

问题一:古镇磁器口英语解说词 Ciqikou(磁器口古镇)---Situated on the bank of the Jia Ling River, not far from its confluence with the mighty Yangtze is the ancient village of Ci Qi Kou, formerly known as Long Yin Covering an area of some 12 square kilometres (2916 acres) it is 14 kilometres to the west of Chongqing Municipality Chongqing itself has undergone many changes over the centuries, changes that have not been reflected in Ci Qi Kou with the consequence that the village conveys an impression of what Chongqing would have been like in the distant past This fact has been recognized by the State Council and in 1998 Ci Qi Kou became a protected cultural site The history of Ci Qi Kou can be traced back for more than 1700 years During the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911) it was famous for its production of porcelain To date, over twenty old kiln sites have been discovered there It is because of the importance of the porcelain industry that the name has been changed from Long Yin to Ci Qi Kou which being translated means Porcelain Village However, the village was also an important supply post for shipping on the river, a fact that explains why there are so many shops lining the twelve lanes paved with their large flag stones that form the main routes Here you will find many outlets for craftwork, groceries and the like as well as a horologist, photography supplies, drugstore and a tempting supply of roasted nuts and seeds As one would expect there are also many teashops and restaurants to cater fo>>

问题二:英语解说 磁器口 磁器口古镇(原名龙隐镇),位于重庆城西14公里的嘉陵江畔。自明、清时期以来磁器口古镇名扬巴蜀大地。昔日这里是一个热闹非凡的水陆码头,为嘉陵江下游物资集散地

This is name of a town There is no English explanation for this town's name



古镇磁器口有12条街巷,街道两旁大多是明清风格的建筑,地面由石板铺成,沿街店铺林立。商贸集中在大码头和靠码头的金蓉正街。嘉陵江中上游各个州、县和沿江支流的农副土特产在此中转集散,重庆城的一些大商客在码头设店收购。输出以棉纱、布匹、煤油、盐糖、洋广杂货、日用百货、五金颜料、土碗土纸和特产烟丝等为大宗。在重庆作为陪都时期,据统计有商号、货栈和各种作坊达1670多家,摊贩760多户。每天都有 300多艘(船均载重10吨)货船进出码头。全年中商贸最兴旺的是枯水季节(旧历八月至次年四月),码头河坝搭建起临时街道,有上河街、中河街、下河街,还有专业性的木竹街、铁货街、陶瓷街和猪市、米市。码头上万商云集,拥挤不通。除大码头外,还有历史悠久的4家丝厂,一家制呢厂,24兵工厂(现特钢厂),25兵工厂(现嘉陵厂),都设有自己的货运码头。码头上从早到晚,水陆两路,商旅川流不息,装卸搬运,络绎不绝。行商坐商,批零量购,货畅其流。大码头右侧的豆芽湾,是米粮帮、木材帮、篾货帮、煤炭帮的地盘。与码头河街相邻的是铁货街、猪市、鸡鸭蛋市和盐市口。各行业的同业公会都有事务所,食品糕点业26家,棉纱布业20家,茶馆酒馆116家。昔日磁器口码头的繁荣景象,至今还深深地留在 “老重庆”的记忆里。当年留传这样一首民谣:“白日里千人拱手,入夜后万盏明灯。”“千人拱手”:是形容每天都有上千只船上的舶公和船夫划着船向码头停靠。“万盏明灯”:是指形容码头上商贾云集,入夜后各自点亮油壶、电石灯和汽灯如繁星闪烁。1997年,重庆新发行的一套《最后的回忆》地方磁卡,与解放碑、通远门、临江门并列的就是磁器口大码头,有“小重庆”之称。


问题三:磁器口的陈麻花用英语怎么说 翻译Mahua Chen from Ciqikou

问题四:游览锦里和磁器口的感受英文 Tour in the jin and magnetic device mouth feel

问题五:Fall on a street 英语怎么读 Fall on a street

fall [fl]

on [n]

a [ə;

street [strit]

问题六:有一部描写重庆磁器口的小说,叫龙隐什么想不起来了,说的是解放前后的磁器口。 诶,一中的哈问问题抄答案是不好的

问题七:谁给个健美男运动员的食谱 其实食量合适就足够了,不挑吃不偏吃就可以了





b、站立手支撑哑铃在肩膀位置,向上淳佟430次嫉菰鍪考爸亓浚ㄖ饕土恫课唬喝芳 ⑺耐芳 ⒓绨颉⒈臣。






问题八:磁器口的那个易力英语学校怎么样 , 有没有在那里上学的孩子家长说一下 不晓得楼主孩子今年多大了?我儿子在你说的那家易力英语学的剑桥,现在已经上到一级了。我儿子英语很差的,上一年级的时候英语都跟不上,考试分也很低,后来在那边学了几个月后英语成绩提高很大,我打算以后都让他在那学呢,建议你带孩子去听一下课,感受一下上课氛围,只要适合孩子就行。

问题九:为什么说是北京人但是住在磁器口 磁器口?天坛东北角,在北京市区,是北京人

问题十:肯德基磁器口店 一首男生唱的英文歌 里边有什么aha 还有一句是how good we were 知道的麻烦回答下 谢啦~ 歌曲名是Begin Again 演唱者Colbie Caillat

角 #jué

释义 ①演员扮演的剧中人物:角色|主角|配角。②指演员:名角。③传统戏曲演员分工的类别:丑角|旦角。④竞赛;较量;搏斗:角斗|角逐。

角逐 #juézhú 武力竞争,泛指竞争或竞赛。







































角lù 1见"角里"。

角gǔ 1见"角角"。

◆ 反霸 fǎnbà

  [ oppose local despots ] 指土改运动中清算恶霸地主的罪行

  [ oppose hegemonism ] 指反对霸权主义◆ 反败为胜 fǎnbàiwéishèng

  [ turn defeat into victory snatch a victory out of defeat ] 一种作战思想。意为打了败仗不泄气,重整旗鼓,利用敌人松懈麻痹的思想去进攻,就能变失败为胜利◆ 反绑 fǎnbǎng

