

1 关于减肥的办法的英语句子

Apple diet: eat2days apple then normal diet for 3 days, so several cycles, the effect of good


Lotus leaf slimming method: the lotus leaf, cassia seed, licorice, lemon slice, boiled soup, quantity as appropriate, to effect 2 weeks, every day more import toilet


Balsam pear diet: as long as you make sure to eat 3bitter gourd roots, at least1 weeks can thin4 catties, is washed raw, though a bit difficult, but also has very good Detox Dongdong, eats, can we achieve the objective of!


2 关于减肥的英语单词


lose weight

weight loss

Losing Weight

on diet


减肥法 Facial Analysis Diet ; Zone Diet ; Blood Type Diet ; Fair conditioneriing Aningysis Diet

减肥塑身 On a Diet ; Aerobic Dance ; Body shaping ; Lose Weight

腹部减肥 reduce abdomen

3 50个动词词组英文

1look into 调查 2look through 看穿 3look at 看4look for 寻找5call on sb 拜访某人6call at拜访 加地方7call up 唤起 回忆起8call for 要求9call in 收集 邀请10call off 取消 put off11call out 召集12call up 打电话13call forth 引出 显现14pick off 摘下来 15pick up 拾起,接收16pick out 挑出17send out 发出18send away 解雇 开除19send up 发射20make fun of 取笑21make the best of充分利用22make room for 给让位23make progress 进步24make an effort 努力25make a decision 做决定26make sure 确信27make living 谋生28make ends meet 量入为出29make sense 合理 有意义30send for sb 派人去请某人31send off 散发 发出32put on 穿上33put down 放下34put out 扑灭35point out 谈及36point at瞄准37on time 按时38in time 及时39out of time 过时40at all 根本 全然41in all 总共 完全42all in all 总之43after all 毕竟 终究44above all 首先 最重要的是45first of all 第一 首先46argue with 与某人争辩47argue for 为 而辩护48argue against 辩论49argue a mattter out 把某事辩个水落石出50get away from摆脱51take away from 夺走 抢走52keep away from远离53break away from 脱离54run away from 从 跑开55be away from 离开 表状态56go bad 变坏57go angry 生气58go crazy 变疯59go hard 变硬60go wrong 走错路61go hungry 挨饿62go from bad to worse 每况愈下63go ahead 进展 进行64go out 熄灭65go all out 全力以赴66go over 复习 检查67go by (时间)过去68go through遭受69go down 下降70go against 反对71bring about72bring down73bring out74bring forward75bring up 抚养长大 呕吐76bring in 引进77bring into78bring back79give in to sb 屈服80give up 放弃81give away 82give off 散发83give out84put on weight 增肥85lose weight 减肥86by weight 按重量87stand away 远离88stand in89stand aside 90stand by91stand up for 92take over 接管93take away 94take down95take back96take out97take place 发生98take pride in 自豪99get lost 走丢。

4 减肥用英语怎么说

减肥的英文:lose weight weight 读法 英 [weɪt] 美 [wet] 1、n 重636f7079e799bee5baa631333431353265量,重力;负担;砝码;重要性 2、vt 加重量于,使变重 短语: 1、molecular weight distribution [化]分子量分布 2、weight ratio 体重比,重量比;重量 3、dead weight 固定负载;静负载 4、put on weight 体重增加 5、reduce weight 整形美容减肥 例句: 1、I'm lucky really as I never put on weight 我真的很幸运,体重从未增加过。

2、The scientists involved put different weight on the conclusions of different models 相关科学家们对不同模型的结论赋予的权重各不相同。 扩展资料weight的用法: 1、weight的基本意思是“重量,分量”,也可指“重的特性”“重力”,是不可数名词,引申可表示“负荷,负担”,作此解时通常只用于单数形式。


weight还可表示“重要性、严重性或影响力(的程度)”,是不可数名词。 3、weight用作动词的基本意思是“使…变重”,指在某物上加重量或用矿物质处理(织物)使之加重,引申可作“偏袒”解,指计划或组织(某事物)使之偏向某人或某集体。

4、weight是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,多用于被动结构。 词汇搭配 1、birth weight 出生体重;初生重 2、net weight 净重 3、lose weight 减肥 4、weight loss 失重 5、body weight 体重。

5 几个英语句子修改

I will go on a diet to lose my weightBecause, first, I don't think most people get fat is caused by their lacking of exercise They get fat because of their unhealthy diet, like eating too much high-fat foodSecond, I think doing exercise needs hard working and patience, and that's what I short ofThird, I have no enough spare time to do some sports for the occupied studies and workFinally, I prefer a healthy diet than do exercise to lose my weight So I will go on a diet。


lose weight

weight loss

Losing Weight

on diet


减肥法 Facial Analysis Diet ; Zone Diet ; Blood Type Diet ; Fair conditioneriing Aningysis Diet

