地狱火俱乐部最早由Francis Dashwood爵士,Duncan Munro和 Scotman John Stuart在18世纪的英国建立。它和英王詹姆士1世有关,并保留了他记载的16、17世纪发生的神秘事件。18世纪60年代它发展成了英国社会精英的社交俱乐部。该俱乐部不仅提供挑战当时道德观念的消遣娱乐,还提供巩固其成员在英国的经济和社会地位的方法。大革命时期,费城的成员为大将军提供了秘密讯息。1859年,该俱乐部把同天启合作。
如今,地狱火俱乐部可以称得上集合了全世界最有、最有权势的人。只有被邀请才能加入会员,而很少人拒绝邀请,因为地狱火俱乐部会员是全球认可的至高地位的象征。会员资格是世袭的。Tony Stark(钢铁侠)和Norman Osborne(绿魔)都曾被邀请加入地狱火俱乐部。
Edward Buckman邀请了很多人加入地狱火俱乐部,包括Howard Stark(钢铁侠的父亲)、Warren Worthington Jr(X战警天使的父亲)及James Braddock爵士。Edward Buckman和他的核心集团有个秘密计划:用哨兵机器人消灭全部变种人。当Shaw遭遇袭击,他心爱的Lourdes Chantel死去之后,Shaw利用Emma Frost的心灵能力控制了Edward Buckman的意识并让他杀了他的议会及他自己。Buckman死后Shaw控制了核心集团并成为了新的黑王,并将选举议会重新命名为Lords of the Cardinal(?实在没有确切的翻译)
Lords of the Cardinal
黑王:Sebastian Shaw
黑主教:Harry Leland
黑车:Jason Wyngarde
白王:Donald Pierce(之后被万磁王取代)
白后:Emma Frost
白车:Emmanuelle da Costa
Shaw约定Harry Leland成为黑主教,Leland将Emma Frost介绍到地狱火俱乐部,并使她取得了白皇后的称号。生化人Donald Pierce成为白车,被称为首脑的变种人也加入。Shaw企图统治世界,因此控制了哨兵机器人的生产。地狱火俱乐部试图消灭X战警因为X战警为人类同变种人共存而战,而地狱火俱乐部想建立变种人统治的世界。
在同凤凰进行心灵斗争的过程中,Emma Frost失败了,并造成了几年的精神创伤。Wyngarde试图控制凤凰并使她加入他们。当X战警渗透进入地狱火俱乐部时,他们发现凤凰背叛了X战警并成为了黑后。凤凰最终挣脱了Wyngarde的控制,地狱火俱乐部失败了。凤凰把Wyngarde变成了紧张性精神症患者。但Wyngarde的心灵力量是她转化成了黑凤凰。Pierce试图推翻Shaw的统治,但失败了,自己也被驱逐出了组织。
古代巫女Selene成为了黑后,Emmanuelle da Costa成为了白车。Leland在和Nimrod交手中死去。万磁王成为白王。万磁王和Shaw的分歧使得Shaw被开除,万磁王成为灰王。很快万磁王离开了,Selene和Emma很快计划用投票的方法把Shaw逐出俱乐部。Emma开始训练她的年轻变种人组织Hellions。Selene利用“暴发户(囧Upstarts)”来打击核心集团的其他成员,来试探谁最适合留在地狱火俱乐部。Shinobi Shaw,Sebastian Shaw的儿子,暴发户的一员试图杀死自己的父亲。Fabian Cortez刺杀万磁王失败,暴发户还去刺杀Emma Frost但Emma逃脱了,Hellions被团灭。暴发户最后开始反抗Selene。
黑王:Shinobi Shaw
白王:Benedict Kine
皇后:Benazir Kaur、Reeva Payge
在杀死自己的父亲并背叛Selene后,Shinobi接管了地狱火俱乐部纽约分部,成为了新的黑王。Shinobi给了Psylocke、天使和暴风女会员资格,但被他们婉拒。Shinobi还邀请Brian Braddock(英国队长,Psylocke的哥哥)加入地狱火俱乐部伦敦支部作为黑王来了解他们的行踪。英国队长发现了伦敦支部正试图利用伦敦地下的古老邪恶力量。计划失败。Shinobi在和许多其他超能力者的交锋中失败,使俱乐部对他失去信心。在发现他父亲没死后,核心集团自动解散。
黑车:Madelyne Pryor
白后:Emma Frost
白车:Trevor Fitzroy
Donald Pierce、Holocaust
Shaw恢复了他黑王的职位,并和Selene、Donald Pierce、Madelyne Pryor及Fitzroy(平行世界Shaw的子孙)重建了核心集团。Shaw联系了Holocaust(天启的儿子)并让他绑架了X-force。作为交换,给了他新的容纳盔甲。X-Force被洗脑后追杀Cable,Cable用自己的力量解放了自己的小组。在试图治疗遗传性病毒时,Shaw退出了核心集团。Shaw很快发现他的助手Tessa一直是X教授的间谍。Selene重新掌握了俱乐部,并利用它了实现自己的邪恶野心。
白王:Daimon Hellstrom(地狱风暴,撒旦之子)
至尊王者:Sebastian Shaw
白后:Courtney Ross
当Gordon Phillips爵士死于遗传性病毒后,Shaw继承了至尊王者的位置。他让Sunspot成为新的黑王,并声称要改革使地狱火俱乐部向正义发展。Sunspot接受了黑王的称号。Tessa没有成功提醒Shaw Pierce的暗杀行动,仅仅帮Shaw保住了生命。Emma Frost又出来声明她从未失去白皇后的头衔。Sunspot成为了新的至尊王者并使俱乐部成为了正义力量。不过
Cassandra Nova的核心集团
这个团体并没有真实存在过,哨兵机器人袭击基优岛时,Cassandra Nova给了Emma Frost一个存活的方法。为了换取她的第二个变钻石的能力,Emma Frost的心灵寄宿了一部分Cassandra Nova的意识。之后,她被抹除记忆来防止她反对Cassandra Nova的其他计划。
利用Emma Frost的心灵能力,Nova使得X战警们认为他们在官邸内与地狱火俱乐部战斗。她计划最终用幻影猫的能力来复苏她的尸体。
