaden its width; Although we can't change your looks, but can show smile; Although we can't control the others, but can control your own; Although we can't predict tomorrow, but can seize today; Although you can't be everything goes well, but you can try my best to do everything





My favorite singer

•My favorite singer is Zhou Jielun His English name is Jay Chou He is of medium height He is thin with short straight hair He has all eyes He looks cool Jay Chou likes playing sports He likes playing basketball best His favorite food is chicken He doesn’t like talking too much He is friendly and sometimes he is a little shy


My favorite love person-my mother)

My mother is a virtuous wife and good mother She has medium height and beautiful face She is a generous, good natured and warm-hearted woman She looks like actor Wang Tang Feng

My mother has retired now She lives on pension/social welfare and lives with us She is good at cooking, often treat us lavish dinner, consisting of different dishes form various provinces I like eat my mother dishes very much

She likes watch TV My mother and I like to visit relatives together Sometimes we go shopping together

When I have trouble that she always encourage me to do our best, she used to say “It don’t matter if you win or not The important thing is to do your best and keep going”

East, West, Home is the best I wish my mother has a happy life every day I love my mother It is a Chinese tradition to respect the children and support the elderly

写一篇我最爱的人 作文

































亲 记得采纳哦 O(∩_∩)O谢谢



    I have been constantly considering that the father's love is the most generous in the worldMaybe it's not as gentle as mother's love,but we greatly benefit from it to some degreeFortunately,my father is just like that 

    My father has a big nose and thick lipsHowever,his eyes are  all,but it couldn't resist shining as it is talking to youEspecially when he told me stories presented with vivid gestures and in humorous tonesThat time is so wonderful!     What I appreciate most is the tremendous freedom given by himHe showed me to  various kinds of activitiesThen I bee interested in playing the game of go,chess,dancing,drawing and so onHowever,freedom doesn't mean spoilingHe often tells me that if you have the courage to tell lies,you must have the courage to face the consequencesMaybe I was never aware of that until the unfettable night     When I was in junior high school,I was absorbed in puter games 

heavilyLacking in self control,I often got out of bed at midnight and then played the puter gamesAfter several nights,it seems that neither my father or my mother found thisOne day at breakfast,my father coughedWhen I asked what's wrong with him,he just looked deep in my eye and said nothingOn that night,I played the puter games as beforeWhen I turn my head unconsciously,suddenly I saw a figure behind the window,which is bined with a balconyI couldn't believe that!My father!How long or how many days had he stood here I turned off the puter silently and go to the bedWith my eyes open,I could clearly hear the sound of coughing,which made me feel more suffering than he punished me! 

    The day after,I make an apology to my parentsIn order to catch up with my clas ates,I devoted a lot to studying hardThis thing is over,but the consequences have influenced me till now









我最爱的人记叙文 五年级 600字每个人都有自己所爱的人,我也不例外。我最爱爸爸,为什么呢?那是因为他特别疼我,尤其是爸爸那宽大的身躯,给我一种强烈的安全感,我困了,常常躺在他怀里睡觉。有一天晚上,我和爸爸趁没雨,溜出去逛超市,买点东西。正当我们高高兴兴往回走的时候,哗啦,哗啦,下起了大雨,我扯了扯爸爸的衣袖,说:“爸爸,下雨了,怎么办呢?”“没关系,爸爸马上给家里打了电话!”爸爸微笑着对我说,可爸爸摸遍了全身,还是找不着手机,雨越下越大,越下越紧,这可怎么办呢?爸爸灵机一动,叫我把东西提在手里,然后,他脱下外套给我披在身上,蹲下他那发福的身材,把扛在背上,宽大的衣服把握的头遮得严严实实的,爸爸那双宽大的手使劲把我扣反扣在他温暖的脊背上,拼命往家跑。风呼呼地吹刮着他的脸庞,无情的雨水不停地往他颈子灌入。我十分担心地问:“爸爸,您冷吗?”“爸爸不冷,你有没有被淋到?”“没有啊,爸爸,您是我最厚实、淋不透的雨衣呀。”我怯生生的声音传入爸爸的耳朵,爸爸笑而不语。回到家中,我拉着爸爸的手,感到一阵冰凉,爸爸被淋成了个落汤鸡,一阵又一阵的暖流却从他冰冷的外表流进我幼小的心灵,啊,这正是爸爸给我的爱。我真的好想永远牵着爸爸的手,永远地牵着他,一起走过风雨,走过幼稚,甚至我牵着他的手,陪他走过春夏秋冬,直到他只能靠着我搀扶他。有人说,母爱最伟大,而我不这么认为,世上只有妈妈好,我的爸爸也离不了,爸爸,你永远是我最温暖的雨衣,为女儿撑起一片温暖的晴空!



