歌曲简介:继大热的K房经典流行之作《K歌之王》后,陈奕迅在2001推出的全新专辑《Shall We Dance Shall We Talk!》,第二主打《Shall We Talk》由林夕填词,诚意中窥见态度。如一般跑步时间在清晨,有点懵懵,突然进入剧烈运动状态的你完全有可能在不清醒状态下跌倒,所以不如从这首有点慢热但节奏清晰的开始进入状况。如你正好看过陈奕迅在红馆演唱会上这首歌的Live,更完全可以回想下他和那群哥们的舞步,让你的步伐也带出几分“型”。
2、《等待》 陈绮贞
3、《奔》 孙燕姿
4、《滑板少年》 艾薇儿
歌曲简介:无论伤感还是开心,艾薇儿都只是一副不在乎的嗓音来演唱。首张专辑《LetGo》(展翅高飞)卖出一千五百万张并获八项格莱美提名,第二主打《Sk8er Boi》(滑板少年)更进入了Billboard100单曲排行榜的前十。
同类备选:艾薇儿《To gether》、《He Wasnt》
5、《Walk away》 Kelly Clarkson
歌曲简介:美国偶像首季冠军得主,Kelly Clarkson的第二张专辑便击败花蝴蝶天后Mariah Carey独揽2005年两项最具份量的格莱美大奖。嗓音偏低沉,低沉的嗓音唱到高昂处有中性的力量之感,塌实又温暖。这样的特质将她与其他青春派唱腔的女孩们区别开来,透出更多的坚韧和无所畏惧的勇气,有难能可贵的柔韧之美。
入选理由:很喜欢这句“Im looking for attention,Not another question。Should you stay or should you go?Well, if you dont have the answer……”既有无助的祈求,又有坚强站起来的决心。跑累了么?坚持!
同类备选:Kelly Clarkson《Break away》、《Since U Been Gone》,Christina Aguilera 《Fighter》
6、《its my life》 Bon Jovi
歌曲简介:虽然玩的是令人感到“恐怖”的重金属,但音乐却流行的很——这是被称为“Family Rock”的Bon Jovi。一首让人进取的歌曲,听起来特热血沸腾。
同类备选:Usher《You remind me》 《We are the champions》
7、《where is the love》 the black eyed peas(黑眼豆豆)
同类推荐:Mariah Carey《we belong together》,周笔畅《呃》
8、我可以爱你吗? 朴信阳
4、跑步后要做好放松 充分燃烧脂肪的美丽塑形
早上跑步能减肥。有这样的说法,植物经过一夜的新陈代谢,呼出大量的二氧化碳,所以早晨树林里的二氧化碳的浓度相对高一些,一些灰尘也在空气中漂浮,对人的健康不利。另外,人的血压在早上比较高,容易出问题。其实,是不是在早晨锻炼,主要取决于锻炼的目的。 如果是为了减肥,为了增加对运动技能的记忆,早上非常好。
所以早晨运动对减肥、对防治脂肪肝有特殊的好处。此外,人在早晨的时候,学健美操、学交谊舞、学太极拳……学任何一种技能,都比在其他时间学更容易掌握。因此,早上锻炼取得的健康效益,在某种意义上说更多一些。 古人讲究“闻鸡起舞”,健身一般选择在早晨。至于说早晨空气中的二氧化碳多,污染严重,并不是主要理由。其实,白天汽车尾气等的污染也很严重,还能放出铅、重金属和一些化学废物,如苯等。早晨的血压高,可以通过药物进行调整。因此,究竟什么时间锻炼最好,不是绝对的。也要因人而异。
脚应落在臀部下方,而不是身体前方。避免迈步过大的方法之一:加快步频。更快步频的跑步将促使以更快速度抬起和落下双脚,从而使得迈步过大变得难以实行。双脚应以每分钟约 170 至 180 次的频率落地。。
保持手肘固定在正确角度(弯曲 90 度)上,并将其向靠近身体的方向拉动, 不要让手肘外扩。这样做会使手臂运动更加高效。
早上空腹跑步会让部分人出现低血糖的症状,而糖是人体跑步时最经济、最直接的能量来源。低血糖会造成各种不适症状如心慌、出虚汗、手脚颤抖等,如果这种情况出现了,一定要尽快补充糖分(如吃一块糖),让血糖尽快回升。所以,跑步特别是长跑过程中应注意糖和水分的补充,这是人体内环境的保证,也是能量供应的保证。建议空腹时跑步用垫餐的方式, 如跑前食用一根香蕉、半块面包等,跑后可正餐。
歌曲简介:继大热的K房经典流行之作《K歌之王》后,陈奕迅在2001推出的全新专辑《Shall We Dance Shall We Talk!》,第二主打《Shall We Talk》由林夕填词,诚意中窥见态度。如一般跑步时间在清晨,有点懵懵,突然进入剧烈运动状态的你完全有可能在不清醒状态下跌倒,所以不如从这首有点慢热但节奏清晰的开始进入状况。如你正好看过陈奕迅在红馆演唱会上这首歌的Live,更完全可以回想下他和那群哥们的舞步,让你的步伐也带出几分“型”。
2、《等待》 陈绮贞
3、《奔》 孙燕姿
4、《滑板少年》 艾薇儿
歌曲简介:无论伤感还是开心,艾薇儿都只是一副不在乎的嗓音来演唱。首张专辑《LetGo》(展翅高飞)卖出一千五百万张并获八项格莱美提名,第二主打《Sk8er Boi》(滑板少年)更进入了Billboard100单曲排行榜的前十。
同类备选:艾薇儿《To gether》、《He Wasnt》
5、《Walk away》 Kelly Clarkson
歌曲简介:美国偶像首季冠军得主,Kelly Clarkson的第二张专辑便击败花蝴蝶天后Mariah Carey独揽2005年两项最具份量的格莱美大奖。嗓音偏低沉,低沉的嗓音唱到高昂处有中性的力量之感,塌实又温暖。这样的特质将她与其他青春派唱腔的女孩们区别开来,透出更多的坚韧和无所畏惧的勇气,有难能可贵的柔韧之美。
入选理由:很喜欢这句“Im looking for attention,Not another question。Should you stay or should you go?Well, if you dont have the answer……”既有无助的祈求,又有坚强站起来的决心。跑累了么?坚持!
同类备选:Kelly Clarkson《Break away》、《Since U Been Gone》,Christina Aguilera 《Fighter》
6、《its my life》 Bon Jovi
歌曲简介:虽然玩的是令人感到“恐怖”的重金属,但音乐却流行的很——这是被称为“Family Rock”的Bon Jovi。一首让人进取的歌曲,听起来特热血沸腾。
同类备选:Usher《You remind me》 《We are the champions》
7、《where is the love》 the black eyed peas(黑眼豆豆)
同类推荐:Mariah Carey《we belong together》,周笔畅《呃》
8、我可以爱你吗? 朴信阳
8000块钱可以买一款很好的跑步机了,一般占空间不是很大,只用于跑步的跑步机大概3000-5000就可以搞定了,当然还要看你的体重,要是超标比较厉害的话,估计要用30HP以上电机的,价格就要高一些了。推荐一下:HX-862/862 是汇祥的经典产品,经过市场考验了,老产品
Don't know how to move towards a low carbon life, very difficult No, let us step by step, start from the basic necessities of life bit by bit, enjoy low carbon life
A, clothing
1 buy fewer unnecessary clothes
The clothing in the production, processing and transportation process, need to consume a large amount of energy, waste gas, waste water and pollutants In the premise of ensuring the living needs, each year unnecessary to buy a few clothes can save energy about 25 kilograms of standard coal, 64 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If 25000000 people do this every year, can save energy by about 62500 tons of standard coal, 160000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
2 reduce accommodation hotel sheets to change number
Bed sheets, quilt cover, the washing water, electricity consumption and washing powder, and less spare time, can save electricity 003 degrees, 13 litres of water, washing powder 225 grams, 50 grams of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 8880 star-rated hotels (2002 data) adopted the "green room" standard recommendations (3 days from the time sheets), the annual comprehensive energy saving of about 16000 tons of standard coal, 40000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
3 use energy-saving mode of washing
(1) the monthly hand wash