  [ (with one's hands) tied behind his back ] 两手交叉绑在背后◆ 反包围 fǎnbāowéi

  [ counter encircle ] 打破敌人对己方正在形成包围的作战行动 [counterencirclement]

  ● 被包围的一方对包围者所形成的包围,是战场上敌对双方犬牙交错形态的一种表现◆ 反比 fǎnbǐ

  [ inverse ratio ] 随着一方发生变化,相应的一方发生相反的变化◆ 反驳 fǎnbó

  [ retort rebute confute disprove ] 提出反对的理由辩驳

  例: 他反驳那种认为意大利人不是好战士的传说◆ 反哺 fǎnbǔ

  [ when a little bird grows up,it feed food to its mother ] 鸟雏长大,衔食哺其母。后用以比喻报答父母

  例: 雏既壮而能飞兮,乃衔食而反哺。——《初学记·鸟赋》◆ 反差 fǎnchā

  [ contrast ] 照片、电视画面等上面黑白对比的差异

  ● 不同事物或同一事物的不同方面对比的差异程度◆ 反常 fǎncháng

  [ unusual ] 异常,跟正常情况不同的

  例: 今日的天气有些反常

  [ abnormal perverse ] 偏离正常的

  例: 态度反常◆ 反常现象 fǎncháng xiànxiàng

  [ freak ] 与自然的和正常的现象相反的

  例: 关于气候、洪水和大旱的种种反常现象的说法

  ● 指不正常的某些东西或现象

  例: 不是个体的反常现象,而是这个种的根深蒂固的习性◆ 反衬 fǎnchèn

  [ set off by contrast serve as a foil to ] 从相反的方面来衬托◆ 反冲 fǎnchōng

  [ backlash ] 突然的、通常是剧烈的反向运动或回弹

  [ kickback ] 内燃机在被曲柄开动时的后坐 工作件在推入机器(如圆锯)时所产生的后坐

  [ recoil ] 开枪后的后坐◆ 反刍 fǎnchú

  [ rumination chew the cud ] 吐出和再嚼先前吞下的食物◆ 反串 fǎnchuàn

  [ (of actor)play not one's customary role ] 戏曲演员暂时扮演本剧种之外的其他角色◆ 反唇相讥 fǎnchún-xiāngjī

  [ retort answer back sarcastically retaliate bicker with each other jump down sb's throat ] 唇:唇舌,代指言语 讥:讥讽。反过来讥讽对方

  例: 他反唇相讥地说:“你不能指望每月出十三元的薪饷就能买到所有的基本道德。”◆ 反倒 fǎndào

  [ on the contrary ] 反而

  例: 雨不但没停,反倒越下越大了◆ 反动 fǎndòng

  [ reactionary ] 维护旧制度,破坏新制度,反对革命

  例: 反动立场

  例: 反动派

  [ counteraction ] 相反的作用◆ 反动派 fǎndòngpài

  [ reactionaries ] 反对进步、正义和革命事业的派别集团◆ 反对 fǎnduì

  [ oppose object to ] 不赞同

  例: 反对一项国会提案

  例: 反对这种意见◆ 反对派 fǎnduìpài

  [ anti ] 对习俗、法律、政策或运动的反对者

  [ opposition faction ] 特指反对某项事物(如一项政策或政党)的集体

  [ negative ] 辩论时持反对意见的一派

  [ Mitnaggedim ] 犹太教用语,特指坚持传统教义而反对18世纪中叶东欧哈西德运动的犹太人

  [ protestnik ] 凡事抗议的人◆ 反对票 fǎnduìpiào

  [ dissenting vote ] 否定的答复∶表明反对的一票◆ 反而 fǎn’ér

  [ instead on the contrary ] 表示跟上文意思想相反或出乎意料

  例: 我一解释,他反而更有意见了◆ 反复 fǎnfù

  [ reversal ] 翻悔 变化无常

  例: 反复无常

  [ over and over again repeatedly again and again ] 一次又一次地

  例: 反复解释

  例: 成反复自念,得无教我猎虫所耶?——《聊斋志异·促织》

  [ come and go ] 来往,往还。特指书信往反

  例: 重念蒙君实(司马光)视遇厚,于反复不宜卤莽。——宋·王安石《答司马谏议书》

  [ reverse take back ] 扭转,挽救过来

  例: 其存君兴国而欲反复之。——《史记·屈原贾生列传》◆ 反复 fǎnfù

  [ relapse ] 复发,尤指疾病的症状在持续地减轻以后复发

  例: 伤寒时有反复◆ 反感 fǎngǎn

  [ be averse to repugnant dislike be disgusted with fell a violent repugnance to feel unkindly to ] 不满或反对的情绪