I have been constantly considering that the father's love is the most generous in the worldMaybe it's not as gentle as mother's love,but we greatly benefit from it to some degreeFortunately,my father is just like that

My father has a big nose and thick lipsHowever,his eyes are all,but it couldn't resist shining as it is talking to youEspecially when he told me stories presented with vivid gestures and in humorous tonesThat time is so wonderful! What I appreciate most is the tremendous freedom given by himHe showed me to various kinds of activitiesThen I bee interested in playing the game of go,chess,dancing,drawing and so onHowever,freedom doesn't mean spoilingHe often tells me that if you have the courage to tell lies,you must have the courage to face the consequencesMaybe I was never aware of that until the unfettable night When I was in junior high school,I was absorbed in puter games

heavilyLacking in self control,I often got out of bed at midnight and then played the puter gamesAfter several nights,it seems that neither my father or my mother found thisOne day at breakfast,my father coughedWhen I asked what's wrong with him,he just looked deep in my eye and said nothingOn that night,I played the puter games as beforeWhen I turn my head unconsciously,suddenly I saw a figure behind the window,which is bined with a balconyI couldn't believe that!My father!How long or how many days had he stood here I turned off the puter silently and go to the bedWith my eyes open,I could clearly hear the sound of coughing,which made me feel more suffering than he punished me!

The day after,I make an apology to my parentsIn order to catch up with my clas ates,I devoted a lot to studying hardThis thing is over,but the consequences have influenced me till now

encounter 邂逅





比如prison break(越狱),desperate housewives(绝望主妇),bone(识骨寻踪)

A foreigner said: "the great maternal love is always a child She was a child, adult powerful guarantee," yeah! If a man does not enjoy the sunlight shines motherly love, be unbearable to contemplate his quality of life is really


Love is a harbor, let us away from the sea, enjoy the peace


Maternal love is the beacon, let us see the way forward, gain confidence


Maternal love is the snow charcoal, gave us warm; is bread when you are hungry, give us full; is lonely love, give us comfort; is a failure of the encouragement, give us confidence


Maternal love is the wanderer hear of homesickness, the heart is always home by, love is connected with the string of the kite, never fly too far


The thread in the hands of a fond-hearted mother makes clothes for the body of her wayward boy; Who says that the heart of an inchlong plant can requite the radiance of full spring I even have a beautiful style of writing, but also difficult to write the connotation of love


Mother let me move, let me cherish


Remember that day, when I was in the fourth grade, some of the things in the class, do fine copy text and corporal punishment In the general case of "paralysis" copy the whole book asked to recite the paragraph 5 times In this way, the students like one with a dead-alive person like dragging tired body copy the text When I was over third times, it's ten thirty, hands placed a cup of tea made open, mother of the house lights When I copied fourth times, is in the morning, but my room light is still lit, but my mother don't know when I sat down at my side See I stopped writing, then put down is knitting sweater, gently asked: "Si Qi, write tired, rest, mom gave you go get something to eat"


The mother looked at the pale cheeks, the years engrave a wrinkle on her face I feel guilty suddenly noon to argue with her that a plane Sour nose, eyes grew moist My mother saw the eye is red to me, asked: "how" "Mom, I'm sorry" Mom sighed, said: "mom know you for the last two days, pressure is great, so, don't angry with you Don't worry about it, all in the past" My eyes covered with a layer of fog, some sob of say: "Mom, you go to sleep, I still early" Mother nodded, back into the house At about one thirty, homework finally finished Mother to the light in the house, still burning


Motherly love is written in to buy each other, is the sons and daughters of the blessing, mother's pain; maternal love is the cloud in the sky, the spring wind, let the sun through the body, give the earth a green

1、A musical bell, bewitching flowers are subject to time constraints only blessing of eternal forever I will always bless you for giving me the wisdom spring-my teacher悦耳的铃声,妖艳的鲜花 都受时间的限制 只有我的祝福永恒 永远永远祝福您 给我智慧之泉的老师。

2、Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。

3、My heartfelt thanks to you, dear teacher On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view On this day I honour you sincerely亲爱的老师,向您表达我最衷心的感谢。在人生旅途上,您为我点燃了希望之光,您所做的一切润泽了我的心灵,开阔了我的视野。今天我向您致以崇高的敬意。

4、No one deserves a bigger thank you than you One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude没有人比您更值得如此深厚的谢意。仅这一天远不足以表达我们对您的感激之情。

5、No one deserves a bigger thank you than you One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude没有人比您更值得如此深厚的谢意。仅这一天远不足以表达我们对您的感激之情。

6、On the journey of life you have kindled the light of hope for me to enrich my mind, add my wisdom to thank you! Teacher, I wish you healthy forever, happy, happy!人生旅程上您为我点燃希望的光芒丰富我的心灵,增添我的智慧 谢谢您!老师,愿您永远健康、愉快、幸福!

7、Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey亲爱的老师,您就象那春天的细雨,滋润着我们的心田。您给予我们的爱和关怀将鼓舞着我们走过艰难困苦。

8、Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey亲爱的老师,您就象那春天的细雨,滋润着我们的心田。您给予我们的爱和关怀将鼓舞着我们走过艰难困苦。



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