With the improvement of people's living standards, washing machine has already walked into thousands of households Although the life to the washing machine to bring great help, but only two or three pieces of clothes with washing machine, will cause the waste of water and electricity If the monthly wash by hand instead of a washing machine, washing machine can save each year about 14 kilograms of standard coal, 36 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 190000000 sets of washing machine are therefore less a month once, then the annual energy saving of about 260000 tons of standard coal, 684000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
(2) a year less 1 kg washing powder
The washing powder is the necessities of life, but the waste often appear in use; rational use, will be energy-saving emission reduction For example, less 1 kg washing powder, can save about 028 kg of standard coal, 072 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 390000000 family average per household per year less 1 kg washing powder, 1 years can save about 109000 tons of standard coal, 281000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
(3) use energy-saving washing machine
Energy-saving washing machine electricity-saving more than ordinary washing machine 50%, water-saving 60%, each energy-saving washing machine annual energy saving of about 37 kg of standard coal, 94 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If ordinary washing machine has 10% national annual renewal for energy-saving washing machine, then the annual energy saving of about 70000 tons of standard coal, 178000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
Two, food
4 to reduce food waste
"Who knows the food, a journey", but now the wasting phenomenon is still serious And less waste of 05 kilograms of grain (in case of rice), the energy can be saved about 018 kilograms of standard coal, 047 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the national average per person per year to reduce food waste 05 kilograms, the annual saving of about 241000 tons of standard coal, 612000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
5 reduction in livestock waste
Per person per year less waste of 05 kilograms of pork, the energy can be saved about 028 kilograms of standard coal, 07 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the national average per person per year to reduce the waste of 05 kilograms of pork, the annual saving of about 353000 tons of standard coal, 911000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
6 the amount of alcohol
(1) the summer drink a bottle of beer per month
The scorching heat, beer has become a popular beverage, but "drunk" things have happened In 3 months in the summer of the average monthly drink 1 bottles, 1 people 1 years can save energy about 023 kg of standard coal, 06 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly Nationwide, the annual saving of about 297000 tons of standard coal, 780000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
(2) year than 05 kg of liquor
Liquor, rich life, more brilliant wine culture of the Chinese nation However, drunk but easy to cause an accident If 1 people 1 years to drink 05 kg, can save about 04 kg of standard coal, 1 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the country 200000000 "wine people" average year than 05 kilograms, the annual saving of about 80000 tons of standard coal, 200000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
7 reduce smoking
Smoking is harmful to health, cigarette production also consume energy 1 days less 1 cigarettes per person per year, can save about 014 kg of standard coal, 037 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 350000000 smokers to do so, then the annual energy saving of about 50000 tons of standard coal, 130000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
Three, live
8 energy-saving decoration
(1) reduce decoration aluminum usage
Aluminum is one of the largest energy consumption of metal smelting products Reduce 1 kg decoration with aluminum, energy saving of about 96 kg of standard coal, 247 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If every year 20000000 or so families decoration can do it, so can save energy about 191000 tons of standard coal, 494000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
(2) reduce the amount of using steel decoration
Steel is one of the most commonly used materials for residential renovation, large steel production is the energy carbon emissions Reduce 1 kilograms of decoration steel, can save about 074 kg of standard coal, 19 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If every year 20000000 or so families decoration can do it, so can save energy about 14000 tons of standard coal, 38000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
