







Misty and nihility。

Please remember it

The world puts off its mask of vastness to art

It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal


Art comes from life, in turn, the role and life The so-called art and design, that is, in the form of art, aesthetic integration of social, cultural, economic, market, science and technology and many other factors, reproduced in our lives related to the design of precision, so that not only has the aesthetic function, but also has the use function 。


wall power就是指前面那一整句说的影响作品价值的各种因素,所以power在这里指的是一种吸引力或影响力,而这种power是当作品挂在墙上给人看的时候体现出来的,因此艺术品市场上形象地称之为wall power,你去国外艺术论坛上有时可以看到一些年轻艺术家在讨论“如何增加自己作品的wall power”目前这个词还没有中文译名,你应该创造一个形象生动又容易上口的词来翻译它,最好不要超过四个字我试译一下:单独一件艺术作品的价值无疑会受到以下因素的影响:尺寸(越大越好)、品相、来历、知名度,通常称为壁心引力感觉不太好,你自己再想个更好的。


Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best revengeIt's all for myself to live better若无其事,原来是最好的报复。生活得更好,是为了自己

Apologizing does not always mean you are wrong & the other person is right It just means you value your relationship more than your ego—— 道歉并不总是代表我承认自己错了,只能说,我在乎我们的关系,比我自身还在乎

Always listen to your heart because even though it's on your left side, it's always right 总是听从内心的声音。因为即便它长在你的左边,它却总是对的。。

A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be thankful for a good one ------ 一生中,女人总会爱过一两次坏蛋,才会珍惜那个对的人。

A true friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future真正的朋友会接受你的过去,力挺你的现在,鼓舞你的将来

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book 医书里说有两样东西, 是最好的灵丹妙药: 一个是开心的笑容,一个是睡个饱觉

A man who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is------ 如果一个男人真爱你,永远不会丢下你,不管情形有多难。

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous —— Coco Chanel 。每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。—— 可可·香奈儿



独自面对这份尊贵,思念的茧,慢慢长出温暖。Walking in the city ofotxmfish, beauty is my own loneliness Facing the nobleness myself,warmth grows slowly in the chrysalis of missing2、卸下一身的城市浮华,轻轻地把心交给美丽的家,终于可以休息一下了。

Demount all the luxuryof city, hand your heart to the beautiful home gently, then you canhave a good rest3、宽大而简洁的沙发,让我忙碌的身体完全迷失,沉寂了一整天的气息,又渐渐苏醒过来。My busy body is lostcompletely in the broad but brief sofa, the breath which is drearyall the day comes to itself gradually4、冲一杯原味咖啡,在明净的空间里享受一个人的惬意。

Get a cup of coffee withoriginal taste, then you can enjoy your own comfort in the purespace5、清新的花儿,静立在圆几上,绽放着自我的美丽。The clean flowers standon the circular table silently, opening its own beauty6、摊开我最珍爱的杂志,跳跃在白枫立橱上的几道光线,陪我度过又一个简单的午后。

Unfolding my mostprecious magazine, see the bouncing sunshine on the white maplecabinet which consort with me for a simple afternoon7、轻柔的音乐在宽大的房间里回旋,映射在精巧的地柜上的音符,弥漫出淡淡的味道。The soft music isconvoluting in the broad room, the note which is mapped on theingenious floor cupboard pervades light flavor8、在最心爱的餐桌上享用美味的晚餐,是我一天来最大的幸福。

Having the deliciousdinner on the most precious table is the biggest happiness all theday9、装饰简洁清雅的书房,延伸着我感性的触角。在这个灵性的空间里,把我孤独的灵魂放飞。

The studying room withsimple and elegant decoration extends my sensible antenna I canfly my lonely spirit in the inspirational space10、在这里,自然可以被赋予一种颜色,一种思想,一种境界。Nature can be endowed bya kind of color, a kind of thought, a kind ofconception11、构造简洁典雅的转角书柜,蕴藏着古朴的纯粹,完美我的精神寓所。

The turning-angelbookcase with simple and elegant structure contains the immemorialpureness, which can perfect my habitat of spirit12、静聆人生絮语,轻抚岁月脚步,感悟属于自己的完美空间,心灵也就轻盈起来了。Listening to the wordsof life silently, touching the steps of times lightly, tasting theperfect space belong to you, then the heart will belight-hearted13、在每一个清晨,安静地享受家的温暖与诗意,生活中最美的细节总是这样令人陶醉。

Enjoying the warmth andpoetry of home in every morning, the most beautiful details in thelife are always so charming14、清雅的生活方式,演绎对生命的深层感悟。The clean and elegantlife style deduces the deep thought of life15、枫木的原始清香,在现代家居的优雅中四处漫溢。

