有关疫情的the teacher who impressed me deeply英语作文?

有关疫情的the teacher who impressed me deeply英语作文?,第1张

impressed me deeply的意思是给我留下了深刻印象,然后这句话是个定语从句,全部的意思是给我留下深刻印象的老师。这篇英语作文,应该是主要写疫情中的老师的事情,主要是表达对疫情中老师的感谢。














除夕 夜,在全国人民团聚新年的时候,医生、武警等最美“逆行者”,乘着岁末初春的列车奔赴武汉。大年三十本该是一个阖家团圆的日子,他们只为一句“武汉需要你”就逆行远去,舍弃了自己和家人的团聚时光。正是这些“逆行者”,让这个春节增加了一份温情,感动了所有人。

On New Year's Eve, when the Chinese people are reunited for the new year, doctors, armed police and other most beautiful "contrarians" take the train to Wuhan at the end of the year and the beginning of the spring The new year's Eve should have been a day for family reunion They went retrograde just to say "Wuhan needs you" and gave up their time of reunion with their families It is these "reversers" that add warmth to the Spring Festival and move everyone


At the age of 84, academician Zhong Nanshan was ordered to go to the forefront of epidemic prevention regardless of his old age In the news picture, Zhong Lao sat on the train to Wuhan and fell asleep with his seat exhausted He told the general public not to go to Wuhan recently, but he still stepped on the train in Wuhan and went to the front line to bear the weight for us Wu Xiaoyan, a 29-year-old doctor, has booked a ticket to go home Hearing the hospital's call to support the front line, she immediately refunded the ticket and went back to Wuhan in reverse There are still a lot of people involved in this war without gunpowder In order to let everyone have a healthy and secure Spring Festival, they went to the front line regardless of their own safety and gave everyone the confidence to fight against the epidemic


In order to win the success of the anti epidemic war, the "rebels" are busy all over the country When many people are on their way home, Wuhan field staff consciously withdrew their tickets and gave up the chance to reunite with their families for the new year, just to prevent the spread of the epidemic At the nodes where people are far away from public places, railway staff go in reverse, and at the station to ensure that people's journey home is smooth They are also the most beautiful "reversers"


Novel coronavirus pneumonia is the only way to get rid of the new coronavirus pneumonia We should also do our part in the same way as we do for the "adverse traveler" We must wear masks to go home, wash our hands before going to the house, pay attention to personal hygiene, do not go to crowded public places, do not attend parties, and stay at home Not going, like the trembling sound, Zhong Nanshan moved us tiktok To be good at yourself is the biggest support for the "rebel"


2020年,这个数字在以前那可是科技感满满的时代,相信在以前无数孩子在自己的 作文 里写到“在2020年,汽车可以在天上飞、可以在水里航行;家里有智能机器人……”,这些在当时不现实的想象。虽说这一切都没在2020年实现,但是在不久的将来定会呈现这科技的一幕。

In 2020, this number was in the era of full sense of technology before I believe that in the past, countless children wrote in their compositions, "in 2020, cars can fly in the sky and navigate in the water; there are intelligent robots at home" These unrealistic imagination at that time Although none of this will be achieved in 2020, it will definitely present a scene of this technology in the near future


This year is also an extraordinary year Every family is locked up There are countless convenience stores and markets There is almost no one on the road In the intensive care unit of the hospital, there are sick patients The weather is always rainy Yes, it's a terrible disease in our country All the reasons are novel coronavirus, many people died The most serious disease is Wuhan, where Mao Zedong was loved by East Lake However, it is also because of the outbreak of this virus that I saw the courage and unyielding of our Chinese people and the encouragement to countless compatriots In one report and one video, there are many unknown netizens commenting on "come on Wuhan, come on China", "my city is just sick When it gets better, I will take you to Wuda to see cherry blossom, take you to Zhiyin, take you to Hankou river beach by ferry" Those touching words inspired Wuhan and Wuhan people; the best medical team stood in the front line of disease resistance I saw a report that said, "can't I" said the patient lying on the bed with a respirator However, in order to reassure the people who suffered from the disease, the doctor wore heavy protective clothing and held the patient's hand tightly Everyone will feel unprecedented fear when they experience death It's the same at this critical time wwwzuowenlacn


The attack of the virus caught everyone by surprise I wanted to have a good rest in the Spring Festival, but it made people all over the country nervous Many angels in white give up their Spring Festival holiday to go to Wuhan, which is not only the importance of national life, but also an experience of saving lives Many apps that record life send out a video that touches Chinese people The message recommended by the browser on the mobile phone is about the virus: "Taiwan Red Cross donated 200000 yuan to the mainland", "9692 cases of new pneumonia were confirmed nationwide, and the death rate increased to 213 cases" This virus, sometimes sent exciting news, sometimes news, but the heart sad The harm of this virus is self-evident


Although suffering from the virus, the Spring Festival is still a happy day for reunion More families choose to stay at home and enjoy the joy of family reunion Even if they don't go out, they can feel the lively atmosphere of the Spring Festival In fact, the Spring Festival should be like this Also take advantage of this opportunity to let more families enjoy a wonderful spring festival in the context of a happy reunion


Spring Festival reunion happy mood, such as fireworks on the sky, extremely gorgeous, but it is not the only bunch Home is the most warm harbor, is our heart's belonging




I really don’t know how to express my gratitude for your help


I would like to take this chance to thank you for your timely support and help


I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for your timely help


With deepest gratitude, I write to you herea few lines


What you did gave us a deep impression and we hope to express our thanks to you for the wonderful days we spent with you



I must thank you again for your generoushelp


No matter what the future holds, I want to thank you for bringing beauty to my life


My true gratitude is beyond the word's description


I am most grateful for your selfless donation


May the good people live a safe life!



Many touching stories are staged on this battlefield For the safety of the Chinese people,you put aside all your concerns and risk your own infection, retrograde on this battlefield


"Why are there tears in my eyes Because of my deep love for this land" Academician Zhong Nanshan choked in an interview


Rather than saying that you are angels in white, it is better to say that you are determined warriors


From Wuhan to the whole country, you warmed up the patients with brave and sincere hearts, giving them hope of survival



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