  例: 这男性的目光,使她反感◆ 反感 fǎngǎn

  [ antipathy ] 心理学名词。因反对或不满而引起的厌憎心理◆ 反戈 fǎngē

  [ turn one's weapon around ] 掉转兵器反击,多用于比喻

  例: 反戈一击◆ 反戈一击 fǎngē-yījī

  [ to hit back at sb deal a counterblow ] 戈:古代一种像矛的兵器,长柄横刃。比喻掉转枪口,攻击自己原来所属的营垒

  例: 反戈一击,易制强敌的死命。——鲁迅《坟·写在〈坟〉后面》

  ● 作战中的一种情况。意为作战中掉转矛头,向自己原来所在的部队进攻◆ 反革命 fǎngémìng

  [ counterrevolution ] 反对前次革命的革命 反对现时的或近时的革命的活动和倾向

  [ counterrevolutionary ] 反革命分子的简称

  例: 一家反革命◆ 反攻 fǎngōng

  [ counteroffensive ] 防御的一方向进攻的一方进攻◆ 反躬 fǎngōng

  [ examine oneself ] 回过头来反省一下自己

  例: 好恶无节于内,知诱于外,不能反躬,天理灭矣。——《礼记·乐记》◆ 反躬自问 fǎngōng-zìwèn

  [ examine oneself examine one's conscience ] 反过来问问自己。也说“抚躬自问”◆ 反躬自责 fǎngōng-zìzé

  [ examine one's conscience ] 反过来进行自我责备,意为对自己的言行,思想进行反思,检查◆ 反顾 fǎngù

  [ look back ] 回头看,比喻反悔

  例: 义无反顾

  例: 乘鄂渚而反顾兮,欸秋冬之绪风。——《楚辞·屈原·涉江》◆ 反光 fǎnguāng

  [ reflect light ] 使光线反射◆ 反光 fǎnguāng

  [ reflection of light ] 反射的光线◆ 反话 fǎnhuà

  [ irony antiphrasis phrase used in a negative sense ] 故意说的与自己本意相反的话

  [ argot cant ] 黑话 切口 隐语

  例: 尽说些绿林中的反话◆ 反悔 fǎnhuǐ

  [ go back on one's word ] 翻悔,收回自己说出口的话

  例: 一言为实,决不反悔◆ 反击 fǎnjī

  [ counterattack ] 回击

  例: 用报纸广告来反击

  ● 打击进攻的敌人

  例: 自卫反击◆ 反剪 fǎnjiǎn

  [ with one's hands behind one's back ] 反背双手或将两手绑在背后

  例: 罪犯们被反剪着押上刑场◆ 反间 fǎnjiàn

  [ sow distrust or dissension among one's enemies set one's enemies of odds ] 利用敌人的间谍使敌人获得虚假的情报,也指用计使敌人内部不和◆ 反间谍 fǎnjiàndié

  [ counterespionage ] 有关发现和挫败敌人间谍活动的行动

  [ counterspy ] 侦察间谍的人员 侦察特务、间谍、颠覆分子等阴谋活动的人员◆ 反接 fǎnjiē

  [ with one's hands tied behind one's back ] 把双手在背后捆绑起来。接,连接

  例: 二豪贼劫持,反接,布囊其口。——唐·柳宗元《童区寄传》

  例: 麾众拥豪民马前,反接,徇诸市。——明·高启《书博鸡者事》◆ 反诘 fǎnjié

  [ ask in retort ] 反问◆ 反抗 fǎnkàng

  [ revolt resist ] 反对并抵抗

  例: 反抗精神

  例: 反抗敌人

  例: 反抗压迫◆ 反客为主 fǎnkèwéizhǔ

  [ reverse the positions of the host and the guest turn from a guest into a host ] 客人反过来成为主人,比喻要被动为主动◆ 反科学 fǎnkēxué

  [ antiscience ] 拒绝科学方法或科学对人类的价值的体系、看法或迷信◆ 反空降 fǎnkōngjiàng

  [ anti-airborne defence ] 歼灭空降之敌的作战。包括反机降和反伞降。分为战术反空降、战役反空降和战略反空降。应力求歼敌于空中和着陆立足未稳之际◆ 反口 fǎnkǒu

  [ correct oneself ] 推翻原来说的话 反悔

  例: 来回反口◆ 反馈 fǎnkuì

  [ feedback ] 泛指发出的事物返回发出的起始点并产生影响

  例: 信息反馈◆ 反老还童 fǎnlǎo-huántóng

  [ recover one's youthful vigour ] 老年人回复青春、返为幼童。原为道家传说的一种却老术。后来多用于祝颂老年人

  例: 取此水用美玉为屑,调和服之,可以反老还童。——《三国演义》◆ 反面 fǎnmiàn

  [ reverse side back ] 物体的背面,与正面相反的一面

  例: 唱片的反面

  [ opposite negative side ] 坏的 消极的一面

  例: 反面的教训

  例: 反面教员

  [ the other aspect ] 事情、问题的另一个方面

  例: 不仅要看问题的正面,还要看到它的反面◆ 反目 fǎnmù

  [ fall out (esp between husband and wife) ] 不和睦

  例: 夫妻反目。——《易·小畜》。疏:“夫妻乖戾,故反目相视。”◆ 反派 fǎnpài

  [ villain (in drama,etc) negative character ] 文艺作品中的坏人,反面人物◆ 反叛 fǎnpàn

  [ rebel ] 叛变,也指叛变的人◆ 反扑 fǎnpū

  [ launch counterattacks to retrieve lost ground pounce on sb again after being beaten off ] 被打退后又扑过来◆ 反其道而行之 fǎn qí dào ér xíng zhī

  [ to act in a diametrically opposite way ] 用与对方相反的方法去做◆ 反潜 fǎnqián

  [ antisubmarine ] 对敌潜艇进行搜索、封锁、消灭等活动◆ 反切 fǎnqiè

  [ a traditional method of indicating the pronunciation of a Chinese character by using two other Chinese characters,the first having the same consonant as the given character and the second having the same vowel (with or without final nasal) and tone ] 古汉语注音方法,用两个字注读另一个字,例如“塑,桑故切(或桑故反)”。被切字的声母跟反切上字相同(“塑”字声母跟“桑”字声母相同,都是s),被切字的韵母和字调跟反切下字相同(“塑”字的韵母的字调跟“故”相同,都是u韵母,都是去声)◆ 反求诸己 fǎnqiúzhūjǐ

  [ seek the cause in oneself instead of sb else ] 求:寻求。诸:“之于”的合音。反省自己的过失,加以改正,而不责怪别人