The original fragrant ofmaple is flowing freely in the elegance of modern room16、清雅的色彩与结构,在纷繁的世界里,焕发出独特的表现力和持久的生命力。The clean and elegantcolor and structure coruscate the unique expressive force andpermanent life17、用艺术的思维凝结生活的感动,家也可以拥有如此生动的自由。

Coagulating the movementof life by the artistic thought, the house can hold the livelyfreedom also18、都市的温情,又融入大自然的朴质,使现代家具呈现出一种独特的人文情怀。The warmth of citymelted with the natural simplicity makes the modern furniture takeon an unique humanism care19、给自己的居室多一点光亮,不仅是对身心健康的保护,更是彰显生活品位的完美装饰。

Giving your room more light is not onlyto protect the health, but to decorate your taste of life20、华美的客厅洋溢着娴静优美的气息,素洁轻盈的色线营造着浪漫的情趣。生活,本就该如此无拘无束。

The gorgeous parlor arefull of peaceful and elegant breath, the simple and slight lightmakes the romantic taste Life should be so free inward21、在这宁静的时刻追忆似水流年,有太多的东西需要在内心里仔细珍藏,有太多的东西需要我们细细品味。Remembering the pasttimes in the silent moment, there are too many things to treasurecarefully, too many things to taste slightly22、生活的色彩与个性全在于自己的理解,而生活中似乎也总有一些依托让你找到生活真实而丰富的凭据。

The understanding ofthe color and characteristic of life depends on yourself However,you can find some authentic and colorful evidence according to reallife23、每一天都恣意地生活在自己塑造的空间里,欣赏如艺术精品般的家具,将生活的感动化为细致的品味,慢慢鉴赏。Living in the wonderfulspace of your own, appreciate the delicate and artistic furnitureand taste the exiguous movement of life slowly!24、面对四季的窗口,总有春暖花开的遐想,有一丝清风扑面而来,有几缕馨香四处飘逸。

When facing the。



例句:His works are included in this anthology of stories



例句:His book, I must add, is a masterpiece


3、art gallery,美术馆,艺术展览馆

例句:His pictures are on display at the art gallery



例句:They prepared a big exhibition of Dunhuang Art



例句:The painting comes from his private collection



艺术性是指人们反映社会生活和表达思想感情所体现的美好表现程度。艺术性的词语常出现在文化领域。 艺术性作为对一部艺术作品艺术价值的衡量标准,主要是指在艺术处理、艺术表现方面所达到的完美程度。





  艺术是一个开放的、流动的体系,艺术的含义是变化的,没有固定不变的艺术规则。下面是我带来的关于艺术的英语 文章 阅读,欢迎大家阅读!


 生活的艺术The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let goFor life is a paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment The rabbis of old put it this way:”A man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open ”

 Surely we ought to hold fast to lift, for it is wondrous, and full of a beauty that breaks through every pore of God’s own earth We know that this is so,but all too often we recognize this truth only in our backward glance when we remember what was and then suddenly realize that it is no more

 We remember a beauty that faded, a love that waned But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see that beauty when it flowered, that we failed to respond with love when it was tendered

 Hold fast to life but not so fast that you cannot let go This is the second side of life’s coin, the opposite pole of its paradox: we must accept our losses, and learn how to let go







 I beg leave to thank you for the extremely kind and apprieciative manner in which you have received the toast of scienceIt is the more grateful to me to hear that toast proposed in an assembly of this kind Because I have noticed of late years a great and growing tendency among those who were once jestingly said to have been born pre-scientific age to look upon science as an invading and aggressive force, which of it had find its own way, it would oust from the universe all other pursuits I think there are many persons wholook upon the new birth of our times as a sort of monster rising out of the sea of modern thought with thepurpose of devouring the Andromeda of artAnd now and then a Perseus, equipped with the shoes of swiftnessof the ready writer, and with the cap of invisibility of the editorial article,and it may be with the Medusa head of vituperation, shows herself ready to try conclusions with the scientific dragon Sir, I hope that Perseus should think better of it First, for the sake of his own, because the creature is hard of head,strong of jaw,for some time past has shown a great capacity for going over and through whatever comes in his way; and secondly, for the sake of justice, for I assure you, of my own personal knowledge if left alone, the creature is a very debonair and gentle monsterAs for the Andromeda of art, the creature has the tenderest respect for the lady, and desires nothing more than to see her happily settled and annually pruducing a flock of such charming children as those we see about us

 But putting parables aside, I am unable to understand how any one with a knowledge of mankind can imagine that the growth of science can threaten the development of art in any of its forms If I understand the matter of all, science and art are the obverse and reverse of the Nature's medal; the one expressing the external order of things, in terms of feeling, and the other in terms of thought When men no longer love norhate; when suffering causes no pity, and the tale of great deeds ceases to thrill when the lily of the field shall seem no longer more beautifully arrayed than the Solomon in all his glory, and the owe has vanished from the snow-capped peak and deep ravine, and indeed the science may have the world to itself, but itwill not be because the monster has devoured the art, but because one side of human nature is dead, and because men have lost half of their ancient and present attributes





