

  Love makes the world go around

  Love to us human is what water to fishLove shines the most beautiful light of humanity,we born in it,we live by itToo often we take it as granted,but we should know love is a priceless gift we should cherishBut how to cherish the loveI have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best way to keep love is to give it wings

  It is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our lifeOnly when you know how to love than you will be a real man in this worldLove brings us warmth in the fearful coldness,love brings us bright when life gets hard and darkLove brings us confidence toward life when we are tired out and want to give up

  Love deserves all the admiring words,and love is even beyond the life and deathThat is what love is all about in my eyes

True LoveIn the beginning, love is always sweetAs time is slipping away, boredom, be used to, abandonment, loneliness, despair and cold smile will come graduallyOnce being eager to stay with someone forever, later, we would felicitateourselves on leaving him/herDuring those transient days, we thought we loved him/her deeplyThen, we got to know it is not love but a lie by which we comfort ourselves It is turned out that those who you thought you could not lose, actually, it is not very hard to forget them You drained up your tears, there will be another one pleasing youYou had plunged yourself into a depression, finally, you found those who do not love you are not worthy of your sadnessRecalling those unhappy things, is it a comedy When your wrong love stops its steps, a brand-new world will be shown to you All sadness will become history For love, imagination is often more beautiful than reality The same with meeting, also with separation We thought we would have a deep love toward somebody Incoming days will let you know in fact it just is very shallow, very shallowThe most deep and heaviest love must grow up with daysWith love, two strangers can suddenly be familiar with each other that they sleep on the same bed However, this two similar people,While breaking up, say, “I think you are more and more strange to me” It is love that has two strangers become acquaintances, then turning the two acquaintances into strangers againLove is such kind of game which makes two strangers become lovers, then return them into the original situation 开始的开始总是甜蜜的。后来就有了厌倦、习惯、背弃、寂寞、绝望和冷笑。曾经渴望与一个人长相厮守,后来,多么庆幸自己离开了?曾几何时,在一段短暂的时光里,我们以为自己深深的爱着的一个人。后来,我们才知道,那不是爱,那只是对自己说谎。你以为不可失去的人,原来并非不可失去。你流干了眼泪,自有另一个人逗你欢笑。你伤心欲绝,然后发现不爱你的人,根本不值得你为之伤心。今天回首,何尝不是一个喜剧?情尽时,自有另一番新境界,所有的悲哀也不过是历史。 爱情总是想象比现实美丽,相逢如是,告别亦如是。我们以为爱得很深、很深,来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅、很浅。最深最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。 因为爱情的缘故,两个陌生人可以突然熟络到睡在同一张床上。然而,相同的两个人,在分手时却说,我觉得你越来越陌生。爱情将两个人由陌生变成熟悉,又由熟悉变成陌生。爱情正是一个将一对陌生人变成情侣,又将一对情侣变成陌生人的游戏。 追问: 还有吗,多给几篇,谢谢 回答: 爱情是我们口里的珍珠但更是心头的刺 Love is a pearl of the mouth but a thorn of the heart (刺:thorn 而不是thronpearl和thorn仅仅是泛指,所以应该用冠词a而不是the) 有多少人为爱情人不人鬼不鬼 How many people there are who live a life unlike a human,even a ghost! ( who 为定语从句,其先行词为people,因为定语比较长,故为了使句子结构平衡而将其与先行词分开,而放在后边。) 有多少篇日记为爱情歇死里底 How many diaries there are which record the extremes of love! (和上面的句子结构相同) 有多少颗甜心被撕得不堪入目 How many sweet hearts there are which are torn into pieces brutally! (be torn into pieces 固定短语,被撕成一片一片) 想想我们的过去 我们的365天 有多少天是活在情爱之中 Looking back on the past 365 days, how many days are we living with love (look back on 固定短语 回忆。live with 与一起生活) 我们向往 我们享受 我们迷失 We become lost while yearnning for and enjoying ourselves 我们自己不是我们自己 We become not ourselves any more 这就是人生 这就是人 This is life and this is human (注意:life 和 human 前不可加 冠词注意human 意思不同时,它的单复数情况。) 那么 有爱的人的人 珍惜吧 Thus cherish the one you are loving (cherish 珍惜) 那么 无爱的人的人 泡自己吧 And love youself when you are single 那么 无从选择的人 不知所措的人 看看大海吧 Just go to see the sea if you are at a loss to make a choice 我们为什么感伤 我们冥想 We reflect why we are sad 或许只有这一席之地让我们有一丝欣慰 Perhaps only this place provides us some comfort 没有永恒的知己 是悲哀 也是无奈 It is sorrowful and helpless without an forever friend!

In the beginning, love is always sweetAs time is slipping away, boredom, be used to, abandonment, loneliness, despair and cold smile will come gradually

Once being eager to stay with someone forever, later, we would felicitate

ourselves on leaving him/her

During those transient days, we thought we loved him/her deeplyThen, we got to know it is not love but a lie by which we comfort



It is turned out that those who you thought you could not lose, actually, it

is not very hard to forget them You drained up your tears, there will be another one pleasing you

You had plunged yourself into a depression, finally, you found those who do not love you are not worthy of your sadness

Recalling those unhappy things, is it a comedy When your wrong love

stops its steps, a brand-new world will be shown to you

All sadness will become history


For love, imagination is often more beautiful than reality The same with meeting, also with separation

We thought we would have a deep love toward somebody Incoming days will let you know in fact it just is very shallow, very shallow

The most deep and heaviest love must grow up with days


With love, two strangers can suddenly be familiar with each other that they sleep on the same bed

However, this two similar people,

While breaking up, say,

“I think you are more and more strange to me”