(3) reduce the amount of wood decoration
Appropriate to reduce the use amount of wood decoration, not only to protect the forest, increasing carbon dioxide absorption, but also reduce the process of wood processing, transportation energy consumption Less use of 01 cubic meters of decoration with wood, can save about 25 kg of standard coal, 643 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If every year 20000000 or so families decoration can do it, so can save energy about 500000 tons of standard coal, 1290000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
(4) reduce the use amount of building ceramics
When the family is decorated use ceramic can make housing more attractive However, the waste is also appeared, part of the family and even the existence of the phenomenon of luxury decoration Building ceramics to save 1 square meters, can save about 6 kg of standard coal, 154 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If every year 20000000 or so families decoration can do it, so can save energy about 120000 tons, 308000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
9 rural residential energy-saving brick
Compared with the common clay brick, brick has the advantages of energy saving, energy saving, saving soil, is a new type of building material with excellent In rural areas to promote the use of energy-saving brick, has broad prospects for energy-saving and emission reduction The use of energy-saving brick to build 1 rural residential, can save about 57 tons of standard coal, corresponding to 148 tons of carbon dioxide emissions If there are 10% of China's rural annual new housing to switch to energy-saving brick, so the energy can be saved about 8600000 tons of standard coal, 22120000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
10 rational use of air-conditioning
(1) the summer air temperature in the basis by countries to promote the high 1 ℃
The hot summer, air conditioning can bring cool feeling However, air conditioning is the electric power consumption of large, the set temperature is lower, more energy consumption In fact, by wearing long sleeves to wear short-sleeved, wear suits to wear casual clothes, to tie into firm loose collar, appropriately raise the air temperature, does not affect the comfort, but also energy-saving emission reduction If each air-conditioning at 26 ℃ basis by the country to promote the high temperature of 1 ℃, the annual saving 22 degrees, 21 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the air conditioning on the 150000000 stations to take this step, then the annual saving of about 3300000000 degrees, 3170000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
(2) use energy-saving air-conditioning
An energy-efficient than ordinary air-conditioning power consumption of 024 degrees per hour less, according to the annual use of a conservative estimate of 100 hours, saving 24 degrees, 23 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 10% annual air-conditioning update for the energy-saving air-conditioning, it can save electricity about 360000000 degrees, 350000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
(3) go out a few minutes before closing with air-conditioning
Air conditioning room temperature does not immediately rise because the air conditioning off and Before going out 3 minutes off the air conditioning, according to each unit can estimate saving about 5 degrees, 48 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the air conditioning on the 150000000 stations to take this step, then the annual saving of about 750000000 degrees, 720000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
11 rational use of electric fan
Although air conditioning has become more and more popular in our family, but the number of electric fan use is still huge Power consumption of electric fan and fan speed is proportional to, power consumption is the fastest file the same Teclast fan and slowest stall is about 40% In most of the time, in low wind speed, enough to meet the needs of the cool
With a 60 watt electric fan as an example, if use, low speed, the annual saving of about 24 degrees, 23 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If this measure about 470000000 of national Teclast fan, so the annual saving of about 1130000000 degrees, 1080000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
12 reasonable heating
By adjusting the heating time, strength, the use of room heating valve and other measures, each household annual energy saving of about 326 kg of standard coal, 837 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If there are 10% Annual Northern town family heating transformation completed, then the annual energy saving of about 3000000 tons of standard coal, 7700000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