 Chinese architecture is an independent art featuring wooden structures It consists of various roof molding, upturned eaves and wings, dougong with paintings, vermilion pillars and golden roofs, ornament gates and gardening All of these embody the maturity and artistic appeal of Chinese architecture 7000 years ago, mortise and tenon and tongue-and-groove were used in Hemudu The buildings of Banpo village had the division of antechamber and back rooms Great palaces were built in Shangyin period Bricks and tiles were used and the layout of Siheyuan emerged in the Western Zhou There are even building drawings in Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods passed down

 中国建筑体系是以木结构为特色阳的建筑艺术。传统建筑叫种屋顶造型、飞檐翼角、斗拱彩画、朱柱金顶、内外装修门及园林景物等,充分体现出中国建筑艺术的纯熟和感染力。七千年前河姆渡 文化 中即有桦卵和企口做法。半坡村已有前堂后室之分。商殷时已出现高大宫室。西周时已使用砖瓦并有四合院布局。春秋战国时期更有建筑图传世。京邑台栅宫室内外梁柱、斗拱上均作装饰,墙壁上饰以壁画。

 In Qin and Han, wooden building tended to be mature gradually Complex buildings, like Epang Palace, were constructed Temples and pagodas developed rapidly in the period of Weijin and Southern and Northern dynasties Glass tiles used in Sui and Tang made the building more glorious The city construction in the period of Five dynasties and Song was booming Luxury restaurants and shops with lofts and railings were very beautiful Many palaces and private gardens built in Ming and Qing are reserved today, which are more magnificent and stately than that of the Song Dynasty


1 关于美术的英语文章阅读

2 英语经典美文:重新振作的艺术

3 英语经典美文阅读:品味现在

4 关于精美英语美文阅读

5 关于最美的英文短文阅读

艺术创想,其实表达的就是“对艺术富有创意的想法或者设想” 所以应该写成:The creation of art。 英国有个艺术类的节目,中文翻译就是:艺术创想。而它的英文名字则是“Art Attack”,你可以做参考。




The essence of art through the medium of a particular symbol, such as painting, poetry, music, dance, fiction, drama, etc to reflect and describe the relationship between things and their value to the movement and changes in processes, and thus people's feelings, knowledge, and will exchange , induction, probation and training

Art, is that people in order to better meet their own needs on the subjective and emotional comfort of imperfection acts of organs needs to create a cultural phenomenon Art, is that people in their daily lives for a special way of amusement games, but also for emotional people are an important means of communication, are fun games and cultural areas The essential characteristics of art and culture, is to use language to create a virtual human in real life Place is based on the art of human language, an effective means of artistic creation must be fully language What kind of language the human form, there will be what kind of art form

Without recourse to language, the so-called artistic creation, can only be regarded as normal to create the game Functional level in the entertainment, art and general entertainment value of the game with equal importance and the development value However, art and common cultural patterns on the game, after all, there are substantial differences, in terms of cultural social functions are also obvious differences, such differences in terms of both theory and in practice has been serious concern necessary

What is art, art and human nature of other cultures, what is different No one seems able to give a clear answer In this paper, subjective behavior of functional areas and are created by the cultural composition of starting to try to answer this question


However, for all human recreational activities and games can be clear which of these is called art, which again the rest is not explicitly referred to as art No one seems able to clearly answer However, the problem is far more than that For example, for drawing such a fun game activities, it is generally thought to call it art However, it was not for all of the drawing activities that can be called art Are in the same painting, the artist's painting on that can be called art, this seems to be no doubt Random a child's doodles that can be called art do, it seems there are a lot of people disagree with

Only when the child's "doodles" reached a "certain level", people would call it art So, a child's "doodles" level reached before the extent of what can be called art This in turn is a difficult question to answer Said that the United States, a chimpanzee will "paint" and the people give it pen and paper, it could "with interest" to make a lot of "interesting" and "paint" to If the chimpanzee's "painting" also known as the arts, it seems, many people are not in favor of So, we should, in theory, how to distinguish between art and non-art Or, in theory, what is art, and art the essence of what is it




