




1、The most luxurious thing in my life is to meet you on the way, and then help each other, smell the fragrance of flowers together、 In my lifetime, I will only tell you the warmth, but not the sorrow、 I will meet you and accompany you in peace and warmth、


2、Warm the early morning porridge, put down the late night wine, if you still drink in this life, only hope to make a cup with you、


3、I used to be wild and uninhibited, wandering in the rivers and lakes, but I never wanted to meet you、 From then on, I worked in the kitchen of the vegetable market and cooked rice and soup、


4、They say Disneyland is the happiest place in the world、 Actually, they haven’t been next to you before、


5、You are the one who is loved in peace、 You can do anything with confidence and boldness、


6、I’m never mean, but one thing I can’t be generous is that you are mine、


7、Look at my eyes and you’ll find what you mean to me、


8、The most beautiful love, there is no end of time, there is no land, just want to accompany you for life, that’s all、


9、If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets me、


10、Years of quiet good, just want to count your heartbeat, slowly accompany you grow old、


11、I miss you so much already and I haven t even left yet!


12、 I didn’t think that I could ever trust happiness、 then I met you、


13、I love you now、 It’s cheaper than cabbage in the market、 It can be seen everywhere、


14、You’re mine、 No one can take you away、 I’m so overbearing、 I’m yours、 No one can take me away、 That’s how I give up、


15、Your sweet smile, like a cup of wine for many years, just a mouthful is enough to make me want to stop、


16、I love three things: the sun, the moon, and you、 The sun for the day, the moon for the night, and you forever、


17、And the sunlight clasps the earth, And the moonbeams kiss the sea; What are all these kissings worth, If thou kiss not me、


18、Do you believe in love at first sight Or should I walk past you again


19、You come to me, I feel that one day is like three years, you smile at me, I feel that three autumn has not seen but a day、


20、One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life、That word is love、




I want to see you this summer


All the moments I can share are you、

三、遇见你那天 樱花开满南山。

On the day I met you, cherry blossoms filled Nanshan


All you have to do is stand on my side indiscriminately、


My favorite teenager is you、

六、喜欢有很多种 但是无论那种 我都想给你。

There are many kinds of likes, but I want to give it to you no matter which one

七、我不要短暂的温存 只要你一世的陪伴我想说、时光兜兜转转、我感谢与你的这次相遇。

I dont want to be gentle for a short time、 I want to say that I am grateful for this meeting with you、

八、除了我 每个人都不适合跟你白头到老。

Everyone is not fit to grow old with you except me


I miss you infinitely in my heart


You shine like a star、


Have a hug, touch your head, support your cheeks, and ask for all your favor、


Heartbeat is not the answer、


Investment is risky, but you love me with high returns and no risks


You are all my ideals and expectations for the rest of my life、


Im a kid who secretly likes you、


You are very important, super important, especially important, the most important!

十七、我是九 你是三除了你还是你。

I am nine, you are three, except you or you


Now I miss you so much that I want to jump into your arms、

十九、你的过去我来不及参与 你的未来我奉陪到底。

I have no time to participate in your past and your future、


Take my hand and walk with your eyes closed, and you wont get lost、


When you hear something, its obviously irrelevant, and you will turn several

corners in your heart and think of you、


I like you, without reservation, from my heart、


What can make me running all the way, besides the heavy rain, is you、

二十四、每天醒过来 发现最喜欢的人还是你。

I wake up every day and find that my favorite person is you、



1、First impression of you is most lasting、对你最初的印象、久久难以忘怀。

2、I didnt stop thinking about you all day、 我整天都在想你英文情话。

3、I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you 、我知道你最喜欢这首歌、我也知道你的心思、我想你。

4、I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you、我爱你、不是因为你是一个怎样的人、而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉英文情话。

5、miss you deeply I feel so lonely、不是因为寂寞才想你、是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重、只是因为太想你。

6、I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won’t stop flying until it reaches you at last、长长的思念、就像风筝断了线、飘啊飘啊、飘到你的身边英文情话。


1、Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me、


2、i always remember that day,when i met you i love you我一直都记得那一天我见到了你我就爱上了你。

3、You are kindly which is the reason why iove you、你很温柔,这是我爱上你的原因英文情话。

4、Will you accept me I wanna share my life with you、你能答应我的求婚吗我想永远和你在一起。

5、Hasband, every day I immersed in the happiness, my love!老婆、我每天都沉浸在幸福快乐中、我的爱人。

6、Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you、无论你身在何处、无论你为何忙碌、我都会在此守候英文情话。


1、My heart is with you、


2、I miss you so much already and I havent even left yet!


