













SHE was one of those pretty and charming girls, born by a blunder of destiny in a family of employees She had no dowry, no expectations, no means of being known, understood, loved, married by a man rich and distinguished; and she let them make a match for her with a little clerk in the Department of Education

She was simple since she could not be adorned; but she was unhappy as though kept out of her own class; for women have no caste and no descent, their beauty, their grace, and their charm serving them instead of birth and fortune Their native keenness, their instinctive elegance, their flexibility of mind, are their only hierarchy; and these make the daughters of the people the equals of the most lofty dames 2

She suffered intensely, feeling herself born for every delicacy and every luxury She suffered from the poverty of her dwelling, from the worn walls, the abraded chairs, the ugliness of the stuffs All these things, which another woman of her caste would not even have noticed, tortured her and made her indignant The sight of the little girl from Brittany who did her humble housework awoke in her desolated regrets and distracted dreams She let her mind dwell on the quiet vestibules, hung with Oriental tapestries, lighted by tall lamps of bronze, and on the two tall footmen in knee breeches who dozed in the large armchairs, made drowsy by the heat of the furnace She let her mind dwell on the large parlors, decked with old silk, with their delicate furniture, supporting precious bric-a-brac, and on the coquettish little rooms, perfumed, prepared for the five o’clock chat with the most intimate friends, men well known and sought after, whose attentions all women envied and desired

When she sat down to dine, before a tablecloth three days old, in front of her husband, who lifted the cover of the tureen, declaring with an air of satisfaction, “Ah, the good pot-au-feu I don’t know anything better than that,” she was thinking of delicate repasts, with glittering silver, with tapestries peopling the walls with ancient figures and with strange birds in a fairy-like forest; she was thinking of exquisite dishes, served in marvelous platters, of compliment whispered and heard with a sphinx-like smile, while she was eating the rosy flesh of a trout or the wings of a quail

She had no dresses, no jewelry, nothing And she loved nothing else; she felt herself made for that only She would so much have liked to please, to be envied, to be seductive and sought after

She had a rich friend, a comrade of her convent days, whom she did not want to go and see any more, so much did she suffer as she came away And she wept all day long, from chagrin, from regret, from despair, and from distress

But one evening her husband came in with a proud air, holding in his hand a large envelope

“There,” said he, “there’s something for you”

She quickly tore the paper and took out of it a printed card which bore these words:

“The Minister of Education and Mme Georges Rampouneau beg M and Mme Loisel to do them the honor to pass the evening with them at the palace of the Ministry, on Monday, January ”

Instead of being delighted, as her husband hoped, she threw the invitation on the table with annoyance, murmuring

“What do you want me to do with that”

“But, my dear, I thought you would be pleased You never go out, and here’s a chance, a fine one I had the hardest work to get it Everybody is after them; they are greatly sought for and not many are given to the clerks You will see there all the official world”

She looked at him with an irritated eye and she declared with impatience:

“What do you want me to put on my back to go there”

He had not thought of that; he hesitated:

“But the dress in which you go to the theater That looks very well to me”

He shut up, astonished and distracted at seeing that his wife was weeping Two big tears were descending slowly from the corners of the eyes to the corners of the mouth He stuttered:

What’s the matter What’s the matter”

But by a violent effort she had conquered her trouble, and she replied in a calm voice as she wiped her damp cheeks:

“Nothing Only I have no clothes, and in consequence I cannot go to this party Give your card to some colleague whose wife has a better outfit than I”

He was disconsolate He began again:

“See here, Mathilde, how much would this cost, a proper dress, which would do on other occasions; something very simple”

She reflected a few seconds, going over her calculations, and thinking also of the sum which she might ask without meeting an immediate refusal and a frightened exclamation from the frugal clerk

“At last, she answered hesitatingly:

“I don’t know exactly, but it seems to me that with four hundred francs I might do it”

He grew a little pale, for he was reserving just that sum to buy a gun and treat himself to a little shooting, the next summer, on the plain of Nanterre, with some friends who used to shoot larks there on Sundays

But he said:

“All right I will give you four hundred francs But take care to have a pretty dress”

The day of the party drew near, and Mme Loisel seemed sad, restless, anxious Yet her dress was ready One evening her husband said to her:

“What’s the matter Come, now, you have been quite queer these last three days”

And she answered:

“It annoys me not to have a jewel, not a single stone, to put on I shall look like distress I would almost rather not go to this party”

He answered:

“You will wear some natural flowers They are very stylish this time of the year For ten francs you will have two or three magnificent roses”

But she was not convinced

“No; there’s nothing more humiliating than to look poor among a lot of rich women”

But her husband cried:

“What a goose you are! Go find your friend, Mme Forester, and ask her to lend you some jewelry You know her well enough to do that”

She gave a cry of joy

“That’s true I had not thought of it”

The next day she went to her friend’s and told her about her distress

Me Forester went to her mirrored wardrobe, took out a large casket, brought it, opened it, and said to Mme Loisel:

