这部**描述了人类史上最残酷的战争之一:温泉关之战。公元前480年,波斯国王薛西斯一世(罗德里格•桑托罗 Rodrigo Santoro 饰)亲率30万大军征战希腊。希腊各个城邦迅速派出军队结成了联军,准备抵御波斯军队的入侵。
We gonn'flip its off this year like this man check it outYo UhThe it's yo boy man back on the mic back on this mix freestyle and taiwan i put my soul up in this mix ready to hit tracks like these what u know about this lab music man holla front is wanted to love satisfying a craving very much loving regret satisfying a craving Deng Shang the loving first wants to like no clever one only meet a headache exceeding sweet love being readjusted oneself to a certain extent with you by you fervency becomes the most important lover number one very much in wanting to be apt most in the heart even if you hear that we already become a pair of the people who prays that all layer-upon-ayer Surround such is very good who all can not break the rules for consummate sufficient know about your love which basic concept goes against priority it is the baby let you miss top-line need to capture a number one to me to love younger want to have your very careful spirit too than dog me for some moment sometimes also being able to not abdicate very much liking show such that hanging very much to doubt to love you being absorbed first again face to face I very partiality you enthusiastic response number one right away be engaged in stable want love very satisfy a craving Deng Shang loving first want love no clever one but Yu upper headache exceed sweet love only be given to You put in you that fervency becomes the most important lover number one very much in wanting to be apt most in the heart is that your (RAP) One for the V and Two for the IP Three is all right right away we I know off stage magnesium lamp disboard the meeting arming the unawares cursed young meeting want to pat Six because of they say beat to you all in waiting for because of my action medium can not want to miss Five being number one personage VIP Four very high Seven I know you love me telling you to be bold because of I got talent Eight hey hey love comes to line up right away Love younger want your very careful spirit I to be able to not abdicate very much also being fond of showing very much hanging to doubt to love you being absorbed first too than dog again to me very partiality your enthusiastic response number one lets me should what to say without the knowledge of as for being engaged in the rope being apt surely (Freestyle Mino Korean RAP) like we cannot already find a solution to as extending as watercolour if one bird is flapping the wings being bound let me think that I can stimulate our your make for Heaven smile especially near you I strain loving rain it's off the Script this year so let's go (do some scratch)
Slow Motion 缓缓地逐渐改变
Slow Motion
路过便利店 买便当
回家 看电视
谜题的解答 理解到何谓妥协
答道这是梦境 继续发呆
发烧了 吃药
躲进被窝裏 闭上眼睛
浮现出你那 一脸痴呆样
「还未想死啊」 头昏脑涨地那样说道
十多岁时 是个一脸得意地看透一切的人
二十多岁时 是个开始感到羞耻的人
三十多岁时 是个知道分寸的人
而那不论哪个全都是 同一个人
满头大汗 换过睡衣後
时针指着 上午零时
而这首歌此刻 播了一分钟多一点
那麼你此刻 诞生在这世上多少年了?
Slow Motion 从幼少到老年
Condition 因心情郁躁浮动
不甚粘著 却亦不是懒散的爱 明明想要能传达一份给他人的
Communication 过份夸张的措词是站不着脚的
Audition 审美的眼亦变成老花眼了
充满羞耻的人生之类的 并非那麼珍奇的事物呢
随心所欲 摆弄部件
给予了爱 才知晓根本是不带感情的
伴随逝去了的时光 以及这一瞬间
剩下的时间 就混着深夜去了
咳嗽很严重 一口气喝光了水
深呼吸 然後又再思考起来
抽鼻涕 祈愿和平
打个喷嚏 就把诸行无常吹散了
曾经能 天真无邪地欢笑的人
跌倒了 亦能忍住泪水的人
但渐渐地 变成了一脸没精打采的人
如此 皱纹增加了的 同一个人
用还是暖的皮塔饼 换掉冷掉了的
时间 仍是深夜时份
这首歌 还剩下两分钟多一点
那你的寿命 又还剩多少年?
Graduation 由入学至到毕业
Partition 暗地裏互相吵架
明明除了不能忘记的事以外 其他的事都毫不在意
Imagination 因刺激而变得迟顿了
Religion 因盲目的先入观
就算是摆出有趣样子的帅气遗照 亦会被挑剔成是耍小聪明
漫无目的 辗转反侧
逐渐地 走到了没有印象的地方
即使因感伤 感伤而 弄得憔猝
哈嚏 哈嚏 打喷嚏真像个笨蛋似的
咕哈 咕哈 吹着鼻塞的笛子(注1)
注1 :「ぐーすぴー」应该是类似打瞌睡时的拟声词
当作信号 夜空逐渐天明
Slow Motion 一到早上就退烧了
Condition 心情有如在万里无云的天空下
反省过了 充满干劲 无忧无虑 逐渐精疲力尽
Slow Motion 就算是偶像也是会变老的
Wide Show 尽情欢闹後化作骨灰
诞生之时与临终之时 就此渐渐连结起来 真不可思议
Combination 为了遇上好人
Question 到底怎样才算「好人」呢?