3、Passionate love is a quenchless thirst、


4、Every day without you is like a book without pages、


5、please come to eat and sleep with me, or i will cut my hair to be a monk, and find a place where many monks live in to over my life、



I like you is too slight, I love you is too heavy, and I want to work with you is just right


I love you so much that time and space can't be changed Feel you in the cloud that end, distant and clear People are weak, and having a true love is enough to comfort the whole life


Pick a bright red rose and send a small card to express my infinite missing for you May it bring you infinite warmth


The green hills are still there, and the sun is red several times The days and nights I spend with you are always in my heart Thank you for your love, your pain and your kindness to me


You are the receiver of all my love words, you are the listener of all my thoughts, you are the source of all my likes, and you are the home of my life


I refused all people's ambiguity, just to wait for your uncertain future, I gamble with the happiness of my life, how can you be willing to let me lose


Happiness is not only roses and! Keli, but in the days without roses and chocolates, I can miss you from afar as always


Valentine's Day is coming, now I have to tell you frankly: please accept my little heart, but my wish, because I love you!


I hope I can grow old with you in my lifetime Then white haired, and then smile at each other, we have a tacit understanding


I know the future can be expected, but it is this minute, this second, gentle indulgence, tolerance and love all want to give you, you are the meaning of their existence


If there are a thousand people passing by me, I can also hear your steps, because there is a thing on the ground, only you step on my heart


I used to think that it was terrible to be with a woman all my life, but if that woman was you, I only felt that my life was too short


Want to say more than ten million words, the heart of infinite love, how a love just want to go with you all your life, regardless of wind and rain


In thousands of years, among thousands of people, in the boundless wilderness of time, neither earlier nor later, just met you!


Like the memory, you embrace my temperature I like your thoughtful words in my memory Like in memory, you give me the shoulder to rely on


My love, every poet loves beauty, and your beauty makes poet Shenfei intoxicated But beauty is changeable I love you forever


On the way to love you, there is a most beautiful paradise; miss your life, moisten me; life without rehearsal, you are my eternal expectation


I want to watch the rain in the Maoting Pavilion, ants by the rockery, butterflies in love, spiders' webs, water, boats, clouds, and your sweet sleep


Your youth is a natural and unrestrained red lotus, singing a fresh and tender love song My eyes as deep as a lake are covered with the veins of your green leaves


Life is like taking a train, no matter how beautiful the scenery will be, the passing time and the people you meet will eventually drift away, and it will always be yourself


Want you, not one day, but every day Countless times the clouds rise and fall, the eyes reach, the mind is full of you


I want to hug you when the wind blows, I want to hug you in the freezing winter snow, I want to hug you in the long alley, I want to hug you all my life


Outside the world, your breath is like a rainbow; far away, I am quiet Let you enter my myth, let me take away your last fantasy


In this life, we will meet many people, fate is all day and night, fragile as dew Only with you, like a river that never stops growing


Someone asked me where you are I can't forget it for so many years The spring breeze can't compare with your smile People who haven't seen you will not understand


Men are not as smart as you think They can't play with their brain capacity Guess what you want him to do, just tell him


the reason why you need spend your whole life to forget someone, is that you never try to forget but are always remembering, expecting and dreaming


Silent sitting alone in front of the window, the moon curved, silent Mo write your name thousands of times Cut constantly, the reason is still, is missing, is still all kinds of feelings in the heart


I don't know what benefits he has, but he has a big shortcoming: I know it He doesn't love me Isn't that big enough