  例: 发而不中,则怨胜己者,反求诸己而已矣。——《礼记》◆ 反裘负刍 fǎnqiú-fùchú

  [ wear coat inside out,carry faggot on the back ] 反裘:反穿皮袄(古人穿裘毛朝外,反穿则毛在里)。负刍:背柴。反穿皮衣背柴薪,形容生活之穷困,劳苦操作。亦比喻为人愚昧,不知本末◆ 反射 fǎnshè

  [ reflect ] 声波、光波或其他电磁波遇到障碍物或别种媒质面而折回

  [ reflex ] 有机体通过神经系统,对于刺激所产生的反应◆ 反身 fǎnshēn

  [ (of a person) turn around ] 转过身子 转身

  例: 她一句话也不说,反身就走◆ 反身代词 fǎnshēn dàicí

  [ reflexive pronoun ] 指代句子、从句或动词词组中作主语的代词◆ 反诗 fǎnshī

  [ ironic verse ] 具有反官方含义的诗

  例: 宋江酒楼题反诗◆ 反手 fǎnshǒu

  [ backhanded ] 反过手来,把手放到背后。比喻事情容易办到

  例: 反手接住扔过来的苹果◆ 反水 fǎnshuǐ

  [ turn traitor turn one's coat go over to the enemy ] [方] 反叛 投诚敌方◆ 反思 fǎnsī

  [ turn over to think ] 回头、反过来思考的意思◆ 反诉 fǎnsù

  [ countercharge counterclaim ] 在同一诉讼中,被告对原告提出控告◆ 反锁 fǎnsuǒ

  [ lock ] 屋里有人,外面锁上 人在屋外,门内锁上◆ 反围攻 fǎnwéigōng

  [ anti-circular attack counterencirclement campaign ] 对抗和打破敌人围攻的作战行动◆ 反围剿 fǎnwéijiǎo

  [ counter encircle and suppress ] 粉碎敌人围剿的斗争◆ 反胃 fǎnwèi

  [ gastric disorder causing nausea (of food from stomach) ] 病症名。指食下良久复出或隔宿吐出者。亦称“胃反”、“翻胃”◆ 反问 fǎnwèn

  [ ask in reply counter with a question ] 反过来问提问的人

  [ rhetorical question ] 用疑问语气表达与字面相反的意思

  例: 他用反问语气答道:为什么不◆ 反响 fǎnxiǎng

  [ echo reverberation ] 回声 反应

  例: 包括来自年长誉高的诗人们著作中的强烈反响◆ 反向 fǎnxiàng

  [ reverse in an opposite direction ] 完全倒转位置或方向◆ 反省 fǎnxǐng

  [ introspection self-questioning ] 回想自己的言行,检查其中的错误◆ 反演 fǎnyǎn

  [ inversion ] 把空间所有方向同时反过来,因此每个坐标可以用它自己的负值来代替的一种方法◆ 反咬一口 fǎnyǎo-yīkǒu

  [ trump up a countercharge against one's accuser make a false countercharge ] 原指没有抓住兽类,反而被它咬了一口。比喻遭到指责的人强词夺理反过来攻击指责他的人◆ 反义词 fǎnyìcí

  [ antonym ] 意义相反的两个词(如“白”与“黑”,“好”与“坏”等)◆ 反应 fǎnyìng

  [ reaction ] 化学变化

  例: 放热反应

  [ response repercussion reaction ] 反响,机体对外界环境的改变或刺激产生的对应变化称为反应

  例: 反应不一样◆ 反应堆 fǎnyìngduī

  [ reactor ] 在其中引发并控制裂变材料的链式反应的装置◆ 反应式 fǎnyìngshì

  [ equation ] 用化学符号来定量表示一种化学反应的式子,将反应物质置于记号→或=左端,反应产物置于右端 如反应是可逆的,则上述记号用==或== 所有记号均应读作“给出”,而不读作“等于”◆ 反映 fǎnyìng

  [ reflect mirror ] 反照。比喻表现出客观事物的本质

  [ report ] 把情况、意见等告诉上级及有关部门◆ 反映论 fǎnyìnglùn

  [ theory of reflection ] 唯物主义的认识论。认为人的全部感性、理性认识过程都是客观事物在人脑中的反映。反映过程是能动积极,辩证发展的,社会实践是认识的基础和检验真理的标准◆ 反掌 fǎnzhǎng

  [ turn over one's hand ] 翻转掌心,比喻事情很好处理

  例: 如此反掌之事何劳先生◆ 反照 fǎnzhào

  [ reflection ] 光线反映照射

  例: 在湖面霞光的反照下,船上的一切都洒满金辉◆ 反正 fǎnzhèng

  [ anyhow ] 无论如何,表示肯定的语气

  例: 信不信由你,反正我不信◆ 反正 fǎnzhèng

  [ return to the right way ] 复归正道

  例: 拨乱反正

  [ come over from the enemy's side ] 敌人投诚◆ 反正一样 fǎnzhèng yīyàng

  [ be as broad as(it is) long ] 表示情况虽然不同而结果并无区别

  例: 反正去不去都一样◆ 反之 fǎnzhī

  [ on the contrary ] 反过来说或做 与此相反

  例: 天气热,根的吸水力强。反之,天气寒冷,根的吸水力就弱◆ 反转 fǎnzhuǎn

  [ transpose ] 照片图像的色调或明暗的处理

  例: 反转片

  [ unturn reverse turn over ] 转向相反的方向◆ 反嘴 fǎnzuǐ

  [ retort ] 反唇相讥 顶撞

  [ go back to one's word ] 反悔

  例: 言而有信,绝不反嘴◆ 反坐 fǎnzuò

  [ sentence the accuser to the punishment facing the person he falsely accused ] 把被诬告人应得的刑罚,反过来加在诬告人身上◆ 反作用 fǎnzuòyòng

