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July 22nd sunny Thursday

Yesterday our family travelled to Shanhanguan to spend a one-day holiday We started early in the morning Because it a long way for us to drive thereWith the GPS leading the way,we arrived there safely First we visited the Great Wall, and then we bought some beautiful jewellery for our relatives I saw some foreigners as wellWe enjoyed ourselves the whole dayWhen we went back home , it was already darkThough we were tired, we felt happy

7月22日 晴 星期四


1 有关昨天活动的日记英语作文

July 22nd sunny Thursday

Yesterday our family travelled to Shanhanguan to spend a one-day holiday We started early in the morning Because it a long way for us to drive thereWith the GPS leading the way,we arrived there safely First we visited the Great Wall, and then we bought some beautiful jewellery for our relatives I saw some foreigners as wellWe enjoyed ourselves the whole dayWhen we went back home , it was already darkThough we were tired, we felt happy

7月22日 晴 星期四


2 有关课外活动的英语作文

课外活动之我见_英语作文作者:佚名 来源:不详 发布时间:2007-11-1 2:19:58 发布人:lsy1chj2wdh3My Views on Extracurricular Activity(课外活动之我见)




Some students like to participate actively in after class activities They think after class activities are an integral part of school life By going in for such activities, they can learn what they can't learn from books, which will be beneficial to them in the future

Others, however, don't like after class activities at all They think that a student's work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school

In my opinion, every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we won't learn in classrooms School is not just a place for learning the difference beeen "lie" or "lay", or what caused the hours of the daily schedule Finally, after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities

3 求一篇关于志愿者活动的英语作文学生会将组织一些志愿者活动请

Dear Sir/Madam, As a student,I want to be a volunteer to help people especially the oldAnd I'd like to visit old people's home for I always get along well with my grandparents and I am good at municating with the old peopleBesides,I can help them clean the room and cook a meal for them which I usually do at my homeTherefore,I am sure that I will successfully finish the task In addition,I would like to help clean up the City Park for it can not only help protect the environment but also remind people of environmental awareness to give a good example to themAnd I will bring a besom to sweep the ground and a dish rag to clean the public acmodations like the rest room and dining hall I hope that you can permit my requestThank you!希望可以帮到你。

4 写一篇关于学生课余活动的英语作文

YangLi is my friend, she goes to highschool with me and she is a great studenti have known her for 4 years and she is really a nice person, she always helps me out if I'm in trouble and she listens to me if i hIave something to plain sometimes, I'm really jealous of her, because she is the best student in our class and has also a lot of friendsHer favourite subjects are English and Math, but she also love doing sports, like soccer or swimmingone of her best things is that she really likes help people, she has a good heartanyway, she is a good friend of mine这些都是我本人自己写的扯不出来了,字数应该差不多了~ 如果还差点就自己随便编点把~记得给分哦,很辛苦的 英语写一篇关于学生课余活动的英语作文。

5 关于自己经历的假期活动的英语作文

In this bright and sunny summer, there cames my summer holiday I've planed to make it meaningful, such as having a trip overseas or maybe having a barbeque party by the seaside with friends I think the most important idea about this summer holiday is to try something that I've never done it beforeIn my belief, life should be exciting and full of advanture If we came to see the same people everyday, we'll definatly get bored one day So i see holiday as a good time to give our soul a deep relaxition Breath some new air and done some remarkable things that we will remember for lifeBefore going in to my remarkable plans, the first problem need to be solve would be the heavy load of homework There is an idoim said,' work well, play well' I will not enjoy myself until I dealt with the burden on my shoulder Therefore i have no choice but postpone my big plan for the holidays to a week later That actually disappoints me a lot Noheless, we must know a fact that summer holiday is not just a time for enjoyment but also a golden chance which allow us to improve our standard in studiesA week later, i managed to finish all work that needed to be done Then my family and I went to the travel agency to by an air ticket to the Wu Tai Mountain That place has always be a dream to me as a travel addicted I can't wait to see the beautiful seneries there at the moment I got my ticket The travel will be o more days later, just enough for me to get my backpack doneThe place is much more amazing than what I've thought With the crystal blue sky and the murmured from a streamlet make this place a pradise Not mentioning the fresh air and it's natural greeneries All this contributing factors have made Wu Tai a paradise on the Earth Countless adherent visiting the temples to prey for a good fortune Last but not least, I must mention about the temperature in Wu Tai Mountain It is much cooler than the city People still need to wear a long sleeve shirt in the morning and at night Hence I thought it is a good place to spend the hot summer timesI'm in love with this piece of land If there is a chance i will surely revisit Wu Tai again!!自己写的作文哦,花了30分钟呢。


6 关于学校课外活动的英语作文

our school has various activities outside class In general ,the activity time is from ten to five o'clock to ten to six o'clock in the afternoon and the content of activities include reading, playing basketball and football and other sports On tuesday, we will watch English movies and listen to the broadcast One can learn puter, drawing, singing, dancing out of interst on thursday and friday will be the English corner time My suggestion about the activities at school is that our school should add more activities and reduce the homework。

7 写一篇介绍活动经历的英语作文

Merciless earthquake, the world is love This is how sad! Earthquake, of course, is terrible, but they have - firefighters, the people's own army, doctors and others for earthquake relief to the people of the earthquake, and what terrible After the earthquake, there have bee ruins The original buildings, has been moved to the ground But in this disaster, truly reflect the world of love In the earthquake, a school teacher did not consider their own safety, struggling rescued o children, but their death, a teacher, felt the earthquake, the conscious decision to go down the steps She would like to go back one: my students are still inside it, therefore, she firmly back, for whom Her students No, that's not only students, or the flowers ah! As the saying goes: "poor parents the world heart" There is a parent…… This is how people touched by Argentine ah! There are other panies have also enthusiastic contributions Now, received a total of about 108 billion yuan contributions to the world! Now, I truly understand that the "party is difficult, P Plus support earthquake relief, surmount" How will this sentence were moved In addition, I would like the people in disaster areas, said: "I believe that we surmount Can be quite the past Although the disaster can be taken away our lives, but not humans immortal wins the hope this is the eternal light, Encouraging people forward momentum Let us work together to Sichuan Come on! China for refueling "。



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