


灰姑娘的故事英语作文 篇1

 For most girls, I believe they must have read the story about Cinderella The story tells about a beautiful and kind girl named Cinderella, her mother dies when she is very small, so his father marries another lady who has two daughters When the father dies, Cinderella is bulled by his step-mother and step-sisters, but she keeps nice to them One day, Cinderella meets a prince and when she joins the party, she has to run away before midnight The prince finally finds her by his missing glass shoe Finally, Cinderella lives a happy life and her step-mother and step-sisters are punished The story tells people that if we are kind to others, we will have the good return


灰姑娘的故事英语作文 篇2


 The main character of this one is Cinderella Why do I like her Because she is very kind Why is Cinderella worth liking But look carefully!


 Once upon a time, a couple had a daughter Soon after, my mother died My father married another stepmother She only liked the two daughters she brought, not Cinderella Every day, let her go to work At night, let her sleep in the utility room Therefore, she is always covered in ashes People call her "Cinderella"


 One day, the prince asked the girls all over the country to go to the dance to choose their wives Cinderella wants to go, but her stepmother doesn't agree She just takes her two daughters and asks Cinderella to make up for her sisters Cinderella is very sad The elf is moved by Cinderella Changed a skirt and a pair of crystal shoes for her, and reminded her to come back at 12 o'clock, otherwise, the magic would be invalid


 Cinderella went, the prince was fascinated by her and only danced with her At twelve o'clock, Cinderella ran away and accidentally dropped her crystal shoes The prince took the crystal shoes and asked Cinderella's house The sisters couldn't wear them Only Cinderella could wear them The prince and Cinderella had a grand wedding and lived happily!


 Read this and know that the beauty of mind is the real beauty!

灰姑娘的故事英语作文 篇3

 Once upon a time there was a poor girl, her name is called the degree of fairy rilla Her stepmother and two sisters is very bad for her, often bullied her

 One day, the king girl sent invitation letter to the nation, invited all the girls to the party, he is the prince looking for gold Cinderella's two sisters also received the invitation Cinderella's invitation by my sisters, also don't have beautiful clothes to wear, she didn't go to the ball, and at this time, a fairy came to, she turn into a lot of beautiful dress, and gave her a carriage, she told Cinderella, "twelve o 'clock at night be sure to come back, everything will be restored to the same!" Cinderella excited nods The prince asked Cinderella to dance, the prince's falling in love with Cinderella, the clock struck twelve times, Cinderella ran away

 Left a slipper The prince finds Cinderella, and live a happy life with herTwo bad sister and stepmother were angry Cinderella's kindness to get a huge return

灰姑娘的故事英语作文 篇4

 Once upon a time there was a young girl named Cinderella who woke up one morning and thought, This village is boring I have an idea, she thought I know how I can make changes in this village I'll run for office And since the incumbent is a lame duck which is, of course, an elected official who has no reason to do the current job well because he or she isn't planning on being re-elected Exactly And since the incumbent is a lame duck, I'll be a shoe-in, she thought And a shoe-in is a person who has a sure chance of being chosen Well, suddenly a voice from behind her said, Not so fast, sweetie

 Who are you Cinderella asked I'm your fairy godmother, but as of today I'm throwing my hat in the ring And that, of course, means to compete also 'Ha,’ said Cinderella I'll win by a landslide, which means I will win easily and quickly


灰姑娘的故事英语作文 篇5

 A long ago,rich man wife was ill, she feel die , so she was say with she daughter: “my lovely daughter,you don’t afraid , the supreme being was a blessing”

 The mother was die,forever die The daughter was sad cry Read these, I’m very sad I’m cry, tooYou thick,a daughter without mother, that afraid!“Then,the father request a stepmother A stepmother have two daughter Two daughter very beautiful, but heart very ugly

 They say lovely daughter was ‘cinderella’ Cinderella That’s very disagreeable to hear!Oh,that’s hatefully!

灰姑娘的故事英语作文 篇6

 Previously,in a certain town,a very lovely girl,she is not only beautiful but also intelligent kindhearted and spoke up for the girlThe girl without a mother,because her mother,when she was still small,on the death

 The girl's father,his mother married a new,new mothers also have two new sister"Wow,this could be the next home noisy"Girls very pleased"

 Sudden change in the family dynamic,lively,girls very happyBecause her father is not only a new motherthere were also two sistersHowever,the excitement was short girls


“你好? ”她声音微弱和害怕。

“我应该去检查她说: ”我吻他,在这个时候他的嘴唇,并补充说: “对不起。 ”

“你好? ”万达再次询问,有点响这个时候。

他说: “万达队, ”我呼吁,只要大声不够,她听到我的话。 “等待我吗? ”我问他我回到我的脚下。

“当然,只要你需要。但不是太长,我已经累了自己。 “


“你有何感想亲爱的? ”我问她。

“你是谁? ”她问,她的眼睛敞开。她拉了她的膝盖,她胸部和scooted回到靠在墙上。


“万达,只是我,梅勒妮说: ”我笑她。


“梅兰妮。你最好的朋友? “我说,有点吓了一跳了自己。她怎么可能不记得我吗?