  [ counteraction ] 相反的作用◆ 反作用 fǎnzuòyòng

  [ react ] 产生相应或相反的力或影响

  [ counteract ] 用相反的力使其无效

◆ 报本反始 bàoběn-fǎnshǐ

  [ never forget to pay a debt of gratitude ] 报本:报答恩惠 反始:归功到根源。即受恩思报,得功思源

  例: 唯社,丘乘共粢盛,所以报本反始也。——《礼记·郊特牲》◆ 拨乱反正 bōluàn-fǎnzhèng

  [ dispel chaos and restore peace bring order out of chaos ] 治理混乱局面,恢复正常

  例: 帝起细微,拨乱世,反之正,平定天下。——《汉书·高帝纪》◆ 拨乱反治 bōluàn-fǎnzhì

  [ dispel chaos and restore peace ] 同“拨乱反正”◆ 策反 cèfǎn

  [ instigate defection in enemy instigate rebellion ] 在敌对一方内部秘密进行鼓动,使其成员倒戈◆ 成反比 chéng fǎnbǐ

  [ vary inversely be inversely proportional to ] 交替地或连续地显现出与其他事物相异的性质或属性

  例: 一个数学量可以与另一个数学量成反比◆ 出尔反尔 chū’ěr-fǎn’ěr

  [ go back on one's words contradict oneself ] 原指你怎么对人行事,人也怎么还报你。现多指反复无常,言行前后自相矛盾◆ 聪明反被聪明误 cōngming fǎn bèi cōng ming wù

  [ cleverness may overreach itself clever people may be dupes of their own cleverness clever people may pay a high price for being too clever ] 讽刺一个人工于心计,结果反倒害了自己。◆ 沸反盈天 fèifǎn-yíngtiān

  [ niosy ] 形容人声喧嚣杂乱。沸反,像水一样翻腾

  例: 你自己荐她来,又合伙劫她去,闹得沸反盈天的,大家看了成个什么样子?——鲁迅《祝福》◆ 负反馈 fùfǎnkuì

  [ negative feedback ] 振荡器的一部分输出在使振幅减小的方式下向输入的返回◆ 高山反应 gāoshān fǎnyìng

  [ reaction to high altitudes ] 在海拔较高的地方,由于空气稀薄,使人呼吸不畅从而引起种种生理上的反应。一般健康人在海拨 4 千米以上有头痛、头晕、恶心、呼吸困难、心跳加快等症状。也叫“山晕”◆ 官逼民反 guānbīmínfǎn

  [ being oppressed by officials the masses revolt against them misgovernment drives the people to revolt ] 官吏极力敲诈、剥削,民众就会反对官府,以示不满

  例: 全车间工人联名写信揭发车间主任的恶劣作风和违法乱纪行为,这也可说是“官逼民反”吧。◆ 核反应 héfǎnyìng

  [ reaction ] 引起原子核变化的过程(如铀-239蜕变成镎和一个电子以及两个重氢核结合成氦核)◆ 核反应堆 héfǎnyìngduī

  [ nuclear reactor ] 在其中引发并控制裂变材料的链式反应的装置(如为了产生动力用热或从铀生产钚)◆ 回光反照,回光返照 huíguāng-fǎnzhào,huíguāng-fǎnzhào

  [ the last radiance of the setting sun ] 由于光线的反射,日落时天空又短时间发亮

  [ a flash of lucidity of the dying suddent spurt of activity prior to collapse ] 昏迷病人临终之前清醒。比喻旧事物灭亡之前暂时兴旺的现象

  例: 弃死归生,回光反照。——《元曲选·刘行首》◆ 角弓反张 jiǎogōng fǎnzhāng

  [ opisthotonos ] 背肌的强直性痉挛,使头和下肢后弯而躯干向前成弓形的状态◆ 举一反三 jǔyī-fǎnsān

  [ draw inferences about other cases from one instance ] 从一件事情类推而知道其他许多事情◆ 流宕忘反 liúdàng-wàngfǎn

  [ stray and forget to return ] 流宕:流浪,飘泊。反:同“返”。谓长期在外面飘泊而不知返回

  例: 雷同影附,流宕忘反,非一时也。——晋·杜预《春秋左氏传序》◆ 谋反 móufǎn

  [ plot a rebellion conspire against the state ] 图谋反叛◆ 逆反心理 nìfǎn xīnlǐ

  [ counterreactional tendency;mind to rebel ] 一般指某种宣传(理论、规定等)的要求产生的相反的心理活动、心理反应◆ 平反 píngfǎn

  [ depurge redress (a mishandled case) ] 把判错的案件或做错的政治结论改正过来◆ 热核反应 rèhé fǎnyìng

  [ thermonuclear reaction ] 轻元素的原子核在极高的温度下产生巨大的运动而相互碰撞,最终聚变为另外一种原子核的过程

  例: 热核反应堆◆ 适得其反 shìdé-qífǎn

  [ run counter to one's desire the result is just the contrary accomplish the very opposite ] 适:恰恰。恰恰得到相反的结果◆ 肃反 sùfǎn

  [ suppress the counter-revolutionaries ] 肃清反革命

  例: 肃反运动◆ 条件反射 tiáojiàn fǎnshè

  [ conditioned reflex ] 条件刺激引起的反射,在非条件反射的基础上通过后天学习和训练而建立◆ 违反 wéifǎn

  [ break ] 不符合 不遵守

  例: 违反法律◆ 窝儿里反 wōrlǐfǎn

  [ internal conflict ] [口] 发生在家族或集团内部的冲突◆ 五反 wǔ-fǎn

  [ the movement,begun in 1952,against the “five evils” ] 指一九五二年我国在全国资本主义工商业中开展的反对行贿、反对偷税漏税、反对盗骗国家财产、反对偷工减料和反对盗窃经济情报的运动◆ 物极必反 wùjí-bìfǎn

  [ things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme extremes meet no extreme will hold long ] 万事万物到了极点,超过一定限度,必定会得到相反的结果◆ 相反 xiāngfǎn