减肥塑身 On a Diet ; Aerobic Dance ; Body shaping ; Lose Weight

腹部减肥 reduce abdomen



1 A nicotine spray can help okers quit the habit without putting on weight


2 Much as I hope I may gain weight, yet I am still as thin as before

  虽然我非常希望增加体重, 但我仍然像以前一样的瘦

3 You will have a tendency to put on pounds


4 When people cut on oking, they often put on weight

当人们减少吸菸量时, 常会增加体重

5 You are sure to gain weight and accumulate more cholesterol


6 Women who fail to get enough shut - eye each night risk gaining weight


7 It is easier put on weight, but it is quite difficult weight

增加体重较容易, 但是减肥就困难了

8 Eating the same foods at dinnertime tends to increase weight, blood pressure and heart disease

但如果你在晚餐吃相同的食物,就更倾向于增加体重, 催高血压和引发心脏病

9 But we need to give you time to get taller before you add more weight


10 Women who fail to get enough shut - eye each night risk weight, a Cleveland - based researcher reported


11 I'm lucky really as I never put on weight


12 I have never lost the weight I put on in my teens


13 She gained some 25lb in weight during her pregnancy


14 I can eat what I want but I never put on weight


15 Luther's put on three stone




A person with this body shape has difficulty adding weight and shape


But we need to give you time to get taller before you add more weight


Eating the same foods at dinnertime tends to increase weight, blood pressure and heart disease


If you take in more calories than you are burning then you gain weight


Help is someone forcing you to gain weight


Muscle Muscle is more dense than fat and it takes up less space, so adding muscle couldincrease your scale weight, even though you're slimming down


Muscle is more dense than fat and it takes up less space, so adding muscle could increase your scale weight, even though you're slimming down


Doctors have warned her she is at risk of a fatal heart attack if she does not put on weight


That's one reason humans can gain weight with just an extra half-muffin a day: we almostinstantly store most of the calories we don't need in our regular "white" fat cells


Some studies say many s gain weight during the holiday season because they like to eattasty foods, and they are more likely to do so during the holidays


Scientists asked volunteers to gorge on fast food and be less active for four weeks, expectingthem to put on weight but then return to their normal size


This makes it easier to gain weight, and makes you more prone to the health problems thatfatness often brings


Doctors have warned her she is at risk of a fatal heart attack if she does not put on weight


People on a low-fat diet who eat many carbohydrates in the form of bread, pasta, and otherstarchy products, even if they're whole-grain and sourdough, will only gain weight



I was watching the morning news the other day and heard them talking about how artificialsweeteners in diet soda can actually cause people to gain weight from a Purdue Universitystudy!


If this is your first pregnancy you may have gained a little weight but you’re probably still wearingyour favorite jeans


He initially tried to eat more to gain weight, but it had no effect


They merely set up a susceptibility togaining weight under certain conditions--and withoutquestion, thoseconditions are now ubiquitous


How can I feel satisfied without gaining weight


Stretch marks, red skin striations that can gradually fade to a silvery hue, form when you gain weight rapidly


This could be setting them up for weight and food problems later in life


You don’t need help gaining weight You need help losing weight


I started to retrain my brain, telling myself that it was OK to eat, that putting on weight wouldn'tmake me fat


I'm trying to lose weight by running, but all the exercise is making me feel hungry all the timeHow can I feel satisfied without gaining weight


At 98 pounds, Caro Bayley was simply too all, but she pinned her father’s fishing weights under her clothes to add weight Her examiner passed her


At 98 pounds, Caro Bayley was simply too all, but she pinned her father’s fishing weights under her clothes to add weight Her examiner passed her





增重   [zēng zhòng] [增重]基本解释




《后汉书·隗嚣传》:“增重赋敛,刻剥百姓。” 宋 苏轼 《李之纯可集贤殿修撰河北都转运使》:“治办之能,尝见于用;忠厚之质,不移于势,是用进登书殿,增重使指。”《孽海花》第十八回:“此次出洋,必能争回多少利权,增重多少国体。”中国近代史资料丛刊《辛亥革命·揆郑<哀政闻社员>》:“今以最新之名词,号召天下,且援引老成黄耉如 马良 者,以增重党势。”


在学理上增重与增肥的意义并不一样。因为“增肥”顾名思义是增加身体组织的脂肪比例,而“增重”除了脂肪的增加之外,应还涵盖肌肉组织的成长。 人体的重量,大致上是来自于骨骼、肌肉、脂肪、水分以及其他内脏器官,有意义的“增重”应着重在肌肉、脂肪的比例增加。 更多→ 增重


Weight gain

[增重]相关词语 减肥 增高 健身 肌肉 身高 瘦子 腹肌 锻炼 消瘦 热量 爆发力



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