英语翻译A penguin (企鹅) is an unusual bird that stands upright on?

英语翻译A penguin (企鹅) is an unusual bird that stands upright on?,第1张




A penguin (企鹅) is an unusual bird that stands upright on short legs and walks with an amusing,clumsy waddlePenguins live in the southern half of the worldSeveral kinds live on the frozen ice of the AntarcticOthers are located farther north in areas touched by cold ocean currents that originate in AntarcticaPenguins are popular attractions on zoos but are difficult to keep in captivity because they catch diseases easily

Penguins lost the ability to fly 9 years ago 10 their wings developed into flippers(鳍)which serve as paddles(桨) in the waterThese flippers,along with webbed (退化的) feet,make penguins fantastic swimmers and diversTheir short,dense feathers form a waterproof coat,and thick layers of fat keep them from cold weather

Penguins eat fish,and spend much of their lives in Antarctic waters,but lay eggs and raise their young on landWhile on land they make their nests in enormous colonies called rookeriesA single rookery may contain as many as a million penguinsMost species make their nests on bare ground,and lay their eggs in shallow hollows scraped in the icy dirtSome of the species lay eggs in tunnels dug in the ground

penguin的中文翻译意思是:n 企鹅;空军地勤人员。

读音:英 [ˈpeŋɡwɪn]  美 [ˈpeŋɡwɪn] 。


1、African Penguin 黑脚企鹅 ; 非洲企鹅

2、King Penguin 王企鹅 ; 帝企鹅 ; 皇帝企鹅

3、Waitaha Penguin 怀塔哈企鹅

4、Adelie penguin 阿德利企鹅 ; 阿德雷企鹅

5、Penguin Brothers 企鹅兄弟 ; 企鹅男孩 ; 椎名爱弓 ; 企鹅兄弟椎名爱弓

6、Galapagos Penguin 加拉帕戈斯企鹅

7、rockhopper penguin 跳岩企鹅 ; 冠企鹅

8、Penguin Escape 笼中逃脱的企鹅 ; 企鹅的逃脱 ; 企鹅逃生 ; 企鹅拯救队




英 [ˈrʊkəri]  美 [ˈrʊkəri] 


n 假山;贫民窟;(企鹅群)群栖地


1、penguin rookery 企鹅栖息地

2、Rookery Building 卢克里大厦

3、The Rookery 鲁克里大厦 ; 鲁克里酒店

4、seal rookery 海豹繁殖场

5、eal rookery 海豹繁殖场

6、Wendeng snowstorm rookery 文登

7、The Rookery Hotel 洛基酒店 ; 鲁克里酒店

8、a rookery of penguins 一群企鹅


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/qinggan/11054834.html

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