  [ opposite;contrary ] 事物的两个方面相互排斥或对立◆ 相反相成 xiāngfǎn-xiāngchéng

  [ (of two things) be both opposite and complementary to each other ] 指相反的事物也能互相促成,即有同一性◆ 一反常态 yīfǎn-chángtài

  [ depart from one's normal behaviour;act out of character ] 完全改变了平时的态度◆ 易如反掌 yìrúfǎnzhǎng

  [ as easy as pie as easy as turning off one's hands ] 像翻一下手掌那样容易,比喻事情极容易做

  例: 易如反掌,何往不至。——《北史·裴陀传附裴矩》◆ 义无反顾 yìwúfǎngù

  [ honour permits no turning back ] 高度的正义感或责任心不容许回溯到以前的时间或地点

  [ be duty-bound not to turn back ] 从道义上讲只能勇往直前,不能回顾、退缩◆ 原子反应堆 yuánzǐ fǎnyìngduī

  [ atomic reactor ] 在其中引发并控制裂变材料的链式反应的装置。亦称“原子炉,原子堆,核反应堆,反应堆”◆ 造反 zàofǎn

  [ rebel revolt ] 同处于统治或支配地位的个人或集团抗衡,试图推翻之

  [ muting ] 反叛行为◆ 辗转反侧 zhǎnzhuǎn-fǎncè

  [ toss about (in bed) ] 形容心中有事,躺在床上翻来覆去地不能入睡◆ 镇反 zhènfǎn

  [ suppress counterrevolutionaries ] 镇压、管制反革命分子◆ 筑室反耕 zhùshì-fǎngēng

  [ intend to be stationed for a long time ] 表示作长久屯兵之计。《左传·宣十五年》记载:春秋时,楚庄王伐宋,围宋九月而宋不降。申叔时仆,曰:“筑室反耕者,宋必听命。”从之。宋人惧,使华元夜入楚师,求退兵。杜预注:“筑室于宋,分兵归田,示无去志。”◆ 唱反调 chàng fǎndiào

  [ sing a tune opposite to that of; harp on a discordant tune ] 发表完全对立的言论;采取对立的举措

  例: 后悔自己笨,一味的唱反调。——向春《煤城激浪》

目录 1 拼音 2 英文参考 3 注解 1 拼音

cè xiàn qì guān

2 英文参考

lateral line an

3 注解

侧线器官指圆口类、鱼类、两栖类在身体两侧由头到尾存在一种称为侧线器的机械感受器。圆口类侧线器露出皮肤表面,在多数硬骨鱼类中侧线器表面的鳞片上有小孔,其中有管(侧线管)与外部相通,这些鳞由头至尾排成一行,形成所谓侧线。当外界水流动时,水压的变化通过开管而影响侧线管内液体的流动, 感觉细胞,经迷走神经,传递兴奋给脑而产生水流感觉。两栖类只在幼体时在皮肤浅部有由被囊包围的侧线器,它随着幼体的成长,与侧线神经一同消失。终生水中生活的种类侧线不消失,在身体表面有点线状排列的称为 stitch的结构中,有3—5个毛细胞群,各细胞群的结构与鱼类的相同。

侧线器在躯干部是单一的线,在鱼类上相当于背肌和腹肌的分界,在头部则有3根支线,感觉细胞有突起即感觉毛伸出,由于它在管腔内或突出于体表,故能感受水流的压力,能辨识流速和方向,起触觉感受器和振动感受器的作用。此外,有的也起温度 、化学 、离子环境检查器的作用。侧线器上分布有侧线神经,即躯干部迷走神经的体侧神经分支,在头部分布有面神经及舌咽神经,这些神经干中不仅有向心的感觉神经纤维,也有离心性的纤维,后者对前者有抑制作用,突触的传导介质是咕啉(Corrin)性的。向心性突触的传导介质现尚欠明。从毛细胞群施以低周波性振动 时,可以记录出在与内耳所见相同的微音器电位,但周波数为其2倍,对这个问题的解释是由于具有极性相异的运动毛的两个细胞成为一对,而靠同一神经纤维所支配的缘故。





前言:POPPIN只要灵活运用四肢就很强了,千万别在四肢还没有练成POP的时候就来跳POPPIN,这样基础不稳,你永远都学不好,就算你模仿一个动作跳出来了,但是内行人一看就会觉得不好看,而且POPPIN不是比谁POP的弧度大或者全身都会POP就是厉害;POP的时候出力点要短但是要大,POPPIN的点越轻松就越漂亮,这样看起来会精而细,很多人练习的时候都会用上肩部突然下拉来带动各部分肌肉达到的POP,这个练习方法不能说不正确,只是POP起来不太好看而已,这个纯属个人观点,还有要补充的是大家刚练习的时候是不是会感觉到自己的动作很少,其实这不是一个问题,只要你跳久了,感觉好了,把自己的身体融入到音乐里面,就算在一首歌曲中重复一些动作也是无所谓的,重要的是感觉,跟着音乐来跳,要合拍,这个就是为什么施旷老师要说的DANCE TO THE MUSIC,只要你能跟着音乐不停地跳玩一首歌曲的话,看来你也不错了,呵呵
















1、我们经常在路上碰见熟人的时候都会叫一声“喂”,记得,头部的POP有点像“喂”的一声,怎么说呢?当你在叫别人“喂”的时候,头部是不是有点稍微向上点了一下,就是那一“点”其实就是POP了,只是你要用力而且要短时间内完成而已。注意是先保持原来轻松的表情,突然叫别人喂的一声,反复练习就会学会头部的POP,是不是有点感觉了呀!但是下颚别用力,用力是在后脑勺,CAN YOU FOLLOW ME?