“谁? ”万达要求在一个小的声音。

“你真的不记得我吗? ”我花了几个月的步骤紧密。也许她只是看不到我的脸在黑暗中?

“第我在哪里?发生了什么事? “她看上去都在房间里,试图找到一些熟悉的。

“你昏了过去,但文件说,你会好的。也许我应该去帮助他。什么是不正确的。 “我听起来担心。为什么



“你完成梅兰妮?我们正要去迟到! “

“晚?我们仍然有20分钟前开始! “我说兴奋。我简直不敢相信今天的那一天!

“快点的心上人。我想有充裕的时间进行拍照后,你需要的是阳光! “他说,



奥谢夫人! “我跑了他,吻他的脸颊。

“先生和夫人凯尔奥谢。这确实有一个不错的戒指给它不是吗? “他问道,开怀大笑。他太兴奋,我就可以


“哦,我忘了我的鞋! ”我尖叫了我的肩膀,跑步回到抓住他们。


我不是抄袭 我是用翻译软件翻译的!



But, soft! what light through yonderwindow breaks

It is the east, and Juliet is the sun

Arise, fair sun, and kill the enviousmoon,

Who is already sick and pale with grief,

That thou her maid art far more fairthan she:

Be not her maid, since she is envious;

Her vestal livery is but sick and green

And none but fools do wear it; cast itoff

It is my lady, O, it is my love!

O, that she knew she were!

罗密欧 轻声!那边窗子里亮起来的是什么光?那就是东方,朱丽叶就是太阳!起来吧,美丽的太阳!赶走那妒忌的月亮,她因为她的女弟子比她美得多,已经气得面色惨白了。既然她这样妒忌着你,你不要忠于她吧;脱下她给你的这一身惨绿色的贞女的道服,它是只配给愚人穿的。那是我的意中人;啊!那是我的爱;唉,但愿她知道我在爱着她!


Ay me!

朱丽叶 唉!


She speaks:

O, speak again, bright angel!

罗密欧 她说话了。啊!再说下去吧,光明的天使!


O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thouRomeo

Deny thy father and refuse thy name;

Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn mylove,

And I'll no longer be a Capulet

朱丽叶 罗密欧啊,罗密欧!为什么你偏偏是罗密欧呢?否认你的父亲,抛弃你的姓名吧;也许你不愿意这样做,那么只要你宣誓做我的爱人,我也不愿再姓凯普莱特了。


Shall I hear more, or shall I speak atthis

罗密欧 (旁白)我还是继续听下去呢,还是现在就对她说话?


'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;

Thou art thyself, though not a Montague

What's Montague it is nor hand, norfoot,

Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part

Belonging to a man O, be some othername!

What's in a name that which we call arose

By any other name would smell as sweet;

So Romeo would, were he not Romeocall'd,

Retain that dear perfection which heowes

Without that title Romeo, doff thyname,

And for that name which is no part ofthee

Take all myself

朱丽叶 只有你的名字才是我的仇敌;你即使不姓蒙太古,仍然是这样的一个你。姓不姓蒙太古又有什么关系呢?它又不是手,又不是脚,又不是手臂,又不是脸,又不是身体上任何其他的部分。啊!换一个姓名吧!姓名本来是没有意义的;我们叫做玫瑰的这一种花,要是换了个名字,它的香味还是同样的芬芳;罗密欧要是换了别的名字,他的可爱的完美也决不会有丝毫改变。罗密欧,抛弃了你的名字吧;我愿意把我整个的心灵,赔偿你这一个身外的空名。


I take thee at thy word:

罗密欧 那么我就听你的话。


Art thou not Romeo and a Montague

How camest thou hither, tell me, andwherefore

The orchard walls are high and hard toclimb,

And the place death, considering whothou art

朱丽叶 你不是罗密欧,蒙太古家里的人吗?告诉我,你怎么会到这儿来,为什么到这儿来?花园的墙这么高,是不容易爬上来的;要是我家里的人瞧见你在这儿,他们一定不让你活命。


With love's light wings did I o'er-perchthese walls;

For stony limits cannot hold love out,

And what love can do that dares loveattempt;

Therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me

罗密欧 我借着爱的轻翼飞过园墙,因为砖石的墙垣是不能把爱情阻隔的;爱情的力量所能够做到的事,它都会冒险尝试,所以我不怕你家里人的干涉。


If they do see thee, they will murderthee

朱丽叶 要是他们瞧见了你,一定会把你杀死的。


I have night's cloak to hide me fromtheir sight;

And but thou love me, let them find mehere:

My life were better ended by their hate,

Than death prorogued, wanting of thylove

罗密欧 朦胧的夜色可以替我遮过他们的眼睛。只要你爱我,就让他们瞧见我吧;与其因为得不到你的爱情而在这世上捱命,还不如在仇人的刀剑下丧生。


Thou know'st the mask of night is on myface,

Else would a maiden blush bepaint mycheek

For that which thou hast heard me speakto-night

Fain would I dwell on form, fain, faindeny

What I have spoke: but farewellcompliment!