Just because in the crowd to see you one more time, never forget your face Just because you look back, let me miss you day and night


I know you are also close to me, the stars are your gifts, so I also came to you, twilight thousands of miles are my return


I will plant love in spring, irrigate it with hot summer, and feed it with frost in autumn When you live in winter, we will be white headed with wind and snow


They all say that my coordinates are the focus of your eyes, but you know, you are the vastness and chaos in my heart, stupid and romantic greed


Make love with flowers! Take care of you sweetly with my tenderness and bind you with my honey I will let you be immersed in happiness forever


It is said that you dream of a person because that person is thinking of you If the heart ups and downs, smile safe, please allow me to fall into your dream


You are the reflection of white clouds in the vast ocean I have got half of your life It seems that thousands of spring mountains flatter me I only love you for the rest of my life


You are the metaphor between the lines, hidden in the beginning, hiding in the end, there is a smile in the broken sentence, deep feeling in the rhyme, every sentence without you, every sentence is you


We know each other's best friends, but we all have our own independent circle and trust each other This is probably the best love I want


Thank my wife for coming into my life Maybe you are not the best in my life, but absolutely the only one It is also the most moving one for me


Let time send my thoughts, let the wind carry my care, let me bless you from afar, I hope you are happy every day and happy forever!


Deeply love you, eager to step into every corner of your heart, build a house inside, from now on, set up camp, block the wind and rain, watch the tide rise and fall


Thank you for your strong smile, for illuminating a corner of the rain sky, after many days, I will look forward to the beauty of meeting because of this smile


The so-called perfection is that the volume of the earphone just exceeds the external noise, you wake up naturally when the alarm clock rings, and the person you love just happens to love you


Because of you, I know love, and I understand love, the first person to love is you, but I feel inferior, so I dare not admit it


I want to have a good result with you across 1700 kilometers, but you hold the other girl's hand when you type with me across the mobile phone screen


The passion is covered with rose petals, and the theme of love is engraved on chocolate In this intoxicating night, I would like to take up my hands to enjoy the moonlight and taste the sweetness together


Life is very long, just like the most comfortable Kiss you before sleep, hold you in the middle of the night, wake up with you, this is the future I want


worth waiting

worth 后面不用加介词

应该是 be worth doing sth


每个人遭遇的爱情都是不一样的,所以等待这个词是因人而异的。 希望LZ能明白,我不知道你心里的爱是什么样子的,所以不好去评价。



真爱值得等待 用英文怎么说?

True love is worth waiting


真正的爱情是经得起时间的考验的。如果是真心相爱,那还有什么能使感情变淡呢? 也许,时间长了,爱情就不象开始时那么浓烈了,变得平淡了。正是因为这样,有些人觉得爱情没了。其实不然,这时的爱情反而更加深沉、巩固。只是双方没有觉得。当产生矛盾的时候,自己好好审视一下以往,就会觉得其实感情还在,只是把它藏在心底。 世上没有永远浓烈的爱情。如陈年老酒,越藏越浓,越值得拥有。 爱情 不是一个回忆 一个过程 一个结果 爱情 需要双方投入 互相包容 互相关心 爱情 说不出口 但却可以用言语形容 爱情 开不了口 但却能让你后悔一生 爱情 有笑有泪 有苦有甜 爱情 酸甜苦辣 百般滋味 爱情 开始容易 分手痛苦 爱情 过程美丽 结局不然 爱情 需要放慢脚步 爱情 跑太快会跌倒 爱情 像是两人三脚的游戏 爱情 需要一点点默契配合 爱情 建立在双方的心里 爱情 不是生命的唯一 却是生活的重心 爱情 超越时空年龄 没有距离 爱情 让两颗心靠近 紧紧相依 爱情 让你不顾一切 爱情 是个无厘头的笑话 爱情 抓也抓不住 爱情 无法感觉它的存在 爱情 却能清楚它的离开 爱情 只适合两个人一起 爱情 无法完美 但总是让人期待 爱情 是一种幸福 爱情 是一杯加牛奶的咖啡 甜甜蜜蜜 爱情 让人无力 爱情 是需要被祝福的 爱情 需要彼此互相信任 爱情 不是比赛 没有输赢 爱情 分分秒秒都要认真去面对 爱情 要诚实面对 不要逃避 爱情 要学的太多 懂的却太少 爱情 不能重来 不是游戏 爱情 需要很多很多的学习 爱情 说难不难说易不易 唯有恋爱中的人能体会