POPING让身体像机械人一般的运动,利用肌肉的绷紧与放松,使身体的震动与停格,而一般的POPING包括了肩膀、胸部、手臂、腿部等等。有时Waving(电流舞)也被包含在POPING的范围里,机械舞通常作为个人solo,较少排舞,也是属Old school。 Locking Dance LOCKING也称为锁舞,以转手及锁住的动作为主,产生令人眼花缭乱的美感及力道感,属于Old school









  1.前群 有缝匠肌和股四头肌。

  (1)缝匠肌 为全身最长的肌,呈扁带状,起自骼前上棘,斜向内下经大腿前面达膝关节内侧,止于胫骨上端内侧面。


  (2)股四头肌 为全身体积最大的肌,有四个肌头,分别称为股直肌、股内侧肌、股外侧肌和股中间肌。四个肌头向下形成一总腱,覆盖髌骨前面,再向下形成髌韧带,止于胫骨粗隆。


  2.后群 包括股二头肌、半腱肌和半膜肌。





HGV L People of different characters/interests

1I donˇt want to sound a _____, but shouldnˇt we study tonight for the finals Itˇs not a good time for partying


2Dannyˇs a big _____ He doesnˇt want to go anywhere once when he turns the TV on

television fiend

3A/An _____ is someone who is devoted to outdoor activities

fresh-air fiend

4John is all about work, work, work No one wants to date a _____ like him


5You only get it now Youˇre such a _____ I was explaining it to you all along


6 A _____ like you should have no problem in finding the right outfit for the wedding ceremony

snappy dresser

7Ken has to learn to spend less A _____ like him will end up complete broke and in jail


8Who will make a good _____ among us I have no idea I need to find someone who is clever and good at problem solving


9The _____ next door is insane with frustration because I wonˇt take her advice about how to nurse my baby

nosy parker

10Guests at her elegant dinner party are a mix of the cityˇs _____ and captains of industry


11ˉHey _____, get up from the sofa and help me with the dishes!ˇ


12You wonˇt see her walking without reading something She has always been a _____ ever since she was kid


13It wasnˇt me You know me Iˇm not a _____ I will never look for trouble


14Where did I put my keys Iˇm such a/an _____


HGV L Appearance

1Having a natural _____, I envy those girls who have long straight hair!


2If you donˇt want to have _____ on the face, remember to apply this sun block every four hours


3He shaved off his _____ but kept his moustache


4Are you talking about Stephen He is not fat! Heˇs tall and _____ I like that in a man


5 When he took off his hat, we saw that he was as _____as a coot!


6She had a _____ which appeared when she smiled


7Did you see that _____ dog just now It has dark eyes like a panda and patterns like a cow It looks very strange


8Students are not allowed to have their hair _____


9 _____is a skin disease common in young people, in which small red spots appear on the face and neck


10The baby has a _____ face


11 I wouldnˇt call Kara short or tall, Iˇd say she is _____-height, about 5ˇ5


12Joel hates his _____ He finds it funny looking He wishes he could have small nose

prominent nose

13You need to treat your cut-wound properly if you donˇt want to have any _____ when it heals


14You know what they say, clothes really make the man Wear that _____ suit of yours, and youˇll have a better chance of scoring high at the job interview


15Elaine spent two months in California during summer When she came back from her holiday, she looked _____ and beautiful


16 Stop shaking head! Your _____ slashes my face every time you move your head It hurts!

pony tail

17Many girls are going on diets to get themselves _____


18Sheˇs in her fifties! I donˇt believe it Her _____ appearance makes me think sheˇs only in her thirties


19Be careful with your words! Donˇt be too harsh on Justin He may be _____ but heˇs very sensitive to criticism


20 _____ is a line of hair which a man grows above his upper lip


21As most Asian women are crave for _____ appearance, they will try to stay indoors and apply lots of whitening products to their faces and bodies


22_____ is a hairstyle in which long hair is twisted into a round shape and is worn on top or at the back of the head


23 Who is that girl with a long _____ Do you know her


24He looks _____ but heˇs not necessarily strong to help move house


25Tom wants to get rid of his _____ by having laser-treatments But I think he should change his life-style first Heˇll have better skin quality if he goes to bed early


26Kennedy is very good athlete His _____ physique makes him a fast runner


HGV L Characters

1Peter gets angry easily You can say that heˇs _____


2We had dinner with our director and his _____ wife


3The teacher wants the children to feel _____ about asking questions when they donˇt understand


4The film is about family ties It gives audience a _____ feeling when it ends


5Jack has been a _____ worker in this company for almost 50 years


6This is not a joke! Iˇm _____ Weˇre getting married next week


7ˉDo you have any ideas Youˇre the _____ oneˇ


8I hope people will be _____ enough to speak out against injustice


9 It was so _____ of you to lend me the money


10Going away to college has made me much more _____


11Her latest book is a _____ look, rather a serious one, at teenage life


12Giles isnˇt an _____ person He only enjoys staying at home and does nothing in his room


13Susan became very _____ when preparing her own wedding ceremony


14Maria is not a _____ person Sheˇs not after expensive clothes or bags Sheˇd rather save the money up for future use


15Iˇm learning to be better _____ I must keep things in an orderly fashion


16 Did Jenny say she dislikes you She didnˇt really say that, did she Maybe you are just _____ Why would she dislikes you


17It is very _____ of you to lend us a helping hand when we are in need How { =thoughtful } of you to bring us desserts for dinner!