It is love that has two strangers become acquaintances, then turning the two acquaintances into strangers again

Love is such kind of game which makes two strangers become lovers, then return them into the original situation


I believe, love can change you,

Which is the advantage of youth as well as its sorrow

What has men changed perhaps comes from God’s love or the mercy of Budda, but they are never changed by women

The prodigal are the most unsuitable person for getting married,

meanwhile, the most suitable one for marriage as well

It is not women who change the prodigal, she just appear in the very time when the prodigal want to be changed



Should We Approve of Dating in University

 Now it is commonly held that dating in university is acceptable, which has become a hot point under discussion Some people hold the opinion that students should put their study in the first place Besides, fall in love with someone could causes extra spending, which is a burden for students and their parents While others argue that dating could be good for students


 For one thing, dating could help student learn how to be more socialize Now the phenomenon is not rare to see that students only show up in classroom, dormitory and refectory, this triangle model makes students have less chance to make now friends that will probably lead to social apathy For that reason, we should approve of dating in university, so that students could have more motive power to go out to find someone who is fit in them Obviously, the ability of socialize will be promoted by osmosis


 For another, there is an old saying which goes that men and women with the work and not tired It is true that when a couple work or study together, they will feel less exhausted, because we always want to show our best side to the one we love Besides, student couple study together is more efficient, for they have the same target and they will encouraged each other


 Taking all these factors into account, we should approve of dating in university It could make college life more vividly, enrich student’s life style and help them to be more socializing



Can Distance Love Last Long

 Distance love has been a hot topic among young people; most of them have such experience Some people believe that if the couple loves each other, the distance is not a big deal, while some others believe that it is hard to keep the distance love relationship, because distance frustrates communication As for me, we should think twice before making decision


 One the one hand, distance love means loneliness and torment When the couple is in different places, they need to keep communication through comr or cell phone; they can’t be face-to-face in a long time While when two people are falling in love, they want to see each other every day and share happiness and sorrow The long distance distresses the couples, when they need each other, their partners are always absent, and then they will feel lonely and sad


 On the other hand, distant love enhances trust issues When couples are deciding to start to begin distance love, the first problem they worry about is temptation As they can’t see the other everyday, they will think about what will happen to their boyfriends and girlfriends, maybe others are chasing them or we will break up soon If the couples can hold on these, it means them they trust each other dee, their love is strong


 Distance love is so suffering, but it also brings happiness If you can defeat loneliness, then you can start distance love



On campus, lovers can be found here and there They are very intimate with each other sometimes Some people think too much intimacy has a bad influence

 It takes lovers too much time and energy Then how about their studies Furthermore, their intimacy can aisc distract their own as well as other students‘ attention from study Campus should be a place for study and should maintain an atmosphere of learning On the other hand, other people believe it is OK Pursuing love is all right to students on campus and intimacy is a natural expression of love Some scholars of law hold that friendships and appropriate intimacy are an important pard of student development A sociologist says, "Students‘ right to self-expression should be respected" In my opinion, what all people should do is just leave it as it is University students are adults, and they can handle their own affairs well enough

 However, they have to admit that school is a place where people receive an education and their main task is to study Therefore, students are expected to behave themselves in proper ways


Nowadays, campus love is popular Some college teachers argue that students should give up love for the sake of learning They maintain that love is time consuming and influences one’s learning Some students, however, hold that a student who falls in love will study harder and will make greater progress They don't believe that a person in love lags behind in his studies

 There are different kinds of love on campus Some students regard love as killing time or adding color; some are pragmatic, thinking it's difficult to find a better partner after graduation; the purpose of others is for seeking the impetus of study Anyhow, far away from home and alone, seeking friendship, understanding and love, the boys and girls easily find comfort and appreciation from one another

 As a mater of fact, love is a sharp double-bladed knife Having it will make you very happy; while losing it, you always feel disappointed and depressed When the bond of love broken, going on studying as usual or sinking lament or even being crazy depend on us We will not let romantic entanglement interfere with our studies

 Love is a natural and quiet During the process of love we will experience romantic love, frustrating love and critical love and real love True love will overcome our pain and dismay, warm our heart, and spark our spirit with delight forces but not resistance


“Do students have the right to fall in love in college”

 This is a controversial issue in our times Just as a coin has two sides, no side is better than the other; it is often difficult to distinguish what is right from what is wrong Love is a feeling deep within our hearts

 Roaming around the campus, you often hear people proclaim: “Why didn’t Cupid aimed his arrow at me” “Where is my handsome prince” This is probably why songs about love are so popular among the youth

 Last year, I remember when one of my roommates met her Romeo First, she ate very little for days and just sat opposite from the mirror singing: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all” We thought that she must be crazy and got the urge to ship her to the hospital Later, they became lovers and we saw a twinkle in her eyes She said: “Our match is made in heaven, there is a chemical bond between us” In the days following, a smile always hung from her face Isn’t love powerful

 Another one of my roommates was not as fortunate She had a boyfriend but now all that is history The boy was a couch potato They used to fight over very trivial things She finally got fed up with the boy and separated quite unpleasantly We better not go through this kind of love

 I am the only one who is still single in my dormitory My friends asked me why I haven’t found my Mr Right They said when I got older, there would be no one waiting for me To be honest, I’m not afraid at all The ratio of man versus woman is 133 to 100 Thus, I think it is the boys who would have to act quickly or they will be single for the rest of their lives In addition, I’m also the youngest in my class I have more time left and I would like to enjoy my life freely without the hindrance from another person

 Our elders exaggerate about love in college They say love is a waste of time and money It will often cause people to forget their studies and eventually may even destroy their lives I think we are all grown-ups and we have the ability to manage our own affairs

 So, go with your heart and never regret!











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