  和平标志,即反核战标志,是当今世界被广泛使用的的标志之一。这个标志是按照“核裁军运动(CND )”***Bertrand Russel的要求,由运动的参与者Gerald Holtom设计,作为抗议1958年在英国奥尔德马斯顿村成立“原子武器发展研究中心”的行动委员会的徽章。标志最初构想是由伦敦皇家艺术学校的设计师和毕业生提出,用基督教的十字架套在圆圈里面表示,但遭到了基督教徒的反对。








  应用 伟大的美国鸡的脚印





  展开 编辑本段设计角度

  从设计的角度来看,保存在布拉德福学院的标志设计底稿代表了一个死去的人和一个新生儿的结合。标志采用海军信号代码的组合"N" 和"D", 正好是核裁军英文单词的首字母,"N" 指二面旗子向下成四十五度角被拿着,"D" 是两面旗子,一面指向上,另一面向下。







  这个符号是古代北欧条顿语言中的死亡标志,它在1960年被作为“和平标志”并一直沿用至今。1950年的和平运动支持者Gerald Holtom 可能受共产主义者Bertrand Russell的委托设计一个标志用以团结1958年和平运动中的左翼者。很明显Holtom和Russell都认为这个条顿十字架(又称尼禄十字架)是代表他们事业的恰当标志。


  然而两千年前至今,这一标志被设计用来仇恨基督徒。Nero,一个轻视基督徒的暴君,将圣徒彼得钉死在十字架上,并将十字架上下颠倒过来。条顿十字架的形状象征这一骇人听闻的暴行,成为当时在异教徒中十分流行的徽章。自此后,这一标志被称为“尼禄十字架”。这一标志在历史上的起源证明它是"Aum(分叉的Y)"的神秘特征的视觉化,这对印度教来说是一个神圣的词。圣歌“Aum"据信有助于唤醒在人类脊椎中的“大梵天的邪恶力量”。神秘主义者Albert Pike也在他的关于信仰与道德共济会的书中人为这一标志十分神秘。 这一标志(也被称为“折断的十字架”、“眼角的皱纹”、“巫婆之足”、“尼禄十字”、“被破坏的犹太教”、“反基督的标志”)实际上是一个被折断的武器。它也意味着“绝望的手势”和“人的死亡”。使用这一标志的日耳曼部落们赋予它奇怪而神秘的属性。这样的一个“文字”据说为异教徒的“黑魔法师”所使用在咒语和诅咒中 而到如今这一倒置的折断十字架--与社会主义者的“和平标志”相同

  在德国被认为是“todersrune"或死亡文字。它不仅被希特勒的国家社会党员们规定必须出现在德国的讣告上,还必须被铭刻在SS部队的纳粹军官的墓碑上。这一标志迎合了纳粹对异教的神秘主义上的强调。当这一标志的两臂垂直立起,它是“毕达哥拉斯的生命徽章,构成通往善与恶的叉路” 它同时意味着肥沃与丰产,但当两臂下指时,它表示邪恶与死亡。 Anton LaVey,撒旦教堂的创立者,将这一符号用于他的祭坛的幕布。曾有一名女巫对这一标志作了如下注释:它是一个古老而强大的反基督符号,在黑暗时代它被用于德鲁伊魔法和各种撒旦崇拜者的新成员加入仪式上,他们画出一个魔法圈并给新成员一个十字,新成员于是举起十字并将其倒转。然后他与基督教在所有时间的三个维(过去、现在和未来)上断绝关系,并向下折断水平的那一根以形成“乌鸦之足”的形状。 这一丑陋的标志是对圣灵的亵渎。而佩戴和展示这一标志者则是在或知晓或不知晓的情形下抵制了基督。


  商业艺术家杰劳德·霍尔通是这个组织中的一员,他在二战期间成为了一个坚定的反战分子。在组织的委托下,他采用海军旗语中的信号作为设计元素,设计出了后来风靡全球的和平反战标志。在海军旗语中,信号员手执两面旗子,向下成45度角表示“N”,两面旗子一面指向上,另一面向下表示则表示“D”,“N”和“D”即是“核裁军”(nuclear disarmament)英文单词的首字母缩写。霍尔通将二者合为一体,化为简单的线条,又在外面画了一个圆圈。 这个标志还有其它解读方式。霍尔通说:“我画的是我自己:一个绝望的人的代表,双手垂下,掌心向前,就像戈雅在《1808年5月3日夜间起义者被枪杀》那幅画里表现的那样。”圆圈中的线条暗示人类的身体,而圆圈则象征着地球。 在后来的日子里,霍尔通还曾后悔自己让这个标志带上了太多绝望的情感。他表示,如果再给他一次机会,他希望能把这个标志上下颠倒过来。“他认为和平是值得庆贺的事情。”曾采访过霍尔通、研究反战标志历史多年的记者肯·科尔斯邦(Ken Kolsbun)说,“巧合的是,如果将他设计的标志倒过来,标志上的‘信号员’将手执向上成45度角的两面旗子,在旗语中表示‘U’。UD是‘单方面裁军’(unilateral disarmament)的缩写,也许这样会比核裁军有更深远的意义。”





原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/liwu/4847780.html

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