记住,不是眼泪就可以挽回失去的,所以不要轻易流下你的泪。记住,不是伤心就一定要哭泣,所以不要吝啬你的微笑。记住,不是你认为可以给予就给予,所以不要轻易许下承詻。记住,不是你做得不够好,所以不要悲恋的以为自己一事无成;记住,不是只有你一个人在努力,所以不要轻易的放弃。——题记我听见爱情,我相信爱情 。爱情是一潭挣扎的蓝藻,如同一阵凄伟的风,穿过我失血的经脉,驻守岁月的信念,也许所有的爱情都一样,它只是为后来的爱情做一个序幕而已。可是你后来才发现,你如果再想爱上一个人,是很难的。难到你以为你已经不能再爱了,不可再爱了,难到你找到的下一个人,还以第一个人为蓝本。 如果失去是苦,你怕不怕付出。如果迷乱是苦,你会不会选择结束。如果追求是苦,你会不会选择执迷不悟。如果分离是苦,你又要向谁倾诉?如果真诚是一种伤害,我选择谎言;如果谎言是一种伤害,我选择沉默;如果沉默是一种伤害,那么我只有选择离开。 如果你不爱一个人,请放手,好让别人有机会爱她(他)。如果你爱的人放弃了你,请放开自己,好让自己有机会爱别人。有的东西你再喜欢也不属于你的,有的东西你再留恋也注定是要放弃的, 人生中有许多种爱,但别让爱成为一种伤害,成为一种等待 。有些缘分即使相遇了,我们都没把握好,也只是注定要失去的,有些缘分永远也不会有好结果,那么我想不曾认识你,那该多好。爱一个人不一定要拥有,但拥有了就一定要好好的去爱她(他)。 男人哭了,是因为他真的爱了,而女人哭了,则是她真的放弃了。如果想爱情永远如芬芳美丽,唯一继续的方式就是保持距离。如果你想成为他一生最美丽的风景,那就请在暴风雨还未来的时候选择离去。无法厮守终生的爱情,不过是人在长途旅程中,来去匆匆的转机站。无论停留多久,始终要离去坐另一班飞机。那么又有多少爱值得我们用一生去守候? 有时候我们总以为很爱某个人,会一生一世爱下去,等下去。直到沧海变色,海枯石烂。当所有人都告诉我们,不要执迷,他其实并没有你想象的好,但我们,宁可相信自己给自己编织的童话 ,也不愿相信身边的人所说的话。也许爱情就那么迷离,总让人不知所措。 如果有一天你的爱只剩下苍白,那么爱到尽头只是泪水蔓延了你的脸。有人总喜欢许下承詻,却一次次的背叛承詻。你却还在痴痴的等他归、等他来实现詻言,这只会让自己越来越伤心。一首又一首的歌曲,在耳畔缭绕,随着岁月的痕迹,伴着清淡的文字 ,细细思韵,淡淡旋律,带我走进音魂里,感受那一曲悲歌哀鸣。 真正的爱并不是需要多少时间去等候、去守候,真正的爱也并不是需要多少时间去追逐,一个人若是爱你,她会感受到你的心,会用相同的共同爱好拉近彼此心的距离。如果真的有一天,某个人回不来了,消失了,某个离不开的人也离开了,也没关系,因为时间会把正确的人带到你的身边,在此之前,你要做的,就是好好的照顾自己。 明白的人懂得放弃,真情的人懂得牺牲, 幸福的人懂得超脱。对不爱自己的人,最需要的是理解和放弃。过多的自作多情只是在乞求对方的施舍,只是让自己变得更卑微。所以这个世间,还有多少爱值得我们去等待、去守候,有些爱你越是坚持到最后,只会让自己越来越伤心。一切都看开点,爱情不过就如此,爱情会老, 友情会变,只有亲情最永恒 。所以我们女人也别去相信男人说的永远,他们说的“永远”短则几个月,长则几年而已。所以我们要学会更爱自己,给自己多一点的爱,就会让自己多一丝的笑。


