我不认为,音乐仅仅只代表音符,它更代表了作曲家的内心世界,表现了作曲家的情感世界 英语翻译!

我不认为,音乐仅仅只代表音符,它更代表了作曲家的内心世界,表现了作曲家的情感世界 英语翻译!,第1张

I do not think that the music only represent notes, it represents the composer's inner world, showing the emotional world of the composer



有的时候, Sometimes,

经过一段时间, after a while,

我逐渐平静下来了, I calm down gradually,

我发现我的第一次情感是很浪漫的and find that my first passion is very romantic

就象充电电池一样,Like a charge battery,

当我在爱河的时候,when I was in love,

我总是陷入了她的爱的包围I encircled by her love at all time

我被她对我说的每一句话所吸引, I was attracted by every sentence she said to me

或许那是一个我永远不希望醒来的梦maybe it was a dream that I whish I could never wake up

我希望我爱的持久些, I hope my love can last longer,

我希望… I hope

就象突然停电一样,Suddenly,I felt like the power was cut,

我所有的希望都打破了,all my hopes were destroyed,

突然间我迷失在爱的幻觉中了, I missed in the hallucination of love in a sudden,

我不知道我在哪里,我要做什么,and didn't know where I was,what I wanted to do,

我为什么要做,我怎样去做才好…… why I should do,and how to do

就象朋友说的一样,As a friend's words,

明天一样是美好的一天,tomorrow will be still a fine day,

我将再找一块更好的电池, I will find a better battery,

一个适合的地方去添充我爱的故事, a suitable place to fill my love story,

继续着完美的爱的故事, and keep on the ideal love stoty

我希望…… I hope



记数着当我们相识的日子,I count the days since we knew each other,

大约有一个月了 it's about a month

发生在我们身上的故事总是那么偶然 The story happens to us is always so casual

每次谈天我都叫你 “宝儿”I call you Baoer every time we chat,

我喜欢这么叫着 and I like calling you like this

有的时候我在想, Sometimes I was thinking

我怎样得到自己的情感, that how I could get my own passion,

实际上我越急, in fact,more anxious I felt,

就越不属于我 more difficult for me to get

稳当些就更好了If I could be steady,it would be better

每年的2月12日是个特殊的日子 12th February is a special day every year

红玫瑰,巧克力总是充满着爱的感觉red rose and chocolate are always filled with the feeling of love

即使我们的路还要一起走很远,Although we have a very long road to go together,

这都不重要it is unimportant

记得这些: Remember these,

我永远是你最好的朋友,I will be your best friend forever,

给你需要的勇气give you the courage you need,

支持你的一切 and support you all

相信我, Believe me,

最好的祝福给最好的朋友, the best blessing to my best friend,

把它发给遥远的土地上, send it to the soil faraway,

穿过太空达到你的心灵,it can reach to your heart through the outer space,

温暖你的身心 …… and warm your body and mind


1 you are ignorant of the duties you undertake in marrying


2 such criticisms have become familiar in his later commentaries on america


3 he is truly sorry for his past, and he has undertaken to give up motorcars entirely and for ever



1 i am going to be good and sweet and kind to everybody


2 he asked me for a full account of myself and family


3 another war will be the absolute end of our country


从以上几个方面可以看出,译好形容词是使译文通顺、 流畅的一个环节


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/qinggan/3850591.html

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