18 Candy is a very _____ person She makes new friends easily Sheˇs comfortable to talk to strangers


19Paul often sends me flowers He thinks heˇs _____ I think heˇs wasting money


20She has the most _____ two-year-old girl


21 It is allegedly said you should find someone who is _____ if you have a quick temper Thatˇs how your marriage will last longer


22Think of the up side, will you Stop being too _____! You donˇt know what will really happen Donˇt be so negative about everything


23I have doubts about this company Do you really think it is _____ I donˇt trust people there They acted suspiciously


24If you canˇt go to Jesseˇs birthday party, you can tell her honestly Sheˇs a very _____ person Sheˇll understand


25If you donˇt act now Youˇll feel sorry later Being _____ doesnˇt bring you success


26Under the one-child policy, Chinese parents are _____ for their children


27These pictures bring back so much childhood memory I canˇt help but feel a bit _____ We were so young and happy


28 His parents didnˇt think he was _____ enough to live on his own Though he was 40 something, he still lived with them


29Roman has always been so clever and _____ I donˇt believe it was him who stole from you


30 Mark is _____ about music He care about nothing else Itˇs music, music and music for him all the time


31ˉDonˇt be so _____ Your performance was wonderful!ˇ


32I seldom enjoy doing exercises, so I think Iˇd prefer something a little less _____


33John is so _____ that he thinks he is better than everyone else


34Sue has a great personality Sheˇs always happy and _____ about life Nothing worries her


35Young as he is, he has made a very _____ comment on the problem


36He is so _____ about the houseeverything has to be absolutely perfect


37ˉThose children are well _____they never eat and talk at the dinner tableˇ


38 Youˇre wasting your time She wonˇt listen to it Sheˇs always been _____ about poor people


39 I canˇt do it Iˇm too _____ to speak to people who I donˇt know


40 Ann is always very _____ at school Seldom does she dose during the lesson


Doing exercises in the gym(健身房)

Usually I would do some exercises on the weekend,because I thought keeping in a good health can help me study well Last weekend, It was rainning outside so I decided to do some exercises in the gym When I went into the gym, some people were doing exercises there A man was doing weight training and trying his best to upraise heavier weight There were two girls running on the treadmill(跑步机),neither too fast nor too slow In the next room there was a fitness instructor(健身教练) was teaching some young people doing yoga(瑜珈), which made they do some strange actions

After some minutes' warm up (热身),I started to run on the treadmill and ride on the exercise bike(健身脚踏车) Both of them were easy and good for most of people Besides,I did some dumbbell (哑铃)exercises ,seating type chest pushing, high pulling force back muscle training, butterfly clamp chest muscle training, thigh stretching, leg treading, abdomen muscle training, vertical pulling force training (坐式推胸、高拉力背肌训练、蝴蝶夹胸肌训练、大腿伸展、蹬腿、腹肌训练、直立式拉力训练)

Finally,I cooled down myself and had a break before I went home

一些Funny Gym Stories

1A buddy of mine uses an iPod shuffle when he works out and usually clips it to his waistband We're working out one day and he's doing the seated leg press and next thing you know, I hear an ever increasing noise in the background, my friend screams, pushes the weight up, and promptly removes his earbuds - his love handle managed to somehow push the volume button ALL the way up on the Shuffle (there's no Hold button on it)

One time, a big muscular dude was setting up to do some deadlifts There were some ladies in the area, so of course, he stacks on more weight On his first rep, he ripped his pants

In general, I find it amusing how guys will attempt to lift more weight than usual when women are around The funny thing is, the more weight you push, the more constipated you look In fact, my wife thinks I look like I'm taking a massive dump when I'm lifting - something which, for some odd reason, she doesn't find attractive


I frequnetly go to the gym in the AM like 445 AM! And so there are very few people at the gym at that time Well i typically run on the treadmill on those days Well like clockwork every day there is this strange old man that gets on the treadmill RIGHT NEXT to me! There are 20 extra open treadmills and he always picks the one right next to me So if that isnt that funny he also farts a lot It smells sooo bad Every step he takes he rips a fart and its just embarassing for him

I seriously have stopped running in the morning because i was so creeped/disgusted out

3I do treadmill races in my head with whoever is on the treadmill next to me, seeing if I can outlast them, while they're probably oblivious and just doing their own thing One day, I'm walking to my apartment, and this guy stops me and asks me if I was in the gym that morning in green shorts He says, "I was on the treadmill next to you, and you just kept running and running I thought I should be able to outrun a girl, and I was trying to keep up with you for a long time, but in the end I gave up"

Totally made my day

4Once saw a guy at the Fitness First off Layhill Road try and flat bench 405 with no spot Now of course he was a big dude, but c'mon nobody plays around with that kind of weight sans spot Well he did- and regretted it My buddy and I had to pull it off of him He then went into a whole "I could have gotten it if my shoulder was better, or my wrist" lame

At the University of Maryland Campus Rec Center I've seen a few people bring food in And not like a protein shaker, or the like But Ive seen guys in between sets eating Cluck U ()

Finally there was an older gentleman that worked out at the WSC in downtown Bethesda that my freinds and I used to refer to as "the vinegar man" because he stank like bad vinegar f'n gross!

5One of my friends, who is a marathon runner (that should have been my first clue), somehow convinces me to go to a spinning class with her As I've been hearing all sorts of things about how spinning is so "in", I figure hey why not

We get to class and I'm completely overwhelmed by how hard it is However, my friend is next to me, and she hasn't even broken out into a sweat (we were in a beginner's class) I vow to keep up with her, even if it'll kill me

The instructor then tells us that now that we're "warmed up", she's going to increase the resistance And we had to reach down to turn the little resistance knobby

and I promptly fall off the bike

The stationary bike

My friend, after gasping in horrorimmediately whips out her celphone and takes a picture of me and texts it to all of our friends By the time I got home from the gym, there were 20+ messages waiting for meall mocking


6New funny gym story i got these new shoes to wear while spinning They clip onto the pedals and dont make my feet swell like normal shoes So there i am about to stop and get off and my shoes got stuck I was able to get one off but the other was stuck So everyone in the class is laughing at me and i feel awful I finally am able to get it out and i had to use so much force that it threw me off balance and i lost my footing and literally flew off my bike and hit my head and elbow on the bike next to me Needless to say i will be taking a break from my spinning shoes until i figre out how to use them :P



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