

  英语情景对话 对于把英语作为外语来学习的学生,扮演着非常重要的角色。掌握好一些常用的 英语口语 表达,能让你的英语口语交际能力更上一层楼。下面我为大家带来餐厅英语情景对话,欢迎大家学习!


 Brad:Let me take care of the check today。

 Lucy:Why It’s unfair How about going Dutch

 Brad:You paid last time because I didn’t have any money, remember

 Lucy:Oh, come on I almost forgot Don’t worry about it I didn’t mind picking up the tab last time。

 Brad:But you really should let me treat one time I’d feel like I owe you one if I didn’t。

 Lucy:OK But it’s only for this time。

 Brad:What’s the damage

 Lucy:It’s 12 dollars and 80 cents altogether But don’t forget the tip It’s usually 15%。

 Brad:(to the waiter) Check, please


 Brad:Are you satisfied with the dishes

 Jane:Great! The lamb stew tastes incredible!

 Brad:I like it too I like the fish, especially It’s so fresh and the flavor is kind of light for a freshwater fish。

 Jane:Yes The food here deserves its reputation Chinese food is one of my favorites。

 Brad:If you’d like, I’ll take you to a new restaurant next time I just heard about it from a friend and he was just raving about it It serves great Sichuan cuisine Would you like to try that

 Jane:Sure, I’d love to I heard Sichuan cuisine is very hot I think I’ll definitely love it。

 Brad:Great! I love hot food too。

 Jane:Well, let’s finish this great dinner first。

 Brad:You said it!


 Waiter:Is anything wrong with your food this evening, Miss

 Linda:Sorry to trouble you, but I don’t think this fish is fresh It actually tastes a bit off 。

 Waiter:Sorry, Miss I’ll replace it immediately Can I get you another drink while you wait

 Linda:No, please don’t do that I’d just like to return it。

 Waiter:I’m sorry, Miss, but I’m afraid we can’t do that But you may order something else instead I would love to suggest the steak It’s the house specialty and quite tasty。

 Linda:OK, then please bring me the steak medium-rare Thank you。

 Waiter:OK, Miss I hope you enjoy the rest of your dinner


 Waiter:Would you like to order now, ma’am

 May:Yes, please I’d like the steak and mushrooms。

 Waiter:How would you like your steak, rare, medium, or well-done

 May:I’d like it well-done, please。

 Waiter:What kind of potatoes would you like to go with that Mashed, boiled or baked

 May:I think I’ll have baked potatoes And I’ll have an iced tea with a lemon on the side please。

 Waiter:Good And would you care for soup or salad to start with

 May:I’d like a cream and onion soup, please。

 Waiter:Will you be having dessert today, ma’am

 May:I want to skip dessert That’s all Thank you。

 Waiter:OK I’ll be with you in a moment。


餐厅英语情景对话相关 文章 :

1 英语情景对话大全

2 英语餐厅情景对话三则

3 在快餐厅里就餐的英语情景对话

4 英语情景会话 餐厅英语对话

5 英语餐厅对话










餐厅常见英语对话:Deciding on a Restaurant

 Samantha:Hi, Julius I’m treating Mr Lee and his team members from Gallup to dinner tomorrow evening Where do you think I should take them

 Julius:Well, Mr Lee has a very good taste in wine, and Gallup is one of our biggest clients I suggest you take them to a decent French restaurant Make sure you make a really good impression。

 Samantha:That’s a good idea Which one do you recommend Les Parisians

 Julius:Or La Place They’re both listed in this year’s Gourmet Magazine for having the most authentic French cuisine in town But I heard La Place has a better wine selection。

 Samantha:We’ll go to La Place Could you book a table for four at 7 pm


餐厅常见英语对话:Reserving a Table over the Phone

 Receptionist:Good afternoon Peace Restaurant May I help you

 Julius:I’d like to reserve a table for two My wife and I。

 Receptionist:Yes, sir What time would you like, sir

 Julius:I’m not sure…perhaps around 8 pm。

 Receptionist:Fine I’ll reserve a table for two at 8 pm, sir May I have your name, please

 Julius:Julius Julius Berman。

 Receptionist:Thank you, Mr Berman And do you prefer smoking or non-smoking

 Julius:Non-smoking will be fine, please But it is more important that you get us a table by the window It’s our anniversary and I’d like it to be very special。

 Receptionist:I’ll try my best We look forward to having you with us tonight, Mr Berman。

 Julius:Thank you Good-bye。

 Receptionist:Good-bye, and have a good day!