充满羞耻的人生之类的 砰铃嘭啦来吧来吧
空无一物呢看吧看吧(注2) 并非那麼珍奇的事物呢
注2 : 「どんがらがっちゃん」是形容物件跌落地下时的声音,至於「すっからかんの」是「什麼都没有了」的意思,两句後面同样接着感叹词,这两句推断其实并没有实在意思,只是纯粹增强语感之用而已这裏就先勉强翻出来了,如有更好建议欢迎指正 m(___)m
Slow Motion
konbini yotte bentou katte
heya ni kaette terebi wo mite ta
kuizu no kotae dakyou to shitte
yume to kotaeru boke wo tsuduke te
netsu ga dechatte kusuri wo non de
futon mogutte me wo toji te i ta
kimi no manuke na kao ga ukan de
mada shini taku nai nante nobose nagara
juu dai doya gao de satotta hito
ni juu dai haji ni kidui ta hito
san juu dai minotake shitta hito
sono dore mo ga zenbu onaji hito
ase wo kai te ne maki wo kigae tara
tokei no hari gozen rei ji
kono kyoku ha ima ippun to chotto
anata ha ima umare te nan nen
SLOW MOTION youshou kara rounen made
CONDITION souutsu no rankouka de
nenchaku de mo bushou de mo nai ai hitotsu todoke tai noni
COMMUNICATION nerai sugi ha subette
AUDITION shinbi me mo rougan ni natte
haji no ooi shougai nante mezurashii mon ja nai shi
daijoubu da yo
konomi niyotte PARTS ijitte
ai wo ataeru bijinesu shitte
sugi ta jikan to kono shunkan to
nokori jikan ga shinya mazatte
seki ga hidoku te mizunomi hoshi te
shinkokyuu shi te mata kangae ta
hana wo susutte heiwa negatte
kushami wo shi tara fukitobu shogyoumujou wo
katsute ha mujaki ni warae ta hito
tsuma dui te mo namida korae ta hito
dandan kutabire ta kao no hito
soshite shiwa no fue ta onaji hito
nuruku natta hie pita wo torikae te
jikan ha mada ushimitsu ji
kono kyoku ha nokori ni fun to chotto
anata no jumyou ha ato nan nen
GRADUATION nyuugaku kara sotsugyou made
PARTITION suimen ka de kenka shiatte
wasure cha ike nai koto igai ha dou demo yoku narya ii noni
IMAGINATION shigeki de donka shichatte
RELIGION moumoku na sennyuukan de
hen gao no ikasu iei datte azatoi to tsutsukareru
sonna mon da yo
norarikurari notauchimawari
jiwarijiwari mioboe no nai basho ni
kanshou kanshou ni mi wo yatsushi te mo
hekku sho n hekku sho n kushami ha baka ppoi na
guusupii guusupii hana zumari no fue wo
aizu ni yoru ga ake te ku
SLOW MOTION asa ni natte netsu hii te
CONDITION kaisei no aotenjou de
hansei shi tari choushi koi tari nonbiri kutabatte iku
SLOW MOTION aidoru datte toshi kutte
wai dosho u nigiwase te hone ni natte
umare ta toki to saigo no toki ga yukkuri tsunagaru fushigi
COMBINATION ii hito ni deau tame
kuesu chon ii hito tte donna n ka ne
haji no ooi shougai nante dongara gaccha n sore sore
sukkarakan no horehore mezurashii mon ja nai shi
daijoubu da yo
yukkuri owatte yuku
转歌词的话 翻译者的名字不要忘记带上!<(=o゜▽゜)o☆
OR2 Organizer Ver 2 File (IBM)
OR3 Organizer 97 File (IBM)
OR4 Organizer (IBM)
OR5 Organizer (IBM)
OR6 Organizer Data File (IBM)
OR8 Rational Rose Oracle8 Database Model Report (IBM)
ORA Oracle 7 Configuration
ORC cSound Synthesis Instruments (Csounders)
ORC Oracle 7 Script
ORC Digital Orchestrator Plus Sound File (Voyetra Turtle Beach, Inc)
ORD BC45 Owl File
ORD OMAX Make Tool Path File (OMAX Corporation)
ORE 3WayPack (The Three-Mode Company)
ORF Descent 3 Outrage Room Format
ORF Olympus Digital Camera Raw Image File
ORG Organiser (IBM)
ORG Microcal Origin Plot
ORG Netmino File
ORG Origin File
ORG Hollywood FX Effects Organizer File (Pinnacle Systems, Inc)
ORI Need for Speed-Hot Pursuit 2 File
ORI Original
ORIG Gen Original File
ORIGINAL Netobjects Fusion Components BBScomp Message File
ORO 3WayPack (The Three-Mode Company)