I'll take a lifetime to wait you back from the brink of that day


亲爱的楼主 很高兴回答您的问题 缘分,让世界充满无数意外、惊喜、缘分,让"一见钟情"这个词出现, 缘分,让两个人相遇,邂逅,恋爱、让一切唯美的事情发生。 然而,最爱捉弄人的,也是缘分。它让两人相遇、相爱;却无法让深爱的人们无法美满。瞬间相遇的快乐,相爱的幸福,甚至于可爱的人们对未来的憧憬都变成回忆。 可这最具缺陷的东西,却最能感动人。以至于人们对上天赐予这份难得的缘分格外珍惜。这,或许是上帝最想看到的吧! 所以,亲爱的人们,请珍惜身边所有的缘分: 两人相遇是缘分,邂逅是缘分。同坐一辆车是缘分,邻居是缘分,打错电话的两个人是缘分。同学是缘分,师生是缘分,父与子是缘分,同胞是缘分。 身边的一切一切都拥有缘分,而缘分是短暂的,幸福只能靠自己。 把握良机吧,朋友!一切,皆在你手上! 缘分,曾经让两人相遇,可却擦肩而过;缘分,让两人认识,可却因一时的犹豫而错过幸福;缘分,让两人堕入爱河,却因误会而告终、这些在荧屏上不少见,可确实,在我们身边也不少。 或许,你在这读我写的心情,也是缘分吧。(掌握缘分) 祝福所有拥有缘分的人。得到了丘位元的帮助,虽然是别人的话,但我觉得蛮对~你看呢? 茫茫人海中两人从相遇,相识,相知,或是相亲相爱,这就是缘分,缘分无需等待 ,缘分是人争取的,是人创造的,只有懂得努力创造缘分的人,才是最理智的,可是又有多少人,能在缘分来的时候,抓得住它,珍惜它呢!缘分是美丽的,缘分和爱情一样,是个古老的话题,同时缘分也需要精心呵护的,缘分不是诗,但它比诗更美丽,缘分不是酒,但它比酒更香浓。爱是不分距离不分地域的,在缘分的天空里,缘分并不是永远都不会远逝的,珍惜你的缘分,善待你的爱情。莫等失去空遗恨缘是什么为什么人们总喜欢把一个人遇到另一个人,用缘来作借口。在几千万人中,能遇到另一个人并不奇怪,也不是奇迹,就像我们每天上下班、坐车、逛街……一样能碰到很多人一样,只要我们放下防备,多一份热忱,就有可能结识很多人。只是因为一部分人不正的心理,而害大家出门必须戴上面具,装成酷酷的,给人一种不可接近的感觉。也因为这一部分人,导致善良的人们不知在何时出手相助,稍一迟疑,相识的机会就会溜走。再加上社会脚步的加快,人们总是行色匆匆的,一种事不关已,高高挂起的心理。我不知道是社会的进步影响人们的热忱,还是人们的冷漠导致社会的进步? 份是什么呢?常听人说有缘无份,那么有缘无份又是什么呢?两个人能够相识却不能在一起,这就是有缘无份。 在我看来缘份都是人为的。相识是份的起点,不管你最初抱着什么心态,好奇心也好,同情心也罢……只要两个人都有那份心--理解、包容心就有可能在一起。 不管你们赞不赞成我的观点,如果还没有机会相识的朋友,不要再抱撼无缘无份,请放下你的那一份戒备心,与他(她)相识,不要犹豫,不要迟疑;只要有机会相识,那就请你抓牢了,不要轻言放弃,也不要说什么有缘无份的话。 如果本人的回答有不准确的请见谅!



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