Dost thou love me I know thou wilt say'Ay,'

And I will take thy word: yet if thouswear'st,

Thou mayst prove false;O gentle Romeo,

If thou dost love, pronounce itfaithfully

朱丽叶 幸亏黑夜替我罩上了一重面幕,否则为了我刚才被你听去的话,你一定可以看见我脸上羞愧的红晕。我真想遵守礼法,否认已经说过的言语,可是这些虚文俗礼,现在只好一切置之不顾了!你爱我吗?我知道你一定会说“是的”;我也一定会相信你的话;可是也许你起的誓只是一个谎,人家说,对于恋人们的寒盟背信,天神是一笑置之的。温柔的罗密欧啊!你要是真的爱我,就请你诚意告诉我。


Lady, by yonder blessed moon I swear

That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops—

罗密欧 姑娘,凭着这一轮皎洁的月亮,它的银光涂染着这些果树的梢端,我发誓——


O, swear not by the moon, the inconstantmoon,

That monthly changes in her circled orb,

Lest that thy love prove likewise variable

朱丽叶 啊!不要指着月亮起誓,它是变化无常的,每个月都有盈亏圆缺;你要是指着它起誓,也许你的爱情也会像它一样无常。


What shall I swear by

罗密欧 那么我指着什么起誓呢?


Do not swear at all;

Or, if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self,

Which is the god of my idolatry,

And I'll believe thee

朱丽叶 不用起誓吧;或者要是你愿意的话,就凭着你优美的自身起誓,那是我所崇拜的偶像,我一定会相信你的。


If my heart's dear love—

罗密欧 要是我的出自深心的爱情——


Well, do not swear: although I joy inthee,

I have no joy of this contract to-night:

It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden;

Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be

Ere one can say 'It lightens' Sweet, good night!

This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath,

May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet

Good night, good night!

朱丽叶 好,别起誓啦。我虽然喜欢你,却不喜欢今天晚上的密约;它太仓卒、太轻率、太出人意外了,正像一闪电光,等不及人家开一声口,已经消隐了下去。好人,再会吧!这一朵爱的蓓蕾,靠着夏天的暖风的吹拂,也许会在我们下次相见的时候,开出鲜艳的花来。晚安,晚安!


O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied

罗密欧 啊!你就这样离我而去,不给我一点满足吗?


What satisfaction canst thou haveto-night

朱丽叶 你今夜还要什么满足呢?


The exchange of thy love's faithful vowfor mine

罗密欧 你还没有把你的爱情的忠实的盟誓跟我交换。


I gave thee mine before thou didstrequest it:

Three words, dear Romeo, and good night indeed

If that thy bent of love be honourable,

Thy purpose marriage, send me word to-morrow,

By one that I'll procure to come to thee,

Where and what time thou wilt perform the rite;

And all my fortunes at thy foot I'll lay

And follow thee my lord throughout the world

朱丽叶 在你没有要求以前,我已经把我的爱给了你了;亲爱的罗密欧,再说三句话,我们真的要再会了。要是你的爱情的确是光明正大,你的目的是在于婚姻,那么明天我会叫一个人到你的地方来,请你叫他带一个信给我,告诉我你愿意在什么地方、什么时候举行婚礼;我就会把我的整个命运交托给你,把你当作我的主人,跟随你到天涯海角。





By andby,I come!






By andby,I come;

To cease thy suit, and leave me to my grief:

To-morrow will I send

朱丽叶 等一等,我来了。——停止你的求爱,让我一个人独自伤心吧。明天我就叫人来看你。


So thrive my soul—

罗密欧 凭着我的灵魂——


A thousand times good night!

朱丽叶 一千次的晚安!(自上方下。)


A thousand times the worse, to want thy light

Love goes toward love, as schoolboys from

their books,

But love from love, toward school with heavy looks

罗密欧 晚上没有你的光,我只有一千次的心伤!恋爱的人去赴他情人的约会,像一个放学归来的儿童;可是当他和情人分别的时候,却像上学去一般满脸懊丧。(罗密欧退后朱丽叶自上方重上)



At what o'clock to-morrow



At the hour of nine

罗密欧 就在九点钟吧。


I will not fail: 'tis twenty years till then

Parting is suchsweet sorrow,That I shall say good night till it be morrow

朱丽叶 我一定不失信;挨到那个时候,该有二十年那么长久!我记不起为什么要叫你回来了。


by 聚有戏






  英文:在戒指上刻英文,也是一种非常普遍的做法。可以刻英文名、表达爱情的英文等。例如:“LOVE YOU”、“FOREVER”、“MY SWEETIE”等等。






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