餐厅常见英语对话:Arriving at a Restaurant

 Waitress:How are you doing today How many in your group today

 Customer:Fine, thank you There will be five of us The rest will be along shortly。

 Waitress:Smoking or non

 Customer:Non-smoking is fine Thank you。

 Waitress:Right this way, please。

 (At the table)

 Waitress:Something to drink first

 Customer:Just water, please。

 Waitress:Would you like to see a menu first or wait for your friends

 Customer:I’ll wait But please bring me some bread Maybe I would like an appetizer before they get here Please bring me the menu and let me have a look。

 Waitress:Certainly, sir If you need anything else, please let me know, and I’ll be happy to get it for you right away。

餐厅常见英语对话:Ordering Food

 Waiter:Can I take your order now, madam

 May:Yes What would you recommend

 Waiter:I am happy to recommend the fish It tastes delicious and it’s today’s special Our chef is from the coast and loves seafood Today’s special is actually his favorite dish So I’m sure it is absolutely fabulous。

 May:It does sound wonderful Maybe I’ll try it。

 Waiter:Is there anything else Maybe I could interest you in one of our fine appetizers, such as the escargot。

 May:Not today, thanks But I’d like to know if you have any vegetarian dishes。

 Waiter:Yes Here’s the menu And what do you think you’d like to order

 May:Maybe I don’t want the fish I think I’ll have the green bean dish instead。

 Waiter:What kind of soup would you like

 May:I’d like the egg drop soup。

 Waiter:OK Is that all


 Waiter:Would you like anything to drink while you wait

 May:Just an ice water Thanks!

餐厅常见英语对话:Complaining about Having to Wait Too Long for Your

 Linda:Excuse me。

 Waiter:Yes, Miss What can I do for you

 Linda:I ordered my dish about half an hour ago, but it hasn’t arrived yet。

 Waiter:I’m sorry for that I’m going to check with the chef right now。

 (The waiter comes back from the kitchen。)

 Waiter:Miss, I just checked with the kitchen and they said your order will be coming right up next Oh, here it comes。

 Linda:Thank you。

 Waiter:Miss, I’m very sorry for the delay Please enjoy this free glass of wine for the inconvenience Again, I’m terribly sorry to make you wait so long。

 Linda:It dosen’t matter。



1 礼貌地解释:服务员可以向吵闹的客人解释他们的声音会影响到其他客人的就餐体验,并请求他们能够降低音量。

2 提供耳机:服务员可以向吵闹的客人提供耳机,以便他们可以继续交谈而不打扰其他客人。

3 调整座位:服务员可以尝试将吵闹的客人安排到较安静的座位,以减少对他们的影响。

4 提供小吃:有时候,提供一些小吃可能会有助于吵闹的客人降低音量,因为他们可能会感到不好意思继续吵闹。




 A:Hey! That food was terrific I can't eat another bite Are you sure you don't want another dish 嘿!食物很美味。我一口也吃不下去了。你确定你不要再来一道菜

 B:No, I'm full My stomach isn't growling at me any more 不,我饱了。我的肚子已经不咕咕叫了。

 A:I know what you mean I'm so full that I can burst Shall we go then 我明白你的意思。我饱到快要爆炸了。那么我们走了吗

 B:I'm all set Thank you for the dinner, Jack 我吃饱了。杰克,谢谢你的晚餐。

 A:You are welcome 不客气。


 A:Thanks for lunch It was delicious 谢谢你请的午餐。它很美味。

 B:It's OK 不客气。

 A:Next time lunch is on me 下次的午餐我请。

 B:Don't be silly 别傻了。

 A:I'm serious 我是认真的。

 B:All right Next time you will treat 好的。下次你请。

 A:It's a deal 一言为定。


 Waitress: Good evening Do you have a reservation 晚上好,您订座位了吗

 Jim: No, we don't 没有。

 Waitress: How many people are you together 你们一共多少人

 Jim: Just two people 就两位。

 Waitress: Would you like to sit in a smoking section, a non-smoking section or whatever comes open first 你们要吸烟区还是非吸烟区,或是有空位就行

 Jim: We prefer non-smoking section 我们要非吸烟区。

 Waitress: I am awfully sorry but there are no vacancies left now Would you like to wait for a moment 十分抱歉,现在非吸烟区还暂时没有座位。您能稍等一会儿吗

 Jim: How long a wait do you think there’ll be 我们要等多长时间

 Waitress: I think about ten minutes 我想大约十分钟。

 Jim: Ok, we'll wait a while 好吧,那我们就等一会儿。(十分钟之后)

 Waitress: I am sorry for making you wait so long Now there is a table available in non-smoking section Please follow me 非常抱歉让你们等了这么久。现在在非吸烟区有空位了。请跟我来。

 Jim: Thank you 谢谢。

 Waitress: This is the menu Are you ready to order now 这是菜单。您现在可以点菜了吗

 Jim: Well, I think I'd like to have a tomato sausage soup first And the same for him, please 我想先点一个番茄香肠汤。他也要同样的。

 Waitress: Yes, and what would you like to drink 好。那么喝些什么呢

 Jim: One goblet of red wine and one bottle of beer please 请拿一瓶红葡萄酒和一瓶啤酒。

 Waitress: Would you like a dessert 要不要甜点

 Jim: What special kind of desserts do you have 你们有什么特色甜品

 Waitress: Lemon pie, hot cake in syrup, chocolate sundae and custard pudding 柠檬派,糖油煎饼,巧克力圣代和奶油布丁。

 Jim: Well, I think we will order after we finish the main course 等我们吃过主菜再点吧。

 Waitress: All right I'll bring your soup right away 好的,汤马上就来。







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