地狱火俱乐部的其他成员也都是Emma Frost心灵中的印象。Perfection是过去在黑凤凰时期与X战警为敌的她;Sebastian Shaw是她在核心集团是一直以来的黑王。Negasonic Teenage是在哨兵机器人袭击基优岛时她的学生。
艾玛·弗罗斯特出生在美国波士顿的一个富有家庭,在三个女儿中排老二,还有个同性恋的哥。她父亲温斯顿·弗罗斯特是冷酷无情又独裁的商人,她母亲Hazel Frost又因为家庭压力滥用精神方面的药品。Emma从她的双亲和姐妹Adrienne,Cordelia(她们也是变种人)那从未得到情感上的交流与支持,不过她和她哥哥Christian相处的很融洽。在学校里,她是个成绩不好被同学嘲笑的丑小鸭,唯一有点照顾她的是老师Ian Kendall。就在这段时间,Emma的心灵感应能力显现出来了。她把这种能力用在读取同学的思维和考试的答案。。。当然,成绩牛逼了,而且由于收集了大量同学的私密信息,Emma成为不少同学的“私人辅导员”,而且干的还不赖。
Ian Kendall建议她以后当一名教师(显然这个提议影响了她一辈子),但她父亲Winston坚决反对,并和Emma发生了激烈的争吵,不欢而散。
某天,Emma在从学校回家的路上发生了车祸,被Ian看到并载她回家。她读取了Ian的想法,并惊喜地发现在他心里自己漂亮聪明(在此之前Emma一直是受人鄙视),就亲了Ian。这一切被Emma的姐姐Adrienne录了下来并交给她爹,Winston直接解雇了Ian。作为报复,Emma公布了Adrienne偷偷进行的封面模特行为,拍下了她爹与其他女人偷情的照片并交给了她的妈妈Hazel Frost。同时,因为Adrienne偷听了Emma与Christian的谈话,也让大家了解到了Christian是个同性恋的事实。随后与她母亲的谈话中,Emma无意中读取了Hazel的记忆并使她昏迷过去。自责中,又中了她爹的诡计——假意让Emma进入公司并且以后会将公司交给她管理,并宣称不介意Christian的性取向,同时又将他俩“囚禁”在家中。在一次失败的自杀行为后,Christian被Winston送进了心理治疗中心。Christian的心理濒临崩溃,最后妥协了,乖乖地做Winston的“乖乖仔”,而Emma在哭着和他告别后,离开了家人,下决心寻找自己的路。
在经过一段无家可归的日子后(刷碗,洗盘子),Emma遇上了Troy Killkelly,并与他坠入爱河。可Troy这小子欠当地黑帮一大笔钱。为了帮助他还钱,Emma运用她的能力在赌场小赚了点钱,但时间紧急,她同意与黑帮成员Lucien等人进行一场“假绑架”——让她爸爸寄来赎金(这点小钱对他而言算不得啥),但Winston看到绑架录像后竟然拒绝了,还寄回来一卷录像,说他不在乎Emma的死活。Lucien被激怒了,要杀掉人质。为了保护Emma,Troy在搏斗中被杀死了。处理完尸体后,Lucien把Emma拷在水管上并用胶带封住了嘴,准备随后再杀掉她。与此同时,Adrienne强迫Winston支付赎金,并寄到了Lucien那。可Lucien不满足于钱,仍然准备干掉Emma。但Emma运用心灵感应,使匪徒之间互相残杀起来,并控制其中一人放开了她。
拿着赎金离开后,Emma进入了帝国州立大学Empire State University,在这里她第一次开始学习掌握自己的变种人能力,染成了金发。她约了一名篮球手,但第一次约会后就因为篮球手莫名其妙地攻击她而告吹。她遇到了一样是心灵感应者的Astrid Bloom,成为了朋友和她的学生。她还发现,Ian Kendall,她原先的老师,竟然在和她的室友约会。由于仍爱着Ian,Emma开始约他出来,还惊恐地发现Ian对她室友有暴力行为。最后Emma觉察到,篮球手对她的攻击,以及Ian攻击她室友,都是由于Astrid Bloom在背后操控。狂怒之下,她用心灵感应攻晕了Astrid。Emma尝试用他的能力来挽回与Ian的感情,但在对他坦白自己是个变种人并会心灵感应后,Ian拒绝并抛弃了她。在此之后,Emma逐渐地与普通人疏远开来。
后来她被邀请加入了Hellfire Club(地狱火俱乐部)。在发现了Steven Lang的摧毁所有变种人的计划后,她与Sebastian Shaw,Lourdes Chantel等人合作与哨兵机器人作战并击退了它们。随后与Shaw一起,一步步地控制了Hellfire Club的核心集团Inner Circle。Emma成为了Hellfire Club的白皇后,Frost国际公司的董事长和CEO,还是Massachusetts Academy——就是和X教授学院对着干的那个学校——的女校长。Emma和她的同僚们企图把幻影猫Kitty Pryde招进Massachusetts Academy,还曾抓住X-Men的成员Storm,Colossus,Wolverine以及Phoenix(当时伪装成了Jean)。Emma与Phoenix在精神战场上战斗,但因为实力悬殊太大几乎被杀死,最后陷入昏迷状态,最后在Sebastian Shaw的照料下恢复起来。之后,Emma试图通过心灵感应操控Kitty的父母以让她退出X-Men加入自己的学院,并且与Storm交换思维以便从内部瓦解X-Men但都失败了。
她在Hellfire Club时期一直未中断经营Massachusetts Academy,并成为Hellions——由学院学生组成的团队——的领袖及导师,并与Shaw和Selene(Black Queen)一起,邀请了万磁王Magneto与海王子Namor(09年新加的历史剧情)等人加入Hellfire Club,与教授的X-Men和New Mutants作战。 在与时空穿梭者Trevor Fitzroy的较量中,Emma在进攻还未到来之前就陷入了深度昏迷状态,但Hellions的每个成员都提前死亡了。随后她在教授的Xavier Academy里醒来,在还不知道什么情况下她逃了出去,结果发现她的学生全死了,在教授的劝导下,她留在了学院里。一次医学实验室的意外使Frost持有了Iceman的身体,于此同时,Iceman的思维也进入到了她的身体内。在恢复后,她开始正式与教授合作并重新开始作为学院女校长的角色。
Emma与X-Men的Banshee,Jubilee等人合作,击败了Phalanx,救出了Generation X——由年轻变种人组成的超级英雄小队,其中的成员加入了重新开办的Massachusetts Academy,由Emma和Banshee共同领导。之后,为了缓解自己经济上的颓势,Emma开始寻求她的姐姐Adrienne的帮助。Adrienne同意给予经济上的帮助,但必须以让她成为学院女校长作为回报,并且在学校里安装了炸弹,想杀死Generation X成员,但没有成功。Emma抓到了Adrienne,枪杀了她。因为自己犯下的罪行,她与自己的学生越来越疏远,直至最后,解散了Generation X。 之后,Emma来到了变种人的避难岛Genosha,并在这的变种人学校里教书,直到哨兵机器人导致的种族灭绝惨案发生——岛上绝大部分人口被消灭,包括她的学生(虽然不怪她,但当她的学生也太命苦了)。而Emma则得益于她突然显现的第二种变种能力——钻石形态而存活下来。由于被X-Men从岛上救出,她随即加入了他们,并在教授的学院里担任教师(又是老师,看来Ian的建议没有提错)。她开始照料并训练Cuckoos,后者成为她最喜爱的学生。在与X教授邪恶的妹妹Cassandra Nova的较量中,Emma和Cuckoos击退了Nova证明了她们自己。
Emma逐渐融入了X-Men,并与镭射眼Cyclops——Scott Summers产生了感情。当时Scott的精神与身体暂时受到了远古的变种人天启Apocalypse的影响在某种程度上失控,与他妻子Jean Grey的关系逐渐疏远,Jean的凤凰之力也加剧了他们夫妻间的隔阂。而Emma通过对Scott的精神治疗,慢慢地转变成精神上的,无身体接触(其实多少有点)的,通过心灵感应进行的浪漫韵事。在校园暴乱事件中(riot at the school),Stepford Cuckoos的其中一个成员Sophie死了,其他的成员把她的死怪罪到Emma身上,拒绝继续让Emma教她们,还通过感应告诉Jean她的丈夫和Emma之间的关系。随后,Jean直接抓到Scott和Emma在他们的脑海里同床共枕,一怒之下,释放了自己的凤凰之力,并精神侮辱Emma。最后,保持钻石形态的Emma整个身体碎掉了。Bishop和Sage调查整个事件后,Jean用她逐渐成长起来的凤凰之力复原了Emma,了解并承认Emma是真地爱上了Scott。
Jean死在Xorn和Magneto手中后,Scott被负罪感折磨。但最终他和Emma无视队友与家人的批评,成为了情侣,并在教授离开后共同接管了学院。但Kitty Pryde和Rachel Grey——Jean和Scott来自未来世界811的女儿——一直在与Emma作对。最后,在Emma提议帮助Rachel锻炼她的心灵感应能力后,她们至少表面上地达成了和解。在后来——Kitty出事前,她和Emma也相互理解了。
在X-Men: Phoenix - Warsong中,Emma通过无性繁殖培养了近千个心灵感应的女孩,其中五个就是Stepford Cuckoos。在培养胶囊里的“婴儿”把Emma叫做妈妈,而她貌似也乐于接受。但最后由于凤凰之力附在Celeste Cuckoo的身上,数以千计的无性繁殖“婴儿”被摧毁了。Emma十分痛苦。
在X-Men: Phoenix - Endsong里,为了击退黑凤凰,Emma设计把凤凰之力转移到自己身上,并和Scott一起进入一个蛋形装置来抑制黑凤凰,但失败了,黑凤凰占据了Emma的身体,最终由和凤凰融为一体的Jean解救了出来。
6 Everyone ____ ____ a computer ___their desk
7 __ goes __ Shanghai Station __ Pudong Airport __ eight minutes
8 ___ goes ____ London __ Beijing , a distance of ____ 8,000 __ 91/2 hours
9 It__ ___ ___ Big Ben
10 It__ ___ ____ way to ___ __ school
6 Everyone will have a computer on their desk
7 It goes from Shanghai Station to Pudong Airport in eight minutes
8 It goes from London to Beijing , a distance of over 8,000 in 91/2 hours
9 It’s famous for Big Ben
10 It’s the best way to get to school
1 ____ ___ 32 _______ passengers travel __ British Airways planes every year
2 ____ _____200 people ____ Dongsi ___ ________ English
3 __ __ ____ do heavy work
4 ___ -___ ___ use _____, pencils and pens
5 Everyone ___ _ _____
1 More than 32 million passengers travel on British Airways planes every year
2 More than 200 people from Dongsi are learning English
3 No one will do heavy work
4 No one will use paper, pencils and pens
5 Everyone has a haircut
American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday There are two terms in a school year; the first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old Most children are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school
High school students take only five or six subjects each term They usually go to the same class every day, and they have homework for every class After class, they do a lot of interesting things
After high school, many students go to colleges They usually have to pay a lot of money So many college students work after class to get money for their studies
51 In America, summer holidays begin in
A September B July C May D February
52 When a boy is six years old, he
A has to stay at home B can go to high school
C is old enough to go to school D always plays at home
53 In American high school students after class
A do the homework B go to work
C play basketball D do many interesting things
54 In order to(为了) , many American college students work after class
A help their parents B get money for their studies
C help others D learn some useful things
55 Which is right
A American students usually have a two - month holiday
B American students have three terms in a year
C A ten -year -old child usually has six subjects at school
D American students don't like to go to school
答案:51~55 BCDBA
Dessert house
We have three kinds of desserts: small, medium and large A small dessert with strawberries, bananas and ice cream is 10 RMB A medium dessert with apples, tomatoes and cheese is 12 RMB A large dessert with pears, potatoes and ice cream is 15 RMB
Welcome to our house
Noodle House
We have some great specials Special 1 is chicken and cabbage noodles, and the large bowl is just 4 RMB and the small 2 RMB Special 2 is mutton and carrot noodles, and the large bowl is only 5 RMB and the small 25 RMB Special 3 is beef and potato noodles The large bowl is 4 RMB and the small 2 RMB Special 4 is tomato and egg noodles The large bowl is only 3 RMB and the small 15 RMB Large drink is only 5 RMB And all the fruits are free
Come and get your noodles today!
46 How many kinds of desserts does Dessert House have
A three B two C one D four
47 If you have 30 RMB and you can buy kind(s) of desserts
A three B two C one D four
48 Today we order a large dessert, two small bowls of mutton and carrot noodles and a large bowl of tomato and egg noodles We need to pay RMB
A 26 B 20 C 23 D 24
49 Nancy likes dessert very much but she doesn't eat tomatoes or potatoes She can eat
A a large dessert B a medium dessert
C a small dessert D both A and C
50 Mary wants large bowl and Emma wants a small bowl They only have 6 RMB and Emma doesn't eat eggs or beef They can eat a large bowl of noodles and a small bowl of
A mutton and carrot, tomato and egg B chicken and cabbage, mutton and carrot
C tomato and egg, beef and potato D beef and potato, chicken and cabbage
Almost everyone likes to eat apples Apples grow in nearly every part of the world The United States produces more apples than any other country except France The states of Washington and New York grow the most apples New York is on the east coast and Washington is on the west near Canada
Apples are red, yellow or green They are very popular in the United States Many people like to carry apples to work or to school to eat with their lunches Most American people are often too busy or too tired to cook, so they often have their lunches very simply Apple juice is also a popular drink and apple pie is the favorite dessert of many Americans
The state of Washington is proud of its apples The trees there produce nearly five billion apples every year - one apple for every man, woman and child in the whole world
1 What can we know from the underlined sentence (理解并判断)
A American apples taste good B We can see apples everywhere in America
C Americans like to eat apples D Americans regard (把……视为) apples as their best food
2 ____________ produces the most apples in the world (阅读并判断或推理)
A The United States B Canada C China D France
3 Many Americans like to eat apples during lunch because they __________ at noon
A eat nothing but apples B feel it better to eat apples C always eat simple food D can get apples easily
3 The state of Washington is proud of its apples because they think _____________
A everyone in the world can share their happiness B they can produce apples for every person all over the world
C their apples are better than any other fruit D their apple trees are the best in the world
Such kinds of pollution as water pollution, air pollution and sound pollution are very common (常见的) to us, and people are doing something to reduce (减少) the environmental pollution But do you know a kind of pollution called electricity pollution
Recently, a newspaper reported that most teachers and students in a school suffer from headaches, tiredness and sleepiness At last they found out the reason Some areas beside the school were under construction There was a strong magnetic field (磁场) on the road with high-voltage (高压) lines The magnetic field could cause electrical discharge phenomena (放电现象) That led to a chemical reaction (化学反应), so human health was in danger in such an environment
At present, experts are trying their best to find out a solution (解决办法) to this problem
1 The underlined phrase "suffer from" means "__________" in Chinese
A 来自 B 始于 C 死于 D 遭受
答案: D