13 rural residential use of solar heating
Solar energy is the focus on the development of clean energy A rural residential use of passive solar heating, the annual saving of about 08 tons of standard coal, corresponding to 21 tons of carbon dioxide emissions If there are 10% of China's rural annual new housing using passive solar heating, the national energy saving of about 1200000 tons of standard coal, 3084000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
14 the home lighting energy saving
(1) the family lighting switch to energy-saving lamps
High-quality energy-saving lamps to replace incandescent lamps, not only to reduce power consumption, but also improve the lighting effect Calculated to 11 watts of energy-saving lamps to replace 60 watt incandescent lamp, lighting 4 hours a day, 1 energy-saving lamp 1 years can save about 715 degrees, 686 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly A conservative estimate according to countrywide each year to replace 100000000 incandescent lamps, saving 7150000000 degrees, 6860000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
(2) the lights on at home
Form good habits at home to turn off the lights, household annual saving of about 49 degrees, 47 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 390000000 households can do, then the annual saving of about 1960000000 degrees, 1880000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
15 the public lighting energy saving
(1) increase the natural lighting in public places
If all the shopping malls, conference center and other public places during the day and full use of natural lighting, can save electricity about 82000000000 degrees Even if only 10% of them do this, every year can save 8200000000 degrees, corresponding to 7870000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
(2) the public lighting using semiconductor lamp
The same brightness, semiconductor lighting power consumption is only 1/10 of incandescent lamp, incandescent lamp life is 100 times If there are 10% every year in our country's traditional light source by the semiconductor lamp instead, saving about 9000000000 degrees, corresponding to 8640000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
Four, line
16 a month not to drive a car
Less open one day, every car annual savings of about 44 liters, 98 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 12480000 private car owners do, can save about 554000000 litres per year, 1220000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
17 to energy-saving mode of travel 200 kilometers
Ride a bike or walk instead of driving 100 kilometers, can save about 9 liters; taking the bus instead of driving 100 kilometers, can be fuel-efficient 5/6 According to the above energy travel 200 kilometers, each person can reduce fuel consumption 167 liters, 368 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 12480000 private car owners to do so, then the annual can saving 210000000 liters, 460000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
18 purchase of small cars
Vehicle fuel consumption is usually with the exhaust volume increases Exhaust capacity of 13 liters of the car compared with 2 liters of the car, annual savings of 294 liters, 647 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the new car sold in China every year (about 3828900) exhaust volume decreased by an average of 01 liters, so can save 160000000 liters, 354000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
19 buy hybrid cars
Hybrid car can be fuel-efficient above 30% per year, ordinary car can be fuel-efficient of about 378 liters, 832 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the hybrid vehicle sales accounted for the car sales of 10% (about 383000), then the annual fuel saving 145000000 liters, 318000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
20 scientific car, pay attention to maintenance
Car condition bad will lead to fuel consumption increased significantly, and the engine idling also consumes a lot of fuel Through the timely replace the air filter, keep proper tire pressure, timely flameout measures, year every car can reduce fuel consumption of about 180 liters, 400 kg of carbon dioxide emissions accordingly If the 12480000 private car a day to reduce the engine idle for 3-5 minutes, and the 10% condition is improved, then the annual fuel saving 600000000 liters, 1300000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions