金钟国(김종국 ,Kim Jong Kook),1976年4月25日出生于韩国京畿道安养市,毕业于韩世大学和檀国大学。韩国歌手,主持人,韩国男子组合Turbo主唱 。
1995年9月1日,金钟国以Turbo组合主唱身份出道。2001年,金钟国单飞并推出首张个人专辑《Renaissance》。 2005年,金钟国获得韩国三大电视台(SBS、KBS、MBC)歌谣大赏,成为继赵容弼22年后第二位获得这三项奖项的歌手。2006年凭借专辑《信》获得第21届韩国金唱片大奖本奖。2010年起担任大型综艺节目《Running Man》的主持人。
2012年11月1日,金钟国发行个人第7张专辑《Journey Home》。2014年5月,金钟国签约《Running Man》制作公司Urban Works娱乐。2015年参演**《奔跑吧兄弟》,3月1日参演的真人秀节目《叮咯咙咚呛》在CCTV3开播。
9月,金钟国与Urban Works娱乐公司合约期满解约。10月签约Maroo娱乐公司。12月21日,金钟国以Turbo组合发售新专辑《AGAIN》回归。 2016年,金钟国与中国经纪公司完成签约。
1/Gotta Make A Change 前奏弦乐充满**画面感,提供了整首歌曲一个重要的背景,特别是当你戴上耳机,可以听到非常低调,隐藏在弦乐里头的枪林弹雨细腻音效,确切反应了主题诉 求,也是十分贴切标志「15」专辑的开场歌曲,对于方大同你也需要make a change!歌词风格类似MJ,一首带点Motown及Soul点缀外,还有punk味道的歌曲,里头还有需多小细节,值得细细品味。
2/昙花 方大同:「我认识一位单亲妈妈,她从17岁便开始独立抚养小孩。我对她多年来非常用心把孩子带大成人及孜孜不倦的坚毅,十分佩服。这种坚强的精神,现代已 不多见。我借音乐去道出一个母亲勇敢的故事。」因为一开始即设定了歌词方向,再加上旋律非常西方,放进中文歌词有时不是那么贴合,于是这是一首最晚完成, 歌词少见的发了大量作词人的作品,以经典蓝调和摇滚做为搭配,代表冲突与愤怒,以及Hip Hop代表挣扎,再加上福音音乐,改变大多数人对于摇滚等于叛逆的刻板印象,摇滚歌曲也可以是正面的坚持和鼓励。
3/张永成 (feat Ghost Style) 在**「叶问II」,主角接受挑战,获胜后所表达的愿望就是倡导培养多元文化间的互相尊重及渴望回家看妻儿,大同以叶问角色作为投射,创作了以叶问老婆为 名的充满玩心和正面理念的歌曲,音乐受Jimi Hendrix所启发,并加入了独立艺人「Ghost Style」的Hip Hop说唱,为old school blues/rock 风格增加了urban元素。(Ghost Style为香港说唱界著名歌手、创作及制作人,曾与周杰伦合作「头文字D」**原声带配乐Rap部分和创作,也参与陈奕迅、林海峰等多位歌手专辑说唱部 分的创作及监制,亦发行过数张个人专辑。)
4/因为你 对身为创作人的方大同而言,灵感是忽然之间也是一念之间,这首全新单曲的火花就正是开始於媒体朋友的「为什麼」和「灵感来自哪里」,但关於问题的最好 答案其实就在旋律、就在歌词、就是音乐本身,所以现在一次唱给你听!一首温暖寒冬人心的阳光小品!2011全新创作专辑首波派台好评温馨歌曲!!
5/情胜策略 这首歌曲受到Motown风格及AI Green音式的启发,内容说及爱情关系如何被普遍性的被看待成为一种不胜则败的游戏,而不是灵魂的结合,大同因为周遭朋友经历以及日常观察,小小的思考关於爱情的本质,以一种反讽的方式,讲述爱情能简单大获全胜的秘诀。
6/无菇朋友 方大同:「几个月前,美国有则新闻报导有关一群一起吃『魔力磨菇』的朋友,因为产生了幻觉,其中一人以为他的朋友是恶魔,连同想要阻止他杀害朋友的女孩子 也被用非常残暴的方式一起杀掉了。人们对於滥用毒品药物的后果一无所知,这对我来说是个荒谬的笑话,在这个需要大家一起集中能量作积极建设的时刻,竟然会 从原来尊贵的人性自贬到如此的低下,我觉得用这种温暖而接近童真的民谣吉他指法,去对照一个极度灰暗的题材,是个完美的象徵;这首曲目的编曲是我的最爱之 ㄧ,同时是对Bob Dylan式讽刺的见礼。」
7/自以为 (Feat 徐佳莹) 这是一首好玩、有趣的歌曲,用二重唱的方式表现情侣之间的小吵架和小误会,特约嘉宾是徐佳莹;大同在2008年首次和她合作以来,就期待有机会能真正合作!其中有两人即兴发挥的有趣片段。
8/二人游 从「四人游」到「三人游」,这次方大同以old school蓝调的精神为基础,以社会观察和朋友经验,谈及一些人如何尝试去破坏别人关系的故事,以大胆玩心创作系列最新作品「二人游」。
9/Over 一首充满灵魂乐及带些许爵士味道的曲目,鼓励大家不要困在过去的忧伤,让灰的、坏的、苦的、恨的全部过去,好让阳光可以出来了;同时是整张专辑方大同私心 推荐的最爱歌曲之ㄧ,是大同一直很想尝试的New Soul歌曲,并且再次带来Dontae Winslow令人著迷的喇叭伴奏。
10/Take Me 来自Jimi Hendrix,Prince及MJ的启发,这是大同对Soul/RB旋律混合经典Blues/Rock的一种演绎。在这个充满矛盾及极端的世代,「Take me to the address」的歌词意思是祈求带我去一个有和平、正义和宁静的地方。
11/好不容易 整张专辑里头最不容易的一首歌曲,历经最长的混音期,最多人数的弦乐配制,甚至是方大同制作了五张专辑以来,最不容易的一首歌曲,里头包含了许多元素,除 了大家所熟知的很方大同的Soul、RB外,也有Old School、复古摇滚在里头,带有七十年代左右的味道,特别是里头高达六十多人的磅礴弦乐配置,呼应好不容易得来的Happy Ending!并且希望为了那个好不容易得来的幸福,学著去包容、去坚定、去相信爱情还会有完美幸福结局的可能。同时这首歌曲也是方大同私房推荐之ㄧ,希 望大家听听专辑六分多钟完整版!里头有方大同想要传达的「一种想要拥抱的幸福感觉!」
1Sound of Silence 毕业生主题曲《寂静之声》 (Simon & Garfunkel) 2Yesterday Once More 英文老歌《昨日重现》 (Carpenters) 3Always On Your Side 《一直在你身边》 (sherel crow & Sting) 4moonlight flower《寂寞在唱歌》英文原版 - 你是月光之花 你是夜的声音 (Michael Cre) 5Valder fields很亲切的乡村节奏 (Tamas wells) 6San Francisco 《阿甘正传》主题曲 (Scott McKenzie) 7our song 在一条旧餐巾上写下《我们的歌》 (Taylor Swift) 8love story 罗密欧和茱丽叶的古老《爱情故事》- 爱得艰难却真实 (Taylor Swift ) 9Take Me Home Country Roads《乡村小路带我回家》 (John Denver) 10Craigie Hill 克雷吉山岗 (Cara Dillon) 11Love me 爱情的感觉 - 奶奶1923年写给爷爷的便条 (Collin Raye) 12What Am I To You《我是你的谁》 (诺拉 琼斯) 13You Are My Sunshine《你是我的阳光》蒙牛早餐奶广告曲 (REFLECTOR) 14You Belong To Me《怪物史莱克》插曲 (Jason Wade) 15Cold As You《冰冷如你》我不是你想要的女孩 却承受着你给的伤痕 (Taylor Swift) 16So Small《如此渺小》敞开心扉向前走 - 也许你爬的山只是粒沙子 (Carrie Underwood) 17What I`ve been looking for歌舞青春原声 (Ryan and Sharpay) 18I Need To Wake Up 79届奥斯卡最佳**歌曲 (Melissa Etheridge) 19you're not sorry 给过你太多次机会 这次不会再原谅你 不会再接你的电话 (Taylor Swift) 20The Galway girl (PS: I LOVE YOU)插曲 (PS: I LOVE YOU) 21I Beleive In Love《我坚信真爱的存在》 ( Dixie Chicks ) 22Top of the World 《世界之巅》 你的爱放我在世界之巅 (Carpenters) 23Remember When 那时的爱情啊 (Alan Jackson ) 24Remember when :曾几何时~那些过往 (Alan Jackson) 25You `ll Think Of Me《我会想起你》 (keith urban) 26i believe in love 我相信爱情 - 爱就在某处等待 只要你去寻找它 (Dixie Chicks) 27tonight i wanna cry 《今晚我想哭泣》 (keith urban) 28Realize《领悟》 (Colbie Caillat) 29Before he cheats (carrie underwood ) 30going home 回家的感觉真好 (sophie zelmani) 31I Need You 我需要你 你是我存在的理由 (Leann Rimes) 32Sad Movies《悲伤**》善意谎言:是**另我悲伤 - 当好朋友爱上老公 (Priscilla Cory) 33Rainy Days and Mondays《下雨的日子与星期一》 (Carpenters) 34she《她》是天使也是魔鬼 诺丁山 (elvis costello) 35Whiskey Lullaby威士忌安魂曲 (Brad Paisley) 36skyline pigeon 我是一只远飞的鸽子 (Elton John) 37Sunday Morning美丽的星期天早晨 (velvet underground) 38It never rains in southern California (Albert Hammond) 39All I Have To do Is Dream只有寻梦去~ (Everly Brothers) 40Azure Ray《 If You Fall》(弗蕾奶茶广告歌曲) (Azure Ray) 41Any Man of Mine《我的男人》 (Shania Twain) 42I Told You So 告诉你之后是解脱 (Carrie Underwood Randy Travis) 43Streets Of Philadelphia 《费城故事》 (Bruce Springsteen) 44no ceiling 这样的爱无止境 (eddie Vedder ) 45Promise Me (古典才女离别情歌经典作) (Beverly Craven) 46Fearless (Taylor Swift) 47The Lonely One。。。