对于艺术,通常可以从三个层面来认识。 第一是从精神层面,把艺术看作是文化的一个领域或文化价值的一种形态,把它与宗教、哲学、伦理等并列。第二是从活动过程的层面来认识艺术,认为艺术就是艺术家的自我表现、创造活动,或对现实的模仿活动。第三是从活动结果层面,认为艺术就是艺术品,强调艺术的客观存在。一般认为,艺术是人们把握现实世界的一种方式,艺术活动是人们以直觉的、整体的方式把握客观对象,并在此基础上以象征性符号形式创造某种艺术形象的精神性实践活动。它最终以艺术品的形式出现,这种艺术品既有艺术家对客观世界的认识和反映,也有艺术家本人的情感、理想和价值观等主体性因素,它是一种精神产品。艺术与其它意识形态的区别在于它的审美价值,这是它的最主要、舞蹈艺术最基本的特征。艺术家通过艺术创作来表现和传达自己的审美感受和审美理想,欣赏者通过艺术欣赏来获得美感,并满足自己的审美需要。唯美主义是审美的最完美发挥。除审美价值外,艺术还具有其它社会功能,如认识功能,教育和陶冶功能,娱乐功能等。其中艺术的社会功能是人们通过艺术活动而认识自然、认识社会、认识历史、了解人生,它不同于科学的认识功能。艺术的教育功能是人们通过艺术活动,受到真、善、美的熏陶和感染,而潜移默化地引起思想感情、人生态度、价值观念等的深刻变化,它不同于道德教育。艺术的娱乐观念是人们通过艺术活动而满足审美需要,获得精神享受和审美愉悦,它不同于生理快感。


Arts and entertainment games are cultural aspects that people in order to satisfy their own shortcomings on the subjective feelings of comfort needs and the needs of organ acts to create a cultural phenomenon, the essence of this cultural phenomenon is characterized by the language to create a virtual human reality of life Art is emotion and ideas people into a cultural form, it is carried out emotions and ideas are the basis of language, so the art is based on the occurrence of human language In people's artistic practice, the art was usually occurs by means of human language to be completely human, what kind of language form,

What would have produced an art form Of human language can take many forms, such as oral language, written language, painting and language, body language, music, film and television language and modern languages, etc Han pointed out that the calligrapher Messiaen took place in the form of art will appear on the corresponding stories, novels, poetry, painting, dance, music, movies and TV dramas, and so art form There is no language, there is no basis for the occurrence of the arts; if the language barrier between people, will not be able to achieve and art exchanges

Artistic language to create unreal event, to let others through the understanding of language and feel unreal incident scene, the emotional scenes of the process, people will be a corresponding subjective shortcoming proper comfort, the human organs will be emotional to produce active, intense behavioral responses People's subjective comfort and emotional disorder in behavioral responses of organs is entirely based on people in the social life of a certain objective and subjective things, needs-based Therefore, the art created by the virtual events, it must be people in social life, the subjective needs-based to be able to play a significant artistic effect

There is a proverb called "castles in the air" is the most vivid expression of art interpretation: people want to eat because of hunger, pancake, no pancake, but to draw a big pancake from the comfort, hunger, people who see the paintings in this pancake, subjective able to obtain a modicum of satisfaction, feelings of organs would produce a modicum of joy The ancients have fu: that plum thirst quencher, and a little Ben Jing Su heart; castles in the air, less Teng-Xiang Xie ambition This is in fact the occurrence of art theory and social functions of the most vivid and incisive elaboration

And on this basis, in order to create some form of symbolic symbolic image of the spiritual nature of art practice It is the ultimate form of works of art, this work of art both artists and reflect understanding of the objective world, but also the artist's own emotions, ideals and values of the main factors, it is a spiritual product The difference between art and other ideologies lies in its aesthetic value, which is its most important and most basic features of the art of dance Artists through artistic creation to represent and communicate their aesthetic feelings and aesthetic ideals, who enjoy to get through the beauty of art appreciation, and to meet their aesthetic needs Aestheticism

For the art, usually three levels to understand The first is from the spiritual level, the arts as an area of culture or cultural value as a form of it with religious, philosophical, ethical and other tie The second is an active process to understand the level of art, that art is the artist's self-expression, creative activities, or activities in imitation of reality Third, the results from the activity level, that art is art, emphasizing the objective existence of the arts Is generally believed that art is there a way to grasp the real world, the arts is a people to intuitive, holistic approach to grasp the objective object,

And on this basis, in order to create some form of symbolic symbolic image of the spiritual nature of art practice It is the ultimate form of works of art, this work of art both artists and reflect understanding of the objective world, but also the artist's own emotions, ideals and values of the main factors, it is a spiritual product The difference between art and other ideologies lies in its aesthetic value, which is its most important and most basic features of the art of dance Artists through artistic creation to represent and communicate their aesthetic feelings and aesthetic ideals, who enjoy to get through the beauty of art appreciation, and to meet their aesthetic needs Aestheticism

Art is a special kind of social ideology and special spiritual production patterns Production practice, reflecting from the material world to the spiritual world, from the relations of production to the thinking of the overall relations between the social life of human beings to create the spirit of beauty products to meet the aesthetic needs of the human spirit Popular to say that art is man's knowledge, emotions, ideals, ideas, the organic product of a comprehensive mental activity, is that people in real life and the spiritual world the image of the performance



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