孤单 (griffin house ) 48Put Your Records On 播你的唱片 放松 你总会在某时某处找到你自己 (Corinne Bailey Rae ) 49Better Together 我们一起,日子会更好 - 乡村风味的情歌 (Jack Johnson) 50midnight bottle《午夜空瓶》让我想起和你在一起的日子 (colbie caillat ) 51It is you (I Have Loved)怪物史莱克插曲 (dana glover) 52Red high heels 穿上红色高跟鞋去约会 (Kellie Pickler) 53Find Yourself 找回自己,不再迷茫 (Brad Paisley ) 54Sweet Leilani **《威基基婚礼》甜美的蕾拉妮 (Bing Crosby) 55Mona Lisa 你的微笑可是为了掩盖破碎的心? (Nat King Cole) 56Forever at your feet永远和你在一起 (RAIN) 57Another Day In Paradise 让无数人为之感动与怀念的经典歌曲 (Phil Collins) 58One Two Three Four (Feist) 59Stay Beautiful 希望你的生命指引你回到我的门前 (Taylor Swift) 60The First Cuts Is The Deepest第一次受的伤最疼 (Sheryl Crow) 61Trouble Deep~惬意乡村 (Trouble Deep) 62It Never Rains In Southern California (Albert Hammond) 63When You Say Nothing At All 一切尽在不言中 (乡村歌手Keith Whitley) 64Remember When 亲爱的 还记得我们曾几何时 (Alan Jackson) 65Especially for you (Kylie Minogue) 66About memories 为了生命 请珍视《记忆》 给我以警示和支持 (Billy Gilman) 67I miss my friend 想念你 我的爱人我知己 (Darryl Worley) 68Masters Of The Field (Robert Wyatt) 69Lady《女士》我已等了你太久 你是我的女人 - 很经典很深情的老歌 (Kenny Rogers) 70Valder Fields《瓦尔德田野》 (Tamas Wells) 71The Best Day 岁月流逝,父爱不曾变更 (Taylor Swift) 72Rich Woman 第51届格莱美年度流行合唱 (Alison Krauss&Robert Plant) 73Little Distraction排遣孤独,只有想你 (The Lucksmith) 74The Way You Look Tonight 爱上你今晚的样子 (Tony Bennett) 75Because I Love You (Shakin Stevens) 76Jesus take the wheel 请抓住这个方向盘 请再给我一次生的机会!Carrie (Carrie Underwood) 77Thanks for the Memory 感谢那些和你在一起的日子 (Bob Hope) 78This Masquerade《化妆舞会》 (Carpenters) 79Flightless Bird, American Mouth 《暮光之城》浪漫小夜曲 (Iron & Wine) 80Return To Sender 吵架之后:她退回我的信 (Elvis Presley) 81Best That You Can Do 你最该做的就是坠入爱河 (Christopher Cross) 82When You Say Nothing At All摘星奇缘 (Alison Krauss/ Union Station) 83fearless 乡村公主泰勒最新专辑主打英文歌 (Taylor Swift) 84If I Can Dream (Elvis Presley) 85When You Wish Upon a Star 当你对著星星许愿 (Louis Armstrong) 86The Wonder Of You 你带来的奇迹 - 笑容让世界更明亮 - 猫王经典老歌 (Elvis Presley) 87Paradise Hotel 无眠夜晚 遥望星空上的《天堂旅馆》 (Eliza Gilkyson ) 88Shitty Day 讨厌的一天 (Soko) 89traveling light 卸下精神的负担《轻装前行》 (joel hanson&sara groves) 90Three Little Birds RAGGAE音乐教父鲍伯玛雷 (marley bob) 91The Giving Tree(一棵奉献树) (西尔弗斯坦) 92Love Lives On 美国乡村新星甜美演绎 (mallary hope) 93There Were Roses 玫瑰,玫瑰,花香满园 (Cara Dillon) 94Buttons and Bows 衣冠楚楚《纽扣和蝴蝶结》 (Dinah Shore) 95If We Were A Movie如果我们是部** (Miley Cyrus) 96Streets of London 《伦敦街道》昨天的报纸谈论着昨天的故事 (Ralph Mctell ) 97Bressanon (马修·连恩) 98Fields of Gold 金色麦田,自然之美 (藤田惠美) 99forever at your feet (Oh Susanna) 100Forever & Always -Taylor Swift (Taylor Swift) 101You Got A Way 你已为爱而来 (Shania Twain) 102Love Somebody Like You 只想爱上一个像你一样的人 (Keith Urban) 103Hey There Delilah嘿黛丽拉你好吗 (Plain White
高一的英语作文 篇1Summer Olympic Games in London is by far the highest number of host cities Is also the history's first three cities hosting the Olympic Games for the first time: 1908 London Olympic Games; second time: the 1948 London Olympic Games; third time: the 20xx London Olympics
In July 20xx they lost to Beijing, missed the 20xx Summer Olympics However, they soon recovered from the shadow of defeat came, confidently announced to the 20xx Olympic Games bid In the five candidate cities, they are considered the largest popular cities
After waiting a period of nearly suffocated people, after a 13-year-old ethnic Chinese Singaporean girls to put the outcome of the letter handed over to Roger Rogge thanked the host, the people of Singapore, after the application of national and five candidate cities, to the world loudly announced: the 30th Summer Olympic Games are in London
高一的英语作文 篇2Our school is big and nice.When you come into our school,you can see two tall buildings.In the buildings there are two computer rooms,an art room,a music room a library and many classrooms.I like to go to the library,because I like reading books.My teachers often tell us:“Reading is good for you.”Near the buildings there is a big playground.We can play football,basketball and games on it.We are very happy
There are many trees and flowers in our school.The trees are green and the flowers are lovely.The birds can sing in the trees.Our school is beautiful,I like it very much
高一的英语作文 篇3good morning, my admirable teacher and my dear fellows my name is qing cheng and i’m in my 17 years old i graduated from thetiantaomiddle school, which is one of the best middle schools in my city its campus is as beautiful as ours my favorite subject is math, because it’s a complicated subject that drives a lot of students crazy
but i am a student who likes challenges and i can feel great achievement when i solve a math problem besides, i like various extra curricular activities, because they can bring me a colorful life in my opinion, study is just a part of our life, so that we should not be constrained by it the most important is that i am happy to be a classmate of you i hope we can study as well as play together
高一的英语作文 篇4wenbo is a girl from hangzhou, china i knew her in singapore last summer holiday she studied in singapore and she was the top student in her class she came first in the final he hair is short and eyes are bright she likes reading so she has poor eyesight she wears a pair of glasses with black edges, like a boy i admire her because of her character, very frank and outspoken
her classmates were often offered by her but she doesn’t care what her classmates think of her as i knew her better and better, i found that wenbo had a good sense of humor and she is fond of jay zhou as well her desk was covered with jay’s pictures she likes singing any time she likes her parents work in the government of hangzhou she went abroad alone now, wenbo studies in canada when i e-mailed her to ask if she felt lonely and strange, she said certainly no and she would adapt herself to a new environment; besides, there are lots of chinese students in her new school you see, what a brave and optimistic girl!
高一的英语作文 篇5What a disaster(灾难)!So far,it's reported that more than 60,000 people died in the SiChuan earthquakeWhat's more, millions of people there have become homelessAnd they are still in the danger of illness and other difficulties Anyway, thanks to all the kind people, in and abroad,the situation has been changing wellBut we still work hard at it,especially to build houses for those homeless people and cure the injured people
What can we do now Besides doing our own job well,we can donate money to themWe firmly believe that with the party and the government's strong leadership, and with the people of all nationalities throughout the country to aid,this earthquake relief will be a victory!
高一的英语作文 篇6My hometown is in the southeast of Shandong, a seaside village
It is a small village There are about 600 people Most of them are peasants They mainly plant wheat, corn and cotton Some of them often go fishing in the sea
Great changes have taken place in the past ten years Now the peasants here use tractors in their work A lot of new buildings have appeared Many families own fridges and some even have air-conditioners In the evening they watch TV as the people in cities do
There is a primary school in the village Most of the peasants’ children are studying in college now
Everyone together for the future of my hometown, to contribute their strength I believe that my parents more and more beautiful, everyone will have a very rich
I love my home town I believe she will become more and more beautiful in the future
高一的英语作文 篇7Everyone may have his own dream Someone may want to be rich, someone may want to be beautiful, and someone may want to have power But I’m different from them My dream is special I want to have a pair of wings Because I want to fly in the sky,I like the feeling of freedom
If I have a pair of wings,I’m sure it will be very wonderful I can fly below the blue sky with the birds I can enjoy the music of birds’ I can fly across the cloud and the small wind will blow past my face The feeling must be the same as that my mother caresses me
I can fly over the sea, below the rainbow, through the forest I can see all the wonderful view But I know that it will never be uteri have another instead I want to have a fly of my own The plane must be very small and light It has to carry only one person It can fly by wind or sunshine It can fly for a very long time And the important thing is that it must be very save
I’m sure I can have this plane some day And I can have fly to everywhere I want
高一的英语作文 篇8there are 3 members in our family,my father,my mother and iwe love each other deeplymy father likes readingwe share a big bookshelf,and he take large proportion o f iteveryday he reading newspaper, magazines and all kinds of paper which have letters on itmy mum love to play computer games since i teach her how to do itshe likes to see the movies and play majiang on itwhat's more, i like to do some games in our garden with my dogwe are very happiness for we can do whatever we likewe never quarel, if we have some promblems we will sit together and take suggestions from each otherMy family is very harmonious,i love my family
高一的英语作文 篇9Upon graduation, virtually all college students will confront the problem of the career choice It is truly a tough choice Students opinions differ greatly on this issue Some hold that priority should be given to their interest in jobs, but others take the attitude that salary is the most critical factor influencing their career choices
As to myself, I prefer the latter view A well-paid job exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people, with no exception to me Although it might be impossible to measure the value of one’s job in terms of money, salary counts most when I choose my future career In my view, our career choices largely depend on how and where we have been brought up come from a poor urban family and my parents were both laid-off workers In order to finance my tuition, they have been working hard over the past four years As the only son in my family, I have to shoulder the burden of supporting my family
In short, salary is the first and only consideration in my choice of career